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Microbially induced wrinkle structures in Middle Devonian siliciclastics from

the Prague Basin, Czech Republic

Article  in  Lethaia · July 2018

DOI: 10.1111/let.12280


2 481

7 authors, including:

Stanislava Vodrazkova Axel Munnecke

Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Khaldoon S. Al-Bassam Patricie Halodova

Czech Geological Survey Research Centre Řež


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Microbially induced wrinkle structures in Middle Devonian
siliciclastics from the Prague Basin, Czech Republic

Vodrazkova, S., Vodrazka, R., Munnecke, A., Franc

u, J., Al-Bassam, K., Halodova, P.
& Tonarova, P. 2018: Microbially induced wrinkle structures in Middle Devonian
siliciclastics from the Prague Basin, Czech Republic. Lethaia, https://doi.org/10.1111/le

The occurrence of wrinkle structures in Middle Devonian deep-water siliciclastic

sequences of the Prague Basin (Roblın Member, Srbsko Formation, Givetian) is
reported and interpreted to be microbially induced. Current and/or gravitational
forces are considered the simplest explanation of the origin of these structures. Taking
into account the tectonic activity linked with ongoing Variscan orogeny, the wrinkle
structures could also be interpreted as soft sediment deformation structures originat-
ing due to exposure of mat-bearing sediment to seismic shocks. The distribution of n-
alkanes and isoprenoids suggests two types of prevailing biological sources, namely
phytoplankton, representing organic material from the water column, and benthic
bacteria. Judging from the sedimentary facies and lack of petrographic characteristics
suggestive of light competition, the microbial mats are interpreted to be formed by
non-autotrophic bacteria. □ Deep-water siliciclastics, Devonian, microbial mats,
Prague Basin, wrinkle structures.

Stanislava Vodraz kova ✉ [stana.vodrazkova@seznam.cz], Radek Vodraz ka [radek.vo

drazka@geology.cz], Khaldoun Al-Bassam [albassam703@gmail.com], Patricie Halodova
[patricie.halodova@geology.cz], and Petra Tonarova [petra.tonarova@geology.cz], Czech
Geological Survey, Klarov 3, 118 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic; Axel Munnecke [axel.mun-
necke@fau.de], GeoZentrum Nordbayern, FG Pal€aoumwelt, Friedrich-Alexander Univer-
sit€at Erlangen-N€urnberg, Loewenichstraße 28, Erlangen, Germany; Juraj Franc u
[juraj.francu@geology.cz], Czech Geological Survey, Leitnerova 22, 658 69 Brno, Czech
Republic; manuscript received on 11/12/2017; manuscript accepted on 12/04/2018.

Since the paper of Black (1933), who studied micro- 1989). Only a few examples of post-Ordovician
bial mats of Andros Island in the Bahamas, the sig- microbial mats have been recorded from siliciclastic
nificant role microbes play in recent carbonate settings (e.g. Pfl€
uger 1999; Dragantis & Noffke 2004;
environments has become increasingly apparent. Pruss et al. 2004; Calner 2005; Kremer 2006; Calner
Considering the low preservation potential of similar & Eriksson 2012; Marriott et al. 2013) mostly having
structures in siliciclastics due to the lack of early in common the occurrence in stressed and restricted
cementation (Logan 1961), it is not surprising that environments (Mata & Bottjer 2009).
siliciclastic sediments have not received much atten- Most modern microbial mats have been reported
tion in this respect. This has changed after the paper from shallow water settings, with cyanobacteria
of Davis (1968), who was the first to report ancient being the main constituents of the biofilms (e.g.
microbial mats in siliciclastics (‘algal stromatolites Noffke 2010 and references therein). Similarly, as
composed of quartz sandstone’), followed by numer- implied from Table 1 in Davies et al. (2016), most
ous examples both from recent tidal flats (e.g. of the fossil microbial mats have been reported from
Gunatilaka 1975; Schwarz et al. 1975; Gerdes et al. tidal and storm influenced settings, and only a few
1985; Witkowski 1990; Noffke et al. 1996) and from examples of fossil microbial mats from deeper water
ancient environments. Most of the fossil microbial facies were recorded. The relatively recent discovery
mats (or structures induced by microbial activity) of modern microbial mats formed by the bacterium
reported from siliciclastics are Proterozoic (e.g. Thioploca inhabiting vast areas of the oxygen mini-
Gehling 1999; Hagadorn & Bottjer 1999; Noffke mum zone (OMZ) off the coasts of Chile and Peru
et al. 2002; Banerjee & Jeevankumar 2005) and Early (Gallardo 1977) represented a breakthrough in
Palaeozoic in age (e.g. Noffke 2000; Brett et al. 2003; understanding of microbial mat-forming communi-
Buatois & Mangano 2003; Bailey et al. 2006) – thus ties. More examples followed (e.g. Fossing et al.
from times with less effective benthic grazing and 1995; Buck & Barry 1998; Schulz et al. 1999; Gal-
low or no infaunal activity (e.g. Droser & Bottjer lardo & Espinoza 2007) showing that biofilms

