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Form Quarterly

(Last Updated June 2017)

SPR Research Projects
Quarterly Progress Report

MDOT SHA Task Number (i.e, SHA/UM/4-18) Report Period

Quarter 1 (January 1 - March 31)
      Quarter 2 (April 1 - June 30)
Quarter 3 (July 1 - September 30)
Quarter 4 (October 1 - December 31)

Project Title:

Project Start Date:      

Original Project End Date:      
Current Project End Date:      
% of Work Completed to Date:      

Project Schedule Status:

On Revised
On Schedule Ahead of Schedule Behind Schedule
Name Agency Phone Email
Project Manager                        
Principal Investigator                        
Principal Investigator                        

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Form Quarterly

Project Description
Attach a progress schedule consisting of graphical information depicting (1) a schedule of research
activities tied to each task defined in the proposal; (2) a percentage completion of each task.

Project Deliverables
Please include a list of deliverables that will be provided to SHA at the end of the project (e.g. final
report, software, users manual, data files, etc.)

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Form Quarterly

Progress this Quarter (includes meetings, work plan status, significant progress, etc.)

Anticipated Work for next Quarter

Significant Results

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Form Quarterly

Circumstance affecting project or budget.

Describe any challenges encountered or anticipated that might affect the completion of the project within
the time, scope, and fiscal constraints set forth in the agreement, along with recommended solutions to
those problems.

Potential Implementation

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