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“Ashok Singh Pujara Student of Diploma in Civil Engineering Seti Technical School Dipayal, Doti Address: Melauli, Baitadi The Note's On Applied Mechanics ,.c00n witesnins, nites Introduction te 14 om eral Leepe of Myjhed Mechorres 2 Qncept oy Particle, Zp Ly, Deformed body, free beely sezgroi and (asilibrivin af forte ond Rig] Body. 2 of Sf quwithium * Foo and Tice anadyis of Hartel, Too chmeninal walyn of gid Beky- J. ii ancl Jeepe of Applied mechanics = “3 Mecharner in te buanth of seiere which chats anth the shady oar! pene on hoctes. Sel Prechonien al ar applied Aechonics ] fanics Is very Irrportan Kou) Vie aged din uctures | caches. teal 10 very enente) to shedy the yoveus lew gf applied meclarics te deh ang 48 vart octny ina frame suche, Plight of an aerephsne m ard patel Zh. Lol aluign hruch er fs Z| Branches of Applieel Mechanics Tpecnchs op ppled steghonias = = branches of Mop! {pate mee = [ietres neds Hts The branch of applied mechoaics swhich cleals wth the cohen fercor on beebes of rest to called sabes. tgs Tre chuoly of cly fp fae a tk Aygo tel ] eb Dyoemicr: Hin the beat oy poled 7 ehasie ach hele exis te Le yma. z pict, bused tae forbs" Ss! @ kenches + @ kinematres. f kets = Sh dis the bron FGeLUA cofrch deals orth Hho plychy erces | tres far acceleration ned rotore pe F kinetes. Gl knemahea te Be anton of bodies asithou branch of dummes whyeh tal th te =, 2 Ont Wifernce 6 te fercer ceusing the -| Paty alley bales und grey, rhe berlin ec | 4 | Particles + lA partch on dbject Hot es 1 ike tal a inti on nent ces 1h horizontal elprecton fos: ne 10 Gn i orene of alt wt 2-90 => eho iy je ze a The algebratc aun bo int in 7 tr plane hh cero fre. =0 Trae a ar abo eis, hee equilibrium. = mites gab he nee pone! hia a jee force ach at #00 pointy. Lithium of a rigid bedy in bre dmugn ? Equator yy egeslibsiuD - 4 =0 mo= = (rxf)=0 he. Efe =O. ey =O, Efe=0. Fax = 0. My sO, ZMz=O. zeactron rnvelve more ion i mH om, 1G and fo infersect 17 1 M2) Ze fg on insycle the beely to Angnn as internal force. Unit-2: Forces.Acting.on Particle & Rigi Body | #\| fre: 4 ea or pull which ach on a body pelt adres in, | Heh ol the moton of Ute body called force i t 4 Dfgr faces & } — I ‘ionsfational force + ire, rnagretic | eekraal”) forces “The fotce_actoy on outride the body to knocon as excrnaf forces Gl Teraton force appled farce fruten farce. (The seuceuthch ts unform mover atic olatron tn called l troralatonal force. | Object only change its_motion when a firteac upon Fa tp a: plore | Fedatienal force to) Leface hich o muement wlth roteton_ called rotational fre H Ep. Teroue. tollneay fortes whore Lines y action Lt op the tone line are Krewon 2! codtinear forces (seeones Ye || Concurrent Rr Lo) forces cohich eed oinf axe knit as cancurient farces. lana Conitwyent force ® cer whith mech af un action also Lea lc reurrent free. frown OA amples Py é es uc (o not 16 and Heir Line of action fies on a fame plone | pon cic Cee Gonph: Ladder against wall anor poy “2 trewn 100 dan 7 Y. face os which meet af o pont ir Ai on lo nef tes e_plane are Kaoen ay unre fez farce ona trpad ronyirg « Hesllt. Zz fi mor one concen : cou wohich ds af hen den a Jame plone ore Konstan (oy Non- Cncurren| (Ce. ¥ Examples forces on moving bus a = Al Pevaltel forces: Porallel farces are Hose which oh zal. es! “| pet Arouoh Hy have some ofech_on a body on which they "7he_panaltel fre ore_clauiy fed an! A| Like fvallel fercer’ [he farces which Line ef achensla poralfol Leach offer ancl act ip_some clirecton T I {| $ keke porellel ‘fircess The forces whose Line of actos ly parallel 4s | each other anol act in apponife direction R _|_ip L Y TI Fr | : - FG Valike parallel forces 3 I 7 #1 Gels of frce s LL GVh may change the metin of body. te. sa body » af pik , | the parce may cet note tf the booly /» alren. a |p motion the force may accelerate it. CH may retord” the motion of edly 4 Lo may retord the forces alreacly ‘ccting on 4 body thus bringing . _ it th~rett or ip brivy. Z ta rey give ite to He intestal arenes ine boely on which i Z| Cavacterntyes of forces ol 7 J | ep veer (ht. oheolher the nce ty pallax pu). Tha 2. 