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Mohammad, Lady Farwaniyyah M.


The good life.

The term good life is associated by Aristotle with the concept of "eudaimonia,"
which refers to a thriving life filled with meaningful undertakings that encourage
people to be their best selves. It could also be a way of exploring your purpose in
life and drawing satisfaction from it. For me, living a good life means being
content, having fewer regrets, and accomplishing good things without stomping
on others. I opted to live my life my way, and I attempt to live for the benefit of
others as well as myself.

We are living in a world in which we live our lives based on established principles
and things that we value. As for myself, living 19 years of my life, I may say that I
am contented with what I have right now, I have good friends and supportive
family however, the term good life does not end with being in a state of
happiness, it is also accomplishing a goal, making my parents proud, and
satisfying myself with the progress of my own. If I rate my life today, I must say
that I am still far away from everything but the fact that I am taking small steps, I
am achieving small progress, and people continue to believe in me, and that I
continue to see the goodness in everything, even in bad things, as long as I see
and understand the brighter side of what is happening then I think I am already
living a good life.

Everyone defines "good" differently in the context of life, depending on a variety

of circumstances such as where we live, how we live, our childhood experiences,
and the character characteristics we value in ourselves and others. Good does
not always mean it is perfect, and life is full of trials, it depends on how we create
our perspectives and live it because to top it all, we will always be the main
characters of our own stories and we have the power on how we view it.

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