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Table of Contents

ACONITE (Aconitum Napellus) 2

ANT TART (Antimonium Tartaricum) 3
APIS (Apis Mellifica - honey bee sting) 4
ARNICA (Arnica Montana – Leopard’s Bane) 5
ARS ALB (Arsenicum Album – White Oxide of Arsenic) 6
BELLADONNA (Deadly Nightshade) 7
BRYONIA ALBA ( Wild Hops) 8
CANTHARIS (Spanish Fly) 10
CARBO VEGETABILIS (Vegetable Charcoal) 11
COCCULUS INDICUS (Indian Cockle) 13
IGNATIA AMARA (St. Ignatius Bean) 15
IPECACUANHA (Ipecac Root) 16
LACHESIS MUTA (Bushmaster Snake) 17
MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE (Phosphate of Magnesia) 29
NUX VOMICA (Poison Nut) 20
SILICA (Pure Flint) - Cell Salt 24
URTICA URENS (Stinging Nettle) 26
ACONITE (Aconitum Napellus)

​KEYNOTE: Sudden, acute, intense. Worse by cold dry wind.
​ETIOLOGY (Never been well since – exposure to): Cold air, fright or shock.

“Homeopathic Valium.” Use in cases of extreme restlessness (physical/mental) and fearfulness.
Fear with numbness and tingling of fingers or down their arms. Frozen with fear or feel like they
are dying right now and can even predict time of death. Acute, sudden and violent invasion with
fever. Hot hands, cold feet. First remedy in inflammation and inflammatory fevers (colds,
sore throat..). Often its sphere is in the beginning of the disease and not once pathological
changes have set in except in psychological states.

​Anxiety states following a strong fright. Fear of imminent death. Panic disorders; panic
symptoms come in the evening and just after falling asleep or wakes up 1-2 hours after
sleep with fright or anxiety. Emotional, physical and mental tension explain many

​Head/Nervous System: Sensation of head burning, bubbling, hot or bursting. Headache
during fever or after fright. Headache (intercranial pressure or as if hair were being pulled
​out). Vertigo (swaying towards right), toothache sensitive to cold, Cerebral hemorrhage with
element of injury and trauma.
● Psychological: Anxiety disorders, PTSD, panic attack disorders, or shock. Can
release shock that has been held in the body or mind for a longtime.
● Eye: Acute remedy for wounds and foreign bodies to the eye. Sudden blindness after
fright. Photophobia.
● Face: Nose bleed. Facial neuralgia or paralysis (indicated in left sided Bell’s palsy).
● Mouth/Throat: Bitter taste in mouth. Thirst for cold water. Sudden Sore throat
(red, dry and inflamed).
● Nose: Dry mucous membranes but with runny or blocked nose.
​Circulatory: High blood pressure from fright or shock, heat exposure, angina, heart attack
or acute myocardial infarction, tachycardia. Palpitations and pulsations when in fear.
Numbness or tingling of left arm.
Respiratory: Cough is dry, short and barking/hacking. Croup, colds, influenzas if root cause
is exposure to cold. Expectoration can be bloody.
Fever and Chills: Comes on suddenly. Cold sweat and icy cold face can alternate with dry
heat and hot face. Thirst and restlessness always present. One cheek red, the other cheek

​Worse: in warm room, in evening and Night; worse lying on affected side, from music,
from tobacco-smoke, dry, cold winds.
​Better: in open air.
ANT TART (Antimonium Tartaricum)

​KEYNOTE: Rattling cough with un-expectorated white thick mucus.
​ETIOLOGY (Never been well since – exposure to): Water in lungs from any cause,

​Irritable and peevish during the acute phase. Much yawning and sweating on forehead.
Feels suffocated, weak, drowsy, sweaty and limp. Averse to touch. For weakened and end
stage disease with respiratory compromise and feeble pulse. Difficulty breathing, person
feels like they are "drowning in mucus". Stomach – lung connection. Death rattle.

​Face: Pale, blue and covered in cold sweat. Tongue is pasty with thick white coating, bluish.
​Respiratory System: Cough is rattling in the chest or larynx and unproductive. Breathing
is better with burping or sitting up. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD),
Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Emphysema (esp. in elderly patients), Tuberculosis, Asthma or any
Respiratory infection presenting a rattling cough. Infantile Pneumonia with gurgling and
​Cardiovascular System: Congestive Heart Failure. Fluid in heart.
​Gastrointestinal: Cramps, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting with the cough.
Diarrhea/dysentery (during viral infections). Burning rectum, bloody stool. Schistosomiasis
(parasite). Thirst for a little cold water at a time. Craves apples and acidic food.
​Urogenital: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) with difficulty urinating, blockage at base of
bladder, blood in urine (last drops) or dark urine. Mucus in bladder and urethra.
​Skin: Pus, water or honey-colored filled pustules. Chicken pox. Smallpox. Impetigo.
​Fever and Chills: Cold, trembling, chilly. Intermittent fever (fluctuates between elevated
and normal).
​Back and Neck: Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region; heavy dragging feeling at coccyx;
pain in sacrum.

​Worse: in evening; from lying down at night; from warmth; in damp cold weather; from all
sour things and milk.
​Better: from sitting erect; from eructation and expectoration.
APIS (Apis Mellifica - honey bee sting)

​KEYNOTE: Red, inflamed, shiny and hot. For bites and stings, anaphylaxis. Worse
by heat, better with cold applications. POLYCREST.
​ETIOLOGY (Never been well since – exposure to): Insect Bite. Allergic Reaction.

“Homeopathic antihistamine/epi-pen” for allergic reaction to almost anything that would
cause red, swelling edema whether from infection, allergy, accident or inflammation. Any
allergy that can cause anaphylaxis. Restless. Can be chilly but localized complaints are
always worse by heat, better by cold applications (ice, cold towel). Ailments on right side or
travel from right to left.

Awkwardness; drops things. Apathy, indifference. Difficulty concentrating.