DOI 10.1111/let.12280 © 2018 Lethaia Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
2 Vodraz kova et al. LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280

Table 1. Molecular ratios of the n-alkanes and isoprenoids in the rock extract: saturated fraction. Positions of the samples Hlu-1, Hlu-2,
Hlu-4 and Hlu-5 are marked in the Figure 2A. Sample Hlu-3 comes from the Hlubocepy-railroad cut, 3.5 m above the base of the Roblın
Member. Explanations of the abbreviations and ratios: Pri/Phy – pristane/phytane ratio; Pr/n-C17 – pristane/n-C17 alkane; Ph/n-C18 –
phytane/n-C18 alkane; % Norpr – relative amount of norpristane = Norpr/(Norpr+Pr+Ph); %Pr – relative amount of pristane = Pr/
(Norpr+Pr+Ph); %Ph – relative amount of phytane = Ph/(Norpr+Pr+Ph); Sum (n-C17–20) % – relative amount of the saturated hydro-
carbons in the selected range; Sum (n-C25–28) % – relative amount of the saturated hydrocarbons in the selected range; Sum (n-CC31–34)
% – relative amount of the saturated hydrocarbons in the selected range.

Sample Pri/Phy Pr/n-C17 Phy/n-C18 % Norpr %Pr %Ph Sum (n-C17–20) % Sum (n-C25–28) % Sum (n-C31–34) %

Hlu-1 0.92 0.57 0.52 20.60 38.14 41.26 0.879 0.117 0.004
Hlu-2 0.99 0.59 0.61 21.30 39.14 39.56 0.859 0.137 0.004
Hlu-3 1.46 0.59 0.50 26.75 43.48 29.77 0.943 0.054 0.002
Hlu-4 1.11 0.61 0.55 21.55 41.28 37.17 0.925 0.058 0.017
Hlu-5 0.83 0.74 0.73 18.28 37.11 44.61 0.888 0.109 0.003

formed by sulphur-oxidizing bacteria are character- Noffke (2000) and Bottjer & Hagadorn (2007)
istic components of sediments in the oxygen mini- regarded wrinkle structures as fossilized microbial
mum zones of modern oceans. mats. In contrast, Noffke et al. (2002) interpreted
Unfortunately, there has been much confusion in wrinkle structures as a result of loading pressure
the literature with respect to terminology of the sedi- originated by deposition of sediment on fluid-rich
mentary structures interpreted as microbially microbial mat-bearing sediment. In this case, the
induced. Various distinctive types of microbial mat casts and moulds are seen as water-escape structures.
features are termed by Noffke et al. (1996) as Micro- Pfl€
uger (1999) considered some wrinkles in
bially Induced Sedimentary Structures (MISS). The Silurian turbidites to result from gas, produced by
most common forms of MISS are wrinkle structures decay of organic mats, trapped underneath the mat.
(Hagadorn & Bottjer 1997), palimpsest ripples (Sei- Mariotti et al. (2014) performed wave-tank experi-
lacher 1999), roll-up structures (Simonson & Carney ments and interpreted the pits and ridges to be
1999) and laminar structures (Noffke et al. 1996). formed by physical interaction of mat aggregates,
Wrinkle structures are among the best-documented sediment grains and waves, implying formation of
MISS (Noffke et al. 2002; Fernandez & Pazos 2013; the wrinkle structure at the sediment–water inter-
Zhong et al. 2013). Hagadorn & Bottjer (1997) face. Thomas et al. (2013) and Herminghaus et al.
introduced the term ‘wrinkle structures’ as a collec- (2016) ascribed the formation of wrinkle structures
tive term for structures described as wrinkle marks to flaw-induced hydrodynamic instability. In their
and Kinneyia ripples. According to these authors, model, the hydrodynamic instability caused by the
although Kinneyia structures differ from wrinkle presence of microbial film gave rise to ripple pattern
marks by flat-topped crests, they both may represent on the surface of the mat, which subsequently led to
‘preservational end members of similar structures’ sediment deposition in the ripple depressions and
(Hagadorn & Bottjer 1997; p. 1047). As stressed by preservation even after the original mat was disinte-
Eriksson et al. (2007) and Porada & Bouougri grated. Hagadorn & Bottjer (1997) and Bouougri &
(2007), both terms – wrinkle structures and Kin- Porada (2002) regarded wrinkle structures as fos-
neyia – are often treated as synonyms in the silized mats reflecting original mat morphology
literature. influenced by physical action of currents, waves and
wind. Similarly, Bose & Chafetz (2009), who
observed modern tidal siliciclastic sediments with
Origin of wrinkle structures microbial mats, ascribe formation of wrinkles to mat
deformation due to current shear. Brett et al. (2003)
There has been much speculation about wrinkle observed wrinkle structures (Kinneyia) in associa-
structure formation, involving both biotic and abi- tion with seismites and suggested that such struc-
otic processes. Many hypotheses have been put for- tures could be seismically induced.
ward to explain the biotic formation of wrinkle Although all of the above-mentioned models dif-
structures, or ‘Kinneyia’, with nearly all proposed fer, they do have one necessary prerequisite in com-
methods requiring the presence of cohesive micro- mon – the presence of microbial mats. Some
bial mats at the sediment’s surface (Hagadorn & authors, however, consider purely abiotic processes
Bottjer 1997; Noffke et al. 2003; Parizot et al. 2005; as responsible for the formation of wrinkled sedi-
Shi et al. 2008; Xing et al. 2011; Zhong et al. 2013). ment surfaces. For example, ‘wrinkle marks’
LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280 Wrinkle structures in Middle Devonian siliciclastics 3