200, 5 N, oN 5000 ie cot You fatten, wath cn ore heaol pp th or tho ce. oel; low) bey ono past couelel be Hh Os Lo eo 4p ts ntl» possible fo hero» b- fdhuced by al 1h R. te ore mnoloat ch woowrlel be ce Thy wen, rel tant feces er Compou nding out Qnpopition. races i ven. cd on ‘into a boely ut wh of chant OR eiihition = [f brant suirs ofthe resoh number con a given dlirechen j epual 2 ify raelved | jp in fhe same lirechops’ Lethods Resolve epizental ol Me. rtteal comp we, jaltont resuttan, wzantally ane Arol. 1 ee algebras sam of alt rent ice verheal, EI wen, nd find he algebraic sum altthe wt be YE + ewe reste ill bee rocky ch thot “on = ir ven ator, 2 wth porizental angle Vv <4 v= 500 2 ae Te _value of the anole Qrusll var -espendtng Jn 4 value of '2v- eno 2H Os bye wher Ev vo: psitwe, Patresultont prakes an anole’ bekory c & 50%. 480°, pul when evn negative, the reublent makes 47 an “at sl When 2 12 posllve by rerallant maker on Onole befuse 0° #0 90° ar 870°2o 466° fut when Eu 1» negative tl. hes on @ eon go" i A Zy= sve = poe . [Ane eve. ver 8 [ % Ke @ ey =-we 0 = Be OO SH= Fe +t [ass see @l_ sy =e => 940°~ 360" ik 7 | Zn = +ve yen rz @) Zy =-ve ho" — 250" : ' Luz —ve Veni Sol! 6000 1 RIN doors ‘Bouin ene ¢ pan fon ncday SOKM the sultant force. using al Ml pH een “2H od) = yG-20 = KkW. LRenlung all the forces ees w(t) = 50-35 2-26 Kw S Magmitids oy R ny LEWt+ Eve Vos)? + Case I = S545 kN gs Brecher gp te reullant derce, LO = wrgh which the reulionl ferce maker wath te fwrvortal Ale know that. fang = Ev = 85 = 37 O= = 86.43! { finces Ex 11 pouhive ord sy tw negtiive, Lhnrefire reulkad tres’ hetweel 20° ond 360°, Thus actual anole gp the rextleat fuce | = S60 — £663 = £7537? py 4 moe re me hag ako, } , zon, gon.con ond Go GR OOTY ites en a repuelor hexagon heivards the _07 | pout fiom, daken onder. Fine! Be _rneugpituacl? p ‘ye _vepattont force. The cyte of fpien Force ta bo11Ngeo* econ | 7 tour + LL gesokine nil Hy fated hovizen f Zit cok) = nde ocvan’ p $0ceGo— Corin" = Ip ggN wo S cucling all the fs vortenlly oe = v PAY = 50-470 30-1 dosing’ 7 bce O° = 151-60 v et) tee (B5-98) 4 Ast 60) = 455-61 ns. pl ici ce [ Al B= Angle which the ropultont fyc0 J kes with Mr _heiootal(ve 6, Tale kas that f i fan = €V = tg 4-60 i in 95-96 | i B= fat 4160 i 2596 [ b= 2065" py Lmee, values # fH coro) Lv are postin | & ultont Felon foetteatierere axheal 6000 wif AHN e no. ad at a poi so" Nerlh fe indir ue a tovwarels er ZoM fowards ninth west. 25 a tnedined ab 90" towards Seulh vod _the mp diechoy wat remuftant 7 fol’ or ieont alt 20 (0570 — Sosings'~ 35 c0sge% — 30: FON. er verbal opin 5 9 +g0undsy onringa’ reste eb at! anos? 7 208 posite ae, Doig Ce 2 + (33-94) t Nowe oot force rendianp. by fanB= Sv — 33-34 Zu =fo-40 tan-1 (4.098) 2-47. 67° ive _@nol ev J» df Z he I ative: There ‘tual ange ulfank abt 0°. L180" 4-7.4 Eu18RB (mor ie ——— renciple oO; vineiple. in wore! ee Ube «Hh a force acts ab o pri pom 4, bility a ernsanipo) biliby Slade a “ache ce - lune of action I T fonncler a ha i ahth a forte inact crctton (0. g lu jlbernaty iostolled Tonstnisoibility. fi Nol mament. uct. ce) dicular chelance a) Ponte nee chy Veckaino a. D ona. fio 90. & (6000 mA RNIN y ENO. aL (clckwne ti -Cleckeine moment - a te a body tas te funder, ft 6 = clchesine dhrectin Vien’ the manent se porachuced 19 Fi E Gati-cleck wi Mo) = Fr Canti-clockwis all mung sare magnitede a fe 27 Os Rparafel thin chotance th Mel fe. wiobies af Couple :- ebrax surmep The , he zene. le by 7 th de another tt bs Pa és 60.00 1 i Col Zi ale bee om wh ex ensthahee the coup), about ay point 10 fhe some a Le thee wy Theorem &- ken. 1) eC! te He! and mech t 9. Tein gc’ He jor Le chy oo «Jon DA andl fe C ace nity {re AAG = ApIC =a 0AB LC These angle Lie on [tx ane tose avd beheree fot rome parallel tines.) Mow, snowient of servce abel point ry _eyueal to fesice of Hy_avea of | the triangle. so, Die 4 abet 0 = 2% pia of hang nak” Mnent oP tare fe abut o = 2x trea o haagole bad Momentos reultant pate R’ about O= 2% ovsay A0Ae le nent of tno Arces about 6’, a =k Area Of 4 OAR +24 fra of 20AD 224 fina Yd ADC +24 Away SOAD = gx (ons sane area of 20Ap) = 8 fon of A0A0. Ds ponte y tes rsabeoh foe Radek 