Department of Education: Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Advanced Biology

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Teacher’s Name: Earl Cris B. Riggs Grade Level: 8
Topic/Title: Anatomy and Physiology of the Time Allotment: 1 hour
Human Brain (Nervous System)
Venue/Section G-8 Chordata Date: March 31, 2022


Content Standard: How the organs of the human body work together to form organ
systems such as nervous system.
Performance Standard: Organize the structure and function of the human brain. (nervous
Learning Competency: Explain the structures and functions of the Nervous System.
Code: N/A (Elective)
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) Identify the main parts of the human brain,
b) Explain the function of each main part of human brain,
c) Recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy brain.
Localization/ Citing observations of how human response to the external
Indigenization: environment in the local settings.
Making connections: Understanding the importance and relevance of Nervous System to the
growth and development of organisms.
 Science 7: Explain why the cell is considered the basic structural and functional unit of all
organisms (S7LT-IIe-5)
 English 8: Expand the content of an outline using notes from primary and secondary
sources (ENGWC-IIIc-1.1.6)
 Research 1: Explain how research helps in daily life (Elective/Quarter 1)
A. References N/A
1. Teacher’s Guide:
2. Learner’s Materials: N/A
3. Additional Materials N/A
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal:
B. Other Learning -Brainard & Wilkin, CK-12 Biology Teacher’s Edition 2014, page 68.
Resources Retrieved March 14, 2022.
Book(s): -K to 12 Curriculum Guide (Grade 3-10), by Philippines Department
of Education.
-Postlethwait & Hopson, Modern Biology, 6th edition, page 48
Retrieved March 20, 2022.
Online Source(s): Bitmoji. Personalized Characters and animation. Retrieved March 17, 2022.
Canva. Personalized designs, characters, and visual animation.
Retrieved March 19-20, 2022.
Video 1: Every Single Cell In My Body

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Video 2: How To Keep your Brain Healthy
Preliminary Activities
 Ask the students to observe a moment of silence for a personal prayer.
 Check the attendance.
 Flash the classroom rules on the screen to remind the students.
 Classroom rules (including the School Safety and Health Protocols)
-Participate actively in all learning activities.
-Ask questions if in doubt. It’s okay to seek help.
-Good practices against the COVID-19 must be observed always.
-Speak only when you are recognized. Listen more, Learn more!
-Clean as you go. Be an eco-warrior!
-Intellectual Honesty is highly encouraged all time.
ELICIT (Access prior knowledge): 5 minutes
Teaching Strategy Mind Mapping [ It is a technique depending on constructivist approach and
uniquely elegant learning strategy because it seamlessly integrates linear,
convergent (left-brain) thinking with divergent, non-linear (right-brain)
thinking. Both the right and left hemispheres of the brain of the student who
prepares a mind map are active (Balim et al., 2008). ]
Instructional Materials TV, PowerPoint Presentation, cartolina, adhesive
Recalling Terms
 Teacher will ask students to recall the following essential terms:
Cell, Anatomy, Physiology, Brain, Neuron
ENGAGE (Get the students’ minds focused on the topic): 10 minutes
Teaching Strategy Inquiry-based learning [ is a student-centred pedagogical approach
that enables learners to construct their understanding throughout the
process of learning (Bonnstetter 1998; Kuhlthau and Maniotes, 2015)]
Collaborative Learning [ It is an educational approach to teaching and
learning that involves groups of students working together to solve a
problem, complete a task, or create a product. According to Gerlach,
"Collaborative learning is based on the idea that learning is a naturally social
act in which the participants talk among themselves (Gerlach, 1994). It is
through the talk that learning occurs."
Instructional Materials PowerPoint presentation, Video 1, worksheet, pen

Task 1 – ThinkTok! Think Talk!

Teacher presents the task and students will try to response based on the series of images and
texts on the screen. Students will inquire based on the presentations flash on screen.

Essential Questions:
Have you ever thought of how your body communicates with itself or the outside world?
What system of our body controlled all of our activities?
What main organ is responsible in processing, controlling, and communicating our activities?

Probing HOT questions:

Why do you think you get confused when your mind process two things at a time?
How did you able to read the words even the letters in the middle are in mess?
How does the brain controls all of our activities?
Why is it important to have a healthy brain?