originating solely by abiotic loading processes were quartz grains within organic filamentous material
described by Allen (1985). Wind action on the sur- (Gerdes et al. 2000; Noffke 2009).
faces of wet and fine-grained sediment was supposed In this paper, we report the occurrence of wrinkle
as a main trigger of ‘runzel-marken’ formation by, structures, interpreted to be microbially induced,
for example Reineck (1969) and Teichert (1970). from the Middle Devonian (Givetian) deep-water
Dzulynski & Simpson (1966) ascribed formation of siliciclastic sequences of the Roblın Member (Srbsko
wrinkles to the shearing effect of turbidite currents. Formation) from the Prague Basin, Czech Republic.
As implied from this brief outline, undisputed We suggest possible modes of origin of the struc-
evidence of the origin of wrinkle structures is still tures and discuss environmental parameters that
missing, which is also due to the fact that exam- facilitated formation and preservation of microbial
ples of modern shallow water wrinkle structures mats.
are only rarely described (Hagadorn & Bottjer
1997, 1999; Bose & Chafetz 2009). Modern deep-
water wrinkle structures are unknown but can be Geological setting
expected as modern deep-water microbial mats
composed of sulphur-oxidizing bacteria are due to The Prague Basin is situated between the cities of
extracellular polymeric substances (EPS, Wingender Prague and Pilsen (Fig. 1) and represents the cen-
et al. 1999) capable of producing sedimentary tral part of the Tepla-Barrandian unit (TBU) of the
structures that are comparable to those produced Bohemian Massif, which is widely accepted as a
by cyanobacteria in shallow water settings (Flood Gondwana-derived crustal block characterized by
et al. 2014). Some types of sulphur-oxidizing bac- Neoproterozoic (Cadomian) basement uncon-
teria were found able to trap and bind sediments formably overlain by Lower Palaeozoic sequences
in much the same way as phototrophic cyanobac- (see e.g. Chlupac et al. 1998; Kachlık 1999; Franke
teria, giving rise to many of the same wrinkle 2000). After opening of the Rheic Ocean in the
structures that are commonly attributed to Early Ordovician (e.g. Linneman et al. 2007; and
cyanobacteria. Sulphate-reducing bacteria have also references therein), the TBU drifted towards lower
been found to construct significant microbial mats latitudes and was incorporated into the Variscan
(Noffke et al. 2006a,b). orogen during the Late Devonian-Early Carbonifer-
ous (e.g. Franke 2000). Evidence of tectonic insta-
bility caused by initial collision of TBU with
Evidence of biogenic nature adjacent terranes can be observed in the Prague
Seeking evidence for the biogenic nature of wrinkle Basin already in the Lower Devonian (lower
structures, thus demonstrating that microbial com- Emsian) at the base of the Zlıchov Formation (sedi-
munities were involved in their formation, must be mentation of intraformational breccias; Chlupac
the key task – however, what are the chances of 1957; Chlupac & Kukal 1986) and especially in the
preservation of microbial mat signatures in the sedi- Middle Devonian (Givetian), when sedimentation
mentary record? As stressed by Davies et al. (2016, of the Roblın Member of the Srbsko Formation
p. 241), ‘smoking guns for microbial involvement took place (Schulmann et al. 2009). The influence
are the exception rather than a rule’. Such rare direct of Variscan tectonic movements on Roblın Member
evidence was provided by Kremer (2006), who development was stressed already by Chlupac
reported cellular preservation of Silurian benthic (1958, p. 183), followed by Kukal & J€ager (1988),
cyanobacteria, but these were preserved in cherts Strnad & Hladil (2001) and Schulmann et al.
and no surface structures were described. Several (2009).
microscale features of siliciclastic rocks were sug-
gested as criteria for recognizing former microbial
Roblın member of the Srbsko formation
mats and thus could serve as indirect evidence of
(Middle Devonian, Givetian)
biogenicity. Those criteria include the following: (1)
trapping and binding of grains in a more or less lam- The succession of the Roblın Member, almost 260 m
inar matrix and authigenic mineral precipitation thick (preserved thickness), is developed as an irreg-
(e.g. Noffke et al. 1997; Gerdes et al. 2000; Elster ular rhythmic alternation of grey, grey-green and
et al. 2016); (2) early diagenetic pyrite formation brownish siltstones, clay-rich siltstones, and fine-
(Schieber 2002); (3) wavy-crinkly laminae (Schieber grained sandstones with characteristic features, such
1986, 1989); (4) replacement of organic matter by as graded bedding, lamination, cross-bedding and
minerals (‘destructive biomineralization’ sensu Nof- flute marks (Chlupac 1958, 1960; Kukal & J€ager
fke 2010); and (5) accumulation of translucent 1988).
4 Vodraz kova et al. LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280

