Objection Overcomer

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Asking for the Money:

❏ Now assuming that you’re going to be approved as applied for, you want to get started with a
checking or savings account?

Objection: Why do I need to give you my payment information?

❏ In order for the insurance company to consider you for $XXX, XXX of life insurance, they are asking
for something called Consideration.
❏ And that is just a method of payment for the first month.
❏ Now if you were to be declined you would not be charged anything at all.
❏ And there's no application fee or anything like that, and all we're doing right now is applying.
❏ And if you do get approved, the ball is in your court whether or not you want to accept the offer
❏ And if you do accept the offer, at that point, the insurance company will give you a 30-day window of
time to make sure that is what you want risk-free.

Objection: Can you just give me your contact information?

❏ You're going to get an email from our company 10 minutes after we finish on the phone, and it's
going have a copy of everything we have gone over today. There's no application fee or anything like
❏ If you're not accepted, they will not charge you anything. Only if you're approved will they charge you
on the date we chose.
❏ And it takes about 24 to 72 hours to get accepted and fully approved.
❏ So they just want to make sure that when you DO get approved, you have the means to pay for it.
That's why they require an application to have financial responsibility on it.

------->>>> And then we go silent and Wait for an Answer.

Objection: I’m not comfortable giving out my payment

information (Legitimacy).
❏ Well there are only 3 reasons why someone does not want to apply for life insurance coverage when
it doesn't cost anything for you to apply.
❏ It’s either time, money, or legitimacy.
❏ We know it’s not the time because you are obviously looking for life insurance - that's why we are
talking today right?
❏ Ok and we also know it’s not the money because (PRICE) for (FACE AMOUNT) is affordable for you
❏ Ok great, and we also know it’s not legitimacy either because keep in mind, the only reason why
we’re on the phone right now is because you were looking for coverage so it's not like I'm calling you
right out of the phone book or something like that right?
❏ Again, all we are doing is applying to see if we can EVEN get you approved. when you apply for life
insurance they require financial responsibility on your application because an A-rated insurance
company is not going to go through the effort of underwriting you without knowing that you WILL have
the means to pay for it after you are accepted.
❏ Its going to take about 24 to 72 hours to get fully-approved for the policy.
❏ Once you are approved, you'll receive a copy of your policy letting you know that you are accepted
and if you are not approved they will not charge you anything at all. OK?
❏ So do you want go get started with a checking or savings if you are accepted?

Other Rebuttals:

❏ I understand you want to (discuss this tomorrow/talk with your wife/speak with your kids etc.)
❏ Right now, we don't have an OFFER to discuss, so I want to just remind you of the process we went
through here:
❏ I'm a licensed SPECIALIST in the {STATE} market, and I looked at hundreds of policy options for you.
❏ We help an average of 10,000 people EVERY month because we are the MOST innovative company
with Best-In-Class technology that makes buying and owning income protection insurance intelligent
and seamless.
❏ It looks like I can QUALIFY you for (Name of Carrier)- an A-rated carrier that has NEVER failed to pay a
legitimate claim.
❏ We found a plan that I can tell you Mr.Ms _______ from my years of experience, is the PERFECT fit
for you and your needs.
❏ We now need to submit an application so I can work with Underwriting on getting you approved.
❏ Once we actually have that approval, we will have a firm offer to talk about and discuss.
❏ So what method of payment do you want to put on file with the insurance company, checking or

How to ask for a post date correctly:

❏ So again, all we are doing right now is applying to see if we can get you approved, and if you do get
approved, we can schedule the initial payment any day this month through the 28th, or any day next
month through the (Day in calendar before today. If today is the 10th then say the 9th.)
❏ And either way, once we finish on the phone today, you'll be able to go onto the insurance
company's website and view your application and if approved your policy.
❏ So when would be a good day to set this up for assuming that you do get approved?
❏ Ok, and what do you want to put on file with your application: a checking or savings account?

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