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Class Changes:

• The Beastmaster Ranger can use a bonus action command their companion to move and make the
dash, disengage, dodge or hide actions, but must take an action to command it to attack. If the
companion has not received any commands by the end of your turn, it uses the dodge action. Also, if
the companion falls to 0 hit points, it makes death saving throws. It adds your proficiency bonus to it's
death saving throws, and if it fails one death saving throw, it dies.
• The class feature Exceptional Training is removed.
• Bestial Fury becomes a level 7 class feature and reads as follows:
You can use a bonus action to command your companion to use the attack action. It can make only
one attack when commanded in this way.
• Beastmaster Rangers gain the following feature at level 11:
Primal Bond – You establish a spiritual connection with your beast companion. While your companion
is within one mile of you, you are aware of it's location and can use an action to perceive through it's
senses until the start of your next turn. You are blind and deaf while doing so, but can command it's
actions using a bonus action.
• Hunter's Mark is removed from the ranger spell list. At level 2 the ranger gains the following class
Hunter's Mark – As a bonus action, you can choose one creature you can see and gain +1d6 to all
attack rolls against it and advantage on all perception and survival checks related to finding it. The
effect lasts 24 hours and only ends prematurely if the target dies, you fall unconscious or if you takes
any rests. This effect can be used three times per short rest and can only be applied to one target at a
time. You gain an additional use of this feature at 7th and 11th level. If the target is also a Favored
Enemy, you can also use the following features a total number of times equal to your wisdom modifier:
• Can re-roll one attack you or your beast makes against the target. You choose which result to use.
• Can force the target to re-roll one attack made against you or your beast. You choose which result
to use.
• Can re-roll one save vs an effect imposed by the target. You choose which result to use.
Also, starting from level 5, you and your beast companion can ignore any resistances and immunities to
non-magical damage possessed by the target if it is your hunter's mark.

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