Inflammation and Edema: Polycrest for Edema, Erysipelas (deep red inflammation). Fluid
in cavities and tissues, skin cells, coating of organs or membrane tissues.
​Head: Brain feels tired. Dull, heavy sensation at back of head extending to neck. Pain in
vertex (top of head). Headache is hot, throbbing, better with pressure, worse motion.
Vertigo with headache and sneezing, worse with eyes closed, lying down. Sudden stabbing
pain, piercing shriek in Hydrocephalus.
​Eyes: Swollen edematous lids. Burning, stinging, hot tears. Styes. Photophobia.
​Throat/Mouth: Enlarged uvula. Sore throat that improves with cold drinks. Teeth grinding.
Throat pain extending to ears. Sore throat. Anaphylaxis.
​Chest: “Feels like they cannot take another breath.” Difficulty breathing. Angina pectoris.,
Asthma, Pneumonia.
​Gastrointestinal: Constipation during menses. Thirst-less. Ascites, Peritonitis (water in
​Stool: Watery yellow (cholera infantum type). Hemorrhoids. Anus seems open.
​Urogenital: Kidney Edema. UTI with burning and soreness. Bloody or cloudy (milky).
Scanty. Last drops with blood. Sediment like coffee grounds. Urinary incontinence.
​Reproductive: Dysmenorrhea. Ovarian Cysts, especially on the right side. Hot flushes.
Infertility. Miscarriage (esp. in first trimester). Endometriosis.
​Skin/Extremities: Edema of the extremities and joints. Urticaria (Hives) with burning
pains. Bee bite. Jellyfish sting. Water-filled blisters. Arthritis. Rheumatism. Herpes Zoster.
​Fever and Chill: Fever with chills, lethargy, worse with heat. Thirst-less. May have swelling
or burning.

​Worse: heat in any form; TOUCH; pressure; late in afternoon; after sleeping; in closed and
heated rooms. Right side.
​Better: in open air, uncovering, and cold bathing/application.

ARNICA (Arnica Montana – Leopard’s Bane)

​KEYNOTE: No. 1 Remedy for accidents / shock / physical exhaustion/ trauma.
Sore bruised feeling.
​ETIOLOGY (Never been well since – exposure to): Physical Trauma. Surgery.

​For accidents, bumps and bruises. Can give BEFORE and AFTER all surgery (don’t try with
childbirth). Can give AFTER childbirth. Physical Trauma. Promotes rapid healing.

​Fear of heart disease, especially at night. Irritable and adverse to company. Fears touch,
says nothing is the matter with them, wants to be left alone. Stupor after head injury.

​Head: Concussion. Blunt trauma. Foreign body in the eye. Dental extractions and other
procedures. Cerebral accidents. Head injury. Nose bleed while washing face, coughing, or
​Chest/Respiratory: Angina Pectoris, pain severe in left of arm. Pneumonia approaching
paralysis. Dry Cough from weeping/lamenting. Chest feels sore and bruised while breathing.
​Gastrointestinal: Dysentery with muscular pains. Passing gas with a “rotten egg” smell.
Vomiting of blood.
​Urogenital/Reproductive: Excellent remedy for use in childbirth/labor; often helps the
sore bruised sensation of the uterus, and speeds dilation of the cervix. Also relieves
soreness after delivery.
​Musculoskeletal: Injuries, blunt trauma, bruises. Gout. Arthritis (worse from cold and
damp). Myalgias (muscle pain) – especially after over-exertion. Feeling bruised and beaten.
​Skin: Eruptions which occur after trauma. Sprains. Psoriasis. Eczema. Boils.
​Fever and Chills: Internal heat, feet and hands are cold. Head red and hot, body is cold.
Shivering over whole body. Nightly sour sweat. Infectious or septic fevers.

​Worse: least touch; motion; rest; wine; damp cold.
​Better: lying down, or with head low.

ARS ALB (Arsenicum Album – White Oxide of Arsenic)

​KEYNOTE: Anxiety, restlessness, chills. Remedy for food poisoning. Thirsty for
small-frequent sips of water. Burning pain. Worse by cold. CONSTITUTIONAL
​ETIOLOGY (Never been well since – exposure to): Food/Chemical poisoning.

​One of the deepest acting polycrests, used for many organ systems and mental and
emotional conditions. Debility, exhaustion with mental restlessness. Nightly aggravation.
Periodicity - chronic conditions appear in regular cycles. Burning pains relieved by heat.
Unquenchable thirst. Acute illness - better by cold, Chronic - better by heat. Thirsty for
small sips of water. Complaints by the sea (NAT MUR). Malignancy. Gives ease in last
moments of life (give high potency). Reduces refractive index of blood in malaria, septic
infections with low vitality (CHINA, FERR-P). Face is sunken, thin and pale with look of

Great anguish and restlessness, changes place continually. Fears of death and of being left
alone with cold sweat. Thinks its useless to take medicine. Suicidal. Miserly, malicious,
selfish, lacks courage. Chronic anxiety, panic attacks at night. Anxiety about health
(hypochondria). OCD & Perfectionist. Insomnia - especially if awake from midnight till 1am,
anxious dreams and restless sleep. Fears: being alone, poverty, well-being/health of family.
Compulsive disorders like Anorexia, Bulimia.