Fig. 1. Schematic map showing the geographical distribution of the Srbsko Formation in the Prague Basin, with the position of the sam-
pling site marked.

The unit was interpreted as ‘very distal turbidites Hlubocepy, along the northeast slope directed
deposited in a basin of moderate depth with gentle towards Daleje-Prokop valley (50.0387672N,
paleoslopes’ (Kukal & J€ager 1988, p. 79). The latter 14.3826744E). The entire gorge exposes several tens
authors also suggested lower salinities of the water of metres thick succession of the Roblın Member.
masses due to river water inflow. Marine fauna was For this study, we exposed and cleaned 3.5 m of the
recorded only at the very base and upper part of the sequence (Fig. 2A, C). Except for plant remains the
unit by Chlupac (1958, 1960). beds are barren, which prevents biostratigraphical
Clay-rich beds of the Roblın Member are rich in assignment. Based on local settings, we can only esti-
remnants of the land flora (especially in the lower mate that the sampled interval represents approxi-
parts, e.g. Obrhel 1961; Jurina et al. 2009). Mikulas mately the middle part of the member. The cleaned
(1995) and Mikulas & Pek (1996), who studied ich- outcrop was documented for sedimentary structures
nofossils from the uppermost preserved parts of the and sampled for wrinkle structures, thin sections,
Roblın Member, documented rather rare and a low- palynomorph and biomarker analyses. It is notewor-
diversity mixture of elements belonging to Arenicol- thy that this locality remained unnoticed until
ites, Cruziana and Nereites ichnofacies and compared recently. Previous studies focused on the classic out-
it to assemblages known from flysch deposits. crop known as the Hlubocepy- railroad cut, which is
situated ca 1 km east of the outcrop described herein
(e.g. Chlupac 1960; Jurina et al. 2009).
Material and methods In total, 21 thin sections with dimensions of
45 9 27, 50 9 50, 75 9 75 and 75 9 100 mm were
Wrinkle structures were observed on several bedding studied using the Carl Zeiss Stemi 2000C and Nikon
planes of sandy siltstones of the Roblın Member, Eclipse E600 microscopes. Photographs were taken
which crop out sporadically in a gorge in Praha- with a Nikon DS-Fi1 camera mounted onto the
LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280 Wrinkle structures in Middle Devonian siliciclastics 5

