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Path of the Savage ‘Some put their faith in steel or paltry totems, but you are different. You were born with all you need already ‘coursing through your veins. Your body is your greatest ‘weapon. While others mimic beasts, you have become one. On the battlefield, you are a whirlwind of blows and thunderous strikes. Your rage and cunning censure your will be done until your fists drip red with the blood of your prey. Enemies tremble as your roar ‘echoes loud and fierce. Primal Awakening Beginning at 3rd level, you awaken to your primal ablities, Perhaps your lineage is long descended from the blood ofa dragon or giant. Maybe you come from a tribe or lan of people who share this ability or drink the blood of beasts to awaken to their savage strength. ‘At any rate, your abilities enhance your physical prowess as well as your senses. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Untamed Strength Beginning at 3rd level, your wild might has hewn your boca baal ashsrl pent oc ee following benefis whle;you are unarmed and you are fot wearing heavy amor or weKiing a sie + You can roll 144 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike. This die changes as you gain barbarian levels (146 at the Sth level, 1d8 at the 11th level, 1d10 at the 17th level.) + Unarmed strikes made against a creature while utilizing Reckless Attack count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immuni nonmagical attacks and damage... to Wild Cunning By 6th level, your battle-hardened senses allow you to. momentarily channel your rage to evade the attacks of your prey. While you aren't wearing heavy armor, when a creature that you can see makes an attack against you, ‘you can use your reaction to add your current Rage ‘Damage bonus (as shown on the Barbarian table) to your AC for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you. You may use this feature twice per short rest. Primeval Impulse Beginning at 10th level, your battles have carved you into an imposing figure. Any ie you would make an Intimidation check, you may instead choose to add your Strength modifier fa place cl your Chaat eat the rol, asserting your dominance, as wel as appealing to the survival instincts of your target. ‘Additionally, you are able to naturally glean the approximate capabilities ofa creature you have made a successful unarmed strike against in combat compared to your own, The DM tells you ifthe creature is your equal, superior or inferior in regard to Strength score and Constitution score, as well as its current Hit Points. Apex Predator Reger yor chisiee ertetensiorg reached their pinnacle allowing you to immetiatcly resume the hunt after striking down your prey and impose your will upon larger foes. On your turn, when eer te erie egies ee eOn er teeters eee eee ee ‘Additionally, forthe purpose of grappling and shoving i eee eee ee Latin tc ere ase asia

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