​Head: Headache relieved by cold. Burning eyes, with hot tears. Conjunctivitis. Crusts,
scabs, Eczema on head.
​Nose: Thin, watery discharge. Feels clogged. Hay fever, worse indoors. Sneezing.
Throat: Pharyngitis. Pain on swallowing better with warm drink. Mouth sores/ulcers -
usually with burning pain.
​Chest/Respiratory: Asthma, worse between 12am and 2am, better when sitting upright.
Dry, exhausting, hacking cough. Anxiety in region of heart. Angina pectoris with fluid
build-up in heart. Pulmonary edema.
​Gastrointestinal: Gastritis. Peptic ulcers. Heartburn with burning throat. Burning in
stomach with desire for water which results in vomiting. Stomach pains better with milk.
Desires: fat, sour foods especially lemon, bread, alcohol. Diarrhea with watery stool, worse
from anxiety and cold food and drinks. Hepatitis. Burning hemorrhoids - better by heat.
​Urogenital: Genital herpes. Scanty, burning and involuntary urine with epithelial cells,
​Extremities: Cold-feeling skin, especially extremities. Gangrene. Peripheral neuritis.
Skin: Eczema with dry skin & intense burning and itching, worse with cold and scratching.
Psoriasis. Skin ulcers. Burns.
Fever and Chills: High temperature, intermittent (vascillates from high to normal). Cold
sweats, complete exhaustion.

​Worse: wet weather, after midnight; from cold, cold drinks, or food. Seashore. Right side.
​Better: from heat; from head elevated; warm drinks.

BELLADONNA (Deadly Nightshade)

​KEYNOTE: Great heat, throbbing and burning with inflammation. Better by cold

​Right-sided remedy. Congestion and inflammation. Thirst-less but may crave lemonade,
sour food or can have great thirst for cold water. Aggravation from hormonal imbalances
(may lead to chronic condition). Aggravated by change in temperature, motion or menses.
Intense heat in affected areas. Hot red skin, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotids,
excited mental state. Eyes usually dilated.

​Vivid hallucinations during fever. Fear of dogs. Dreams of falling. Jaw clenching and teeth
grinding. Bed wetting (children) - due to sleeping too deeply.

​Head: Migraines. Head pain on the right side of forehead; Pain worse light, noise, jar, lying
down and in afternoon; better by pressure and semi-erect posture. Sinus pain, possibly
right-sided, worse with touch, better with pressure. Acute or chronic vertigo, worse when
turning head, turning over in bed, bending forward. Otitis media – possibly right sided &
throbbing. Cerebral hemorrhage, inflammation of brain.
​Throat: Tonsillitis. Tonsils enlarged, difficult swallowing, throat looks red and inflamed.
Painless hoarseness.
​Chest: Tickling short dry cough, worse at night. Barking cough, whooping cough. Mastitis.
​Cardiovascular system: Hypertension from heat. Anxiety, palpitation from least exertion.
​Skin: Boils, Acne Rosacea, pus-forming wounds. Early stage of any rash.
​Urogenital: Urinary Tract Infection (burning, scanty, dark, cloudy). Severe dysmenorrhea.
Hot flushes. Right-sided ovarian pains or cysts.
​Fever and Chill: Dry burning fever but no sepsis. Hot to touch. Extremities cold, face hot.
Chilliness or shivering. Fever with convulsions.

Worse: Touch, jar, noise, draft, after noon, lying down.
​Better: Standing Semi-erect

​KEYNOTE: Worse with slightest movement. POLYCREST. Worse by hot weather,
hot room. Extreme dryness.

​Pain produced is a stitching, tearing; worse by motion, better rest. Great thirst for large
gulps of water, but not frequent (opposite of Ars Alb). Over-eating, especially meat.
Polycrest acting across serous membrane, mucous membranes, pleura, synovial membranes
of joints, gastrointestinal membranes and meninges. Dryness of all membranes.

Irritable and wants to be left alone. Apprehension and dread of future. Worse upon waking.
Delusions of being away from home. Talks of business.

​Head: Migraines (bursting, splitting, worse movement). Frontal headache, frontal sinus.
Vertigo (on rising, spinning).
Mouth/Throat: Dry cracked lips, tough mucus in larynx and trachea, loosened only after
much hawking.
Chest/Respiratory: Dry-hard painful cough. Colds that travel down to chest. Croup,
Pleuro-pneumonia, with rusty colored expectoration. Mastitis (hot, painful and hard).
Gastrointestinal: Great thirst. Constipation: stools hard, dry, as if burnt, seem too large.
​Musculoskeletal/Extremities: Arthritis, pain gets worse with the slightest motion.
Rheumatism. Gout. Physical injury. Lower back pain. Tendonitis.
​Fever/Chill: Chill with external coldness, dry cough, stitches. Internal heat with profuse

Worse: Warmth, any motion, morning, eating, hot weather, exertion, touch. Cannot sit up;
gets faint and sick.
Better:  Lying on Painful side, pressure, rest, cold things.


​KEYNOTE: Antiseptic and main remedy for healing wounds. Any kind of
cut/laceration on skin.

​Very useful first-aid remedy for open cuts; superficial burns or scalds, ulcers, scalpel
wounds and after teeth extraction or childbirth. It stimulates formation of healthy scar
tissue (without lumps). Can also be used externally in cream, ointment or tincture form.
Take internally if there is much discomfort or suppuration (pus coming out). Gargle after
dental surgery or for canker sores. Use for scratched cornea, diaper rash, even gunshot
wound (after Hypericum).

Head: Cradle cap (crusty or oily patches on a babys head)
Chest/Respiratory: Cough, phlegm in nose with green discharge
Extremities: Gangrene in foot.

​Worse: Damp heavy cloudy weather while chilled. Evening.
​Better: Warmth. Walking or lying still.
CANTHARIS (Spanish Fly)

​KEYNOTE: No. 1 Remedy for the intense pain of burns and bladder infection. Better
with cold applications.

Inflammation of gastro-intestinal tract, urinary and sexual organs. Raw, burning
pains. Hemorrhages. Intolerable, constant urging to urinate is most characteristic. Gastric,
hepatic and abdominal complaints that are aggravated by drinking

Violent. Acute mania, generally of a sexual type; amorous frenzy; fiery sexual desire.

​Cantharis is mainly used in disorders involving the mucous membrane, especially in the
urinary tract. Burning pains are almost always present. Intense mental and physical
irritation. Have a burning, intense thirst, but feels worse after drinking (especially cold
drinks). Burning pains in affected area. Burning during urination. Excessive sexual appetite
(so extreme that there is no relief from masturbation or coition).

