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Title : Used Water SES3 Excavation, Backfilling and Restoration Rev.

Doc Code : MWC-PDG-ENGD-2016-USES-3 Page i of iv

Revision/ TSCN Number/
Originator Details of Changes
Effective Date Addendum #
00 N/A Originate
Nov 2012
00 TSCN-2016-0006 PGEnriquez Change in Document Reference Number
24 Jan 2017 ADD-2016-0008 3.1 Additional provision showing list of references used
all throughout this document.
3.2.2 Additional provision to conduct information
gathering prior to excavation in terms of determining
locations of existing installations.
3.2.5 Rephrased provision and includes other options
on types of excavation.
3.2.6 Additional provision specifying limits on maximum
slope allowed on sloping excavation.
3.2.7 Additional provision on the use of lean concrete.
3.2.10 Rephrased to improve quality of this document.
3.3.3 Mentioned reference section “Trees”.
3.3.4 Rephrased “in a satisfactory manner" to "to an
approved location".
Previous 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 This was removed and an
updated tabulation was inserted to the new section
3.5.1 showing pipe size, minimum cover, minimum
trench width and bedding.
3.5.1 Additional provision on clearances for normal/
rock excavation as well as extra clearances required for
3.5.2 Additional provision on updated trench widths.
3.5.4 Additional provision for imposing compliance to
the minimum width of trenches and allowing smaller
widths upon approval of MWC.
3.5.5 Additional provision in terms of guidance on the
placement of temporary spoil materials.
3.5.6 Additional provision on allowing wider trench
3.5.7 Additional provision in providing guidance for
entry and exit of workers on trenches.
Previous 3.4.5 Deleted due to redundancy.
3.5.8 Additional provision on excavation limits.
3.5.9 Additional provision on safe access to public
3.5.10 Additional provision to mention referenced SES
discussing dewatering on trenches.
3.7.1 Replaced provision with the one mentioning
SES08 Roadworks to avoid redundancy.

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Title : Used Water SES3 Excavation, Backfilling and Restoration Rev. 00
Doc Code : MWC-PDG-ENGD-2016-USES-3 Page ii of iv

3.7.2 The length of open trench was changed based on

DPWH requirement. The provision was rephrased and
details were added for improvement.
3.7.3 Additional provision mentioning referenced SES
discussing standard distances to existing utilities.
Previous 3.8 Removed. Contents of this provision was
distributed to other subsections.
3.8.1 Detail contents of this provision were deleted.
Instead, a reference SES containing the required details
was provided to avoid redundancy.
3.8.4 Additional provision imposing Contractor’s
responsibility in relaying turf.
3.9.1 Replaced with references SES02 Materials to avoid
3.11.2 Removed grout class G4.
3.12.4 and 3.12.5 Additional provision for MWSS and
DPWH compliance.
3.12.10 Added reference standard “Concrete Reservoir
3.12.12 Transferred provision from previous section 3.8.
3.13.1 Changes were made to scarification depth,
maximum lift of fill, and percent compaction of
maximum density.
3.13.2 Additional provision for protection of structure
from excessive loading and safety of workers.
3.13.3 Additional provision on density test above
3.14 Removed the term "maintainable" and inserted
the word "roads".
3.14.1 Deleted the phrase "streets, which are
maintainable highways" and replaced with roads/
highways. Inserted the word "latest". Provided
additional details on other reference.
3.14.2 Additional provision on the minimum thickness
requirement for base course and subbase course.
3.14.3 Additional provision on the use of CTB (cement
treated base) for pavement restoration.
3.14.4 Provided additional details such as minimum
thickness of pavement for local and national roads.
3.14.5 Additional provision on minimum thickness of
asphalt pavement.
3.14.6 Replaced 5-day curing to 3-day curing for major
roads. Added the days required to achieve 24MPa
strength and the referenced DPWH document.
3.14.7 Rephrased to impose the use of epoxy as
alternative of tie bars or as required by DPWH, indicate
the referenced DPWH Department Order and
referenced ASTM/ AASHTO.
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Title : Used Water SES3 Excavation, Backfilling and Restoration Rev. 00
Doc Code : MWC-PDG-ENGD-2016-USES-3 Page iii of iv

3.14.14 Added the use of steel plates to carry traffic.

Previous 3.15 Removed and was merged with section
3.15.Removed and merged with section 3.14.
3.16 Additional details were provided as required by
3.17.7 Additional phrase for paragraph completion.
3.17.1-5 Additional provision about providing guidance
on the installation of new land drains.
3.18.1 Philippine Bureau of Mines was replaced by its
new name "Mines and Geosciences Bureau". Mine
Safety Rules and Regulations was replaced by its
updated tile which is "Mines Safety and Health
3.19.1 Rephrased to give emphasis on reinstating walls,
fences and hedges to their original forms and only
allowing reinstatement to a similar type if mentioned in
the contract.
3.20.1 Inserted the word "latest".
3.20.2 Came from the deleted and previous section 7
and transferred to this section.
3.23.2 Additional provision on the disposal of spoil
3.24.2 Additional option on the frequency of testing on
a per square meter basis.
3.25.2 Additional provision to provide guidelines on the
full contact installation of excavation support system
based on OSHA-2226-10R 2015 "Trenching and
Excavation Safety".
3.25.3 Additional details on the methodology of
sheeting and bracing removal.
3.25.5 Additional provision to provide a basis on
whether there is a need to provide sheeting and bracing
for a particular situation.
3.30.1 Change MWC to "The Contractor".
3.30.2 Transferred from previous section 3.7
3.31.1 and 3.31.2 Additional MWSS provision.
Old 3.31 and 3.32 Removed to avoid confusion and
redundancy with section 3.12.
3.32 Deleted the portion "Timbering or sheeting shall
be withdrawn progressively as filling proceeds where
practicable to ensure that no voids are left in the
3.32.3 Added "and/or flooded". Replaced value of 300
and 200 by 150 and 150 respectively.
3.33 First bullet: Change "Well-compacted" to Machine-
compacted. Changed compaction thickness from
"200mm" to 150mm. Added the option to allow an
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Title : Used Water SES3 Excavation, Backfilling and Restoration Rev. 00
Doc Code : MWC-PDG-ENGD-2016-USES-3 Page iv of iv

increase in compaction lift if it can reach the required

maximum dry density. Replaced Test 13 and 15 of BS
1377 with AASHTO T99 method C or ASTM D698 to be
consistent with references used. Tests are conducted
per layer per 150m of trench.
3.33 Second bullet: Replaced Test 13 and 15 of BS 1377
with AASHTO T99 method C or ASTM D698 to be
consistent with references used. Tests are conducted
per layer per 150m of trench.
3.33 Third bullet: Removed and replaced with a new
provision discussing standards of compaction including

