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Dec 2018
P'aper Code:ISMC-ENG-101-G

Note : Artempt five questio ach

in allh selecting one question from eac Section.
Question No. 1 is
compulsory. Au eguar
questions carry n
Q.1. Answer the following questions briefly :
(a) What is true liberation in "The Secret of Work?
(b) What does Intellectual Rubbish stand for ?
(c) Differentiate between pain'
and 'pane.
(d) Make words using the prefixes -im, -en, -un, -im, ultra.
(e) Describe spring balance.
( What is lateral consonant?
Ans.(a) By continuous good thought and good deeds, good impressions will be madeon
subconscious mind. Then we are
inclined to do good deeds only. Thus, we will be able to control
sense-organs and build character. After attaining good character, we have to
aim for liberation,
full freedom. We mush
counter baddeeds with good deeds till no evil is left
in us. We must be
attached' doing good in this phase. Just as we remove athorn with another thorn, we have to

nullify impressions of bad deeds with good deeds. Then we have to detach ourselves from
deeds also to achieve total liberation. This is the idea of true
Our work should net affect our mind. When we work like
stranger to the land without
bonding ourselves to it. If we are able to work like that, we are working like masters. If we are
bound by our work, we are doing our work as slaves. We
have to work with love and without
attachment. We must not be selfish while working. Selfish work
is slave's work. Every act of
love brings happiness, peace and
blessedness. Real love makes us 'unattached'. We have to
look upon work as 'worship', dedicating the result of our work to God.

Ans.(b) Meaning of Intellectual Rubbish :

Although it is often said that man is a
rational animal, Russell finds hardly any evidence of human
rationality in the world. Russell find
cruelty, persecution, and superstition increasing by leaps and
bounds; and any one asserting that
human beings are rational will have to be dubbed as an
old foggy not aware of
the realities
Russell gives us an abundance of concrete
examples to prove his thesis in this
BTech 1Semester, Sobvedpopers, Dec -2018 35
He uses the phrase "intellectual nubbish" to describe all false beliefs, baseless opinions,
superstitions of various kinds, md a general obscurantist attitude. All this intellectual rubbish is
the consequence of an irational view ofthings. People follow certain beliefs, ideas, and customs
without inquiring into their validity. In actual fact, many of these beliefs and customs lead to evil
and suffering in the world.

Ans.(c)The noun pain refers to physical suffering or the feeling of discom fort or distress.
As a verb, pain means to cause hurt or distress.
The noun pane means a single piece, panel, or sheet (as of glass).
Some people have so much trouble coping with the pain of divorce that they turn to
drugs or alcohol.
George could be extremely annoying at times-a real pain in the neck.
The inspector stared at the pile of broken glass lying on the floor beneath the
broken pane

Ans.(d) i) Impossible
(ii) Unseen, Unable
(iv) Impure
)Ultrasound, Ultrasonic

Ans.(e) A spring scale or spring balance or newton meter is a type of

mechanical force gauge or weighing scale. It consists ofa spring fixed at one end with a hook to
attach an object at the other. It works by Hooke's Law, which states that the foree needed to
extend a spring is proportional to the distance that spring is extended fronm its rest position.
Therefore, the scale markings on the spring balance are equally spaced. A spring scale cannot

measure mass, only weight.

Uses: Main uses of spring balançes are to weigh heavy loads such as trucks, storage
Silos, and material carried on a conveyor belt. They are also common in science education as
o4SIC accelerators. They are used when the accuracy afforded by other types of scales can be

Sacrificedfor simplicity, cheapness, and robustness.

the force of grai
the weight of an object
by opposing vity
A Spring balance measures

acting with the force of an extended spring.

closure in the centro
lateral is produced by a stricture of complete
Ans.() Laterals: A
so that lateral
passage of air around the
of the vocal tract. The vocal tract is open at the sides

articulator is possible. For instance, the initial

consonant in look, let, left
and leaf is alateral
blocking the vocal centre
tract in the
The tip
ofthe tongue is raised towards the alveolar ridge,
Since air can
But air can pass freely along the sides since the sides of
the tongue are lowered.

pass continuously, the sound thus produced is a continual one;

i.e., there is no obstruction to the
passage of air.
There is also ardther variety of // in the production of which the tip of the tongue

touches the alveolar ridge, and simultaneously back ofthetongue is raised towards soft palate.