Throat: Tongue filled with water blisters. Burning sensation, great difficulty swallowing
liquids. Tenacious mucus (KALI BICH). Inflamed throat, feels like on fire. Burned tongue
after hot food.
Chest/Respiratory: Short, hacking cough, blood-streaked tenacious mucus
Gastro-intestinal: Burning violent thirst, burning sensation in esophagus and stomach.
Vomiting of blood streaked membrane and violent retching. Worse from drinking coffee,
disgust for everything: drink, food, tabacco. Dysentery with mucous in stool.
Urogenital: Urinary tract infection with burning sensation, cutting pain. Bloody urine
coming out by drops. Cutting pain in kidneys.
Skin: Primary remedy for burns. Water filled eruptions (blisters).

Worse: From touch, or approach, urinating, drinking cold water or coffee
​Better: Cold applications. Rubbing
CARBO VEGETABILIS (Vegetable Charcoal)

​KEYNOTE: Key remedy for resuscitation, debilitation. Worse with warm wet

​"The homeopathic corpse reviver". This remedy has saved many lives. Symptoms at their
most extreme are complete state of collapse due to oxygen starvation. Upper abdomen /
stomach very bloated. May be brought on by overindulgence. Feeble pulse. Restores vital
force and consciousness in patient. Useful for acute fainting, failing to recover from an
illness (with great debilitation and prostration). Low vitality from chronic fatigue syndrome,.
Coldness – cold breath, sweat, body parts. May appear limp, pale or blue. Less severe cases
have extreme sluggishness, fatigue. Chilliness but starved for air, desire to be fanned.

​Aversion to darkness, fear of ghosts. Sudden loss of memory. Delusions, imaginations,
hallucinations, illusions. Indifference and apathy so desires extreme challenges. Impaired
thinking and difficulty concentrating.

​Head: Headache from over-indulgence. Heavy and congested. Feels like a hat pressed upon
head like a heavy weight. Headache from extreme emotions. Pale cold face, blue lips.
​Mouth: Chronic gum inflammation, blood oozing from gums when cleaning teeth.
​Chest/Cardiovascular: Heart failure, post-surgery. Organic weakness of lungs and heart.
Blue blood vessels from lack of oxygen.
​Respiratory: Asthma. Pneumonia. Mononucleosis. Any respiratory ailment with difficulty
breathing, lacks oxygen. Wheezing and rattling of mucus in chest. Spasmodic cough,
whooping cough. Brown or greenish expectoration.
Gastrointestinal: Tremendous bloating and indigestion, distended abdomen, better passing
wind. Desires carbonated drinks. Flatulent colic, worse lying down. Bitter taste in mouth.
Aversion to milk, meat, and fatty things. Itching, gnawing pain in rectum (bluish
Hemorrhoids). Stool odor like a dead body.
Extremities: Heavy, stiff; feel paralyzed; Limbs, go to sleep; want of muscular energy;
joints weak.
Fever and Chill: Hectic fever, exhausting sweats. Icy coldness of body, with cold breath.
Accidents: Quinine or mercury poisoning.

Worse: Evening; night and open air; cold; from fat food, butter, coffee, milk, warm damp
weather; Wine.
Better: Burping, being fanned, cold applications.

​KEYNOTE: Primary remedy for dehydration, weakness after loss of any fluids.
Worse by cold and drafts. Flatulence, no relief after passing gas. Etiology: Never
been well since Malaria or loss of fluids.

​Symptoms occurring after the loss of body fluids (perspiration, hemorrhage, vomiting,
diarrhea, lactation). Everything tastes bitter, even water. Sensitive to salty food. Full feeling
after least food. Stomach-ache after loss of fluid. Homeopathic “Quinine”.

​Apathetic, indifferent, disobedient, taciturn, despondent. Ideas crowd in mind, preventing
sleep. Paranoia of being persecuted. Fear of animals, even domesticated dogs. Insomnia.

​Head: Headache, as if skull would burst, better with hard pressure. Brain feels loose, as if
rattling inside skull. Intense throbbing of head. Scalp sensitive to combing hair. Ringing in
ears. Nosebleed in heat.
​Chest/Respiratory: Dry cough .Asthma worse damp weather. Influenza with debility. Hay
Fever with violent dry sneezing. Watery discharge. Running or blocked nose.
​Cardiovascular system: Anemia. Irregular heart beat (weak rapid beats followed by
strong heart beats. Fainting due to insufficient blood flow.
​Gastrointestinal: Slow digestion. Bloated, distended, flatulent but with no relief from
passing gas, better with movement. Trapped wind. Gallstone Colic. Jaundice. Hungry but
doesn’t know for what. Vomiting undigested food, worse fruit. Diarrhea. Yellow stool.
​Extremities: Pain in limbs and joints as if sprained, better with pressure. Chronic Gout.
Diseased hip joints.
​Acute: Periodic fever, Malaria, or family history of. Intermittent fever. Debilitating night
​Accidents: Mercury poisoning. Quinine (or Hydrochlorquinone poisoning)

Worse: Slightest touch. Draft of air. Loss of vital fluids. Night; After eating, bending over.
​Better: Warmth. Hard pressure, lying down, doubling over. Loose clothes. Fasting.

​KEYNOTE: Primary remedy for motion sickness, ailments from loss of sleep or
nursing of loved ones. Worse by cold, open air.
​ETIOLOGY (Never been well since – exposure to): Nursing a sick loved-one, lack of

​Key action is in spasmodic and paretic (partial paralysis – one half of body) affections not
from the spinal cord. Sympathetic to others. Sensitive to fear, anger, grief and all mental
disturbances. Exhausted and sick from anxiety over the health of loved ones. Ailments that
arise from riding in cars, planes, trains or boats. Worse from loss of sleep: night-watching,
fatigue from travels and jet lag. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

​Slow mental processes. Time passes quickly absorbed in reverie. Capricious. Profound
sadness/grief. Ailments from grief. Hysteria, fainting. Anxious about others health.