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Title : Used Water SES3 Excavation, Backfilling and Restoration Rev. 00
Doc Code : MWC-PDG-ENGD-2016-USES-3 Page 1 of 20


3.1 The references used all throughout this document together with their complete descriptions are
the following:

1. OSHA-2226-10R 2015 –Trenching and Excavation Safety

2. DPWH D.O. 26 Series of 2011 – DPWH Department Order Number 26 Series of 2011 “Policy
on Diggings/ Excavations by Private and Public Utilities on National Roads
3. DPWH D.O. 30 Series of 2005 – DPWH Department Order Number 30 Series of 2005 “DPWH
Standard Specifications of Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete”
4. DPWH Standard Specification - Department of Public Works and Highways, Standard
Specifications for Highways, Bridges and Airports, Vol. II, latest Edition
5. DPWH D.O. 22 Series of 2011 – DPWH Department Order Number 22 Series of 2011
“Minimum Pavement Thickness and Width of National Roads”
6. Presidential Decree No. 705 – Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines
7. DENR Administrative Order No. 52 series of 2004 – The Revised Guidelines in the Issuance of
Cutting/ Harvesting Permits in Private Titled Lands
8. DENR Administrative Order No. 21 series of 2000 – Revised Guidelines in the Issuance of
Private Land Timber Permit/ Special Private Land Timber Permit (PLTP/ SPLTP)
9. DENR Memorandum Order No. 02 series of 2012 – Uniform Replacement Ratio for Cut or
Relocated Trees


1. The Contractor shall carry out its operation in such a manner as to avoid damage to existing
adjacent or underground structures, or deterioration of the Final Surfaces of excavation.

2. To avoid hitting underground utility lines and drainage, the Contractor shall coordinate with
the utility companies (electric, telecommunications, drainage, etc.), DPWH or owners
involved to locate their installations. If exact location of the said utilities cannot be provided
due to inaccurate information or having no information at all, the Contractor must proceed
with the excavation with caution as approved by MWC. Any damage/s on the existing
underground utility lines and drainage is the sole responsibility of the Contractor.

3. If the Contractor encounters ground in the Final Surface which he considers unsuitable, or if
the Final Surface is damaged or allowed to deteriorate, MWC shall be promptly informed.
The unsuitable ground or damaged surfaces shall be excavated and then filled to formation
level with the material as indicated in the Contract Specific Specification or as approved by

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Title : Used Water SES3 Excavation, Backfilling and Restoration Rev. 00
Doc Code : MWC-PDG-ENGD-2016-USES-3 Page 2 of 20

MWC. Any voids, which result from over excavation, shall be refilled with the material as
indicated in the Contract Specific Specification or as approved by MWC.

4. The Contractor shall carry out its excavation work with all necessary precautions and put in
place adequate support at the side faces of excavation, or employ any appropriate measures
to ensure the safety and stability, and avoid the weakening or damage to the foundations of
existing adjacent structures.

5. The sides of the excavation shall be vertical/ sloping/ bench type depending on the working
space limitation, depth of excavation, soil type and cost implication to be approved by MWC
prior to its implementation and shall be adequately supported at all times. Any slippage of
faces of excavation, which causes the weakening of foundation or support for existing or
proposed pipelines, structures or roadways, shall be stabilized and made good.

6. When sloping excavation is allowed for any type of soil, the sides of the excavation must
have an angle not steeper than 1-1/2 horizontal and 1 vertical (based on OSHA-2226-10R-

7. The limit for depths of excavation for structures shall not be greater than that mentioned in
subsection 3.5.8 or 50mm underneath the bottom of structures using lean concrete. Based
on ACI 325.3R-85, lean concrete shall have slumps that vary from 25mm to 75mm,
compressive strength ranging from 5.2MPa to 10.4MPa at 28 days and desirable cement
ranging from 119kg/m3 to 208kg/m3. The use of lean concrete in MWC structures shall be as
dictated by MWC engineer.

8. The Contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of all unsuitable and surplus excavated
material off the Site but no excavated material suitable for re-use in the Work shall be
removed from the Site except on the direction, or with the permission, of MWC. The
Contractor shall remove from the site and dispose of all excess excavated material at its own
expense. The location of the spoil disposal area shall meet all legal requirements for such
sites. MWC, at its discretion, may identify an area within the project site, which may be
used for spoil disposal. The Contractor may then use the on-site area for disposal, but it
shall trim and grade the on-site spoil area to meet the requirements of MWC at no extra

9. Excavation for structures shall progress in uniform horizontal layers, with extreme caution
exercised as the face of the excavation approaches the line and grade of the foundation
base shown on the Drawings. MWC shall be notified promptly if rock is encountered or
when the excavation is within 500mm of the final cut surface or foundation elevation.
Excavation equipment shall be of a size and type suitable for carrying out the work as
specified. During final excavation to subgrade level, the Contractor shall take whatever
precautions are necessary to prevent disturbance and remolding of the subgrade. In load
bearing soil (i.e. soil under structures, pipelines and roadways), final excavation to subgrade
shall be by hand or by using lightweight machines with smooth edge buckets.