SDch an articulation imparts a special 'hue' to // which is called dard ' , to distinguish it from the

other l-sound called the clear l.

The final sound in fell is a dark I and the initial sound in late is a 'clear l'. Dark T is

denoted as [H and the clear 1 as [1.


Q.2.(a) Make sentences based on following verb patterns: (1x5=5)
) Sub+Verb+Gerund
(i) Sub+Verb+Direct Object

ii)Subject + object + infinitive

verb +

(iv) Subject+Verb+Subject Complement

(v) Verb +noun + to + infinitive

Ans. (i) I like swimming

(i) I know Him.

(iii) He advised us to work hard.

(iv) He is a teacher.

(v) She wanted the children to learn the piano.

B.Tech 1Semester, Solvedpapers, Dec-2018 37

Q.2.(b) Correct the following sentences (15-5)

() live in Delhi since 2004.
(i) I have received your letter yesterday.
(iii) The doctor saw my pulse.

(iv)I begged him a favour.

() I am looking forward to hear from you.
Ans. (i) I have been living in Delhi since 2004.

(i) I received your letter yesterday.

(i) The doctor felt my pulse.
(iv)I begged him to fovour.
() I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Q.2.(c) Do as directed: (1x5=5)

i) He died . cholera. (insert preposition)
(i) He is a fool. He is knave. (make compound)

ii) Honesty is . . best poliey. (insert article)

(iv) Three and three . four., (insert corect verb form)
(v) I, you ahd he will go (re-arrange pronouns)
Ans. (i) He died of cholera.
He is both a fool and a knave.
(ii) Honesty is the best policy.
iv) Three and three makes
(v) You, he and I will go.

of words to clarify their

Make sentences of the following pair
coarse/course, mansion/mention, rite/right.
accede/exceed, adapt/adept,

Word (Meaning)
He did not accede to my idea.
Accede (Agree)
150 words.
Exceed (Surpass)
The precis should not exceed


He has now learnt to adapt himself to the

Adapt (suit)
Adept (Expert) She is adept in painting.

Coarse (Rough) Poor men wear coarse clothes.

Course (way, line of action) I shall follow this course of action.

Mansion (Large and stately house) Who is the owner of that mansion ?
Mention (Refer to something/Someone): Didyou mention it to the police.

Rite (ceremony) This is a very old religious rite.

Right (Morally correct, acceptable) Thope l'm doing the right thing.


Q.4.(a) Supply One-word Substitutes:

) A
partner in crime
(ii) Absence of goverment
(iii)Fear of water
Civ) Lover of books
(v) Soldiers on horses
Ans. () Accomplice
(i) Anarchy
(Gi) Hydrophobia
iv) bibliophila
() Cavalry

Q.4.(b) Supply meanings of the following foreign words and make

(i) Ad-hoe
(ii) Alma-mater
(ii) Bona-fide
(iv) De facto
(v) Ex-gratia
BTech 1Semester,Solvedpapers,Dec -2018
Ans. (i) Ad hoc: Made for a particular reason
Some of the men in our neighborhood have formed an ad hoc safety patrol to deter


i) Alma mater: Mother institution where a person has been educated.

My mother wanted me to go to her alma mater, but I chose another school instead.

in) Bona fide: Regular, Genine. Sincere

fide doctor.
Because the man had lied about having a medical degree, he was not a bona

(iv) De facto: In regardless of actual status.


consider their thirty-year relationship

Although Jim and Sarah have never maried, they
to be a de facto marriage.

payment) done from a sense of moral obligation

() Ex-gratia : (with reference to

rather than because of any legal requirement.