​Head: Headache worse in the back of head, worse lying on back of head. Headache from
motion. Vertigo, nausea, especially when riding or sitting up from bed. Tendency to fall over
sideways, True vertigo, the world seems to spin. Paralysis of facial nerve, worse opening
​Psychological: Anxiety. Depression.
​Neurological: Slowed nerve conduction; has nearly a full second delay before perceiving a
​Chest: Choking constriction in upper esophagus, oppressing breathing and inducing cough.
​Gastrointestinal: Nausea with faintness and vomiting. Smell of food disgusts. Paralysis of
muscle preventing swallowing. Metallic taste in mouth. Hiccups and spasmodic yawning.
​Urogenital: Severe Dysmenorrhea, dark menses. Very weak and can barely speak.
​Back: Weak, paralyzed feeling in lower back, worse during menses.
​Extremities: One sided paralysis worse for sleep. Arms go to sleep. Numbness and tingling.
​Fever and Chill: Alternating nervous low fever and chill, with colic, nausea, vertigo, hot
head and cold low extremities.

Worse: Eating, after loss of sleep, open air, smoking, riding, swimming, touch, noise, jar;
afternoon. Menstrual period. After emotional disturbance.
​Better: Sitting, lying on side. Indoors.

​KEYNOTE: Primary remedy for puncture wounds, injury to nerve rich areas. Sharp
shooting pain. POLYCREST. Worse in cold, damp. Vaccine antidote.

​Injury to nerves, especially crushed fingers and toes. Lacerations, puncture wounds with
intolerable, violent, shooting sharp pain from guns, nails, splinters, pins. Injury to brain and
spinal cord. Excessive painfulness. Spasms after every injury. Bites of animals and insects.
Useful for nerve pain from surgery or dental work.

Melancholy. After effects of shock. Makes mistakes in writing, forgets what she wanted to
say. Weakness of memory. Great depression following wound.

Head: Head heavy, as if touched by an icy cold hand. Brain seems compressed. Facial
Neuralgia and toothache with pulling, tearing pain. Lockjaw.
Chest/Respiratory: Spasmodic asthmatic attacks with changes of weather or before
storms, better by expectorating or perspiration.
Skin: Falling of hair from injury. Eczema of hands and face with intense itching. Herpes
Zoster (Shingles).
Acute/Accidents: Tetanus. Dog Bites. Sharp shooting pain. Insect bites (Dengue,
Chikungunya). Convulsions from injury.
​Back: Injuries of spine (fractures, sprains) with sharp shooting pains, worse when raising
arms and movement. Injuries to the spine or coccyx (tailbone). Sore, bruised beaten lumbar
(lower half of back).

​Worse: Cold, damp, fog, change of weather. Closed room. Least exposure. Shock.
​Better: Warmth. Lying on face, bending back, head backward, rubbing.
IGNATIA AMARA (St. Ignatius Bean)

​KEYNOTE: Primary remedy for grief, emotional shock. Worse by cold. Lump in their
throat. CONSTITUTIONAL POLYCREST – Person with high expectations.
ETIOLOGY (Never been well since – exposure to): Loss. Hysterical Grief

​Effects of grief or worry. Nervous system is affected with spasms: rigidity, twitching and
tremors, hiccups, hysterical vomiting. Convulsions in children after fright. Oversensitive to
pain. Sensation of ball internally.

Romantic, idealistic and set up for disappointments that lead to bitterness. Stormy
relationships filled with jealousy. Easily hurt feelings and easily offended. Alternating Moods.
Hysteria. Averse to consolation. Great defensiveness and touchiness. Rude, suspicious and
doubting patients. Dreams of water. Great contradictions. Alert, nervous, apprehensive,
rigid, trembling patients who suffer acutely in mind or body, at the same time 

Head: Headache pain as if crushed, shattered, nail driven out through side. Congestive
headaches following anger, fright or grief. Acute over sensitive sense of smell. Hair loss after
​Psychological: Hysterical Grief.
​Throat: Lump in throat that can’t be swallowed. Stitches in throat when not swallowing.
Better eating something solid. Stitches extend to ear. Tonsillitis. Excessive sighing.
​Chest/Respiratory: Anxiety in heart. Dry spasmodic cough or hacking cough, worse
evening. Cough with no sign of illness.
​Gastrointestinal: Sinking feeling in stomach, better by breathing. Feels as if intestines
were loose. Longs for variety of indigestible food. Craving for acid things. Sour flatulence.
Painful constriction of anus after stool.
​Musculoskeletal: Back spasms, especially after grief.
​Urogenital: Sexual frigidity (female), suppression from grief. Male, shriveled penis.
Menses, black, profuse and early. Suppressed menses from grief.
​Fever and Chill: Fever with nettle rash over body.

Worse: in the morning, open air, after meals, Coffee, smoking, liquids, external warmth.
​Better: Warmth, fresh air. Pressure, deep breathing. Swallowing, eating, sour food.
Changing positions.

​KEYNOTE: Primary remedy for constant, violent nausea that accompanies all
complaints. Worse by warmth, warm damp weather. Intense vomiting.

​Chief action is on the pneumogastric nerve producing spasmodic irritation in chest and
stomach. Thirst-less, profuse salivation. Persistent nausea and vomiting. Hemorrhages that
are bright red and profuse (nosebleeds, hemorrhoids, menses). Sleeps with eyes open.

Irritable, holds everything in contempt. Symptoms follow intense emotion and anger.
Insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety during fever.