10. Adverse weather conditions shall not be automatically a basis of claim for delay or extra
payments. It is expressly understood that the Site is located in an area subject to periods of

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Title : Used Water SES3 Excavation, Backfilling and Restoration Rev. 00
Doc Code : MWC-PDG-ENGD-2016-USES-3 Page 3 of 20

heavy tropical rainfall. The Contractor shall schedule its earthwork taking account the heavy
rainfall and the wet season period of the year.


1. Clearing and grubbing shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the
DPWH Standard Specification, Item 100.

2. Clearing and grubbing refers to brush, roots, stumps, vegetations, pavements, sidewalks and
surface obstructions of any kind that lies within the actual areas to be excavated and are
required to be temporarily or permanently removed.

3. No trees shall be felled, destroyed or interfered with by the Contractor without the approval
of MWC. Refer to section 3.16 “Trees”.

4. Except for those materials or structures that are to be temporarily removed and later
restored to their original state, all debris, refuse, vegetation and demolished materials shall
be entirely removed from the site and disposed of by the Contractor to an approved

5. Materials and structures temporarily removed for later re-instatement and restoration shall
be properly stored and protected.


1. The Contractor shall excavate test pits, which shall be limited in size sufficient to fulfill their
purpose. In addition the Contractor shall excavate in advance sufficient test pits to
determine exact location of, and to avoid damage to existing underground structures and
utilities so that progress of excavation work will not be delayed. Test pits shall be conducted
when needed or when ordered by MWC.

2. Test pits shall be backfilled and restored within 48 hours from excavation. Failure of the
contractor to backfill and/or temporarily restore said test pits will compel MWC to
undertake the works and back charge the costs to the Contractor.

3. Test pits that will be re-excavated shall be temporarily restored with 50mm thick asphalt,
otherwise, it shall be restored with the same type of pavement as the existing.


1. Trenches for sewer pipes shall be excavated to provide a minimum clearance of 150 mm
around the exterior of pipe barrels. When dealing with trenches on rock, pipe shall not
come closer than 100mm to the exterior of all pipes. At pipe joints, sufficient clearance as
approved by MWC engineer must be allowed between the edge of joint and the side of
trench in order to connect the joint.

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Doc Code : MWC-PDG-ENGD-2016-USES-3 Page 4 of 20

2. For trench excavation, minimum trench widths shall be as follows:

Nominal Pipe Minimum Cover Trench Width Bedding
Trench Width
Size (mm) (m) on Pavement (m)
100 1.50* 0.40 0.70 100+D/4
150 1.50* 0.45 0.75 100+D/4
200 1.50 0.50 0.80 150+D/4
250 1.50 0.55 0.85 150+D/4
300 1.50 0.60 0.90 150+D/4
375 1.50 0.675 0.975 150+D/4
450 1.50 0.75 1.05 150+D/4
525 1.50 0.825 1.125 150+D/4
600 2.00 0.90 1.20 150+D/4
675 2.00 0.975 1.275 200+D/4
825 2.00 1.125 1.425 200+D/4
900 2.00 1.20 1.50 200+D/4
1000-larger 2.00 D+0.30 D+0.60 200+D/4
*1.00m cover may be allowed for pipes not subject to H-loadings.

3. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum slope of sewer line installations for different pipe
sizes shall be as follows:
Pipe Size (mm) Minimum Slope
200 0.0033
250 0.0025
300 0.0019
375 0.0016
450 0.0012
525 0.0010
600 0.0008
675 0.0008
825 0.0008
900 0.0008
1050 0.0008

4. Excavation shall not be less than the minimum width herewith specified without the
approval of MWC.

5. Temporary spoil must be placed no closer than 2 ft. (0.61m) from the surface edge of the
excavation, measured from the nearest base of the spoil to the cut.

6. A wider trench width maybe allowed as approved by MWC engineer if there’s a need to
provide more space for shoring protection, sloping excavation and bench type excavation.

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7. Trenches deeper than 4 ft. (1.2m) shall have a means of entry and exit and be provided by
the use of ladders, steps, ramps or other safe means. Ladders should extend above
excavation by at least 3 ft. (0.9m) and be located within 25 ft. (7.6m) of workers. This is
based on OSHA-2226-10R 2015.

8. The width and length of area to be excavated for the installation of chambers, special or any
other structures shall not exceed the maximum linear dimensions of such structures by
more than 300 mm on each side. The limit for depths of excavation for structures shall not
be greater than 200 mm underneath the bottom of structures for gravel, or sand bedding.
Payment lines shall be based on the dimensions shown on the plans or as specified in the

9. Trenches on all roads shall be fully backfilled at the end of each working day or shall be
covered by steel plates adequately secured and capable of supporting vehicular traffic,
pedestrians, ridden or herded animals and other conveyances.

10. For dewatering of trenches, refer to SES08 Roadworks subsection 8.4.


1. When excavating headings, tunnels and shafts, the Contractor shall provide sufficient spoil
storage capacity, as much as possible within or near the area, to avoid the need to remove
the excavated material from the compound at peak traffic periods, or where local
enactment prohibits the carting away of spoil during defined time periods.

2. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, to decide the need for, and to undertake with
the approval by MWC, any ground investigation ahead of the face of any tunnel, heading or
shaft, additional to that described in the Contract.

3. Excavation for headings and tunnels shall be adequately supported at all times. The faces of
all headings and tunnels, other than in solid rock, shall be fully boxed whenever excavation
has been, or will be, stopped for a period exceeding 12 hours.

4. All working shafts shall, unless otherwise permitted, be supplied with speaking tubes or
telephones in communication with the Work below ground. Such tubes or telephones shall
be provided with colored light signaling system.

5. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements described in the Contract for Safety in
Tunneling and Standard Practice in Atmospheric Monitoring in the Construction Industry.

6. Where a shield, boring machine or other specialized equipment is used the Contractor shall
follow the procedures recommended by the lining manufacturer so as to prevent excessive
loading being transmitted to the lining.