latter. A scanning electron microscope FEG-SEM is represented by slightly wider (3–4 mm), less well-
Tescan Mira 3GMU fitted with EDS SDD X-Max distinguished mounds, with a rather diffused
80 mm2 analyzer (Oxford Instruments) was used to appearance. However, the overall pattern of these
investigate thin sections in detail. The analytical con- two types is the same – mounds joined with a low
ditions used were 15 kV accelerating voltage, 1.5 nA ridge, forming a depression in the central area. The
beam current and 15 mm working distance. BSE length of the mound can be shorter in both of the
detector was used for imaging. The surface of the groups, so they are rather isometric, showing a hon-
samples was covered by a 15 nm thick layer of amor- eycomb-like pattern (Fig. 4B, C). It is important to
phous carbon to avoid charging by the SEM. mention that wrinkle structures were observed by us
For biomarker analysis, organic compounds were also in other parts of the Prague Basin in the silt-
extracted from pulverized and homogenized rocks stones of the Roblın Member, namely in the Hlu-
using 93:7 DCM: methanol for 20 min in a Dionex bocepy-railroad cut locality and in the Srbsko and
accelerated solvent extractor at 80 °C and 15 MPa. Hostım vicinity (ca 20 km SW from Hlubocepy).
The extract was evaporated under nitrogen flow in a
Zymark TurboVap instrument, asphaltenes were
Petrographic observations
precipitated, and saturated, aromatic and polar frac-
tions were separated by column chromatography. The wrinkle structure-bearing sandy siltstones are
The saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons were moderately sorted, dominated by sub-angular to
analysed by gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer sub-rounded, corroded, monocrystalline quartz
Agilent Technologies 7890 and 5973N in full-scan grains, mica flakes (biotite, muscovite), minerals of
and SIM modes. the chlorite group and a minor amount of feldspars.
For palynomorph analysis, three pilot samples Petrographic observations, SEM and EDX analyses
were treated with 10% HF. The insoluble residue (performed both on polished and on non-polished
was sieved into fractions (20–50, 50–80, >80 lm). thin sections) revealed the presence of filamentous
The 20–50 lm fraction was used to prepare perma- wavy structures (wavy-crinkly texture sensu Schieber
nent micro-palaeontological slides. As all samples 1986) composed of organic matter (Figs 5–8) and its
were barren, they will not be discussed herein. diagenetic products, such as pyrite and iron oxides
(Fig. 6C). Individual filaments, which are ca 5–
10 lm thick (Fig. 6E), tend to stack and form
Results thicker bundles. Those bundles have an appearance
of discontinuous wavy laminae, which are ca 10–
30 lm thick (Figs 5, 6A, B, D, F). Euhedral pyrite
Field observations
replacing organic matter (6C) and collapsed pyrite
The section exposed exhibits an alternation of thin- framboids within the organic, crinkle laminae, were
to medium-bedded siltstones, sandy siltstones and observed (Figs 7, 8B). Grains overgrown by organic
fine-grained sandstones (Fig. 2A, C). Cross-bedding filaments were also recorded (Figs 6F, 8C). The EDX
was occasionally observed in sandy siltstone beds. spectrum shows the presence of carbon as a main
Common cross-bedding, planar lamination, grada- component in the filament (Figs 7, 8C). The minor
tion and erosional bases with flute marks were amount of other elements represents a contribution
recorded in the sandstone beds. The wrinkle struc- from the surrounding matrix, coming from the sub-
tures were observed almost exclusively on the bed- surface interaction volume of the analysed feature.
ding planes of those sandy siltstones that are
overlain by clayey siltstones with land plant remains,
and they always occur on the upper bedding planes.
Biomarkers and n-alkanes
In total, 38 slabs with wrinkle structures were pho- The molecular characteristics of the organic matter
tographed and measured. The structures observed are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 and presented in
are formed of small mounds and ridges, with charac- Figure 9 as the labelled chromatograms or ‘finger-
teristic patchy occurrence on the bedding planes prints’ of the saturated hydrocarbons. Each sample
(Fig. 2B). Two different types of wrinkle structures has a unique molecular composition, which provides
were observed. The first type is represented by deli- details on the biological origin of the organic matter
cate, well-distinguished mounds, 2–5 mm in length and of the changes in the depositional conditions.
and 1.5–2 mm in width, joined with an adjacent The full-scan GC-MS analysis shows a strong preva-
mound with a low ridge, forming a depression in the lence of alkanes (m/z 57) over steranes (217) and
centre (Figs 2B, 3A–D, 4B, C). The spacing between terpanes (191) by several orders of magnitude. All
the mounds is 2–3 mm. The second type (Fig. 4A) fingerprints have a notable UCM hump (unresolved
6 Vodraz kova et al. LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280

Fig. 2. A, lithological log of the studied Hlubocepy gorge section showing alternation of fine-grained sandstones, sandy siltstones and
siltstones of the Roblın Member. B, examples of sandy siltstones of the Roblın Member with wrinkle structures on bedding planes. C,
field photo of the exposed and cleaned part of the section. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280 Wrinkle structures in Middle Devonian siliciclastics 7



Fig. 3. Examples of the wrinkle structures preserved on bedding planes of sandy siltstones of the Roblın Member from the Hlubocepy
section. A, B, D, correspond to 85–90 cm above the base of the section, C corresponds to the level of 260 cm above the base. All samples
belong to the first type of wrinkle structures described herein. Scale bar = 1 cm.

compound mixture). Aromatic hydrocarbons con- EPS (extracellular polymeric substance), given that
sist of well-preserved phenanthrene series while it is EPS, which is responsible for biofilm cohesion
naphthalenes occur in low quantities. and adhesion to substrates. It was shown by Flem-
ming (1995) that EPS has a high cation-binding
capacity. Thus, microbial mats themselves could
Discussion have provided the iron needed for sulphide
(pyrite) formation. Interestingly, sheaths of the
modern bacterium Thioploca coated by iron sul-
Petrographic observations phides were reported by Schulz et al. (2000).
The petrographic observations and SEM and EDX Kez dzierski et al. (2015) described pyrite framboids
analyses of the siltstones of the Roblın Member in Trichichnus, formerly regarded as ichnofossil,
bearing wrinkle structures revealed features that and interpreted it to represent a remnant of pyri-
are suggestive of the former presence of microbial tized Thioploca-related microbial mats. The sulphur
mats, that is discontinuous wavy laminae formed needed for pyrite precipitation could form during
by organic matter and its diagenetic products bacterial decomposition of the mat, but there is
(Figs 5–8). Filament-like micro-structures appear another plausible sulphur source, which should be
in thin sections in a tangled mass. The structures taken into consideration. The modern sulphur-oxi-
preserved appear to be the sheaths and the fila- dizing bacterium Thioploca is capable of storing
ments typical of bacteria. As such, the structures elementary sulphur and therefore can act as a
were most likely remnants of mucilaginous sheaths potential site for pyrite precipitation. Thus, the
of ensheathed forms, one of the most common pyrite framboids reported herein could also be
morphotypes of benthic bacteria involved in mat related to the metabolic pathway of the mat-form-
and biofilm formation (Gerdes et al. 2000). Col- ing micro-organism. On the other hand, one
lapsed pyrite framboids documented within the would expect more common occurrence of the
organic filaments (Fig. 7) can be regarded as sup- framboids within the filaments, if framboid forma-
portive evidence for the microbial nature of the tion was related to metabolism of the mat-forming
observed filamentous structures (e.g. Schieber bacteria. We can only speculate about the strategy
2002). We can reasonably suppose that the mats of the mat-forming micro-organisms; however,
were formed by micro-organisms that produced there are a few other hints, which point to non-
8 Vodraz kova et al. LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280


