Arquetipos. Caballero

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FIGHTER ARCHETYPE: CAVALRY Cavalry are mounted fighters. Whether charging into combat fn their armored mount, or harassing the enemy flanks on a sswifthorse, cavalry aro the masters of mobility on the battlefield COMBAT STEED When you choose this archetype at level 3, you gain a War Horse as a steed, I'your size is Small, you gain a Medium War Pony: wh tases the War Horse stat block. Your steed is trained to respond to your commands, and has n hitpoints equal to 1d10+3 for each fighter level you have, You ency in Animal Handling CAVALRY CHARGE, Starting at 3rd level, as an action you can command your steed to perform a Trampling Charge. Ifit is succes, you ‘can use your bonus action to make a weapon attack against the target; instead of your steed's bonus attack, MOUNTED FIGHTING STYLE At 7th level, your chosen Fighting Style is replaced by the corresponding Mounted Fighting Style Horse Archer You gain +2 to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons. While mounted, you gain a-+2 bonus on damage rolls you make with ranged weapons. Cataphract. While you are wearing armor, you gain a-+1 bonus to AC. While your steed is wearing barding,it gains a +1 bonus to AC. Whi ‘mounted, you and your steed gain resistance against bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons. Dragoon. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. While mounted, this bonus is increased 1043. Uhtan. When you roll 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding ‘with (wo hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if th new rolls @ 1 of a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit, When you make an attack as part of Cavalry Charge, you deal an additional 1d6 damage. ‘Sowar, When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of yous, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll, When a ereature within 10 feet ofyou attacks your steed, their attack rll has disadvantage. You must be wielding a shield Hobelar When you engage ‘add your ability modifier tothe damage of the second attack. woaweapon fighting, you can When you make an attack as part of Cavalry Charge, you can. with both of your weapons. HORSE ARMOR At LOth level, select one of the following features: Hussar’s Barding, While your steed is wearing light or ‘no barding. it gains 15 feet of speed. Knight's Barding, While your steed is wearing medium. ‘or heavy barding, any bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing atta damage it takes is re QUICK RESPONSE Beginning at 15th level, you gain advantage on i by 3. le mounted. Your steed gains 10 feet of speed during the first round of combat ELITE CAVALRY At 18th level, select one ofthe following features: lite Hussar: While mounted, when you move at least 15 feet before making an attack, you gain advantage on the attack roll for your first attack. While mounted, you also no longer provoke Attacks of Opportunity from movem Elite Knighe. When you se Second Wind, your steed regains an equal amount of hth eben eal ie nts, Your steed also gains MARTIAL ARCHETYPES ‘There are many different fighters, each with his or her own unique style. The martial archetype you choose reflects the type of fighter you hope to become. WARLORD ‘The warlord is a fighter who values not only single person combat, but also a fighter’s moral warriors instinctively know how to bolster their allies and demoralize their opponents with their blades and their terrifying war chants. Wour-Pack Tactics You know how to aid your allies by offering a distraction to ‘your opponents, Starting at 3" level, when you and an ally are adjacent to an enemy, your ally has advantage on all attacks against that enemy. EXPERT STRATEGIST You're welladept in avoiding, starting, and finishing fights, At7* level, you gain expertise in Persuasion and Intimidation checks. DAUNTLESS CHARACTER Your charism nature the most fearsome enemy's hesitate, Beginning at 10" Jevel, you can use your reaction fo force the next melee: attack against you to be made at disadvantage. BoltNine Homebrew cudes out from you, making even, INTIMIDATING STRIKE ‘You strike with such ferocity that you send enemies running to the hills. At 15* level, when you successfully attack a Creature, you may use your bonus action to force that creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, that enemy is frightened of you for 1 minute, or until it takes damage. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again on the same target for 10 minutes. idating Strike DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Wartorp's Cry ‘You call the full fighting spirit of your allies with a raw. throated yell. At 18° level, you can use your action to bolster any fallen comrades, Al allies within 30 feet of you ‘who are at O hit points can expend however many hit dice they have remaining, up to a number of hit dice equal to the warlord’ Charisma modifier, to regain health, ‘Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short rest PRIMAL PATH Many barbarians let their rage fuel them in battle, hacking and slashing their way to victory. Others have gained some mastery of their weapon, and fight strategically. PATH OF THE TACTICAL SAVAGE Sometimes, raw power is not enough to defeat a foe. The Path of the Tactical Savage is a path of cunning and strategy, for barbarians who ‘would tise their experience in battle, in addition to their ferocity, to take down opponents. COMBAT SUPERIORITY Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you learn maneuvers fueled by superiority dice. Maneuvers. You learn two maneuvers of your choice from the list of maneuvers available to the fighters with the Battle Master archetype (PHB 74). You can only use one maneuver per turn, in the place of the listed action. You learn another maneuver at 9th level, and once again when you reach 17th level. At these times, you may also replace one known maneuver with a new maneuver. Image Source: Wayne Reynolds Artwork Superiority Dice. You have four superiority dice, which are d8s. Your superiority dice increase to d10s when raging, A superiority die is expended on the use of a maneuver. You regain all expended superiority dice on the completion of a short or long rest. Saving Throws. Some of maneuvers require ‘your target to make a saving throw to resist the effects. The saving throw is calculated as follows: Maneuver Save Dt your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus+ RELENTLESS Starting at 6th level, if you complete a maneuver successfully, you can take an additional attack as a bonus action instead of expending a superiority die. This action can only occur once per short rest. In addition, if you end an encotinter with no superiority dice remaining, you regain one superiority die. SAVAGE SUPERIORITY At 10th level, your superiority dice increase to d10s and d12s when raging. Once you hit level 18, your superiority dice increase to d12s and 36 when raging, OPPORTUNIST Starting at 14th level, ifa creature moves out of your threat range, you can use your reaction to tuse the Tripping Attack maneuver against the target. You can use this ability even if you do not know the Tripping Attack maneuver. This ability does not expend any superiority dice, but can only be used once per short or long rest. Created by Ninebolt @ashenbolt OTHERWORLDLY PATRON When a warlock makes pct wih a patron they seldom understand the patro's motives. Some patronsare minor dies happy to introduce someone to magic. Others are demons attempting to gain “foothold in the Material Plane And others are so detached from the World they are not even aware oftheir warlock existence, Very few patrons wll be dee wth the beings whic serve them, nd even when they a, the war m another cogin a grand pan There are patrons who represent the adage knowledge power, they seek knowledge in ll forms and sleet ther warlocks fo the knowledge they ean gather. They weasure the information they lear, ‘ven ftey have no desire use ‘THE UNBLINKING EYE Your patron ‘when you found them, hidden away deepin the recesxs ofthe planes ‘Throughout their time, they have watched generations pass on the Material Plane. This being motivations are simple to gain 2s much knowledge as possible. He o she doesnot discriminate on what information they receive al knowledges wef ‘an ancient, lated being He or she was impresed EXPANDED SPELL LIST The Unblinking Eye lets you choose from an expanded ist of spells ‘when you Jean a warlock spel The following spe ate aed tothe warlock spel ist for you. Unblinking Fye Expanded Spells Tat die et mae 2a) tee dee outs en 4h ease gery Sh malty neers dome persc BEGUILING TONGUE Begioning at Ist eel, your patron shows you how to coewe {information fom any eeature. You can pose a question t any creatare, and ifthey fila Wisdom save against your warlock spell save DG they will answer truthfully and without hesitation. This only ‘works oniteligenteretures with whom ou share a common language. ‘Though unable to stop themnsees from answering the creature will realize they were compelled to answer your question through gical means. ‘Once you use this feature, you cannot wset again until you ‘complete short or long rest. THIRD EVE'S VISION ‘Starting at 6 evel, the knowledge you have gathered has made ‘ombat predictable. Upon being harmed, you may we your reaction to get a glimpse into the