7. All temporary works, such as but not limited to relocation and protection of existing utilities,
shall be on the account of the Contractor. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to
research and identify buried structures and appurtenances.
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1. For the removal of existing pavement surface prior to the excavation for trenches and
manholes, refer to SES08 Roadworks subsection 8.3.4.

2. The maximum length of trench open at any one time shall not exceed 150 meters (DPWH
D.O. 26 Series of 2011), and shall be subject to the requirements of DPWH, PNP-TMG,
MMDA and the relevant local government unit with jurisdiction in the area of work.
Standard distances to existing utilities shall refer to SES 11 Design.


1. Turves to be re-laid shall refer to SES02 Materials Section 2.5.

2. Turves shall be green when cut; they shall be kept moist and shall be laid within one week
after cutting.

3. The level of topsoil beneath turves shall be such that the final grass surface after
compaction shall be flush with adjoining grass surface.

4. Where turf becomes unsuitable for relaying due to the Contractor’s operations, the
Contractor shall supply and lay new turf the same as the original turf or, alternatively,
provide a surface comparable to previously existing conditions if in agreement with the


1. Refer to SES02 Materials Section 2.4.

2. Topsoil shall be removed from the areas prescribed in the Contract and, when required for
re-use, shall be stockpiled separately and kept free from weeds.


1. The Contractor shall not allow water to lie in any part of the Work unless required to do so
under the Contract; water arising from or draining into the work shall be drained or pumped
to an approved disposal point. Any drainage sumps required shall, where practicable, be
sited outside the area excavated for the Permanent Work, and shall be re-filled with
concrete Class ‘B’ to the level of the underside of the adjacent permanent Work.

2. The Contractor may install water ingress retaining structure, or may use sand bagging or any
appropriate measures acceptable and with the approval of MWC to prevent or minimize the
seepage inflows of water into permanent structure working areas.

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3. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions in any de-watering process to prevent
any adjacent ground from being adversely affected by loss of fines, which may cause
settlements and damage to adjacent structures, utilities, roadways and other properties.
4. Any groundwater control system required shall be installed and maintained continuously
until such time backfilling has been completed.

5. The Contractor shall obtain any necessary consent to discharge.

6. The Contractor shall prepare and submit a plan documenting the measures it will take to
control sediment runoff at the site at least forty-two (42) calendar days before commencing
any earthwork at the site. No earthwork will be allowed until Engineer approves the
Contractor’s sedimentation/erosion control program.


1. Where temporary drains are required, they shall be laid in a narrow trench or grip formed
below the bottom of the excavation in an approved position. The pipes shall be open-
jointed and shall be surrounded with free-draining granular material.

2. Grouting pipes shall be inserted in the line of the temporary drains at intervals not
exceeding 25 m and the drains shall be solidly filled with grout Class G3 as described in
“SES02 Materials” and will be cut off on completion.


1. Backfilling shall, whenever practicable, be undertaken immediately when the specified

operations preceding it have been completed. Backfilling shall not, however, be commenced
until the work to be covered have achieved strength sufficient to withstand all loading
imposed thereon.

2. Backfilling around Permanent Work shall be undertaken in such a manner as to avoid

uneven loading or damage.

3. Filling material to excavations not situated in highways or prospective highways shall be of

the same excavated material available on site suitable for backfilling and shall be deposited
in layers not exceeding 250 mm unconsolidated thickness and compacted to form a stable

4. Backfill material for pipe bedding and pipe zone area shall be as shown in the following

Pipe Material Bedding Material Pipe Zone Material

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) Sand Fill Sand Fill
ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-
Sand Fill Sand Fill
HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) Sand Fill Sand Fill
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FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer) Sand Fill Sand Fill

D.I. (Ductile Iron) Sand Fill* Sand Fill
*Class A gravel maybe used.

Sand fill and Class A gravel properties can be found in SES 02 Materials for Used Water. Pipe
zone shall extend 150mm from the top of pipe. Pipe zone material shall be placed and
compacted by flooding the trench at layers not to exceed 150mm thickness.

5. Backfill material above the pipe zone shall be native materials (except clay, silt and muck)
that are free from grass, roots, brush or other vegetation, boulders or rock pieces having
maximum dimensions less than 75mm. Imported backfill satisfying the specification above
maybe used to replace unsuitable native materials. Backfill above the pipe zone shall be
placed and compacted at layers not to exceed 150mm thickness. This must be compacted to
95 percent of the standard proctor maximum density as determined by AASHTO T99
Method C or ASTM D698.

6. Where the excavations have been supported and the supports are to be removed, these,
where practicable, shall be withdrawn progressively as backfilling proceeds in such a
manner as to minimize the danger of collapse, and voids formed behind the support shall be
carefully filled and compacted.

7. All backfill material shall be inert and non-toxic.

8. The Contractor shall, in accordance with the requirements of appropriate affected bodies,
carry out reinstatement around all structures or apparatus encountered and affected during
the Work. Existing surrounds shall be reinstated over the full width of the excavation.
Particular attention shall be given to the replacement or provision of any protective slabs or
identification tapes.

9. Trenches shall be fully backfilled before the end of each working day. No trench greater
than 5 m in length shall remain open at the end of the working day. The remaining open
trench shall be securely fenced/barricaded.

10. Backfilling of water retaining structures shall not commence until they have passed their
water tightness test. Refer to “Concrete Reservoir Standards”.

11. Over excavation shall be backfilled with material specified in the Contract or approved by

12. Excavated artificial material which automatically do not qualify in the backfill requirements
shall be disposed of by the Contractor.


1. Embankment and other areas of fill shall be formed of suitable materials capable of normal
compaction to form a stable fill, deposited and compacted as soon as practicable after
excavation, in layers of thickness appropriate to the compaction plant used. Prior to placing
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embankment, topsoil shall be stripped and the base surface scarified to a minimum depth of
150mm. All grass and roots shall be removed. After scarification, the base shall be
compacted by rolling and fill placed with maximum lifts of 200mm. Thicker lifts maybe
placed if the required density can be attained and as approved by MWC. Compaction of the
base and embankment fill shall not be less than 95% of the maximum density as determined
in accordance with ASTM D698, Method D/ AASHTO T99 Method C. Moisture content shall
be as uniform as possible and suitable for the compaction required.

