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Praxis Core Exam Analysis

To become a licensed teacher in the state of Nevada it is required that I take and pass all

three Praxis Core Exams. These exams measure skill and content knowledge in math, reading,

and writing. Although I am able to earn my bachelor of science in elementary education at

UNLV before passing the Praxis, I cannot become a licensed teacher until the Praxis has been

successfully completed. Each exam has a separate passing score; writing requires a minimum

score of 162, math 150, and reading 156 or above. All three exams can be taken on the same day

or they can each be taken separately.

Prior to taking these three practice exams I had the opportunity to take the Praxis practice

exams in two other courses as well. After taking them I reviewed the questions that I missed and

made notes about what areas I am deficient in and need to study. In addition to the practice tests I

signed up and briefly reviewed the Khan Academy Praxis website to see what they have to offer.

A couple semesters ago I completed Math 122 and Math 123, which helped refresh my memory

a little bit. Those courses were beneficial in preparing me for the exam since my previous college

algebra course was taken clear back in the fall semester of 1993. Although I have not spent the

time I wanted to in preparing for these practice exams, I have read all the tips for Praxis Core

Exam taking and have prepared a Praxis binder. In this binder I have added important Praxis

information including helpful websites, practice tests, and study information to refer to.

My results on these three practice exams were not what I had hoped they would be but I

am extremely pleased to see that my math scores are improving each time. On this attempt I

received a 76% in math, which means at the moment I am borderline for likely passing the

official Praxis Core Exam. When I took my first practice attempt in math a couple semesters ago

I only scored a 32% but then raised my score to 66% last semester. Although 76% this round is
still not great I am pleased that I am making progress. At the current moment I am only

borderline likely to pass the official Praxis Core Exam in writing because I earned 75% on my

practice test. In addition to raising my math score my writing score is also up 10% from past

practice scores. Unfortunately, my reading score is terrible and I only scored a 59%, which

means I need significant improvement in this area to pass the official exam.

As of right now I am not prepared to take the official Praxis Core Exams but I do have a

plan and know what I need to do to succeed. Since I get mild test anxiety my strategy is to take

each exam separately. Math is the exam I want to tackle first and after this summer course ends

my goal is to study intensely each day for the next five weeks while I am on summer break.

During those weeks I know I need to focus on formulas that I am having a difficult time

memorizing, calculating angles, and studying equations involving circles and triangles. My goal

is to have the math portion of the Praxis passed before I begin my first semester at UNLV this

fall. Fortunately, I still have all my notes and exams from Math 122 and Math 123 that I can use

to study and four math books from Manhattan Prep to help assist. Additionally, I will be using

the Praxis Core Practice Exam materials available for free at the ETS Praxis Core Exam website

and also utilizing the Kahn Academy Praxis website. Hopefully I will not need it but should I fail

the first time and need tutoring my sister who lives down the street majored in math and will help

me. After I pass the math Praxis exam my focus will shift to the writing portion. All of my

English courses were taken back in 1999 and 2000 so I will use the ETS preparation materials

and practice exams to study for this section of the test. Finally, I intend to take the reading

section last because I feel I need more time to study and prepare for this one. When I am

interested in the reading material given I comprehend well but when I am not interested my mind

wanders terribly and I struggle to stay focused. In preparation for this exam I plan to use the ETS
preparation materials and practice exams and to also research strategies that can help me focus

when reading. I believe forcing myself to read literature that is boring to me, especially politics,

then discussing that literature with others may help me to focus on comprehension better. After

taking the practice reading exams three times I have also realized there is a need for me to

increase my vocabulary knowledge and will be researching how to strengthen myself in that area

as well. One thing I am truly thankful for is that all of my education professors have guided me

to the resources I need to prepare to pass the Praxis exams and so now it is up to me to dedicate

my time researching, studying, and practicing.

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