​Head: Migraine headache with severe nausea and vomiting. Pain extends to teeth and root
of tongue. Bones of skull feel crushed/bruised. Pain through eyeballs. Cerebral hemorrhage.
Nose bleeds bright blood (with cough/whooping cough). Blue around the eyes.
​Circulatory: Hemorrhage.
​Chest: Asthmatic bronchitis and coughs especially of children. Spasmodic respiratory
complaints. Difficulty breathing with constriction in chest. Cough incessant and violent
(rattling or dry), chest full of phlegm but cannot expectorate. Suffocative cough, person
becomes blue. Continued sneezing, wheezing cough. Bloody expectoration.
​Gastrointestinal: Constant nausea which is incapacitating. Stomach feels relaxed and
hanging. Cutting pain, worse around navel, extending downwards. Nausea unrelieved by
vomiting. Hematuria (blood in urine). Constant salivation (MERC). Amoebic Dysentery.
Diarrhea, slimy green or like frothy molasses with cramps.
​Urogenital: Uterine hemorrhage or Miscarriage which starts suddenly with bright red
uncoagulated blood, coming in gushes, often with nausea, vomiting and faintness. Morning
​Fever and Chills: Intermittent fever with bad stomach, nausea, vomiting and difficulty
breathing. Gastric fever. Worse warm.
​Accidents; Quinine poisoning.

Worse: Periodically; from veal, moist warm wind, lying down.
​Better: Open air. Rest, closing eyes. Pressure
LACHESIS MUTA (Bushmaster Snake)

​KEYNOTE: Worse from sleep, intense, jealous, loquacious. Worse by heat.
Hormonal remedy. “Hottest” remedy. Left-sided remedy. CONSTITUTIONAL
POLYCREST – vindictive, jealous, spiteful, “snake-like,” menopausal, “longing for

​Left sided. Sensation of lump or ball in throat, abdomen, liver area, rectum or bladder.
Left-sided complaints or begin on left, move to the right (especially sore throats). Primarily
a woman’s remedy for ovarian pain, menopause. Late stage dengue. Scarlet fever. Snake
bites. Poisons (most extreme).

​Passionate, intense people. Jealousy and envy. Suspicion triggering paranoia. Loquacity
(very talkative). Angry. Aggressive. Hateful and longing for revenge. Sarcastic. Coma and
delirium from stroke, alcohol or fever. Sleeps on right side, impossible on left. Nightmares.

​Addictions: Alcoholism. Narcotic drug addiction.
​Psychological: Manic depression. Behavior disorders.
​Head: Intolerance to tight collars, turtlenecks, necklaces.
​Gastrointestinal: Craves: Farinaceous (flour), alcohol
​Urogenital: Premenstrual syndrome – irritable, jealous, depressed, headache, hot flushes.
​Chest: Palpitations, worse when lying on left side

Worse: Heat of room or sun, heavy weather. From sleep or upon closing eyes. Left side.
Menopause. Hot drinks, alcohol. Anything tight around the neck. Suppressed discharges.
Better: Warm applications. Open air. Cold drinks. Discharges (menses, mucus,
perspiration). During or after period. Hard pressure, eating (especially fruits).

KEYNOTE: Primary remedy for puncture wounds and black eyes. Worse by heat,
better with cold. “Low throbbing type of pain.”

Affects tendency to rheumatism, from functional pain to deposits in tissues. Begins in feet
and travels upwards. Antidote to poison oak and stings of insects. Use to treat deep
puncture wounds (HYPER) from nails, bullets, ice pick and bites from both animals (rats,
dogs, cats) and insects (bees, mosquito, spider). Pains are sticking, tearing and throbbing
and cold.

Patient may be cross and surly. Alcohol abuse.

Head: Vertigo with tendency to fall to one side. Headache in back of head from any jar.
Nosebleed. Cataract with gout. Bruises and black eyes that have turned blue or even green
(after ARN).
Chest/Respiratory: Bronchitis and Emphysema of the aged. Constriction of the chest with
difficulty breathing (suffocating). Whooping cough, spasmodic cough. Spitting of blood.
Skin: Facial Eczema, Carbuncles (cluster of boils).
Gastro-intestinal: Hemorrhoids, Anal fissures.
Extremities: Gout pain, shooting through foot, limb and joints (esp. small joints). Swollen,
hot pale (better cold). Gouty nodosities in knees, toes and ankles, ascending. Painful soles.
Arthritic nodules. Swelling or inflamed foot and ankle (elephantiasis), a tremendous desire
to put feet in cold or even ice water. Sprains in the lower limbs with marked bruising and
Fever and Chill: Coldness, with sensation of cold water of parts. Shivering, shaking and

Worse: At night, and from heat of bed.
Better: From cold, putting feet in cold water.
MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE (Phosphate of Magnesia)

​KEYNOTE: The great anti-spasmodic pain remedy. Better by warmth.

​Cramping of muscles with radiating pains. Neuralgic pains. Right-sided complaints. Useful
for neuralgia of the head and face. Spasmodic pain, twitching, tics. Pains that are cramping,
radiating or shooting, often wandering. If symptoms match, can be used for toothaches,
sciatica, writer’s cramp.

​Sleepless from indigestion. Complaints about pain all the time. Can’t think clearly.

Head: Vertigo on moving, falls forward on closing eyes, better walking in open air.
Headache after mental labor, with chilliness. Eyes hot, tired and vision blurred. Sensation
as if brain were liquid. Twitching of eyelids. Facial neuralgia, right sided, better with heat
and pressure. Migraine. Toothache, better by hot liquids.
​Chest/Respiratory: Dry tickling cough, Whooping cough. Angina with nervous spasmodic
palpitation and constricting pains around heart.
​Gastro-intestinal: Flatulent colic, forcing patient to double over. Constipation due to
flatulence and indigestion. Thirst for cold drinks (PHOS).
​Urogenital: Dysmenorrhea, better with warmth and pressure. Ovarian neuralgia.
​Extremities/Joints: Cramps. Writer’s cramp. Carpal tunnel. Involuntary shaking of hands.
Darting pain, twitchings. Arms, hands, fingertips numb.

Worse: Right side, cold, touch, night.
Better: Warmth, bending double, pressure, friction.