2. If embankment is to be deposited on only one side of a structure such as a retaining wall,

care shall be taken that the area immediately adjacent to the structure is not compacted to
the extent that it will cause overturning of, or excessive pressure against the structure.
When embankment is to be placed on both sides of a concrete wall or box type structure,
operations shall be so conducted that the embankment is always at approximately the same
elevation on both sides of the structure.

3. During the progress of work, density tests must be conducted in accordance with subsection
3.24 Field Density Test.

4. The filling shall, where practicable, be built up and compacted evenly, and shall be
maintained at all times with a sufficient camber or cross fall and a surface sufficiently even
to enable surface water to drain readily from it.


1. Reinstatement of roads/ highways shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant

provisions of the latest DPWH Standard Specifications, SES 08 Roadworks, DPWH district
offices requirements and local government ordinances.

2. Subbase course shall be restored having a minimum thickness of 150mm for local road and
200mm for national road. Base course shall be restored having a minimum thickness of
150mm for all road types.

3. The use of CTB (cement treated base) shall be allowed when required by DPWH in lieu of
base and subbase materials. It should have a thickness of 0.3m and a compressive strength
of 300 psi at 7 days.

4. Concrete pavement shall be restored to its original design strength and thickness or better.
The minimum thickness of pavement shall be 230mm for local road and 280mm for national
road according to DPWH D.O. 22 Series of 2011.

5. Asphalt pavement shall be restored to its original design strength and thickness or better.
The minimum thickness for temporary restoration is 50mm and 75mm for permanent

6. Concrete pavement shall be restored using a three (3) day concrete curing period for major
roads and seven days concrete curing period for other national roads, in both cases

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attaining the flexural strength of 3.80 Mpa and compressive strength of 24Mpa at 14 days
based on DPWH D.O. 26 Series of 2011.

7. Epoxy shall be used in concrete pavement in lieu of tied bars discussed in SES 08 Roadworks
and as maybe required by DPWH to bond the existing and the restored pavement according
to DPWH D.O. 30 Series of 2005. Epoxy shall be in accordance with ASTM C881 or AASHTO
M235 Type V.

8. Curbs, channels, edging and quadrants disturbed by the work shall be re-laid with existing
units, providing they are not damaged. Where existing units are not suitable for re-use, the
Contractor shall provide replacement units of similar texture, color and type, consistent with
those adjacent and complying with the relevant provisions of the DPWH Standard
Specifications, Part H, as appropriate.

9. The relaying of curbs, channels, edging quadrants etc. shall be in accordance with Part H of
the DPWH Specifications. In-situ curbs and channels shall be reinstated to conform to
adjoining curbs and channels.

10. The frames of all manholes and surface boxes shall be reinstated by bedding and haunching
in Class ‘A’ mortar unless, in the case of surface boxes, they are to seat in the recess of an
appropriate precast concrete section. Frame tops shall be flush with the adjoining surface
on all sides.

11. Specified requirements for reinstatement are included in the Contract Specific Specification,
which shall be read in conjunction with the DPWH Specifications. Reinstatement shall be
appropriate to the actual existing highway construction. To this end the Contractor shall in
conjunction with MWC record the highway construction encountered during excavation.

12. The Contractor shall carry out the final reinstatement of all public highways affected by the
Contract within six months of completion of any interim reinstatement.

13. The Contractor shall allow the Highway Authority to carry out inspections of trenches,
backfilling operations, interim and final reinstatement.

14. Trench reinstatement shall be carried in stages so that the length of trench not having full
interim reinstatement at any one time shall not exceed 50 meters. Traffic shall not be
permitted to run on trenches not having full reinstatement unless steel plates designed to
carry traffic load are used.

15. Damage to carriageway surface or curb lines caused by the activities of the Contractor or by
subsequent ground movement shall be reinstated to the full depth of the carriageway
construction. Where MWC agrees that the damage is superficial, or where the stated trench
width is within 500mm of the curb face, only the wearing course need to be removed and

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1. On completion of work in unpaved land the Contractor shall break up the surface of all land
affected, to a depth of at least 300 mm before replacing top soil, and shall cultivate and
restore the land as closely as possible to its original condition.

2. Surfaces to be shown with grass seed shall be reduced to a fine tilt and cleared of stones
and extraneous material greater than 50 mm in size. The seed shall be sown at the proper
seasons, evenly distributed and applied at a rate of not less than the quantities given in the
following table:
Nature of area to be Level Surfaces (Slope Sloping Surfaces (Slope
seeded < 1:6) g/sq. m. >= 1:6) to cuttings and
embankment g/sq.m.

Lawns 40 40

Surround to tanks and 25 35

Process plants

Playing Fields and 20 20


Agricultural Land 15 15

Roadside Verges 6 10

3. Surfaces to be turfed shall be prepared as for seeding. The approved turves shall be placed,
butted, interlocked and tamped and the joints filled with fine sandy oil. On sloping ground
where they may be likely slip, turves shall be laid diagonally. Any subsidence taking place
shall be made good by taking up the turf, filling with good finely sieved topsoil and replacing
the turf in the manner specified above. Any turf that dies shall be replaced with new turf.

4. The Contractor shall re-seed or re-turf reinstated areas as necessary until a good sward is
obtained. The Contractor shall keep reinstated grass areas weed-free and maintained them
at 25-40 mm growth for the duration of the Contract.

3.16 TREES

1. The handling, planting, staking, cutting and removal shall be in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the DPWH Standards Specifications, Item 611, the requirements of Presidential
Decree No. 705, DENR Administrative Order No. 52 series of 2004, DENR Administrative
Order No. 21 series of 2000, DENR Memorandum Order No. 02 series of 2012 and with the
local ordinances.