Key Points:
Based on the response, we can conclude that the organism’s body has the ability to control and
coordinate activities. These activities are controlled by the nervous system.
EXPLORE (Provide students with a shared experience): 15 minutes
Teaching Strategy Cooperative learning [ is an evidence-based teaching strategy. In
cooperative learning, teachers structure students’ interactions and
prepare them for cooperation so that students work together in small
groups supporting each other’s’ learning processes.
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Differentiated Instruction by process using Learning Center
[ Differentiated instruction is an approach whereby teachers adjust their
curriculum and instruction to maximize the learning of all students: average
learners, English language learners, struggling students, students with
learning disabilities, and gifted and talented students. Learning center is a
defined area of the classroom organized around a topic, theme, or activity in
which students learn, practice, or build on a concept or skill
( ]
Instructional Materials TV, PowerPoint Presentation, cartolina, adhesive, laptop, tablets,
mobile phone, marker.

Task 2: Exploring the Human Brain through Learning Station!

Students will perform either individually, by pair, or a group composed of 4-6 students depending
on the number and following health protocols.
Execute this through an individual, pair, or group activity. If by group, there will be three (3)
groups to perform; students have the learning opportunity to choose who they want to
collaborate with and what they want to do. The following are the Learning Stations:

Learning Station 1: Know Me! Name Me!

 Learning Goal: Identify the main parts of the Human Brain.
Differentiated activities: Decoding Time, Picture-To-Know, Label Me.

 Learning Station 2: My Work! Your Work!

Learning Goal: Explain the different functions of each main part of the human brain.
Direction: In doing this activity, you are expected to share to your classmates the functions of
each main part of the human brain.

 Learning Station 3: Healthy Me! Healthy You!

Learning Goal: Recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy brain.
Students may write a song, make a poem/slogan, jingle, or role playing about the importance of
maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Note: Rubrics is attached in the annex B.

Checking of students’ output will be done in the next task.
EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include an interaction between teacher and students): 10
Teaching Strategy Group Reporting [It is a form of cooperative learning which is often
employed in residential teaching to facilitate quality learning. Like other
cooperative learning methods, it enhances learning in classrooms by allowing
students work on activities in small groups to receive rewards based on their
group’s performance (Crisanto,2018) .]
Instructional Materials TV, PowerPoint Presentation, Manila Paper, Cartolina, marker,
adhesive, group performance scoreboard

Task 3: Let’s ORGAN-IZE!

Check if the students identify the main parts of the human brain and its functions with the aid of
visualization. Proceed with the discussion of the structure and functions of the human brain.
Additional inputs if necessary.

Key Points:
The nervous system is responsible for receiving and processing information from the external
environment of an organism. Through the nervous system, the organism is enabled to respond
to these external factors accordingly.

The Brain
The brain is the main control center of coordination. It is about the size of a small head of a
cauliflower. In some ways it even looks like a head of cauliflower with ridges and furrows over its
surface. The brain weighs about 1.4 kilograms and is protected by the skull.

Each area of the brain controls a specific activity. The cerebrum is the center of intelligence.
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The cerebellum keeps the muscles coordinated. The medulla controls and coordinates the
activities of the internal organs.

 Cerebrum.
The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. It’s divided into two halves, called hemispheres.
The two hemispheres are separated by a groove called the great longitudinal fissure. The
corpus callosum connects the two hemispheres, thus allowing the brain to deliver messages
from one side to the other.
Each hemisphere of the cerebrum is divided into broad regions called lobes. Each lobe is
associated with different functions:

Frontal lobes. The frontal lobes are the largest of the lobes. As indicated by their name, they’re
located in the front part of the brain. They coordinate high-level behaviors, such as motor skills,
problem-solving, judgment, planning, and attention. The frontal lobes also manage emotions,
personality, and temper.
Parietal lobes. The parietal lobes are located behind the frontal lobes. They’re involved in
organizing and interpreting sensory information from other parts of the brain.
Temporal lobes. The temporal lobes house the auditory cortex. They are located on either side
of the head on the same level as the ears. They coordinate specific functions, including hearing,
visual memory (such as facial recognition), verbal memory (such as understanding language),
and interpreting the emotions and reactions of others.
Occipital lobes. The occipital lobes are located in the back of the brain. They’re heavily
involved in the ability to read and recognize colors and shapes.

 Cerebellum
The cerebellum is located in the back of the brain, just below the occipital lobes. It’s involved
with fine motor skills, which refers to the coordination of smaller, or finer, movements, especially
those involving the hands and feet. The cerebellum also helps the body maintain its posture,
equilibrium, and balance.