NUX VOMICA (Poison Nut)

​KEYNOTE: EXCESS. Remedy for modern day lifestyle of “working hard and playing
harder”. Worse by cold, open, dry air. CONSTITUTIONAL POLYCREST – “Type-A
personality” Competitive, bossy. ETIOLOGY - Never been well since excess.

​Irritable, impatient, ambitious, and driven. Easily offended. Anger from contradiction.
Tendency to break things in anger and frustration. Impatient – hates waiting in lines, traffic.
Competitive. Workaholic. Compulsive. Great sensitivity to stimulation – light, noise, odors,

​Zealous, fiery temperament. Nervous and irritable with an overactive mind. Angry and
impatient. Fault finding and reproaches others. Many modern-day diseases caused by too
much mental work, stress and overwork and yet indulge in wine, women, coffee, rich
stimulant food and sedative drugs.

​Head: Sneezing and coryza in the morning on waking or on rising.
​Gastrointestinal: Craves: Spicy. Fat. Alcohol. Coffee. Stomach pains, worse with anger,
worse in tight clothes, better with warmth, warm applications or warm drinks. Gastritis, with
pains from alcohol abuse or from overeating.
​Musculoskeletal: Back pain, worse at night in bed.
​Urogenital: Cystitis, with a nearly constant urging, relieved for moments with only passing
a small amount of urine - better with warmth.

Worse: Cold open dry air, drafts. Early morning. 3 to 5 am (insomnia). Stimulants like
coffee, condiments, liquor, spicy food, narcotics, sedatives, tobacco, purgatives. Overeating,
sedentary habits, uncovering. Mental exertion, fatigue, slight cause, noise, odor, touch.
​Better: Hot drinks. Discharges, naps in damp wet weather, wrapping head, milk, fat, lying
on side.

​KEYNOTE: Bubby, full of life, charming but easy to burn out. Worse by heat.
CONSTITUTIONAL POLYCREST – No boundaries, gullible, then pathology begins,
and they begin to avoid people. Afraid of thunderstorms and firecrackers.

​Open, bright, excitable, suggestible, anxious patients. Anxiety when alone; better with
company. Fears: being alone, darkness, thunderstorms, that something bad will happen.
Sympathetic. Clairvoyant; many out of body experiences.

​Extroverted and full of life early in pathology. Prefers to be alone deeper into the pathology.
Center of attention but not grounded, extremely sympathetic even to strangers. Loves to
give and receive affection but can burn out quickly.

​Head: Frequent nose bleeding in children, less often when in adulthood. Bright-red, fluid
blood. Excessive bleeding after dental extraction. Hoarseness of voice.
​Chest: Recurring respiratory infections. Lingering, tickling coughs. Pneumonia. Chest pain
that is worse from stress, worse when lying on left side, better with cold drinks. Angina
​Skin: Electric burns. Hemorrhages with bright red blood.
​Gastrointestinal: Peptic ulcer. Gastritis with nausea and vomiting. Ravenous appetite
increases with headache.
​Urogenital: Sex drive is high, even pathological. Uterine fibroids. Ovarian cysts and

Worse: Warm food and drink, salt. Lying on left side (painful) side, emotions, talking,
odors, light. Sudden change in weather, thunderstorms, sunset, evening.

​Better: Cold food and drink, cold applications. Sitting, lying on right side, naps. Rubbing,
massage. Company.

​KEYNOTE: Primary Remedy for sprains and strains, better with movement and

​Extreme restlessness with continued change in position. Mind and senses become cloudy.
Great apprehension at night, cannot remain in bed, tossing and turning. Use after Arnica to
complete healing of muscles and joints. No.1 remedy for shingles.

​Listless, sad. Superstitious, ritualistic, fixed ideas, OCD. Delirium with fear of being

​Head: Vertigo when rising, then tendency to fall over. Heavy head. Brain feels loose.
Headache, from cold, in forehead then moves backwards. Edema on eyes, yellow pus. Hot
scalding tears. Cradle cap. Herpes or Fever Blisters on lips. Red triangle at tip of tongue.
​Throat: Sore with swollen glands. Sticking pain when swallowing. Mumps.
​Chest/Respiratory: Angina pectoris, enlarged heart from exertion, with numbness and
tingling of left arm and fingers (heart attack after exercise). Rheumatic heart. Dry teasing
cough, Bronchial cough in old people. Influenza with aching bones.
​accidents, over-lifting.
​Gastrointestinal: Craves: cold milk, cheese, sweets. Dry mouth, throat, very thirsty.
Violent pains relieved by lying on abdomen. Bitter taste. Nausea, vertigo, bloated after
eating. Dysentery with blood, slime and reddish mucus with cadaverous odor.
​Skin: Red, swollen, Itchy and intense. Watery Eczema forming scales, blisters. Shingles.
Chicken pox. Cellulitis.
​Back: Lower back pain and Sciatica.
​Extremities: Arthritis, acute or chronic rheumatism. Pain in left shoulder. Restless joints.
Sprains. Hot painful swelling of joints. Pains tearing in ligaments, fascia, tendons. Better

Worse: During sleep, cold, wet rainy weather and after rain; at night, during
rest, drenching, when lying on back or right side.
Better: Warm, dry weather, motion; walking, change of position, rubbing, warm applications, from
stretching out limbs.


KEYNOTE: Primary remedy for injuries to tendons and bone surface. General
stiffness in the body. Ill effects from using the computer too much.

Acts upon fascia, tendons, cartilage, bone surface. Formation of deposits on fascia and joints
especially wrists. All parts of the body feel bruised. Injured bruised bones.

Insecure, uncertain, fear of death.

Head: Eye-strain followed by headache. Eyes red, hot, and painful from sewing or reading fine
print. Headache, as if crushed and beaten to pieces. Pain as if from a nail (hang-over).
Pressure deep in orbits. Vision: letters merging together. Nosebleed.
Chest/Respiration: Cough with copious, thick, yellow expectoration; chest feels weak.
Back: Sore, bruised, beaten Back pain, lower back pain and Sciatica, better when lying
Gastro-intestinal: Difficulty passing stool, must strain. Unsuccessful urging to pass stool.
Blood with stool.
Extremities: Acute Bursitis, Fibrositis and Tendonitis, Ganglion Cyst. Weakness or stiffness
that prevent rising from sitting positions. Spine and limbs feel bruised. Stiff and painful
wrists and hands. Pain in Achilles. Hamstrings feel short.