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1. The position of all land drains intercepted or disturbed shall be prominently marked at every
point of intersection with the work. The Contractor shall record these positions, depths,
pipe diameters and the types of construction, and a copy of these records shall be given to
MWC. Care shall be taken during the progress of the Work to prevent the disturbance of

2. Prior to the permanent reinstatement of land drainage, the Contractor shall clear the ends
of existing drains, where intercepted by excavations, and shall afford facilities to MWC and
the landowner or occupier to inspect them and determine the extent of replacement that
may be necessary.

3. The backfill of intercepting excavations shall be compacted in 200 mm layers, to give a firm
bearing immediately before replacement pipes are laid and shall be brought up to the level
of the underside of the land drains or of any support to be provided.

4. The affected land drains shall be cut back into firm ground until, in each case, a section is
exposed which is unaffected by the Work.

5. Replacement pipes or support beams shall bear on undisturbed ground for at least 500 mm
at each end. The replacement pipes shall be of the same internal diameter as the section of
drain to be replaced and shall be properly connected at each end.

6. Records shall be kept of all drainage system reinstatement work carried out, and a copy
shall be given to MWC.

7. When reinstating an existing land drain, a timber batten, having a cross-section not less than
150 mm x 80 mm, impregnated with approved timber preservative, shall be fixed across the
trench in the line of the field drain. This should be at least 1 meter longer than the drain to
be supported and shall be set so that the field drain can be laid upon it to the correct line
and level. Clayware tiles, or pipes similar to those in the existing drains, shall be laid upon
the batten and held in place with timber fillets on either side of the field drain.

8. Where interceptor land drains are required they shall be connected into existing land drains
or discharged into a watercourse at such a point as agreed by MWC, the owner, tenant or
occupier of the land.

9. ‘Trenchless’ methods of laying shall not be used.

10. The drains shall be installed using 10 mm single sized granular fill material to the underside
of the topsoil.

11. Existing drains shall be connected to interceptor drains by purpose-made junctions. The
Contractor shall ensure that the intercepted drains are clear at the point of connection.

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1. Land drains shall be excavated to the dimensions and grades required by the Plans or as
directed by MWC Engineer. A minimum of 150mm bedding layer of granular backfill
material shall be placed and compacted at the bottom of the excavation for its full width
and length.

2. Granular backfill filter material shall be permeable and shall meet the requirements of
AASHTO M 6, except that soundness tests will not be required and minor variation in
grading and content of deleterious substances may be approved by MWC.

3. When perforated pipe will be used, it shall be placed with the perforations down and the
pipe sections shall be joined securely with the appropriate coupling fittings or bands. Pipe
shall be wrapped with suitable filter material (geotextile) based on manufacturer’s
instructions and must comply with ASTM D6767 (Standard Test Method for Pore Size
Characteristic of Geotextiles by Capillary Flow Test).

4. When using non-perforated pipe, it shall be laid with the bell end upgrade and open joints
wrapped with suitable filter material (geotextile) based on manufacturer’s instructions and
must comply with ASTM D6767 (Standard Test Method for Pore Size Characteristic of
Geotextiles by Capillary Flow Test). Upgrade end sections shall be closed with suitable plugs
to prevent entry of soil materials.

5. After the pipe installation has been inspected and approved, granular backfill material shall
be placed to a height of 300mm above the top of pipe. Care shall be taken not to displace
the pipe or the covering at open joints. The remainder of the granular backfill material shall
then be placed and compacted in 150mm maximum layers to the required height as shown
in the plans.


1. Explosives shall be transported, stored and handled in accordance with Mine and
Geosciences Bureau Mines Safety and Health Standards and in accordance with security
measures established by the Philippine National Police.

2. The names and designations of all personnel who will handle explosives or work in areas
explosives are used shall be provided to the Philippine National Police and these personnel
shall be instructed to abide by security measures imposed by the Philippine National Police.

3. For each blast, the Contractor shall report to MWC the amounts of explosives used for each
day and the time of blast.

4. The Contractor shall keep explosives on the site only in such quantity as may be needed for
the work under way for that day and only during such times as they are being used. Storage
of explosives on site during non-working hours is not permitted. The Contractor shall notify
MWC in advance of its intention to temporarily store and use explosives. Explosives shall be
temporarily stored in a secure manner and separate from all tools. No explosives shall be
stored within five hundred (500) meters of the Site. Caps or detonators shall be safely
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stored at a point over 30 meters distance from the explosives. When the need for the
explosives has ended and definitely at the end of each normal workday, all such material
remaining on the work shall be promptly removed from the premises.

5. In addition to observing all Municipal ordinances and Provincial and National laws relating to
the transportation, storage, handling, and use of explosives, the Contractor shall employ an
experienced blaster licensed by the Philippine National Police.

6. Operations involving explosives shall be conducted to avoid injury to persons and property.
Blasting shall be done only with such quantities and strengths of explosives and in such a
manner that will break the rock approximately at the intended lines and grades with the
unexcavated rock left in an unshattered condition.

7. Care shall be taken to avoid excessive cracking of the rock upon or against which any pipe or
structure is to be built, and to prevent damage to existing pipes, or other structures and
property above or below ground. To prevent damage due to flying rock, it shall be well
covered with logs or mats, and sufficient warning given to all persons in the vicinity of the
work, before a charge is exploded. The mats shall be of woven wire or rubber ties,
sandbagged, and designed to contain all rock fragments.

8. Before any portion of a structure is placed or any pipe is laid in rock excavation, all blasting
shall be completed within a minimum distance of 15 meters.

9. All loose rock from blasting operations shall be removed, and projections leveled off by
methods other than blasting.

10. The Contractor is expected to declare its intent to blast at the time of its bid. If this has not
been done, then MWC may refuse to allow the Contractor to blast.


1. Any section of wall, fence or hedge damaged or removed during construction of the work
shall be reinstated to its original form. Replacement by a similar type shall only be allowed if
stated in the Contract Specific Document.