6 (Din pre fe Voingnaes Thioren. Lethe ap-fding the pexallont Farce ¢ rangle Lov forteo > 4 Ht sdates shat "yf two concurrent forcey are cehap srnuffonewsly en 2 bedy are are presented in magnitucle andl lreaten by thesels of a tudhole dakenin acter, then Me thr tes of the angle repreun Zhe cotaltont gp the forces in patiyniduole ane airectien foken in yppanite ly? ge 1 Z : "4 id Ncurlyass a adh ¥ | i asnhen ~ fi imultaner o ticle be represents frection acljocer 2 paralleloeram bown cre above. Ter rule. # doull pe" roprtpenteel 10 rag nitude and dhvech Lay te tags NAc oF He _pora Wlelooram « } 4 elicealar cel ts laceol. ‘sa’ and! oh Maro, from frowre, Sa0b=<2dac =O coauscler lle ohh angle riongle ade. ol cutn@ = f2.sin0. Mow, from aeoht angled thtangle OD Mi OD lee Hod a (It = (cel)? + @atad)* 4 { cco = F2coO | or, (00) = Gel)*+(00)%+ 20a-ad +Go/ JE (Faso) Ch 2+ 2 Fa. fa coi +(fcosb)— prs Ft Fi 004+ 62 (stn’6 +-¢0/°9) oy R= 2+ ah BC+ B R=) e+ Bt 2G fecsO "OQ gives fhe mapritude of k. Now. ching Lee dive f_consicler Fhe right anole (rangle Ocel. bet <2cod=« joe Rmpke argh % with fy. tang =(ol_ = Gf 3 - oa+ad acct? ofan’ = Fosind court ™ B+hosd a = ton Tha) 9 Carhws] De ales gine fhe direchn which Hhx_resuliont R makes colt He force Fi. Jpeaal qua: Mt ul twe-12 F O=0° sees when Feandl & are acting on Ue" same Dine ancl th soe cin Than, €7 0 becomes, Rake fi? + 2h Fr CoO ! 2 Fite atyFo [a= f:+f2] —— @ foe hen A FE +B 424 G cos: are atling en fhe by w ” oh i+ hoe + 2-Fb Fe Cts 180" I [pte he 2AFe = | Ee-fa: | —@ oa Polygon Low of Fortes? = J Wan “ er af forces aitting nmurttoneously in abu | resented In_magnitucle dnd abirectreds bythe siedey of a ‘en in Loni th youlfant frre ih Buaghiteds aad chirecteo, taken ib oppcois. alr. LH ig 7 : . aN : : a 2 Fe : 6 @ : @ a Lh let ws comnicder g booly in which four coploror cancurren] forces gn i ching ay Dhow! in rut a0 bb ur fore ; re Fa -& fe achrgad F& Ke Yot_0 ma 6000 rw, >) = Fees = Free 5 cerOy cb Fens O. ceuolving the forces ” cuss, joe. \lonp verbie z 0 4 + Fone = FatinOs — Fa-sind, 2 ree wlych are adr ese EE. ble knows je 00 forces by uk ler thelr resullant 1» given by the ogh 2 RE fey = ‘ ies cagnifucle 2 that of gues the ‘ ~ Li ssl Tis_mettad Is opekabh for calculading Ue reuionl Fomwhon 1D. We. Ny shine sly in _O Lams Theorem aa oo L “uf three coplanar cencurrend -forcer_ced ona body and keop the in eguil bran, then C04 -propettorel fe the i angle behween the other tio farces” {G00 M9 CL conucler three faces f,f2 nel Fy actno on 0 body at point », toon in figure andl the bodly sin epueithmmn Med ace extiag 7 the Lorna Thtorem. Sion “sing Sin = oO [beh cw copidly the foreer Fond Fy which are rep reeattel bythe fv ns) a ond oc of 0 prrallelegiam eae a Shown in figure Ben the elfont (to forch uotll be piven the paraltelograp Jin magnrtecls..and derechon. Th iéoss 0b the be toual Yo Fe in magnitude but apponite In dhrection 7 Fra Fi, £2_and Frare tyuilbrerm - rem [e_parallelsyaro, ORB AG =cC = F2 and & = of. =: Sh x Alcaw, In 2048, LA0G = 180 f , LOGA= 100 aT | <0Ag= 180~ AN body ag weight reen ta Ly A plane piclwed a an angle tf 5" wth My Tenet J a0 P) rie a the plane ay thew hpune. ‘ Dehrmire the inimum and maxyum value oe 2. fer whith Lhe epuilibrym con ent, tf. Le anole of Piss 14 320% DN Ae have + given that, Llught' gp a body (u) = Seo. Aagle of inched plaraswith horreenfal @) = 26° yple_of fulchan ob) = ato" {> Wynnum Yafie of ps kle know tat for the minmu 2 the ody » a the of a doonanrds ble alin kets that when 1 lad of Len the Fon = Wx GHG =+) _ 5t0-%_sn(erom30) Tare Cos 20 = 46-4IN Fins | Mysraym. pals of pz ble know thal for the maximum vole pf P. 2 the pa of dlliee spon. de alto know That Pooxs Wn sin+¢) = 500 x pn (95420) Cop Os 20 = 356. 