Worse: lying down, from cold, wet weather.
Better: Warmth, motion, rubbing, scratching. Lying on back.
SILICA (Pure Flint) - Cell Salt

​KEYNOTE: Primary remedy for forcing out splinters and foreign bodies. Worse by
cold, damp wet weather. CONSTITUTIONAL POLYCREST – failure to thrive. Poor
metabolism of minerals.

​Lack of self-confidence. OCD. Anxiety from noise. Stage-fright.

​In acute illnesses it suits chilly types who keep getting infections which are very slow to
clear up. Thirsty. Perspire easily. Tendency to easy exhaustion, unhealthy skin. Loss of
self-confidence. Sensitive to all impressions. Yielding, shy, timid. In first aid treatment it is
unparalleled for forcing foreign bodies out. (DO NOT GIVE TO PREGNANT WOMEN or people
with GROMMETS, METAL PINS, PACEMAKER). Malnutrition or imperfect assimilation resulting
in defective nutrition, arrested development, want of vital heat. Slow to recover or go from
one illness to another. Sensation of chilliness before symptom comes. For ailments that
develop over time. For skin that has not healed properly and gets re-infected. Heals keloids,
ill effects of vaccine. For shy or bashful stool. Infants that can’t tolerate mother’s milk.

​Head: Sweats on the scalp, especially during sleep. Acne which leaves small pits in the
face. Infection of tear duct or blocked tear duct for newborns. Inner ear issues which cause
vertigo. Chronic dry nasal obstruction, Sinusitis.
​Chest: Mastitis.
​Back: Scoliosis. Spinal curvature and defects.
​Dental: Cavities, and infections in the gums
​Gastrointestinal: Constipation with no urge to release; “bashful stool” which seems to
recede after nearly extruding. Infants who cannot tolerate mother’s milk and frequently
vomit it out.
​Urogenital: Bartholin’s cysts. Feminine hormone issues.
​Extremities: Foot-sweat that may be corrosive and has offensive smell. Bunions. Ingrown
toenails. Crippled nails, fragile nails, white spots on nails. Abscess that may form anywhere
in the body.

Worse: Cold, damp, wet weather. Change of weather. Uncovering, bathing. Mental exertion,
nervous excitement, light, noise, jarring of the spine. Alcohol.

Better: Warm room, warm wraps. Summer in wet humid weather. Profuse urination,
magnetism and electricity.
KEYNOTE: For nausea, vertigo and vomiting from motion sickness.


General uses are for nausea, heart attacks and relaxing sphincters. Nausea with pale blue,
sunken face covered in cold sweat (ARS ALB/CARBO VEG/VERAT). Seasickness, motion
sickness, morning sickness. Smell of tobacco aggravates (IGN). Chills with cold sweat.
Causations: sunstroke, bee stings, mosquito bites, motion.


Feels despondent. Mental confusion and fatigue from motion. Feels wretched during
menopause period and menses. Discontented, sad, apathetic and indifferent but better after
complaining or weeping. Can be suicidal but lacks courage.


Head: Sick headache with deathly nausea. Headache with nausea and vertigo. Head drawn
back in convulsions. Head heavy and sensation as if head would burst, or as if brain were
being bored out (better open air). Vertigo with seasickness. Vertigo upon opening eyes,
risingor looking upward or from fainting or loss of consciousness.

Throat: Dry throat, can hardly swallow with viscid mucus in the throat.

Chest/Respiratory: Angina pectoris with cold sweat and collapse. Shooting pain from
heart down left arm or up to neck. Violent beating of heart and carotids. Tightness of chest
better breathing in. Oppression, tightness of chest with anguish. Dry teasing cough, better
with a gulp of cold water (CAUST/PHOS). Cough and hiccough at the same time. Suffocative
cough from irritation in throat and larynx, worse at night. Dry cough that is cardiac in origin.

Abdomen: Terrible, faint sinking feeling in pit of stomach. Nausea and vomiting relieved by
uncovering of abdomen. Gives relief to Incarcerated hernia, strangulated hernia and
intestinal obstructions by loosening the sphincters.

Reproductive: Morning sickness in pregnancy, nausea and vomiting, worse by any

movement. Itching of body during pregnancy.


Worse: Motion, pressure, rising up, opening eyes. Lying on left side causes palpitations.

Better: Uncovering abdomen. Cold open fresh air. Cold applications, weeping and vomiting.
URTICA URENS (Stinging Nettle)

KEYNOTE: Stinging or burning pain that is better by warm application. Allergic

reaction to an insect bite or shellfish. Brings down uric acid.

Stinging or stinging-burning pain. Primary action on the skin: Urticaria, eczema, burns of
first and second degree. Pain from kidney/gallbladder stones or spleen disorders. Bee
stings, ill effects of eating shellfish.

Head: Vertigo with spleen pain. Headache with congestion and fullness. Cold sores on lips.
Burning throat pain. Goiter.
Chest: Deficient or inappropriate lactation.
Gastro-intestinal: Chronic disease of large intestine with a lot of mucus. Enlarged spleen
and liver.
Skin: Burns, especially first and second degree burns, may also be used topically. Urticaria
(rash) with burning, stinging pains. Sensation of insects crawling on skin. Cold sores,
Herpes. Rheumatism alternates with rash. Chicken Pox. Herpes Labialis. Warts, wrinkled
and shriveled. Insect stings.
Extremities: Gout pain in ankles, wrists. Arthritic nodules of finger joints.
Fever and Chill: Gout fever.

Worse: From snow-air; water, cool moist air, touch.
Better: Warmth, lying down.

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