1. Piling shall be in accordance with the latest DPWH Standard Specifications, Item 400.

2. The Contractor shall take all practicable measures to reduce the vibration inducing
settlement resulting from any sheet piling operation.

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1. Demolition of tanks and structures shall be as described in the Bid Documents and all
demolished structures shall be reduced to 0.50 m (1.50 m in highways) below finished
ground level, unless otherwise stated in the Contract Specific Specification or Drawings.

2. Tanks, manholes, basements and other chambers shall have all organic material removed
and drain holes made in the base equivalent to 1 m2 for each 10 m2 of area. They shall then
be filled using non-selected filling materials.

3. Where redundant pipework is to be abandoned or decommissioned, the pipe open ends

shall be plugged with Class ‘A’ concrete to a depth twice the pipe diameter.

4. Redundant items, which are to be left on site, are listed in the Contract Specific Specification
or Drawings. All other surplus materials shall be removed from site by the Contractor.


1. Filling operations shall be detailed, and importing of materials onto site shall be carried out
in accordance with the Contract.


1. The disposal of any materials arising from construction activities, including process waste
from commissioning, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

2. The disposal of spoil materials not suitable for backfill or are in excess of those needed for
the work shall be disposed by the Contractor to an approved location.


1. Backfill on roads subject to traffic load shall be tested in the presence of MWC personnel for
the required compaction using the test procedures specified in ASTM D 1556 and with
transportation and other facilities to be provided by the Contractor. The reference
maximum soil density shall be as determined by using the Standard Proctor Compaction
Test, ASTM D 698. Tests for backfill shall be mandatory while test for pipe zone backfill may
be waived for sand or gravel fill.

2. Test frequency shall be for every 150 linear meters of backfill and for all layers or three (3)
in-situ density tests for each 500m2 for all layers.

3. The above test requirement shall not be required for alleys and interior roads not subject to
traffic loads but this will not relieve the Contractor for its responsibility in compacting the
backfill satisfactorily.

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1. Prior to installation, the Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings showing the type of sheeting
and bracing to be used and its intended method of placing and maintaining it as required to
support and protect the sides of excavations. Care shall be taken to prevent voids outside
the sheeting, but if voids are formed, they shall be immediately filled and rammed.

2. Excavation support systems must be installed so that they are in full contact with the face of
excavation. This can be achieved by backfilling on the gap between the trench wall and the
support system according to OSHA-2226-10R 2015.

3. All sheeting and bracing not left in place shall be carefully removed without endangering the
new installations, the existing utilities, or adjoining property. Removal must begin at, and
progress from, the bottom of the excavation. Backfilling must progress together with the
removal of the sheeting and bracing from excavations. All voids caused by withdrawal of
sheeting shall be immediately refilled with sand and compacted by ramming with suitable
tools, by watering, or any other method acceptable to MWC.

4. The right of MWC to order sheeting and bracing left in place shall not be construed as
creating any obligation on its part to issue such order, and its failure to exercise its right to
do so shall not relieve the Contractor from liability for damages to persons or otherwise,
growing out of a failure on the part of the Contractor to leave in place sufficient sheeting
and bracing to prevent any caving-in or moving off the ground.

5. Excavation will not require sheeting and bracing when it is made entirely in stable rock or
when excavation depth is less than 1.52m and a geotechnical engineer has examined the
ground and found no indication of potential cave-in according to OSHA-2226-10R 2015.


1. The placement of selected, approved fill material in compacted lifts to support structural
foundations by transmitting the applied load to undisturbed natural soil of suitable bearing
capacity. The zone of influence of a structure is defined as starting at a distance of one (1)
meter outside a footing end, and sloping outward and downward at a 1:1 slope to
undisturbed material.

2. Structural fill shall be furnished where existing materials encountered at bearing elevations
are found to be unsuitable as determined by MWC and the Contractor is directed to replace

3. Structural fill shall be well-graded and non-plastic material. Before any structural fill is
placed over the existing ground surface, the ground shall be cleared and grubbed and the
topsoil shall be stripped. Structural fill particles shall be sound and not more than five
percent (5%) shall pass the No. 200 sieve, nor more than fifty percent (50%) the No. 40
sieve. The material shall be free from organic matter, clay lumps, or other deleterious
materials. The maximum particle size shall not exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the lift
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4. A sieve analysis of the proposed structural fill material shall be submitted for review and
approval by MWC at least 28 days before the first use of the material. In addition, samples
of structural fill shall be submitted to MWC for sieve analysis for each 2500 m3 of structural
fill placed, or whenever the source or quality of fill material is varied. MWC may reject
structural fill material at any time. The Contractor will not be responsible for the cost of
routine materials testing, except for the initial tests required above and any retesting
requested on rejected material which shall be paid for by the Contractor.
5. Structural fill layers shall be placed in lifts of 200mm in depth after compaction. Fill material
shall be approved by MWC, and hauled to the fill and tipped directly on the fill lift being
placed. Material shall be spread on each layer by graders or dozers. MWC may select the
locations where individual loads are to be dumped.

6. Each lift shall be brought to near optimum moisture content prior to compaction. No
compaction of completely dry materials shall be permitted. Each lift shall be compacted to
ninety-five percent (95%) of Modified Proctor optimum density using pneumatic tire rollers
or smooth drum vibratory rollers of capacities approved in advance by MWC. Should any
test reveal inadequate compaction of a structural fill layer, then the entire layer shall receive
at least one additional complete pass of the roller. A complete pass shall include a single
coverage of the entire layer including twenty percent (20%) overlap of drum width. If after
a reasonable amount of re-compaction is completed as determined by MWC, and
satisfactory results have not been obtained, then the Contractor shall remove the lift and
replace it with satisfactory material. Care shall be taken to avoid contamination of
structural fill with other materials. The Contractor shall be required to replace any such
contaminated structural fill layers at its own expense.