 Brain stem
The brain stem is located in front of the cerebellum and connects to the spinal cord. It’s
responsible for passing messages to various parts of the body and the cerebral cortex. It
consists of three major parts:

-Midbrain. The midbrain helps control eye movement, processes visual and auditory information,
regulates motor movements, and is involved in arousal and wakefulness.
-Pons. This is the largest part of the brain stem. It’s located below the midbrain. It’s a group of
nerves that help connect different parts of the brain. The pons also contains the start of some of
the cranial nerves. These nerves are involved in facial movements and transmitting sensory
information, as well as breathing.
-Medulla oblongata. The medulla oblongata is the lowest part of the brain. It acts as the
connection between the brain stem and spinal cord. It also acts as the control center for the
function of the heart and lungs. It helps regulate many important functions, including motor and
sensory functions, breathing, sneezing, and swallowing.

Tips for a healthy brain

Some brain conditions may be outside your control, like trauma to the brain or mental health
issues. But there are things you can control and do to help keep your brain in good health, and
to reduce your risk of certain health conditions.

Protect your head

Always wear a helmet when playing contact sports or riding a bike. Be sure to buckle up when
you get in the car. Both of these can go a long way when it comes to avoiding brain injuries.

Doing regular cardio workouts stimulates blood flow throughout your body, including your brain.
It can also improve brain health in a variety of ways Trusted Source, including:
• improved emotional health
• improved learning ability
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• reduced anxiety
• reduced cognitive decline
• Quit smoking
• Smoking isn’t great for your overall health. That includes your brain: Smoking may lead to
Trusted Source cognitive decline.

Listen to your thoughts

Try to check in from time to time with your thoughts or feelings. Keeping a diary is a good way to
get into this habit. Look for any thought patterns or emotions that seem to be impacting your
day-to-day life. They could be a sign of an underlying, treatable mental health condition.

Focus on a nutritious diet

What you eat can have a direct impact Trusted Source on the health of your brain, especially as
you age Trusted Source. Many of the foods that are often recommended for brain health include
lots of greens, fruits, nuts, fish, whole grains, olive oil and, occasionally, wine.

ELABORATE (Students apply the information): 10 minutes

Teaching Strategy Research-based learning approach [It is a specific approach to
classroom teaching that places less emphasis on teacher-centered
learning of content and facts and greater emphasis on students as
active researchers.
Reflective learning is accepted as an integral part of education and
the learning experience for learners (Beauchamp, 2014; Tracey et al.,
Instructional Materials TV, PowerPoint Presentation, video clip, and chalks

TASK 4: LEARNING BEYOND THROUGH ReTaRe (Research, Takeaways, & Reflection)

Students may choose any of these sets:
Set A. Video presentation from the research of St. Luke’s University Health Network and
students will provide their insights and reflection on the important of a healthy brain using
ReTaRe worksheets.
Set B. An article from World Health Organization (WHO) will be given to students and they will
use the ReTaRe worksheets to provide insights and reflection.
 When they are done, students will place their ReTaRe worksheets in the ReTaRe box.
EVALUATE (Checking Students’ Understanding): 5 minutes
Teaching Strategy Problem-based learning (PBL) is an active teaching strategy that
allows the student to take the lead and become responsible for his or
her learning process (Egido Gálvez et al., 2007); it also provides
learners the opportunity to work collaboratively and develop the ability
to learn under their own direction (Hmelo-Silver, 2004; Gwee, 2009) as
well as, over the course of their lives (Woods, 2006), solve problems
through an investigative process, analyze data and propose solutions
(de Souza and Verdinelli, 2014).
Instructional Materials TV, PowerPoint Presentation, clicker,
Pedagogical Approach 5: Reflective learning,

Task 5- Check your Understanding

Instruct the students to answer the following.
Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of your choice
on the space provided before the number.

