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Chapter-5(Biology) Complete Lecture with solution.


Chapter-5(Breathing and Respiration) Biology (VII) Day-1 Date:

1a.Define breathing and respiration .
1b.Write the reaction of respiration (Word equation and chemical equation)
1c.Where breathing and respiration occurs?
1d.Write the composition of inspired air and expired air. Or
Complete the table:

Name of Gases Inspired air (Breathing in) Expired air(Breathing out)

Oxygen 21% 16%
Carbon dioxide 0.04% 4%
Nitrogen 78% 78%
Water vapour Variable Variable
1e.Write the use of energy obtained by respiration reaction
1a.Define breathing and respiration
Breathing : Taking air in and out of the lungs is called breathing. Breathing is the combination
of breathing in(inhalation) and breathing out(exhalation).It is also called ventilation.
Respiration: Breakdown of glucose into the cell in presence or absence of oxygen is called
respiration. Part of cell called mitochondria where respiration reaction occur. In
respiration,actually glucose/sugar burn to release energy/heat.
1b.Write the reaction of respiration (Word equation and chemical equation)
Ans:Respiration reaction(Word equation):

Glucose + Oxygen → Carbondioxide + Water + Energy

Respiration reaction(Chemical equation):

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy

1c.Where breathing and respiration occurs?
Ans: Breathing occurs into the lungs with the help of respiratory system, but respiration occurs
inside the cell,specially in the mitochondria.
Why mitochondria is called the powerhouse of cell?
Ans:1d.Write the composition of inspired air and expired air.[pg-65] Or
Complete the table:

Name of Gases Inspired air (Breathing in) Expired air(Breathing out)

Oxygen 21% 16%
Carbon dioxide 0.04% 4%
Nitrogen 78% 78%
Water vapour Variable Saturated

1e.Write the use of energy obtained by respiration reaction

Ans: ● For muscle to work
● For transporting chemicals
● For absorbing food by active transport.
● For sending messages along nerve.
●For growth by building cells
●For keeping the body temperature constan

Day-2 Date:13/7/21 Day:Tuesday Topics: page:66-68.CW:

2a. Define rate of respiration and respirometre.

Rate of respiration: Measuring of how fast the respiration reaction takes place called rate of
Respirometre: For respiration oxygen is used up and carbon dioxide is produced. So a
respirometer is an instruments which measure the rate of respiration by using the number of
2b.How the rate of respiration reaction measured by respirometer?
Ans: By measuring used up oxygen or by measuring produced carbondioxide.
2c. Write the importance of respiration reaction.[pg-66]
Ans: ● By respiration reaction energy is released from glucose in the living cell.
●The more energy that is needed the faster the rate of respiration.
2d.Why we breathe in and breathe out?
Ans: We breath in air to get oxygen and we breath air out to get rid of carbon dioxide.
2e.Locate the position of lungs in the human body. [pg-74]
Ans:[ Do you know where your lungs are? Pg-74]
2f. Draw respiratory system and label trachea/wind pipe, Left and right bronchus, inter costal
muscles, diaphragm, larynx (voice box) , bronchiole, ribs and pleural cavity. [pg-75]
2g. Draw and label respiratory system .

Day-3 Date:………….
3a. Write the role of thorax, intercostal muscle and diaphragm.
Role of thorax: (Thorax help to breath in by making the chest larger,so
that air with oxygen can enter from atmosphere.)
Role of intercostal muscle:(It h elp to join one ribs with other by
contracting and relaxing.It help to increase and decrease the volume of
Role of diaphragm: (At the time of breathing in diaphragm contract
to make chest larger and it do relax to decrease the chest volume
during breathing out.)

3b.Define trachea. What is its role? Show the position of ciliated cell
and mucus secreting cell(Goblet cell) into the trachea. Or
Draw trachea and label ● C-shaped cartilage. ●Cilia containing
cell(ciliated cell) ●Mucus secreting cell/goblet cell.

Ans:Trachea: It is a cartilage made windpipe which help to pass air in

and out of lungs.
Role:Trachea being made by cartilage it have elastic properties and
without bending passes air into lungs.

Role of goblet cell?..

AnS: It release slippery/viscous mucus which remove trapped germs and particle . [pg-67]
Role of ciliated cell?
Ans:It traps germs and particles to keep the trachea clean.
3c.Write the mechanism of breathing in and breathing out.[pg-69]

mechanism of breathing in mechanism of breathing out

Intercostals muscle contract, pulling Intercostals muscle relax, pulling ribs
ribs up and out down and in.
Diaphragm muscle contract and it Diaphragm muscle relax and it become
become straight/flatten. bend/bulges upward..
Chest volume increase and pressure Chest volume decrease and pressure
decrease. increase
So atmospheric air with oxygen enter So air with carbondioxide get out of
into lungs. lungs.

3d.Draw a single lung and label bronchus, bronchioles, alveoli and alveolus.

Q4a. Define anaerobic respiration .Classify it.

Ans:Respiration in absence of oxygen is called anaerobic respiration.
Its two types- (i)Alcohol fermentation (ii)Lactic acid fermentation
(i)Alcohol fermentation:Breakdown of glucose in absence of oxyxgen to produce
alcohol(Ethanol),carbondioxide and energy. It occurs in microorganism.

Reaction: Alcohol fermentation Glucose→ Alcohol+ Carbon dioxide+ Less energy

Lactic acid fermentation: Breakdown of glucose in absence of oxyxgen to produce lactic acid and less
energy. It occurs in animal muscle tissue.

Reaction: Lactic acid fermentation Glucose→ Lactic acid + Less energy

Q4b.Why smoking is bad for health?

(i)It causes less oxygen to supply in the body/cell
(ii)It causes lungs disease(like emphysema, bronchitis, lungs cancer).
(iii)It causes heart disease,fat diposition(Store) in the blood vessel wall. Thus
ultimately blood pressure increases which leads to stroke and heart attack.

Q4c.Write the name of respiratory system related disease causes by smoking.

(iii)Lung cancer
Q4d.How can you keep your lungs healthy?
(i)Avoid smoking
(ii)Do physical exercise regularly with long breath
(iii)Keep the atmospheric air clean and pollution free and breath particle free
fresh air.
Q5.Fill in the blanks: Read the chapter with bold letters
(i)In ………(AR)………….. respiration oxygen is needed to breakdown glucose.
(ii)In respiration glucose burn to release ……(E)…………….
(iii)……………(R)………. Takes place in all our cells all the time.
(iv)Below your lungs is a sheet of muscle called the ………(D)……..
(v)In our body glucose burn instantly to supply extra energy by producing a
harmful chemical called…………(L)…………… acid.
Q6.Multiple choice: Read the chapter with bold letters
a.Respiration reaction occurs in the part of cell called-
(i)Mitochondria.(ii)Nucleus (iii)Ribosome
b.The amount of carbondioxide in inspired air –
(i)4% (ii)0.4% (iii)0.04%
c.An instrument used to measure the rate of respiration-
(i)Barometre (ii)Respirometre (iii)Calorimetre
d.The cartilage rings are -
(i)V shaped (ii)C-shaped (iii) O-shaped
e.At the time of breathing in chest volume –
(i)Increase (ii)Decrease (iii)Unchanged

The End.

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