24 Nw 6000» eta Couarli brtum of 0 bacly on 0 rough mtlinecl plone Lu faco_actng alta lye Ie he Tey jut an te pain? yf mien down the plore conser 0 block af wopht ti which n kapl on an inclined plore bo, rngle of inclination ex’ coith the hornanfal. O tt The” block jest at- the pomt_of sicling hase 2 The_orco oohn9 gn the "Wack whith Kept it in, Kp I wine Goer 4 ! egeuslibvun On: Let w= weight ap block chy worleall ee p t clowwnword,s P= Applied force oc ip tony —— 5 hcecnal fice actep upusord alings the plane ___ R= Wormal recicten vata ca teaching the fortes perperchculor tithe tnclied plane, (t+) f= woe, — Pafod = 0. Re wen, + Psi ne =D. - te line Ue ferces_porallel tothe: melee plone C=) t E+ Prose — Ming =o I AIR = Wind — Prone DF =uey Fatt m0. fn , kt Cleon —& Pana l= bine — feos LM co tond re AtPsink = wssine — Pron oy 2, Peevey ot L-P Sieg = 10.0% — Lt. Cord oP (corg Plonx) = 0d.and = 210 core o, PL conedsedane..sine) = wrner —langro cone OP (cone + tune) = lene — 2 cap oP (core. Cob iindising) = wl ang coi in Ling coi— 10 ES ~ cud — po ee wi eng (=F wl sng. toss — S10 g.cor) > P(csrer-cosh +01: sing) = PO Cetm cs) = won (Xd) | = P= W cin ch) Ces = W. tan ( = /he bale aatuh ky rt 119 cpterlbritim g are P. 4 leet w= worght of block acting Rent verheally upwards EZ werk P= Applnd Prce achng homontally | F= furtinal force acting. downward along (be plane R= Nomal ‘reachon Lucluing He faxes poypendiculor ps Zhe nchned plone. (+) R= weore — Psiny =O R= weeny + Ping ——O lung Phe farce akao Che plone (>) poose =F = Won = 0 a, Loose =i + Wii Cy Pattine Yu values ef 8 from O in @, we get = Poort = 21 ( woosy + Poor) + won a, Poona = and (ootoroy +psind Jews o, Pord = sind (ewtug + pant) wy | cab J Peony = weosesincd + Prin sing + wine cond & coh corey. cond — wronx shh + Por su teaser Cos S (ob cons — SINK SIN = iN PLSINX ws (kth) = Winey + = wine b cos (KAD = won (e+e) jumerical A coal! bfock of mos 200 kg 0 kept inte Pacbned at 25°. to the hori osizan' oP. 0-30» Find fy maximum Le have iven that, ferobt of lo 100 %9-81- = 981N ton Cd) = 6-30. lane (x) = 26" fara ) = 41, , s- thon the book the fenckney fr most. HN 8m a_ploré wy tan (X+h (25 + 26-69 init Centre of gravity L Centrotd f mn vovity (Co) as he of gran od ap Hhe point through whi, revit oct r arpentasin WW Contearl of Oreas- . ir » unt through which whole area Lamina v edd to ack. een “Conte 4 naviy and cen pint Prot iraughs woheh whole ‘body acts. ty ad ore! h eee eobich cbes joint in the wutont grovite nt al a 7 Gelerarsd i bunpoiuldsan 5 is whi Mn Go. mearured i @ rene Cl for dy BD ene, the distance of the co. will be d¢ferenf. references, lane renerall west & je ee hulahing F a the figun fr caleecatigg Mav’ é let, Fond 7 co-ordlinaky Of the Coswith respect reperen . Fe oy +0.%2 +0901 04402709 — milan = Yt 242 + UY a = Qs + Ont 45 + then, = af He area into which the whole 7172.24... are the respective co-ordnaks = cots rapect fo some axh of reference. 4 co-ordinafes areas, 05,0270%,---"'on ¥~ come i 5 corel) oy ON Trteangle © = beh X= b/g & 000 minnie, = Fo Right chreutor (one me =4_ arr =h sco00 ifkenns (neve t 0 a know, He Opty +O0%2 = +1200 ¥ 30 & 400 00 +1200 = 185¢mm c re = Ose + Oe Ye TG eae = fhod-¥ 6b + 1200-*10 1600+ 1800 pom 53mm, 36 5400m, id rangle-@ = = 200% 50 = 000mm~ 2 300 2zomm| -| a sia L= 20+ 200 = 120mm 2 langle- de= 200%.20 = 4000mm?* 42 = 200 = 2 = 20 = 20mm a2 know = OAL+ O92 = F000 #16 + 4o004 +02 6000 + +000 o = Ot92 +0242 = 6000-4420 + dane 4 92402 6060+ 4600 =( 49mm, 26mm. 6000 offen, aan Vee from + fl be = 8000 mm? = 160+ 40 = 2 d; 140 Rectongle- Op = 150% 40 = 6000 mm a = 160 = z i 0, t+ese +a = 000 * $70. $000 6000 = 129. 2¢mm OV) = (soo, 129.26)mm ¥ Or. 000% wen Ts une. f net |:aboud Y= Y om Go. Lie on mid = 36¢m™ 2 dp 47 LRecfongle-@ Op =3¥ 40 , ete) be th e co-ordinatsoe He Centrord from Uhe mfrrence ax or ond 0 mament “of mertra of thy pits area about oy z= oy qs + 97 age + ~~ [Toy = sea Ea7z77] elemental area from Ube reference atid. (o- ordirrates e ce wat Bor x esculenta t y & and Y is | Be 0 phonetic x “ale pub dad the ovir shrowgh tor and perpendicular to the area 1 cal) 1A paler moment of inerlia Taking ehrre orca da ob dstonce P from 0" ate how) te-crdmat (x, 4) the pol memest op © \ -fnertto of the dea in given by Ar ca aie, Me hove, 1OM) O° Gren " shite ks tp. Let wroment of inerho Dao area Saba tert 2. Tein owe be 1. Then, eS a A EE i be dened as Injonce tf the point, cabich (hy tohile ara in suophedl to he amcenrattal withocsh alter 1.5. frm, obfainedl ott of the robe Amz. \ S| nd ir marment arti = 12 Hotes thot «the momen] of mero of a plone area abyed an ax lane andl pony through th chon of the ol a land YoY ci he plone i coual i o| t XX 9 gre. nond Ty be te mio the plane ye) _x-x anol Y- ¥ Mmeeti ont "0" mt. T, ut 2°2 awn andiceutor the wing Pbrouph th point ‘9! 