Ex gratia payments were made to all those who had been affected by the spillage.

following idioms: (7.5)

Q.5.(a) Make sentences with the

( Dark horse,
(i) Break the ice,
(i) Run into,
(iv) Turn down,

Ans. ()
Idioms Dark horse
Aman ofhidden abilites.
Meaning :
local boy
to win the contest, our own
Sentence : While Dennis is the favourite
drak horse with his talent and skills.
Harris could turn out to be a

Tdioms Break the ice
become friends with someone.
To brcak silence, to attempt
break the ice and be friends with her
Sentence: After a gap ofyears he decided to
Tdioms Run into
Meaning To colide with something.
Sentence : I can't believe you ran into a side of a building with your car

ldioms Turn down
Mcaning : to reduce/lower the volume or temperature on a device,
to refuse an offer or request
Sentence The radio is too loud. Please turn down the volume.
She turned down the job offer because it didn't pay enough.

Idioms :Watch out
Meaningused to warn someone of danger or an accident that seems likelyto happen
Sentence : Watch out!" he shouted, but it was too late - she had
knocked the whole
tray of drinksonto the floor

Q.5.(b) Change into passive voice :
(i) I am writing a letter.

(i) Thank you.

(i) Who is asking you for fine?
(iv) They have finished it.
(v) The hot sun is scorching these tender leaves.
Ans. (i) A letter is being written by me.

(i) Let you be thanked.

(i) By whom are you being asked for fine.

(iv)It has been finished by them.

(v) These tender leaves are being scorched by the hot sun.
RToch 1"Semester Solvedpapers, Dec 2018

Q.6. Write short notes on any two (7.52-15

(a) Pure Vowels
b) Nansal Consonants
(c) IPA symbols
Ans. (a) Pure Vowels: Vowels in the production of which thetongue assumes a

English has twelve pure vowels or

called monophthongs or pure vowels.
constant position are

monophthongs which are given in the chart

id full fool
America girl short
cut Cart got

of articulation which we used for consonants

Articulatory terms like place and manner
vowels. Instead, terms like front, back, central
do not help us give an accurate description ofthe
It is
(with respect to tongue position), rounded unrounded will be used for their description.
of these vowels on a quadrilateral diagram as
a convention to show the relative tongue position
back and the
shows three tongue positions- front,.centre and

shown in Figure. The diagram

between the tongue and the hard palate close,

relative opening in the oral cavity,

discussed abave, the notion of vowel
and In addition to the three-term labels
half-open open.
account to describe' vowels accurately.
length also has to be taken into
of these vowels can be described by comparing
The height of the tongue in the production
them with the primary cardinal vowels.
For instance, in the description of/i:/, we can say
vowel [i] and so on (see the diagram above).
the tongue goes as high as primary cardinal
Close u

Half Close

Half Open
Ans.(b)Nasals: Sounds produced with the velum lowered and with airescaping through
the nasal cavity alone are referred to as nasals. In this case air does not pass out through the
oral passage. A nasal is a type ofconsonant which, like a stop/plosive, is produced with a stricture

of complete closure, but unlike a stop/plosive it has no simultaneous velic closure (i.e. the soft
palate is lowered during the production of nasals). Thus, the air stream escapes freely through
the nose. The medial sounds in summer sinner and singer represented by the spellings mm, nn

and ng are all nasal consonants. Nasal sounds are typically voiced in most human languages.
The voiced bilabial nasal sound found at the initial position in words like moon, mask.
most, etc. is transcribed as /m/. It is produced when there is complete closure between the lips
and the air escapes through the nasal cavity.
The initial sound found in words like net, nose, new and nest are transcribed as /n/. It is

a voiced alveolar nasal sound produced by making complete closure in the mouth between the tip
of the tongue and the alveolar ridge. The soft palate is raised and the air passes out through the

nose without any obstruction.