futur of your attacker You rll 420 and wid or subtract your Charisma modifier: The rolled value becomes the ase rl for your agaressrs nex attack or spel tak ol. They add thei sual modifies to this ol. Tf they hase advantage or disadvantage for thet next attack rol, you may ehoose to ol the additonal di or have your origina vale ‘duplicated forthe second dies result ‘Once you use this feture, you cannct use it agin atl you complete a short or long rest. ge Soc: Ga Wis WR UNSEEN OBSERVER ‘Starting a 1h level, you have mastered the ability to hide in plain Sgt At anytime, {you are standing completely sil you may and You anno move oF create nos, bl Your senses are heightened. You sin advantage onl perception rolls ‘Wile inthis state, you are undetectable by normal means, and ‘ters wll ass through the space you are occuping without hindrance. An opposing erception check, when higher than your warlock spl save DC, wil alr the obmerver ta ligt shimmer in the ar inthe area you are standing ‘Wile oers are inthe same space as you, you are to-end the effect and return to participating inthe wold You ace stil susceptible to the eflets of magic. For example, you wil tak the fall fects of fireball pel witin its ange You can alsobe deecied and revealed by magical means, neuding but not limite, tent an see mii comoentrate for Li tsappear frm view: While inthis tate sable OVERWHELMING KNOWLEDGE ‘Staring at Hh level, you can give any otberereature a glimpse to the knowledge your patron has gathered. Asan action, choose a creature you ca se within 60 fet of you. tus make a Wisdom sve against your warlock spel save DC. Ona failed sav, the ereature fs subject toa large amount of knowledge nee taking 1410 psychic damage per round for 10 round, ding which Sime they are stunned. ‘Theft en cary they take damage of you lose eonceniraion (@sityou were concentrating on a spel) ‘Once the spel ens, the creatine docs not remember what neared and has headache. © Youmust complete short or long rest before you can use this feature again SORCEROUS ORIGINS Diferent sorcerers ait ther magical prowess to diferent origins ‘Many atebute it to ether a draconi boodine or wid magic. ters lai dierent origins HEMOMANCY ‘Your mage comes from te bleed coursing though your vine. Many sorcerers who claim tis origin can trace their mage toa dangerous Illness they caught or being bitten bs a magical ereature. The sorcerers wh Meni with this special brand of magi fel the fe force ofthe creatures around them, and with peactice, manipulate i, fora coe BLoop PRICE Since your magicis an extension of our if ore, your damaging spells have an ation health cost, Whenever you cast a sell with a damage component, you must reduce your it by double the sp level In ation, you add the Jost health as damage o spell you do tot have enough health to cast he spl, you may cas and immediatly unconscious. The lost health on cast docs nt isrypt concentration Casing a spell at higher level increases the health cos RITUALIsT ‘You need only small fragment of another person tobe able thei ie fore. Starting firs level, you ean east singlesarget concentration spels with no range restriction To emave the range restriction val ofthe target’ blod is added as a material component. However. casing a sellin sucha manner equies You toast it asa ital with a minimum cast ime of 1 nates LIFE LEECH Starting at 6th level when you del damage to a are, you gain ‘ermporar health equal to you Inteligence odie. This temporary heath can be used for Blod Price. The temporary heath does nat stack, bt can be replenished when you deal more damage SIXTH SENSE eginning at L4th restaurant, you are able to detect another ‘reature’ ie force even fou cast see them. Asan aeton, you can ‘eutyoursetfor 1 health to make a DC 12 Areapa check to sense living erates around you. Ona suocessul check. you know how many eeatures are within 104 feet of you and arn dicen of 2 failed check, you only ken cach ceatre in elation to you. O how many creatures ar within the This eature doesnot detect ary undead or constructs in INFLICTED ANEMIA ‘Stating at 18th level you can suppress anether erature’ life force ‘You can spend a quarter of our maxinis health to aterm to nde alvin create with anemia, The creature swst succeed a Wisdom saving throw or safer thre level of exhaustion which lasts for 1 hour In addin, the lected creature fees ethargic an must cost s concentration check atthe begining ofeach ru to maintain ay ‘concentration spells they are casting To us this feature, you must have vision of your ‘arget when a vial of thei od You canmot cas this on dea ‘You must take along rest Before you can se this feature again,

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