1 given = +1 tll @ngider an olen la ala dnfante 0 ym _Y- Ox ta chadance ‘rt — ou, in Ure. =zaxn We knew chat m3. about 2-7 pw of the plone figure is. A - bk eee + f 1 =| = (xtda + (u2da , 7 T = Iy+ Ir Chem +7] "| VS Farattel oxis theorem fer momen! 0f- Inerfta = i m1 Hatake thal." Zhe moment of marta of oplone ora obout any axis parallel to th entroidel azn ro epaal to the son 2 ren? of hom, about a parallel centrordlal ax and th product of fy drea and square af the distone between the tos axes". Mato) y . sali Conner 0 plone ama A faving 4x and yy a ceohoided ax as shawn 18 Poure. Fox ZA Ais cast, comider 29 phous _* — poral) to the rt axis at o dhobnce | Y fiom thie axio. Taso an ekmentory area a] at dstonct_y fm x-x uo, ble knouy, A: Tiy= Zy2da = [yp ‘ is, y = Joa= (Gry da= 254057 +P) da . Tap = £5%da+ 2 aTydn+ Syd) b ion = J? ea + 25 sydp + 242dA ‘ Tp = F?2 A + oGs0 Tex Cs yaa finn = abou thy cenhardol a8 = Tee ay? ; Zaa = Atornen) of metto ep an area aT pny paraltel a2” Lex = memeny of inttha of on Oe ebout py con byytle,) 2!- & Gz distonee between oheitd rr oy) ard parallel 2” | fs a. PE Y the rchongle 2 Deli of = 2b [yedy A 1 = AEWA : : FIs ae Lex = bd3 7 x - C ia | m3- of fy redengle about the eontwiclel quis (ly ade} 1 “a ] woh of mecha ——_4 fin thr paralel ans theerem, Ln logan Toopl= Iyy+ Agr valle! fo Here, Hah Az bad t = _dhs+ sdb J a2 < [l dae= db? ox Toa at gm =. gb? J 5 3 =e -_— | tmilod, the mz about te oxi py ingen by = Pane bel Too of WW = bd?) ie “af I Mietengltar lomo mutha Contally obuatel seegle 7 Tek = Colle) Zee be the m2. of th alle recdorgle ond LZree ond Tere be md of the byggee redn i z ns Lond smaller rectangle resprctwely. ! 3 lara. Ly toooon yy yreitre of The Joloaa reclongalor rim se) “Tf Ox by, co mitfenns, mote {= atta of wig thre) Vertes Mareknen ty at a chatance 3-[Trrangk + Let Age _be 9. frrengular an au eH? BY bk am. abo|lanutle Ou NN. DE _ BS & anh volte to th base _‘b’ 10 _bAe = 1 iemen! of inertia ahouf 0» conhordal wor andl forall Yo base re. tron ) Let G "a batanee da sh-h — 5 = erent of inert of thy lomina crboud xx -cre be Tee Toave = ll Grew oll Let by a cveulsr Coron sods Lex ond Let zz be 7 fc yin Considet_an_eln cely v Mhieknens de the clemental ung (fA) = -270r + dy ing of radi * 0 0| 0, moment of (erlro elerpental eet 2, Z hameks of the crrcukn k= ¥ Lectin = hucodeeh 10 _vethhy le, cincleet) ite ection. techn about Yreir centroidal axtr 1. about the rowired onin ang parallel we fection con be calcwlafeel I ular cechon oO = 245000" = 40 = 5am. 2 a= to+ 316 i } He 2. | Fin ans + eno = tips 7 9502 49-5 29h 29mm Se 02 L160 + 950. 1 Y= Qs¥a+ QYe = 3360" fy + 950%5 = 39.27 mn) aura 1650 -+ 95 1 HL i Tix = Ceuly +o (u-Y)* [7 } Tyy = Teu)y oa Ca¥) f Iria me +(Txx: 1121624. = 5307492. 6mm*t z Ch = 122 8857. = 1669442. 67 mt Inert allel moment ou » t= |Fe- @_THiongle = O2= 4 dbx io = 50cm Xg= 10 2 ¢ 3308 22 10 = Ao = 10 +2 eee. = 15:33am. 7 Ke aixg +72 = Mex 41 + S64S93 = 9-780Um t as +a2 264 + 50 r . Vie tryst Oe = 26e 46 +50 RIG-3S = 3.466 t | zoe nbd +50 I = re net 1 Aiaaal 12. 4 = §750-964 ch © i x)e © 2750, 964 ani j am f as ff i i ftex, = ealee #02 (ye ~¥) * = bp et 2 me = Ady so® + 60 v (45 22 — 3.406)” rb { = 9354.19 ¢met Then, Dyn = Tvxy tnx = 7750-94 4 9759-19 = = 7105. 154 ons pour, St langh Jan = tg @_ about yx aos. iI Lyy= Jyy = Tyy + Dy, = | ayy, = Cea a: =k l = db? + ace lax —X) 12 = 42 4029) 4 Body (14 9.78 2 Iyy,= 11040.94 om? 2 (a2=%) = AB ap x(t2—K)2 E ze z — = 10% 403 + 50 (2-323 - 9-F8) ~ a1 ‘| ly sxpeeeces tk = 2957. 902 mh Tuy = 11040. 94+ 2357.902 = 13398. 84 om4 4 _ d= 100 = semm = * fa feeeesl te || 4 Qo {60% 50 = 2500mm> psn be i do = 150 = 75 mm rt | = a 2 = 100 +50 = 125MM RE re +4 5 1 Y= ays pay. AsO, . 7 i = Stale) abo» 50m Ea a {| = 14.29 U6 bob? nv : BI = | 8 - Tew 7 =7)2. so an a 250 x 607 ue (25 9S, 12 ; = 8542500 mmF 4.29466. 67 + Gy32500 . = 260 4.166.