The final sound found in words like sing, bring and king is a voiced velar nasal and is
transcribed as /nl. It is produced by making a complete closure between the back of the tongue
and the soft palate. The soft palate is lowered to allow free pasasge of air through the nose.

Ans.(c) IPA: The Internationalphonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a system for writing down
sounds. It wás created by the international phoneti association in 1886, so that people could
write down sounds of language in a standard way. Linguists, language teachers and translators
use it to write words and phonemes.Wikipediaalso uses the IPA to show how certain words are
meant to be spoken. Most symbols are letters in the Latin alphabet, or variations ofit, for example
the palatal approxipate (the y in yesterday) is written with i]. In IPA symbols cah be written
between slashes (broad transcription, e.g. "litle"can be written as/litl) or in square brackets
(narrow transcription, e.g. "itte" can be written [lirt]).
Narrow translation is more precise than brod. The IPA has symbols only for sounds
that are used normally is spoken languages


0.6. Draw a diagram of Speech Mechanism and mark all speech

Ans. Speech Organs: We have a large and complex set
of.muscles can that produce
changes in the shape of the vocal ract, and in order to learn how the sounds of speech arc
RTech 1" Semeste, Solved papers, Dec 2018 43

aroduced it is necessary to become familiar with different parts of the vocal tract. These diirerent

narts are called articulators, and their study is called

articulatory phonetics.
Following is a diagram that is used frequently in the study of phonetics. It represents the
human head. seen tron the side, displayed as though it had been cut in half. You will need to look
at it carefuly as the articulators are described, and you will often find it useful to have a mirror,

and a good light placed so that you can look at the inside of your mouth.
() The pharynx is a tube which begins just above the larynx. It is about 8 cm in men
and at its top end it is diverted into two, one part being the back ofthe mouth and the other beings

the beginning of the way through the nasal cavity. If you look in your mirror with your mouth
open, you can see the back of the pharynx.

Nose /Upper
teethAlveolar hard soft palate
ridge palate \/(velum)
Upper lip
Lower lip-¬ tongue
Lower teeth

Fig(1): TheArticulators

ii) The velum or soft palate is seen in the diagram in a position that allows air to pass

the mouth. Yours is probably in that position now, but other in

through the nose and through
other important think about the
speech it is raised so that air cannot escape through the nose. The
velum is that it is one of the articulators that can be touched by the tongue. When we make the
Sounds k and g the tongue is in contact with the lower side ofthe velum, and we call them velar


tront back


Fig(2): Sub-divisions ofthe

(n) The hard palate is often called the "roof of the mouth". You can feel its smooth

curved surface with your tongue.

'Can feel
() The alveolar ridge is between the top front teeth and the hard palate. You
its shape with your tongue. Its surface is really much rougher than it feels, and is covered with

ittle ridges. You can only-see-these if you have a mirror small enough to go inside your mouth

(such as those used by dentists). Sounds made with the tongue touching here (such as t and d)

are called alveolar.

() The tongue is, of course, a very important articular and it can be moved into many

different places and different shapes. It is usual to divide the tongue into different parts, though
there are no clear dividing lines within the tongue. Fig(2) below shows the tongue on a large
scale with these parts shown: tip, blade, front, back and root. (This use ofthe word "front" often

seems rather strange at first.)

(iv) The teeth (upper and lower) are usually shown in diagrams
like Fig. 3.I only at the
front ofthe mouth, immediately behind the lips. This is for the sake of a simple diagram, and you
should remember that most speakers have teeth to the sides oftheir mouths, back almost to the
soft palate. The tongue is in contact with the upper side teeth for many speech sounds. Sounds

made with the tongue touching the front teeth are called dental.
(vi) The lips are important in speech. They can he pressed together (when we produce
the sounds p, b), brought into contact with the teeth (as in f, v) or rounded to produce the lip-
shape for vowels like i: Sounds in which the lips are in contact with each other are called bilabial,
while those with lip-to-teeth contact are called labiodental.

