Mathematics Grade 11 Part III

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Part III
UNIT 5 Statistics and Probability

In this lesson you are going to learn

 Probability of an event E

 Fundamental principle of counting

 Factorial of a given non negative integer

 Permutation and combination


 If an event E can be happened in m ways out of nequally likely

possibilities, then the probability of an event E is given by P(E) ¿ .

 Multiplication principle

If an event can occur in m different ways and for every such

choiceanother event can occur in n different ways, then both events

can occur in the given order in m X ndifferent ways.

 If n ϵ N, then n! = n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)... 3 .2.1 and 0!=1

 Permutation is the number of arrangements of objects taking order in to

consideration and
P(n,r) = where 0< r ≤ n
(n−r )!

 The number of combinations of n objects taking ‘r’ at a time without

considering the order of selection is given by

p (n , r) n!
C(n,r)= =
r! r ! ( n−r )!


1. If a number is selected at a random from the integers 1 to 10, what is the

probability that the number selected is a prime number?

2. A die is rolled once. Find the probability that it is even or it is divisible by


3. How many different two-digit numbers can be formed using the digits 3,5,6

and 9 if a digit is used only once?

4. Calculate a) 5! b) 8! c) d) (3+2)! e)3! + 2!
5.7 !

5. Compute each of the following.

a) P(6,2) b) C(8,3) c) C(4,4)

6. Three students A, B and C volunteer to serve on a committee. How many

different committees can be formed contained two students?

7. How many different lottery tickets can you prepare using the digits

0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 with at most six digits?


1. Sample space S = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}

Event E = {2,3,5,7}
n(E) 4
Then P (prime number) = p(E) = =
n( S) 10 = 0.4

2. S= {1,2,3,4,5,6}

E1= {2,4,6}; E2 = {3,6} ; E1∩E2 = {6}

Then p(even or divisible by 3)

= P(E1 or E2 )= P(E1)+P(E2 )- P(E1∩E2 )

+ − = =
3 2 1 4 2
6 6 6 6 3

3. Possible tens digit 4 and unit digit 3 since a digit can’t be used twice

4 X 3 = 12, there for there will be 12 different two-digit numbers that are

35,36,39, 53,56,59,63,65,69,93,95,96

4. a) 5! = = 120 b) 8! = = 40,320

10! 10.9.8 .7 !
c) = = 2.9.8 = 144d) (3 + 2) ! = 5!= 120
5.7 ! 5.7 !

e) 3! + 2 != 3.2.1 + 2.1 = 6+2 = 8

6! 6.5 .4 !
5. a) P(6,2)= =
4 ! = 6.5 = 30
( 6−2 ) !

8! 8! 8.7 .6 . 5 !
b) C(8,3) = = = = 8.7=56
5! ( 8−5 ) ! 5! 3 ! 5! 3.2 .1

4! 4!
c) C(4,4) = =
4 !0!
4 ! ( 4−4 ) !

6. Volunteer students: - n = 3, Member of the committee: - r = 2,

then the committee can be formed in c(n,r) ways.

3! 3.2!
C(3,2)= = =3 , the committee can be formed in three ways (A&B,
2! ( 3−2 ) ! 2! 1 !

A&C, B&C) can form the committee

7. a digit can repeat and 0 can’t be a leading digit

So, with one digit 9 lottery tickets

with two-digit 9X10 = 90 tickets

with three-digit 9X10X10 = 900 tickets

with four-digit9X10X10X10 = 9,000 tickets

with five-digit 9X10X10X10X10 = 90,000 tickets

with six-digit 9X10X10X10X10X10 = 900,000 tickets

Totally we ca prepare all the sum which is 999,999 tickets

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