Fig. 4. Examples of the wrinkle structures preserved on bedding planes of sandy siltstones of the Roblın Member from the Hlubocepy
section. A, (260 cm above the base of the section) correspond to the second type of wrinkle structures described herein (less distinctive
and slightly wider mounds). B, C, (100 cm above the base) shows honeycomb pattern of the wrinkle structures. Scale bar = 1 cm.




Fig. 5. Petrographic thin sections of wrinkle structures bearing sandy siltstones of the Roblın Member. A-F, crinkled laminae formed by
organic matter and its diagenetic products (iron oxides) interpreted herein to represent remnants of microbial mats. Note the grain coat-
ing and enclosing (e.g. B-arrowed) and several episodes of mat colonization of the sediment (e.g. E-arrowed). A–D, 9–15 cm above the
base of the section; E, F, 85–90 cm above the base of the section. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280 Wrinkle structures in Middle Devonian siliciclastics 9




Fig. 6. Petrographic thin sections of wrinkle structures bearing sandy siltstones of the Roblın Member. A-F, crinkled laminae formed by
organic matter and its diagenetic products (iron oxides) interpreted herein to represent remnants of microbial mats. Note the grain coat-
ing and enclosing (A, B, D, F arrowed), aligned euhedral pyrite crystals replacing organic matter of the microbial mat (C) and the single
filament of the microbial mat (E). A, B, D–F = 85–90 cm above the base of the section, C = 260 cm above the base of the section.
[Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

autotrophic metabolic pathways below the photic

zone. This evidence includes the sedimentary Molecular fossils
facies, which are thin-bedded distal turbidites with- Two types of molecular fingerprints occur in the
out sedimentary structures implying shallow water sample set (Fig. 9). The first type has odd > even n-
deposition and also the lack of biogenic features alkane homologues in the 15–19 range, OEP(17) > 1,
resulting from the need of light, such as domal and maximum at n-C17. The second type (Hlu-1 and
structures, quartz accumulations or authigenic car- Hlu-2) shows even>odd predominance, that is OEP
bonate mineral precipitation as described by, for (17) < 1, with maximum at n-C18 and n-C16. Such a
example Noffke (2009) and Gerdes et al. (2000). record indicates that two possible biological sources
Given the ubiquity of microbes in the deep ocean contributed to the n-alkane distribution in the sedi-
today, often forming huge areas covered by bacte- ments. The first type of fingerprint with n-C17 as the
rial films (e.g. Gallardo 1977), such a record of dominant alkane is here interpreted in agreement
deep-water Palaeozoic microbial sediments (or with the earlier observations made by, for example
microbially induced sedimentary structures) is not Oro et al. (1967), Han & Calvin (1969) or Blumer
surprising. In addition, the geometry of biofilms et al. (1971) as evidence of organic material originat-
formed by sulphur-oxidizing bacterium Beggiatoa ing from phytoplankton living in the water column.
shown by Thar & Kh€ ul (2002; Fig. 7D) resembles The even carbon predominance of n-C16 and n-C18
the pattern of the wrinkle structures observed over n-C17 alkanes recorded at the second type is
herein (Fig. 4B, C). Given the analogy with micro- suggestive of benthic bacteria (Han & Calvin 1969;
bial mats, which thrive in oxygen minimum zones Nishimura & Baker 1986). It can be reasonably spec-
of modern oceans, a reasonable assumption could ulated that the benthic mucilaginous biofilms
be made, that the Roblın Member was deposited in enhanced preservation of the organic matter pro-
a similar environment. duced by phytoplankton derived from the water
10 Vodraz kova et al. LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280