-67 mm? : aN, 2 7. ? eB & Babouk ¥-Foxn- = = 7 — aie E a fl ty = Tea, + at (1) T = pt + ag ( XE 7 12 = wo# 954 s000 C 75-)* aes | = 100 x54 0 ia i = 14-3 606 (6Emm> BY Byys = Cinalas -t 4222 X) = db! + a, (a2 —%)* 412 = 50 x 1507 a (5-15) Zh = 50% 1507 + a2 = 740625004000 mm TI oye andtetb G63 + sF062500 Ts my oO Fou = Cpe 22004166 GF, 75 1n4166.62) mm CL: ta:= bh = 24 = gm $4 fo + + 3 j_* eee > | Fig-® = Redanale fete tte estes tiny | | as =e zaney = sz6om> wacsr, [po 445) > Zsa a7 [}-—-—__3¢ ET = 18s 2 id amt (ry xx \emioicle + 44. Ge er = 4 ead : S 2 = 122F-- 18 mm4- Be | = Ss eee = 25414.6 amt 8333. 93 — 2505 95 +16 260 + 1224-46 Lalewlak Hs rnriment af inertio Of the Section thaun in the figure a_paning Hysuoh the Go. and parallel fo the bare ys sy Here ssl Fg. - Rectangle 4g= (450-+ 150) (Zoo 200) = 300% 400 ag ee | = 220000 mm* [6 \ | r= 50+ goo= 00mm Li ane 2 f= ¥ Yr= 400 = 200mm fo..! [Reon | Ey it | rig-@- Triangle « pany Q2= Ly 50% 400 = 10009 mm? Yes gh = 2450 = 39.39 mm 3 2 Yes AW = #00 = 133. 33mm. Po te S| fom-f9- @ ~ Trang: age by sox $00 = 10000 mm> y= 507300 + 50 = 466. 66Fmm. 3 Stracdure een, Ty thuchure = a mei! the cleyon Puspore g eae A te che Pepe 9 the self worght of the shuctoré aching tal m 1 pesilion on vy in roa thade a i Znpa! fncd De al which i» tempered) in the shuclure che hit falls ity deg puypane . tn. ¢lav room y = ww had. G@_Benamic lad : Load tmpored in a thuctyre due to vibration, had! ny due to ving eort 2 velyele- ex. @| tend load | Win 1) more tn fern 1d es_in whher anol? in auumed acting hortzontally. Olean id. Farthovafe ow also natwal phenomenon, Cov ccimby Nepal headed in active Suore zone and derhuche corthquates moy occur future. fo, seis in. I — M euthquake ome db wes wnpeaing el ye to which mnortio forcer will be developed. Gi erechon bad :- Tee 100 ed in He lu drorypos tation done vclacke cea I wing. equipment Topol ulus lands Falling bedy on 0 thulurt and roving had ws ct ay wells vibrafien and they shoul din olen ak Jw | schonn Lokrnally clevelopeol food: j od CTansile ox. we) i 4 welop along the resistive member. a @) Gonchng loud». bs ‘hoods bern In-he memben These member ore l= ural memben, Gh tear Pram le : 4 tL fond 7 9 ho 4 b &! Taittng ‘oth * Thee loach dnd rah fs make it at a Coble tay wee: | Lol Dodenal toive whrhinn 1 called! axral free. 1 algebrare pum: Ox — ear farce 2 rte_clevelo 4 y aloehrode gu ui me a eA te enl_aching 0 # | wendy Me ‘il Dot F L oment of all xcé ied plane »brase tO. & gn. Qrvenien Asial force = Aral force, Ponridertel as hken as ne9a7 | tension Compyessigt } | dhyar force s- ] tl pheor fore which nd te shear a roemnber bit up ond ght elusn 4 ‘onidored ax postive shew farce ofhercoine_nesatwe. | ry ite shear force firms chrckeos while negah 0 ice wms_avhi segment. I ao] J I i i) “= t | Poavbve shears re | Binding Mormenk sal ant ward 2 \ “apts, Leurve I) cant nD 0s yoopitive b ng ead bendn Lt oaber hogy: curve tp utd oenepais bend meme _, ‘meena. ees JJ Plone shawe here = A irurkive ona fur chmensional je? surface 1 krawon as plone struthe # || space shuthare? to | pare shucks atin like halt merg gtd sha as tracks fom _toter-locking strats In a penraefr pattern. tol yaare fame can be wed t pon large areas ‘2otlh fous Interior mop hectare Dechoninras. xz ‘|| hen a laad oct in a member, the shucture wit! retain the nad wm deform latin taker place where as tn_prechantm tt twill nat Lake the nad? eatl like chon without toking fhe bad. we%| Kelattershyp betucon load, shear huce ancl dene gg voownert = Co Li | t }ineett im nt 4 it Te it) ‘ Ri ola sf ‘nuide a beam subjrctd any type of banswere had of the general fom thon in froureabove. Lolat fiom the beat: on element of tength dz at a diatante-7 from lett endl and chow th fire badly clagram 2 thu» above ince the selmentia exhemely voll [noth the (racing over Lhe beam ca he conudlred to be untfam and equal ty w kwim. The element .1 theo force Fon_ite loft hand ele andl sheer face CF+-dé) én its vighth hand sch. Farther, the bende moment ‘n'ada on the bf? sick of He ob nt_and tt chonoy tp ( mdm) an the wobt dh. v Taking mament about pont t’ wnthe yght.nole { Me o£) m—(m-rdm) + Fedx (wv dz) ¢ dy P = dm. set i F j Thus, the shear fore 10 egual tr the rate of thonge of ben ching + 4 prntet voith reypeok ty 2. =0 for equilibrium , we bhlar, | E=wolx — (F +d 6) =O he pwede : cl ps That to the inbrity of loading 1 egal f yale of change of the, [farce wr repec? a 2. 