Q.7. Define Diphthogs. Why are they called gliding vowels ? List all

diphthongs. (15)
Ans. Diphthongs: It is possible for thetongue to change its position during the production
of certain vewels. This change in position also brings about a change in the quality ofa vowel.
The movement of the tongue from one position to another position is so gradual and smooth that
it may be called a glide. Vowels produced as a result of such a glide are called diphthongs.
Diphthongs are vowels during the articulation of which the tongue starts at the
DOsition of one vowel and then moves in the direction of the position of another vowel,
within the same syllable.
Diphthongs should not be confused with sequences of monophohongs or pure vowels.
For example, the vowels in seeing are a sequence of two monophthongs/ i: and /l/ and the
Rech 1Semesten Sobedpapers, Dec-2018 45

middle sound in seer is a diphthong. The monophthong is see (of seeing) is followed by another
monophthong in the suffix-ing. The diphthong occurs within one syllable, while the sequence of

monophthongs is spread over two syllables.

In English, there are eight diphthongs. Three ofthem are centring and three close, while

two of them close at the back, as shown in the table below

Closing (la front) Closing (at back) Centring


Q.8. Develope a paragraph on a typical day of a sister of charity commenting on

four vows taken by the missionaries. (15)

Ans. In Mother Teresa House, the day begins at 4:30 A. m. The nuns assemble and
pray and meditate for two hours. Then they go to work. Firstly they wash all the dirty linen
brought from for the Dying, Sushú Bhavan, the Slum Schools, leprosaria ete. Then they have a
quick breakfast. Soon they go to their places ofduty with supplies ofpowdered milk and medicines.
They return in the evening. They have an early supper. Then they pray again and meditate and
go to bed in their dormitories by 10:00 p.m.

Q.9. Write an essay on Swami Vivekananda's idea of work and its nature. (15)
Ans. Idea of work : Man has to change his character and become pure. He has to be
educated and become spiritually strong to get relieffrom the miseries ofthe world. The Bhagavad-
Gita says that we must all work incessantly. The nature of work is such that every work must

necessarily be a combination ofgood and evil. Good and evil actions will have their consequences.
Good actions bring good and bad actions lead to bad. We have to work continuously without any
attachments. By continuous good thought and good deeds, good impressions will be made on
subconscious mind. Then we are inclined to do good deeds only. Thus, we will be able to control

Our sense-organs and build character.

Our work shou not affect our mind. When we work like stranger to the land with

bonding ourselves to it, If we nre able to work like that, we are working like masters. If wC are

bound by our work, we are doing our work as slaves. We have to work with love and withou

attachment. We must not be selfish while working, Selfish work is slave's WÑrk. Every äct of

ove brings happiness, peace and blessedness. Renl love makes us 'unattached'. We have to

look upon work as 'worship", dedicating the result of our work to God.

NAture of work The Bhagavad-Gita,says that we must all work incessantly. The
ofwork is such that every work must necessarily be a combination of good and evil. Good
and evil actions will have their
consequences. Good actions bring good and bad actions lead to
bad. We have to work continuously without any attachments. Then
only, our soul can be free of
bondage. Every work we do leaves an impression on the subconscious
region of the mind. The
sum total of such impressions makes our character. We have do good work without expecting
result to build a good character.


Q.9. Write an
application to the Director of your institute/college seeking
permission and requesting to organize an educational trip of
Ans. To

The Director

ABC College

Subject: Request to organize an educational trip

Respected Sir,
We the students of senior classes would like to
request you to
organize an educational
trip to Jaipur. Such an educational trip would help us in
imparting knowledge about history, like
Jaipur, the pink city is known for its majestic
past and splendid
places. This cducational trip
would help us deepen our knowledge and that it is
also related to a
current lesson in our social
Rlech "Senmester Solvedaers,Dec 2018
before final examinations. Hope that you will
studies subject. We are looking forward to this trip
with you kind consideration.
give us such opportunity
Your's faithfully,



Dec 2019
P'aper Code: HSMC-ENG-101-G

Note : 4rtempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each
Question No. 1 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks. Section.

a) Use the following foreign words in sentences of your own

in memorium, via
Ans. n memorium: In memory of(a dead person) -The film was made in memorium
of his father.