1. What organ of the body is known as the center of coordination?

A. Lungs B. Skin C. Brain D. Eyes

2. Which part of the brain controls heart rate, breathing, & blood pressure?
A. Frontal lobe B. Temporal lobe C. Brain stem D. Cerebellum

3. The frontal lobe controls the following functions

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A. movement B. behavior C. emotions D. All of the Above

4. Which structure of the brain controls balance, coordination and posture?

A. medulla oblongata B. hypothalamus C. cerebellum D. cerebrum

5. Why is the healthy brain important?

A. so we can play more video games and reach the final stage and complete the game
B. so we can play board games with our family to have fun and stay happy
C. so your body will be strong and help you to cope with stress and also fight illness
D. so you can buy candy and eat it while watching all kinds of movies

EXTEND (Deepen Conceptual understanding through use in a new context): 5 minutes

Teaching Strategy Project-Based Learning [ It is a teaching method in which students gain
knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate
and respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex question, problem, or
challenge ( ) .]
Instructional Materials Worksheet and Rubrics
Assignment: Look for magazines and newspapers and cut out articles related to the effects of
smoking on the health of the developing embryo and newborn babies. Submit your outputs on
Google Classroom on April 5, 2022.
Discuss the rubrics. (see attachment) and remind them of the submission and testing of their
Also, remind students to adhere to the deadlines; however, they need to notify their teacher and
provide a valid explanation if they failed to do so.
Mean Percentage Score (MPS):______ Achievement Level: □ Mastered (96-100%)
□ Closely Approximating Mastery (86-95%) □ Moving Towards Mastery (66-85%) □ Average (35-65%)
□ Very Low (15-34%) Absolutely □ No Mastery (0-14%)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these

D. What difficulties did I encounter which my HT/MT/School

Principal/Supervisor can help me solve?

E. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I

wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Checked and Reviewed by:


Master Teacher I

Head Teacher II

Principal II

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Classroom Observation || Lesson Plan Attachment


(Inquiry-based, Socratic Method)

Name: ______________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ________________________ Date: ______________

 Students will response to the series of images and texts flashed on the screen.
 The teacher will ask questions (both LOTS and HOTS) based on the images and texts and
students will share their insights.
 Students will earn a gold star equivalent to 5 points to be pinned on the participation board.

 What system of our body controlled all of our activities?
Possible answer: The system responsible in controlling all of our activities is the Nervous

 What main organ is responsible in processing, controlling, and communicating our activities?
Possible answer: The main body organ responsible in processing, controlling, and
communicating our activities is our brain. Brain is the control center of all coordination.

 Why do you think you get confused when your mind process two things at a time?
Possible answer: We get confused when our brain tries to process two information at the same
time. This is the reason behind the Stroop Effect.

 How did you able to read the words even the letters in the middle are in mess?
Possible answer: Our brain is able to read the texts in whole words (chunk) and not by letter
and as long as the first and the last letter is at the right place.

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Classroom Observation || Lesson Plan Attachment


(Cooperative Learning Approach, Discovery Learning, Differentiated Instruction)

Name: ______________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ________________________ Date: ______________

General Instructions:
 Students will perform either individually, by pair, or a group composed of 4-6 students
depending on the number and following health protocols.
 Execute this through an individual, pair, or group activity. If by group, there will be
three (3) groups to perform; students have the learning opportunity to choose who they
want to collaborate with and what they want to do. The following are the Learning

Learning Station 1: Know Me! Name Me!

Learning Goal: Identify the main parts of the Human Brain.
Differentiated activities: Decoding The Human Brain, Picture-To-Know, Label Me! Know Me!.

Learning Station 2: My Work! Your Work!

Learning Goal: Explain the different functions of each main part of the human brain.
Direction: In doing this activity, you are expected to share to your classmates the functions of
each main part of the human brain.

Learning Station 3: Healthy Me! Healthy You!

Learning Goal: Recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy nervous system.
Students may write a song, make a poem/slogan, jingle, or role playing about the importance
of maintaining a healthy nervous system.

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Note: Rubrics for group presentation.

