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Title : Control of QEHS Documents Rev. 00
Doc Code : MWC-PDG-2014-SP-___ Page 3 of 7

Department Name Code

Engineering ENGD
Project Management Office PMOD
Project Stakeholder Management PSMD
Projects PRJD
Quality Assurance QAD
Safety Solutions SSD

3. All QEHSMS documents shall be controlled by the Continuous Improvement Manager (CIM) in a
manner that only approved documents are issued for use. Similarly, documents from external origin
that affects the implementation of PDG’s QEHSMS processes shall be monitored, controlled and
distributed (when necessary) by the concerned Section/Department Head using MWC-PDG-2014-SP-
__-T-01 Document Control List (DCL).

4. In case a new document will be created or the existing ones will be revised or deleted, the MWC-PDG-
2014-SP-__-F-01 Document Control Form (DCF) shall be accomplished.

5. QEHSMS documents shall be prepared in a uniform manner using MWC-PDG-2014-SP-__ Appendix A –

Document Template.

6. In preparing the procedure in flow chart form, the following symbols shall be used:
Symbol Meaning Example / Details
Start / End Receive project list

Task or Activity Scan/upload document to DMS

Decision Point Yes / No, Approved / Disapproved

On-page Connector Go to another part of flow chart on the same page


Information Flow Supplier or Recipient of Feedback or Information

Off-page Connector Go to another part of flow chart on another page

Process is carried out by other group/department or

Outsourced Process
entity outside PDG
Process flow is already defined in a separate
Predefined Process

7. The Management Representative (MR), together with the CIM, will facilitate the review and approval
of QEHSMS documents, and control its distribution in accordance with this procedure. Signed master
copies under the custody of CIM signify that the document has been finally approved for distribution.

No part of this document may be reproduced without prior permission from the Management Representative and/or Continuous Improvement
Manager. A printed copy of this document is uncontrolled when unstamped.

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UNCONTROLLED COPY. Only valid on date of printing.
UNCONTROLLED COPY. Only valid on date of printing.

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