Via: by way of- She flew to Los Angles via Chicago.

by means of-I will let her know via one of our friends.

Q.1.(b)Give one word substitutes (2.5

Study of human mind, a word no longer in use
Ans. Study of human mind: Psychology
A word no longer in use: Obsolete
Q.1.(c) What are
monopthongs ? Give example. (2.5)
Ans. Vowels in the
production of which the tongue assumes
a single constant position
are called
monophthongs or pure vowels. English ha_ twelve pure vowels or monophthongs
which are given in the chart below

read rid full fool
lel al
set America girl short
cat cut Cart

Q.1.(d) Justify the title 'An outline of intellectual Rubbish' by Bertrand

Ans. Rusell means by intellectual rubbish is that peoples follow false
belief, superstitions
and baseless opinions without inquiring their validity.

the folloing sentences:

Q.1.e) Correct
One should respect this parents.

He works on less salary:

Ans. One should respect one's parents.
RTech "Semester Solved papers. Dec-2019 49
He works on small salary.

Q.1.0 Transcribe : book, paper, their. (2.5)

Book buk
Paper peipar
Thief (0i:f

Q.2.(a) Rewrite the following sentences after correcting the agreement errors.

) I t was worth ten and halfrupees.

(i) He goes to Delhi often.
(ii) He asked me where was I going.

iv)My friend who lives with his aunt come to meet daily.
Three miles are not a long distance.
Ans. i) It was worth ten and a half rupees.

i) He often goes to Delhi.

ii) He asked me where I was going.

(iv) My friend who lives with his aunt comes to

meet daily.

(v) Three miles is not a distance

longB C1fO ON

Make sentences for the given verb patterns (5)

i) S+V
(i) S+V +C
Cii)S+ V +0
(v) S + V+0 +0
Ans. (i) Geeta sings.

i) Ramesh runs fast.

(ii) She helped me.

(iv) They made him captain.

(v) She gave me a pen.

by verb patterns ? Describe any five verb pattern in

Q.3. What do you mean

dctail giving two example of each. (15)

Verbs patterns refer to what follows a verb.
Ans. Verb patterns :

Sometimes in a sentence, one verb follows another. For example, I want
to buy an
car. The first verb
is 'want', the second verb is 'buy
n sentences like this, there are different possible patterns. For example:

(A) I want to buy an electric car.

(B) I hate driving.
n sentence A, the first verb is followed by an infinitive.
n sentence B, the first verb is followed by a gerund (-ing) form.
The verb
of pattern.
patterns are dependent upon the first verb. There are al
several different types

Pattern 1: Subject + Verb

The subject is followed by an intransitive verb, which expresses complete sene
Sr. No. Subject ense.
1. Birds
Fire burns
3. The moon is shining

Pattern 2:
Subject+Verb be'+ complement (noun pronoun/ adjective/
Sr. No.Subject adverbial)
Verb 'be
(Subject) Complement
They are
His fatherl is a soldier.
It IS I (me)
Pattern 3:Subject+ Verb +direct object
Sr. No.
Subject Verb Direct
bought a car
2 We eat rice
3. ho (noun)
broke the jug?
Pattern 4: Subject + Verb + indirect object
Sr. No.Subject Verb +direct object
Indirect Object
. lent
Direct Object
2. Mr Sharma
teaches us my bicycle.
3 They showed her chemistry.
no sympathy.
Pattern 5: Subject +Verb +Object +Object complement.
Sr. No. Subject Verb
1. Mr Verma bject Object Complement
named his son
2. The teacher
appointed Archit Alok (noun)
monitor of the class
papers, Dec-2019
RTech 1" Semester, Solved 51
The doctor declared the patient dead. (adjective).
+ Verb + Preposition +Object
Pattern 6: Subject
Sr. No.Subject Verb Preposition Object
1. belong to
2. Many students| were playing at chess.
with her friends.|
3. She came
words in sentences of your own. (10)
Q.4.(a) Use the following foreign bonafide.
alma mater, viva voce, alumini, in camera,

The school, where you studied.

college or university
Ans. Alma mater :
- Former students are asked to donate money to their alma mater.

