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Part 2

AE Board Exam 2011

1. Type of flow wherein the discharge or flow in a prismatic channel is constant with respect to
Steady flow

2. That portion of precipitation that makes its way toward stream channels, lakes or oceans as
surface or subsurface flow.

3. A surveyor counted 55, 53, 53, 54, and 54 paces in walking along a 40-m course laid out on a
concrete pavement. What is the surveyor’s pace factor?
0.74 m/pace

4. Experimental designs wherein the treatments are randomly arranged over the whole of the
experimental materials. It is used when the number of treatments is small and the experimental
material is homogenous.
Completelely Randomized Design (CRD)

5. Instrument used to measure wind speed.


6. Which instrument is not use in a weather station?

a. Barometer c. Seismometer
b. Anemometer d. Pluviometer

7. Types of strip cropping which has strips of a grass or legume crop between contour strips of
crops in the regular rotation.
Buffer strip cropping

8. A type of terrace more common for mechanized farming systems on moderate slopes of 6 to 8
Three-segment section broadbase

9. Evaporation in a 19.77 acre farm is 7mm/day and percolation losses is 2 mm/day. What is the
design discharge of a canal to be able to deliver a 5 – day requirement of the farm in 24 hours. If
irrigation efficiency is 75%.

200 m3/hr
10. Evaluate , from 1 to e

11. Tungro in rice is caused by?


12. Young female cattle under three years of age that has not given birth yet.

13. Young female swine under one year of age, one that has not given birth yet.

14. In how many different ways can a 12 men arranged in a line?

12! = 479,001,600

15. The time required for the most remote point in the watershed to reach the outlet is called?
time of concentration

16. Which is not true about the head loss of a pipe?

a. Head loss is directly proportional to almost square of the velocity
b. Head loss is directly proportional to the length of the pipe
c. Head loss is inversely proportional to almost square of the length of pipe
d. Head loss is inversely proportional to the diameter of the pipe

17. Structure consisting of sliding gates that raises the water level upstream to facilitate its diversion
into the branching canal.

18. What is the bottom width for the best hydraulic cross-section (best proportion) of concrete
open channel if design depth is 5 meters and side slope is 45⁰?
b = 2 d tan (θ/2) = 4.1 meter

19. The ratio of water stored in the root zone during the irrigation to the water needed in the root
zone prior to irrigation, expressed in percent.
Water Storage Efficiency

20. Precipitation caused by the rising of warmer, lighter air in colder, denser surroundings.
Convective precipitation

21. Stones are placed on rectangular wire mesh, piled-up as blocks and tied together to form a
reinforced wall or dam structure.

22. Is a science that treats of the waters of the Earth, their occurrence, circulation, and distribution,
their chemical and physical properties, and their reaction with their environment, including their
relation to living things.

23. The energy of rainfall that induces erosion is called


24. The most hydraulically efficient trapezoidal channel section to carry a discharge of 5 m3/s on a
bed material with a roughness n of 0.02 and a bottom slope of 1 in 800 should have a bottom
width of
1.65 meter

25. How much water should be applied to a 6 ha farm where the rooting depth is 80 cm if it is in its
permanent wilting point? Volumetric moisture contents are 0.15 and 0.32 for permanent
wilting point and field capacity, respectively.
8160 m3

26. A 16-ft thick confined aquifer with hydraulic conductivity of 500ft/day was tapped by a 4”
diameter shallow tubewell. With a radius of influence of 2000 ft, determine the maximum
discharge of the STW in liters per second. Assume an allowable drawdown of 10 ft.

27. Given a shallow tubewell with maximum discharge of 15 lps and a total dynamic head of 7
meters. Determine the power rating of the primemover for the pump if pump and primemover
efficiencies are 60 and 55 % respectively.
4 Hp

28. The localized lowering of the static or piezometric water level due to pumping.

29. The infiltration equation based on the exhaustion process is the _____.

30. Determine the average monthly rainfall in a 500 ha watershed based on the rainfall data for July
of 5 rainfall gaging stations. Station A at 22 Ha with 2190 mm rainfall, Station B (106 Ha, 1731
mm), Station C (75 Ha, 2040 mm), Station D (203 Ha, 1560 mm), and Station E (94 Ha, 1974
1774 mm
31. A hydraulic jump is a classic example of this type of flow
Rapidly Varied flow

32. Groundwater is to be pumped from a shallow aquifer for irrigation purposes. The required
discharge is 300 gpm. The suction head is 8 ft and the maximum drawdown is 10 ft. The friction
and minor losses are 0.45 ft and 0.3 ft, respectively. If the pump efficiency is 60%, the theoretical
input power required is
2.4 Hp

33. Comprised of all survey operations required for design and construction and construction of
engineering works such as highways, pipelines, canals, or railroads.
Route surveying

34. Water flowing at a constant rate through a conical pipe, what type of flow?
Steady Nonuniform

35. Problems related to map scale (Map distance/Ground distance)

36. Autocad (icons, window view, etc.)
37. Surveying, mapping (boundary line, contour line)
38. GPS (Grid coordinate system)
39. Problems related to Net positive suction lift (centrifugal pumps)
40. Trigonometry (basic)
41. Analytic Geometry (Given the equation, identify whether it is a circle, parabola, hyperbola or
42. Differential calculus (related rates, lengthening of shadow)
43. Irrigation canals (trapezoidal canal)- grassed waterways – 8 problems (from NIA)
44. Statistics (probability)
45. Plasticity index of soil

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