7. The minimum number of passes per lift is two (2), after which MWC may conduct whatever
test work it deems necessary to determine the degree of compaction obtained. Additional
passes of the roller shall be required until adequate results are obtained. Retesting of
compaction shall be at the Contractor’s own expense.

8. In areas inaccessible to large rollers, hand-held vibratory tampers may be used to obtain
adequate compaction as defined above, but use of hand-held equipment must be approved
in advance by MWC.

9. Structural fill shall be brought up to the required grade in lifts of equal compacted depth.
Each lift shall meet the requirements of this Section of the Standard Engineering


1. All excavation and engineered fills shall be constructed to the lines, grades and dimensions
shown on the Drawings or as directed by MWC.

2. MWC may modify lines, grades or dimensions at any time prior to or during construction
and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any adjustment in its Unit Prices or to any extra
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cost as a result of such changes other than those cost changes derived from modified

Construction Surveys
3. The Contractor shall be responsible for properly setting out all the structures and slopes. All
extra work and over-excavation caused by the Contractor’s negligence in setting out shall be
at its expense, and shall be corrected immediately upon the request of MWC.

Over Excavation
4. The Contractor shall use care and the most appropriate methods of excavation, to avoid
carrying excavation beyond the lines and grades shown on the Drawings, or loosening of
material or the breaking of rock outside of the excavation limits. If for any reason,
excavation or disturbance is carried beyond the lines and grades shown on the Drawings,
the Contractor shall, at its own expense, remove the excess material and take the necessary
measure to restore the required lines and grades with either approved fill material or
concrete, as directed by MWC. Should the Contractor wish to excavate beyond the limits
given in the Drawings, it may only do so after obtaining prior permission from MWC. Such
excavation and any backfilling with approved materials shall be at the Contractor’s own
expense. This requirement excludes additional excavation specially ordered by MWC.


Modification of Design Slopes Where Needed

1. If geological conditions during the performance of the work do not permit excavation of
slopes as shown on the Drawings, MWC will modify the Design slopes. Additional work
resulting from such changes shall be measured and paid for according to the corresponding
Unit Prices. No later claims for additional payment will be considered if the Contractor has
changed the slopes without the approval of MWC.

Slides, Rock Falls or Overbreak Due to Improper Methods

2. If slides, rock falls or overbreak occur resulting ineffective excavated surfaces beyond the
excavation lines shown on the Drawings which, in the opinion of MWC, are due to improper
working method or negligence by the Contractor, the Contractor shall remove the resulting
material and place approved backfill material in the over excavated voids at its own

Slides, Rock Falls or Overbreak Due to Adverse Geological Conditions

3. If slides, rock falls or overbreak occur as a result of geologically adverse conditions not
reasonably foreseeable by the Contractor despite the use of proper and careful excavation
methods, the cost of removing the material and placing approved backfill material shall be
paid for under the Contract at applicable Unit Prices.

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1. Materials excavated from the site, under certain circumstances, may be re-used for backfill
on the project. All materials proposed by the Contractor for re-use shall be approved by
MWC based upon test performed by MWC or independent testing agencies and as specified
herein and as dictated by accepted practice. Initial tests performed for determining the
acceptability of on-site materials for re-use shall be paid for under the Contract. Any re-
testing required of or requested by the Contractor for any reason whatsoever shall be paid
by the Contractor.


1. The Contractor shall prepare and submit a program for stockpiling of both on-site and
imported materials on the site or at other locations. The program shall identify those on-site
areas required for stockpiling materials and the Contractor will endeavor to make such
locations available at no additional cost. The Contractor shall also bear the cost of
constructing all necessary temporary facilities such as access roads, drainage ditches, etc
going to the site. MWC assumes no liability whatsoever if adequate on-site locations are not
available and it must review and accept the Contractor’s stockpiling program.

2. When stockpiled, excavated material shall be stored in areas remote from watercourses.


1. Isolated points of rock shall not come closer than 100mm to the exterior of all pipes or to
the exterior of the pipe bell at the joints.

2. At pipe joints, sufficient room shall be allowed for properly making the joint as approved by
MWC engineer.


1. During placing or compaction of backfill, the Contractor shall take all precautions necessary
to prevent movement or flotation of pipes.

2. The side fill shall be placed and compacted as soon as possible after pipe-laying and testing,
or as soon as it is safe to do so without damaging concrete beddings or surrounds.

3. Initial backfill shall be placed over the pipe as soon as possible to provide a protective layer
of material, flooded to a level 150mm above the crown of the pipe. Remaining backfill shall
then be placed and thoroughly compacted in layers not exceeding 150mm thick.

4. Material shall not be dropped from an excessive height. When required water may be added
to assist compaction.

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5. Power operated rammers or other mechanical compaction equipment shall not be used
within 300mm of the top of the pipe.

6. Heavy mechanical equipment shall not be allowed to cross any pipeline until the trench has
been completely backfilled and compacted.


The standards of compaction of trench fill materials shall be as follows:

1. Machine-compacted: The material shall be compacted by mechanical means in layers not

exceeding 150mm compacted thickness. Larger lifts are allowed if it can reach the required
percentage of the maximum dry density. The density obtained in each layer shall not be less
than 95% of the maximum dry density determined using AASHTO T99 Method C or ASTM
D698 or as directed by the Engineer for trenches that will not be subjected to traffic loads.
Tests shall be carried out as instructed by the Engineer, for every layer per 150 metres of

2. Hand-compacted: The material shall be thoroughly compacted by hand in layers not

exceeding 100mm compacted thickness, using an iron rammer weighing not less than 4.5kg.
The density obtained in each layer shall not be less than 95% of the maximum dry density
determined using AASHTO T99 Method C or ASTM D698 or as directed by the Engineer for
trenches that will not be subjected to traffic loads. Tests shall be carried out as instructed by
the Engineer, for every layer per 150 metres of trench.

3. Compaction by Flooding: Pipe zone material shall be compacted by flooding and shall be
placed and compacted at layers not to exceed 150mm thickness and the height of backfill
shall be kept uniform on both sides of the pipe.

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