2 aia Deh minade Strucdure = ul latrally oekronak epi one ue) ee clvelaped 1 The eects empl denna we fem ily cnditonal 2 #1 Lhebcally Tedelormivecte tractor = 4 Ko | Attatcally indeberminate syshms, action companen’ and ynkent!~ | shoves e member can no! b ly clebernineel yr _wing three equator. He eourhibrum onok comeltt A peniyee oF sa fatal eit) Beams A beam jn 0 shurdural membe mela? farce [Types of beams Rearn are foils stupporty on wuhich pf stab. Siomply sopprkel Bearn:- ly supoorted beam. @| Gnhlever bear = Lol A beam ie said) b be-condibver beom 1 He beam js fiztel a are end and. fread other. l 1 7 > Z To “Z| ZZ\__ Bai Conlilever_ benen @) ised beam = (Aheam said be fixed ——_| beam Ls of He 4 bean ore "ond or builtin |] a the beam projects beuendl the auyppar L ~~ __ : Beam a 7 I ZA LX A = 4 4, ZI “A val a boone staid t be over hanging beom If one. condl gr both Whe op t Fig= tne end exer_huugmg fg clh cu ner Fungi [ ail Punt food bharizental frectongulor! Ly Inclined thasohl Ine [oblizn | Shatght ne oD ictred shaeht ine | bprovare parabolic curve obhoue A | @l ove Hquore Jarobolic curve {xtubic parabola curve - [Ss Tine wy Z4e bearing moment al The fusi~ il be zery - ek 7 07 tthe roe end. | searo_of vertical v= O (tH) Ray 9-4-5 + 12 bet rm out hors .~ tum of boreo rcos in equal & Zero e SH= (> far Ran = 0 foment = 0+) ven Cn reel epurcel tp cero ne sve o (nt & Ray = 4 = 2415 4-5 + Rey =O * $ 25-8 — 2-46 + RAY =O a = 225 ken 0) se sol) kN | io tp I 1 a 2 i Fer 2 | 4 | en j 4 | el j EEE I : Shear force A i I I | o I ¥ I oO | j Ox eee Bending mom apr 6000 winning, a es OF: Sun _of hosieental farcesin egual te zero wie en = O(c) 7 Rex ee Takes i at =) 25 Raye — 44 6.5 tbe sgn? = 0 hay = fg__= doen Lum of vertical forces =O Zve oy) ay em 4a png A0- 4 40 F +Ray =O Rayo IL EN Lol fir _sheorfare they Suce_ot A, 1 Va = 0. Va = 10 kw shear force at C, AfeL = 10 bre VcR= go-4 = 6 kN theas fe af 0, Wy. ao. ae Bw a Jo-4¢-10 =—-2kw Sheor faree of E - eos fet ide 2 tha Veg = 20-4 ~ 40-7 = 41 kw hear fue ab Vg 2 to 4—40-7 = 21 bw o--t0-9 444 =O Vga = 6000 m iférons, (ee { ae J =e cam of horizontal forces iy equal to zerg, e. ZH = o( +) —Rax =o Taking moment al 2 1 Pie = O(a)+) { Rateb— jen @xIXE- 4x1 =O 4 Ray = 24 = BE kn : 6 —lium of vertical -forcen is equals zer0 i 20 ht) + Ray- A-$-4 +Rey=o Rey = 5.5 kw 1 ‘1 for doar forte + } | Shear force at a A, Var =0 1 | VaR = 3.5 KN ! shear fre afc i= 25 en ! Yea = =1 = 25kN thear force nt D, Vol = a5 kN Vor = 25 k | shear farce at Vel = 3:6- 4- (a0) l Vea = t- Gx) | thear forte ak F, Ver = 3-5- 4- | Vee = oR tee thear force af B, Vat a1- ¢- 47-56 A VaR =£:5-1-4¢-¢+ 6.6 =0 > |) for bending Mayent. Lenokne mimo ata, Ma = 0 iv — = 35% Nan Rendine moment of 2 Mo = 2549 - tx1= EkNM & ee Me = 3-5¢4.— 142 (ano)ai = FIM oa) apne benching moment pou hg = 24) (be x 2.264 1042-18 [ se 22 ey ll g ax xy I fa 089 2 = 62.27 INM L “a nbilever 2: hadedsie = 59 scans fecal 1 vzentol equal ty zene : even = 6 (=) Rar = 0 bs | rum of vertical res eg ical fo zer0 Eve otf) Ray — 24 4-057 =O Bay 5:5 kv oe) Taking moment Ot 2. Ety = 0 +) M+Ralx 26 (aes a5) y 186 = ae 0126 2 NH 65x15 — 25 4.0625 — 3¥0-26 0 * 4 m IBF kA n= 6: 9¢khn (De | fav sheor forco = ar force at A, VAL =0 Vag = 55 Kn shear fuce ot Vel =A kal Vea = 65 Shear force af D, Val = Qu(t 5-095) = BS kal VaR = 5-5 — 9x (1-96-0256) -2= o.5k fear farce af 8, Var = 25-2 = 0 Veg = 0 | for bending amend t fd nasa B. Bondo moment a 9, Mm. epee ore Bending moment att, Me= — 2d 2.25 — Qed = 4! sonal condition tran ove equation of 2 Axial force diagram a they | = o i gram (ka), Ed in Gr Bending movient dtagaam (itm) sex = fh Rede = ae oink of cvbaftexar are at 0.549 from Berdina, mbment de 4) + 15-10 me t0ys4 X64) BIKE, 7 = 20 BG-91—1@- 10 ~20 14.5-+RUY =O i = RI-59 krv, Fer shear force wr force_at Arde © a Bat = 19.94 EN shear farce of Vet = kal Veg = 19-gi-10 = 9-94 lew errr 2 9 B1 EN. Vers P9t kw 94-20 F-4 2.0 12.09 kN = 12-0 = —1209— Let Ving = - 29-59 29°59 —— kein = 142-06 bi -2: GF — foes = 119-1%| Ap = 109-375 KW. = 13-5 # 10-6F — 20% FmeLO 53 = 29-59 ¥4g ~ 4 10:67 — 20¥# - 16+ = 4259 kw ‘ = 2959419 — LP-5 RIS.LF — W¥12- 1 TR- 30 x6 = -27.015 9-69 QR -125 = 152 1088 495- = Ow ae yo Corres (5 he = Tiurs truss. rome / Truss ber ers In exkinal Firce a ne en jut ” velend mabe) vient to Keep it in it » cas me, purnber mernbers for nt, = bu = Number 6) fat am came 1 Shown in -s. hitb u orfect frome / faust > u which obe, ohare p lei Thon’ € rove figure ina deficient fom 29 one which parnber o¢ members i» & F redundan} yey merby are peo, (ee { y fi rou h jolt 10 tense lysis of Truse® Vs S Heal =” © methed. ® methedo call melhe @| Aetbocls | Me herd rt ih to be 3| 4 mined. ‘ eiieiss.7> Coleulote sor Ob applying conclttion of cquil bru fe: Zfr=0, Sfy=0 & =0 witder 0 join} which ches more than two unknown forces. Each ints conticleredl one by one evolve wees along, horizon{a) ancl yerhcal obrecHons ssuming cinecton irc) 1p. er | iubibrtum i.e. fiz 0 ond £ fy=0 at aay) n to be negate jt hows th of force br wrong, change the assumed clirection. Hai fer_endl. of a tase are th be dette eg uy librium. M Drow 100 ui in whith forces ore rained ction lol he drown in uch its cut rere the inwwh nero Line clw Thy tue ports. cath portin eo! ¢ boely in _equshsbiumn indew the achon gf exkroa) for: ar? ond om b on ert jon whbrit te: € Ferd, £ | on forces wt howl lected that the Lu jerober jn 1 a ermmenemmmnemany = ce d: c = Ata of 4m span 0 loaded as shewon in four. Find ie fares Hoe_rmrbeva of the tus. y 70 C | Al angles of the trun gre 60°, fl : ~ alt silo. 6 He truss ore equal { 1 ] AE = AD+DE f [ 2aD 5 ee AP=PD = 45m : ss | DO= oe = 2. 1 A aleulation of tipparl Reacting = 1 um Of horizontal forces epuill to zero 1 RAx=o 4 taking foment at & 4 Me =o (+) 4 fay < $= FO % 4 40 ¥ 1-5 =0 J Ray = 7: = kay, 4 é fam op vores forces egal t zen. | ay — #o-40-+ Rey =6 625 — 110 + Rey =o | 2 Rey = 47.6 kn ~2| catelation of forces ithe 2nembey : Teint A, — vi) vert — cS Fag unto’ + ° | & Fag = =62. 1 WnGo™ —C F217 doo 56-08 kn (Tamil). 0 (ae, on be* kN = 54. @ I) es_homeotall zfez 0 (5) 9 oo = Fa Fo Hey i BAAS AE ag fat 5 Revlving the Frc prvizanhall Zexso I = Fan (gs 3 08 — Foe cenbo' + 2-49 E. corber+ Cobo’) = ~36. 08 + 29°43 5 bE AN = B65 Coompressyve) Foes £65 AW (Fensile) Jont 6= ; Faagen [PN Fam ronse - | Rexaliine Lhe forces hyrieontally, ee 6; = OCF) vata: rs ee ) | Fea neat 2000 =O wl Rp = 2000 = 2409.40 N (Tewile, | ine alvin ce If | = 2309. 40 + congo" = dist tow. = 154. oN ((gmprenive) Toint 9: awl Kerelving the forces verteal)y 8 }—_—t mh Ch) ¥ (cose riiewns, ‘mothe Yow —|__m, fap= — ©2309-4-0) Congo 12909.40m6s" ww = 25.09.40 envile. wll penber | ctogniludle A) | nature 4 AD 2499-40 comprare 2 AL N54. FO Compressive ! [3 ||| Dee 369. 40 paste 4 62 “2369.40 tule beet tol Lt Brin be 17-92 19-92 bv = do kn (Comp recive itudle Ca) 34-92 B66 do kw i s chin B= = ten-2/3 = 56 14°. Z0p = t £ bens z i HEM Sk on Qt5 md = ZMe =o + 143 — Fa 56-31% F— —IOKI+40 ee so 94° = Sa yaot KN = 2-04 WA Ccanprosive. Taku jorment Ze = 0+) = 40 a = 22 3.73 EN = 3-35 kW. (omprenive) sm bern Jagnituole Cas). \ wafure. AE Ao il bE 12.04 univ] Be g lve #\ calculation of support reaction Teen op aizontel fees epual fo cero 20S) | earshd20 > Ravsathe Par 1 Ts tase whe genyes pe fee Takin Be +) T ; spore Facn et 2 saa PET Ce ee “actin ind flu th foe vac cally r oO 4) FIN 36-8F* wl fac = =F 5h = F-6 (comprenive) solving the forces hori zentalliy 1 fx = 0 9) 1 Fire tents. 83 '— Fag =O | £69 Sab 26) SBF = 7 Fan = &kN (7ensile) = , feint D > = F gosnlrah the forces vertically > — 1 fo-6 22 1 co = 6 KW Cfenile) is Fao l Fao J cln : Gnll| Membera ‘ag njbeecls (kent) rodurre 1 Ac 25 cempressive AD. é rile all ec ZB Compreive 4 eo 6 Tensile 4 s ca Z Temile 10 lvi I ‘i os vn lon Hr call = 3. 266m = Jefe)? (2 pu)* = f-0-39)%+ ~ 9.266)2 wexltont ferce CR) 40-75% S249 th the horirontel. Gre negative, the rerutlan) [ie fr the 3 fe 85. 29° porizanda) as shes! Vom ont A) SIN $5: 05.510 0" — vind #996 BN 83-44 = 4-255 mM. = Vergel an whith hve diqgromof ball @ L l ] wy Razteee body l tel bolls Ax B hue ha fig. frre bady diogrom of vessel

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