MK. Gizi Olahraga: Penatalaksanaan Gizi Atlet (Strength-Power)

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Gizi Olahraga

Penatalaksanaan Gizi
Atlet (Strength-power)
Linda Riski Sefrina, SKM, M.Si.
Program Studi Gizi, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Anterior/ Posterior View

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Sistem otot

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Muscle Fiber Types
• Differ according to their contractile and metabolic proportion
• Categorized into three types;
• Fast contracting fibres with a predominantly glycolytic metabolism (type IIb fibres);
• Fast contracting fibres with a more oxidative metabolism (type IIa fibres)
• Slow contracting, oxidative fibres (type I fibres).
• Type IIc fibres are thought to be fibres in transition from type II to type I, and are
uncommon except in muscle undergoing intensive training, or in young developing

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Muscle Fiber Types
• Differ according to their contractile and metabolic proportion
• Categorized into three types;
• Fast contracting fibres with a predominantly glycolytic metabolism (type IIb fibres);
• Fast contracting fibres with a more oxidative metabolism (type IIa fibres)
• Slow contracting, oxidative fibres (type I fibres).
• Type IIc fibres are thought to be fibres in transition from type II to type I, and are
uncommon except in muscle undergoing intensive training, or in young developing

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Different Types of Muscle
Different categories of Muscle

• Voluntary (skeletal)
• Involuntary (Smooth)
• Cardiac (heart)

Different Types of muscle

• Agonist (prime Mover)

• Antagonist (relaxes)
• Fixator (Stabilizer)
• Synergist (Assists
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Different Types of Muscle
Location/Name of Body part Anatomical/Technical Name of Muscle
Chest Pectorals
Upper leg (Front) Quadriceps
Calf Gastrocnemius
Stomach Abdominals
Buttocks Gluteals/ Gluteus Maximus
Upper arm (front) Biceps
Upper arm (Back) Triceps
Neck Sternocleidomastoid
Shoulders Deltoids
Side of Back Latissimus Dorsi
Upper Back (between Neck & Trapezius
Upper leg (Back) Hamstrings

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Istilah yang umum digunakan
• Muscular strength: the ability to exert a force
• Muscular endurance: the ability to work for prolonged periods without fatigue
• Power: work done (force [f] × distance [d]) divided by velocity (v); [P = (f.d)/v].
• Flexibility: The ability to move a joint smoothly through its entire range of motion

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Energi untuk Kontraksi Otot
• Resting muscle: fatty acid
• Moderately active muscles: blood glucose
• Extremely active muscles: glycogen

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Immediate effects of exercise on the muscular

• Increase in muscle temperature

• Increase in blood supply to the muscles as
the capillaries dilate.
• Muscle temperature increases- warm
muscles are more pliable and the risk of
damage and injury is reduced.
• Fatigue and build up of lactic acid

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Muscle strength
• Kekuatan otot ditentukan oleh ukuran otot dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan
• Latihan ketahanan → stimulus ampuh untuk meningkatkan ukuran dan kekuatan otot.
• Peningkatan ini, sebagian besar, dipengaruhi dan dimediasi oleh perubahan hormon
yang mengatur peristiwa penting selama proses pemulihan setelah berolahraga.
• Pemberian gizi dalam jumlah yang sesuai dan pada waktu yang tepat diperlukan untuk
mengoptimalkan proses pemulihan.

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Periodisasi latihan
• Tujuan: menumbuhkan kekuatan maksimal dan kemampuan otot besar dengan
memanfaatkan beberapa Latihan seperti Latihan plyometric, sprint, power lifts, Olympic
lifts dan weighted throwing drills
• Periodisasi latihan ketahanan biasanya melibatkan transisi dari gerakan bervolume
tinggi, bertenaga tinggi, dan berkecepatan rendah yang memerlukan lebih sedikit
koordinasi dibandingkan angkat beban tradisional, lower-force, low repetition training
• Olympic lifts → derived primarily from neural rather than skeletal muscle hypertrophy
• Powerlifting, Olympic lifting, and bodybuilding use resistance training as a primary mode
of training.
• Olympic and powerlifting athletes are primarily concerned with enhancing power and
• Bodybuilding training primarily → induce skeletal muscle hypertrophy

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Training Nutrition
• Nutrition for strength-power athletes:

Fuelling of sport-
Recovery from this The promotion of
specific and strength
training training adaptations

• Resistance exercise membutuhkan jumlah tinggi KH (dari system energi fosfagen dan
glikogenolisis) → tergantung: relative power output, rasio work-to-rest, aliran darah
• Kelelahan yg terjadi karena multifactor seperti neuromuscular, metabolic peripheral
(penurunan pH intramuscular), intensitas dan volume Latihan
• Kelelahan metabolic: pada awal workout karena ↓ system energi fosfagen (sedikit
asidosis → kelelahan berlanjut, disebabkan karena asidosis dan terganggunya
produksi energi dan glikogenolisis
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• A single resistance training session can result in reductions in
muscle glycogen stores of as much as 24–40% → ↓ isokinetic
torque dan isonertial resistance training capacity
• Impaired training or competition performance could occur in any
session or event that relied on rapid and repeated glycogen
• 4-7g/kgBB disesuaikan denga fase latihan

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• Penggunaan protein selama aktivitas fisik sebagai precursor dalam siklus krebs
• Selama Latihan, terjadi perubahan jumlah cadangan asam amino bebas secara cepat
• Asam amino rantai cabang (BCAA) akan dioksidasi unutk digunakan dalam produksi
energi selama Latihan → ↓ BCAA di plasma → 1) terbentuknya amonia yang bersifat
toksik dan berkaitan dengan kelelahan; 2) perubahan rasio BCAA dan asam amino lain
akan menyebabkan perubahan konsentrasi triptofan
• Hipertrofi adalah proses yang melibatkan peningkatan massa dan kekuatan otot sehingga
membantu mengoptimalkan performa
• Kebutuhan protein dipengaruhi oleh: usia, jenis kelamin, asupan energi , jenis Latihan dan
fase Latihan
• Atlet: 10-15% dari total kebutuhan energi,
• Atlet strength: 1,2-1,7 g/kg BB

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• KH dan lemak berperan sebagai sumber energi bagi otot selama Latihan aerobic
yang dilakukan secara maksimal
• Lemak menyediakan ATP per molekul lebih banyak dibandingkan KH (147 dibanding
• Atlet sebaiknya mengkonsumsi 20-30% kebutuhan energi
• Pembatasan lemak hingga 15% atau kurang → mengganggu performa

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