Viva voce : Oral examination, typically for an academic qualification.

- Candidates may be called for a viva voce.

Alumini : Former student of a specific school, college or university.

- Several alumini have agreed to help raise money.

In camera : In private, without the public, secretly.

- The trial was held in camera because the accused was only 14 years old.

Bonafide Gentine, Peal TK

- She was a bonafide expert.

Q.4.(b) Change the voice

(i) Close the window.
street dogs.
(i) He was chasing the
for fine ?
(iii) Who is asking you
finished it.
(iv) They have
well managed party on my birthday.
(v) She arranged a
Ans. (i) Let the window be closed.

(ii) The street dogs were being chased by him.

(ii) By whom are you being asked for fine.

(iv)It has been finished by them.

was a ranged by her on my birthday.

(v) A well maneged party

substitutes :
Write one word
Q.5.(a) everywhere
(i) One who is present

(i) One who loves one's own country

(ii) One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure
(iv) A government by king or queen.
(v) A specech made to oneself.
(i) One who is present everywhere: Omnipresent

(i) One who loves one's own country: Patriot

i) One who isindifferentto pain and pleasure: Stoic

(iv) A government by king or queen: Monarchy

(v) A speech made to oneself: Soliloquy

Q.5.(b) Use the following idioms in sentences of your own

) an axe to grind,
i) icing on the cake,
ii) crocodile tears
iv) by hook or crook
(v) see eye for eye,
ldiom :an axeto grind.
Meaning : havea private orselfish reason for doing something.
Sentence: He should not become the chairman of the committee as he has too man
axes of his own to grind.
(ii) Idiom: Icing on the cake
Meaning:an additional benefit to an already good thing.
Sentence: Everyone expected him to do well in the exams. Getting first rank was the
icing on the cake.

Meaning: fake cry, fake tears of regret
Sentence: When my daughter does not get whatshe wants she cries crocodile teas
It works every time.

(iv) Idiom: by hook or by crook.

Meaning : In any way possible.
Sentence:I will pass this course by hook or by crook.

(v) Idiom see eye for eye

Meaning: to agree with someone about something.
Sentence: The ruling party and the opposition don't see eye
to eye on hings.
most thir
RTech 1 Semester Solvedpapers, Dec -2019 53

Q.6. Transcribe the following words (15)

father glass
pull furniture
village mountain
dish pencil
eye thin
machine flower
door number
Father fa:dor
Pull :pul
Village l'vilidz
Dish ldil
Eye la
Machine : me'Ji:n
Door :do:r
Hand hænd
Glass :glæs
Furniture f:rntfor
Mountain: mauntn
Pencil pens BLICATTON
Thin n
Flower | flauer|
Number: l'namberi

Q.7. Define the following: (5x3=15)

Phoneme, syllable, vowel sounds
Ans. Phonemes in Phonetics: The phoneme is defined by the International Phonetic
Association as "the smallest segmental unit of sound employed to form meaningful contrasts
between utterances."
A phoneme is minimal, distinctive sound unit of a language. The phoneme cannot be
subdivided but a nere change in phoneme changes the word meaning completely. Phoneme vary
from language to language. The phonetic symbols are enclosed with in slant lines /. The minimal
pair test is the surest test to find out iftwo sounds belong to the same as two different phonemes.
If several sounds belongs to a phoneme they are called allophones of that phoneme.