Scoring Rubrics for Performance Task

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory
Criterion Improvement
(5) (4) (3) (2)
The thoughts Concepts and
IDEAS Concepts and Concepts and Concepts and
and ideas ideas
PRESENTED ideas ideas presented ideas presented
presented presented
(Level of the presented have have 5 to 6 have more than
are all have 1 to 2
correctness of the 3 to 4 errors. errors. six errors.
correct. error/s.
concepts and ideas
The group
The group The group The group The group
presentation presentation presentation presentation
meets all of
meets 4 of any meets 3 of any meets 2of any meets 1of any
the following
of the following of the following of the following of the following
five indicators: five indicators: five indicators: five indicators:
(1) easy to (1) easy to (1) easy to (1) easy to
(1) easy to
understa understan understan understan
PRESENTATION nd; d; d; d;
(The manner of and;
(2) well- (2) well- (2) well- (2) well-
delivery used by the (2) well-
organized organized organized organized
members of the organiz
; ; ; ;
group when ed;
(3) unique/ (3) unique/ (3) unique/ (3) unique/
presenting their (3) unique/
creatively creatively creatively creatively
outputs) creative
done; done; done; done;
ly done;
(4) interestin (4) interestin (4) interestin (4) interestin
(4) interesti
g; and g; and g; and g; and
ng; and
(5) relevant (5) relevant (5) relevant (5) relevant
(5) relevant
to the to the to the to the
to the
topic topic topic topic
given. given. given. given.
All members One member Two members
More than three
COLLABORATION have actively of the group of the group did Three members
members of the
(Level of participated did not actively not actively of the group did
group did not
participation and participate and participate and not actively
between and contributed contributed to contributed to participate and
participate and
among the in completing the completing the contributed to
contributed to
members of the completing assigned task. assigned task. completing the
completing the
group ) the assigned assigned task.
assigned task.
TIMELINESS The group The group The group The group The group
(Proper finished the finished the finished the finished the finished the
management of the assigned assigned task assigned task assigned task assigned task
allotted time in task at least within the for more than a for more than for more than
completing the a minute allotted time. minute of the two minutes of three minutes of
assigned task) before the allotted time. the allotted the allotted
allotted time. time. time.
SCHOOL HEALTH All members One member Two members Three members More than three
AND SAFETY have actively of the group did not actively did not actively members did
PROTOCOLS followed the did not actively followed the followed the not actively
school followed the school health school health followed the
health and school health and safety and safety school health
safety and safety protocols (e.g. protocols (e.g. and safety
protocols protocols (e.g. masks, masks, protocols (e.g.
(e.g. masks, masks, distancing, distancing, masks,
distancing, distancing, sanitize) sanitize) distancing,
Page 9 of 11
sanitize) sanitize) sanitize)

Classroom Observation || Lesson Plan Attachment


(Socratic Method, Active Learning)

Task 3: Let’s ORGAN-IZE!

Direction: Check if the students identify the main parts of the human brain and its functions
with the aid of visualization. Proceed with the discussion of the structure and functions of the
human brain. Additional inputs if necessary.

Key Points:
The nervous system is responsible for receiving and processing information from the external
environment of an organism. Through the nervous system, the organism is enabled to
respond to these external factors accordingly.

 Students will pick a key term, label it on the board and its function.
 Every time a student participates, he or she earns a gold star equivalent to 5 points to
be pinned on the participation board.
 The teacher will provide additional inputs for the students.

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Classroom Observation || Lesson Plan Attachment


(Research, Takeaways, & Reflection)
(Research-based learning, independent/discovery learning, and Tiered Instruction.)
Students may choose any of these sets:
Set A. Video presentation from the research of St. Luke’s University Health Network and students will
provide their insights and reflection on the important of a healthy brain using ReTaRe worksheets.
Set B. An article from World Health Organization (WHO) will be given to students and they will use the
ReTaRe worksheets to provide insights and reflection.
When they are done, students will place their ReTaRe worksheets in the ReTaRe box.

Every time a student participates, he or she earns a gold star equivalent to 5 points to be pinned on the
participation board.
The teacher will provide additional inputs for the students.

Essential Questions:

Set A. Video Presentation

 What is the video all about?
 What I have learned today?
 How will I apply it?
Set B. An Article from W.H.O.
 What is the article all about?
 What I have learned today?
 How will I apply it?

Task 5- Check your Understanding (Reflective learning, Project-based Learning)

• Instruct the students to answer the following.

Test I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of your choice on
the space provided before the number.
1. What organ of the body is known as the center of coordination?
a. Lungs b. Skin c. Brain d. Eyes

2. Which part of the brain controls heart rate, breathing, & blood pressure?
a. Frontal lobe b. Temporal lobe c. Brain stem d. Cerebellum

3. The frontal lobe controls the following functions

a. movement b. behavior c. emotions d. All of the Above

4. Which structure of the brain controls balance, coordination and posture?

a. medulla oblongata b. hypothalamus c. cerebellum d. cerebrum

5. Why is the healthy brain important?

a. so we can play more video games and reach the final stage and complete the game
b. so we can play board games with our family to have fun and stay happy
c. so your body will be strong and help you to cope with stress and also fight illness
d. so you can buy candy and eat it while watching all kinds of movies

ASSIGNMENT: Look for magazines and newspapers and cut out articles related to the effects of
smoking on the health of the human brain.
Submit your outputs on Google Classroom on April 5, 2022.

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