200 µm


25 µm

50 µm


10 µm

Fig. 7. SEM image of microbial mat filament with collapsed pyr-

ite framboids embedded within and corresponding spectrum
diagrams obtained from EDX analysis showing that the filament
is formed by organic matter (Spectra 36 and 38). Fig. 8. SEM images of microbial mat filaments (A, B) and a
grain aggregate coated by filament (C) of organic composition,
column. Similar observations, especially in carbon- as inferred from the spectrum diagram (Spectrum 6).
ates, are noted by Logan et al. (1999), Killops & Kil-
lops (2005), Peters et al. (1999, 2005) with some biological origin. The low pristane/phytane ratios of
minor differences, such as a lower abundance of the sample series suggest rather reducing conditions,
mid-range alkanes (n-C20–25) in our case. There is a except for sample Hlu-3, which points to more oxic
negligible or no contribution by terrestrial organic ones. Thermal maturity of all the samples is very
matter in the studied samples evidenced by rather stable and is equivalent to a vitrinite reflectance Rc of
high n-C17/(n-C17 + n-C27) ratio. The low pristane/ 0.67–0.70%, and a burial temperature of 110–
n-C17 and phytane/n-C18 ratios provide evidence, 115 °C, that is early oil-generation window calcu-
that the biodegradation of the organic matter was lated from the aromatic hydrocarbons (MPI-1) using
low and that the fingerprints are diagnostic of their the equation by Radke et al. (1986) and Cassani et al.
LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280 Wrinkle structures in Middle Devonian siliciclastics 11

(1988). This inferred temperature is further sup- 1998). Therefore, harsh environmental conditions,
ported by the CPI-2 ratio of n-alkanes in the n-C15-19 such as abnormal salinity, oxygenation or tempera-
range (Table 2 and Fig. 9). The features mentioned ture as well as episodic sedimentation, are required
above suggest that the fingerprints preserve the signa- (e.g. Farmer 1992). The importance of benthic graz-
tures of biological input and that their alteration due ers is also illustrated by a number of papers reporting
to thermal maturation and biodegradation is low. microbial sediments from stratigraphical intervals in
which evidence for benthic grazing is limited or miss-
ing (see references above). The requirements outlined
Environmental controls on the origin of the
above were obviously fulfilled during sedimentation
wrinkle structures in the Roblın member
of the Roblın Member. The pristane/phytane ratio
As noted by Noffke et al. (2002), the interplay of an (Table 1) points to the frequent occurrence of reduc-
ecological window (mat development) and a tapho- ing conditions. In addition, considering the short
nomic window (mat preservation) is necessary for time needed for recent cyanobacteria to form a mat,
the development of fossilized microbial mats. Biotur- which is on the order of hours to days (Shepard &
bation is widespread in oxygenated environments in Sumner 2010) and long time needed for seafloor re-
the Phanerozoic, and the continuous reworking of colonization by benthic organisms after depositional
the sediment does not allow microbial mats to events (hundreds and thousands of years, Young
develop. In addition, microbial mats can be et al. 2001), we suppose that low sedimentation rates
destroyed by metazoan grazers within days (Flenchel between episodes of turbidity current deposition

Fig. 9. Fingerprints of the n-alkanes and isoprenoids in the saturated hydrocarbon fraction of the rock extracts. Positions of the samples
Hlu-1, Hlu-2, Hlu-4 and Hlu-5 are marked in Figure 2A. Sample Hlu-3 comes from the Hlubocepy-railroad cut locality, 3.5 m above
the base of the Roblın Member.
12 Vodraz kova et al. LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280

Table 2. Extracted saturated hydrocarbon yield (Sat) in mg per kg of rock and molecular ratios of the n-alkanes and aromatic hydrocar-
bons in the rock extract. Positions of the samples Hlu-1, Hlu-2, Hlu-4 and Hlu-5 are marked in the Figure 2A. Sample Hlu-3 comes from
the Hlubocepy-railroad cut, 3.5 m above the base of the Roblın Member. Explanations of the abbreviations and ratios: Sat (mg/kg) –
absolute amount of saturated hydrocarbons in 1 kg of rock; OEP(17) – odd/even predominance index OEP(17) =
(C13+2*C15+2*C17+C19)/(2*(C14+C16+C18)); CPI-2 (n-C25–33) – carbon preference index =(C25 + 2*C27 + 2*C29 + 2*C31 + C33)/
(2*(C26 + C28 + C30 + C32)), Marzi et al. (1993); n-C17/(n-C17 + n-C27) – ratio of the numbered n-alkane homologues; MPI-1 –
methylphenanthrene index = 1.89*(3MP+2MP)/(P + 1.26*(9MP+1MP)), Cassani et al. (1988); MPDF – methylphenanthrene distribu-
tion factor MPDF = (3MP+2MP)/(3MP+2MP+9MP+1MP); Rc(MPI-1) % – calculated vitrinite reflectance based on MPI-1: Rc =
0.38 + 0.61*MPI1.