Syllables in Phonetics: Words that constitute a speech are made up of "units of

Sounds". These units of sound are called syllable. One or more phonemes make a syllable.
Therefore a syllable is a higher unit than phoneme. Asyllable contains a vowel and a consonant.
One or more
than llable from a word. In a word which has more tha
one sylla han one
is one
syllable syllable, t
syllable is more
promine than the other. For example,
prominent. The understanding of the
easier for the
Pencil,sheathe there
place/put accent in
word. a aker t
the case of most of words into syllables: A word consists of one or more than «one syllables
words, it should be comparatively easy to point out how many syllables a
has. For
example, it is not difficult to identify the syllables in the Englsh words rat. ned
umanist, degenerate, electricity and characterization, and say that, they contain
three, four,five and six one, ttwo,
transcripton are: syllables, spectively. The pronunciations of these
se words in
rætl, /n-di:m/,/hju:-ma-nist/, Idi-dze-na-reit/,
i-lek-tri-si-t1/, /kæ-rik-t3-rar-zei-fon/.
The structure of the English syllable: Recent work in phonology
more refined
analysis of the syllable in which the vowel and the coda makes use of rather
as the
rhyme; ifyou think of rhyming English verse (if there is one) are know
you will see that this works by
that part of the last
syllable of aline. The rhyme is divided into the peak matching just
the coda (but note that this is (normally the vowel) and
option: the rhyme may have no coda, as in a word like
we have seen, the
syllable may also have an onset, but this is not 'me'). A
the following: obligatory. The structure is thu



Onset Peak Coda

Vowel sound : In phonetics, a vowels is
ah! [a:] r oh! [O v], a sound in spoken language, such as Englist
pronounced with an vocalopen tract
so that there
pressureat any point above the glottis. A vowel is also understood is no build-up of ar
to be syllabic : an
open but non-syllabic sound is called a semivowel. equivalen
In all language, vowels form the nucleus or
peak of syllables, whereas consonants
onset and coda. However, some languages also
allow other sounds to form tn
syllable, such as the syllabic in the Engliah word table the nucleus O1
the Latin word vocal is, meaning "speaking" because [ter:bl]. The word vowel comes fro"
in most
are not possible without vowels. In
English, the word vowel is
languages words and thus spetu
vowel sounds and the written symbols that represent commonly used to mean bo
Vowels in the production of which the front
are called front vowels. of the tongue is direction of the hard palalate

Pure Vovvels : A vowels is pure vowel if its quality r

does not change. There are
R ech
1" Semester, Solved papers, Dec-2019 55

Impurement Vowels : When two vowels are combined to produce a signal vowel sound
their 8 impure vowels.

Q.8. Throw some light on "The secret of work' by Swami Vivekananda. (15)
Ans. Swami Vivekananda is one of the greatest philosophers of India. In his essay, "The

Secnet of Work' he opines that miseries of the world cannot be cured by mundane (worldly)

things. Our needs in this world are unlimited and until man's character changes, one's physical
needs will always arise, and miseries will always be felt. No amount of physical help or worldly

to this problem
Help will remove them completely. The only solution that Vivekananda suggests
in their hand. One should
is, to make mankind pure. He suggests that mankind should have light'
in other thing he
be spiritually strong and educated. A spiritually strong man will be strong every

wishes. Then only miseries of the world will come to an end. If wecan do this, he says that we

may even convert every house into a charitable asylum.

Q.9. Write a letter to the Vice-chancellor of your university giving a suggestion

to start sports club for. the students of B. Tech. (15)

Ans. 21 October 2020 31..
Vice Chancellor

A.B.C. college ofengineering

Kandivali West

Mumbai 400067.

SubjectSuggestionofarranging a sports club.

Respected Ma'am,
1, Student ofc.S.E. 3rd Sem is writing this letter for a small suggestion of arranging a

sports club in the college.

As an enthusiastic sports active participant. I find it a necessity that there should be a

to learn and grow tactics skills we have and

seperate platform for sports lovers like me new

Share them and motivate other students. As spots is an important activity in education. A popular
Saying. "All work and no play makes jack a dull boy". Sports club would be a source of n
for everyone.
you'llagreewith my suggestion, I would be much obligedif you grant nmy wish
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,


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