Sample Sat (mg/kg) OEP (17) CPI-2 (n-C25–33) n-C17/(n-C17 + n-C27) MPI-1 MPDF Rc% (MPI1)

Hlu-1 859 0.92 1.11 0.90 0.51 0.46 0.70

Hlu-2 684 0.89 1.05 0.90 0.45 0.52 0.67
Hlu-3 503 1.04 1.09 0.97 0.48 0.54 0.69
Hlu-4 921 1.07 1.27 0.96 0.49 0.54 0.69
Hlu-5 638 0.92 1.06 0.91 0.46 0.53 0.67

represent enough time for mats to be formed, but of the same or similar forces leading to formation of
not enough time for benthic assemblages to colonize the wrinkles. Whereas wind and/or wave and/or cur-
the seafloor. Benthic invertebrate fossils are rare in rent action can explain wrinkle formation in shallow
the Roblın Member and recorded only at the very water, it fails to explain their occurrence in the deep
base and upper part of the unit (Chlupac 1958). The sea as concerns the wind and waves. Bearing in mind
episodic depositional events possibly coupled with the supposed viscoelastic nature of microbial mats
lower salinities (Kukal & J€ager 1988) and reducing (Klapper et al. 2002), it seems reasonable that
environment obviously represented harsh environ- wrinkle structures could develop simply due to
mental conditions. Also, the low-diversity trace fossil gravitational forces, even when occurring on very
assemblages described by Mikulas & Pek (1996) are gentle slopes. That can easily explain their published
formed by r-strategic forms of filter and sediment occurrences both in shallow and in deep water.
feeders, which could cope with periodic disturbances Interestingly, we observed very similar wrinkle pat-
represented by turbidite flows. terns on pavements made of asphalt concrete
(Fig. 10A,B). Asphalt, similarly to microbial mats, is
a viscoelastic material (Anderson & Goetz 1973),
Origin of the wrinkle structures in the Roblın
and as such responds according to physical and ther-
member mal stress.
Although reports of deep-water wrinkle structures There is another interesting feature, which should
are under-represented in comparison with those be taken into consideration. Fossil deep sea wrinkle
from shallow water, they do show comparable mor- structures, described by Dzulynski & Walton (1965),
phologic features. Modern examples of wrinkle Buatois & Mangano (2003) and Pazos et al. (2015),
structure from tidal flats as shown by Hagadorn & have one thing in common, namely occurrence in
Bottjer (1997, 1999) and Bose & Chafetz (2009) and flysch-like deposits. Also, Brett et al. (2003)
fossil deep-water examples shown by Buatois & recorded wrinkle structures (Kinneyia in his descrip-
Mangano (2003) and Pazos et al. (2015) show very tion) in the Ordovician Kope Formation in associa-
similar patterns. One would therefore expect action tion with seismites and suggested that they may have


Fig. 10. (A) Example of pavement made of asphalt concrete with deformation resembling wrinkle structures. (B) Detail of example (A).
1-euro coin was used to indicate the scale.
LETHAIA 10.1111/let.12280 Wrinkle structures in Middle Devonian siliciclastics 13

originated during seismic events. Similarly, Seilacher mat-bearing sediment to seismic shocks. Such an
(2008) noted an association of Kinneyia with earth- explanation sounds reasonable especially considering
quake triggered sedimentary structures in the the published reports on wrinkle structure from
Silurian Tanezzuft Shales in Libya. deep-water flysch-like deposits.
The deposition of the Roblın Member of the Srb- The nature of the micro-organisms forming the
sko Formation correlates with Middle Devonian mat is not known to us. The distribution of n-
continental underthrusting of the Saxothuringian alkanes and isoprenoids described herein suggests
plate underneath the TBU plate (Schulmann et al. two types of prevailing biological sources, phyto-
2009). Besides gravity instability or current shear, we plankton with odd > even n-alkanes, representing
should therefore consider other possible physical organic material from the water column and ben-
disturbances, which the microbial mats responded thic bacteria with even > odd homologues. Judg-
to, namely seismic shocks. The sediment with micro- ing from the sedimentary facies (deep-water
bial mats behaved as thixotropic matter, and the turbidites) and lack of features suggestive of light
wrinkle structure observed could represent a defor- competition (such as translucent quartz-grain
mation triggered by seismic waves. Detailed facies accumulation and authigenic carbonate precipita-
and petrographic study of the entire succession of tion), we interpret the mats to have been formed
the Roblın Member is necessary to confirm such an by non-autotrophic bacteria.
interpretation. The influence of Variscan tectonic
Acknowledgements. – This research was supported by the Czech
movements on Roblın Member development was Science Foundation through the Project No. P210/12/2018 and
stressed already by Chlupac (1958; p. 183) followed the project of the Czech Geological Survey No. 339900. This
by others (see above). study is a contribution to IGCP 652. SV wishes to acknowledge
the support of Alexander von Humboldt foundation as part of
the study was carried out during her AvH Research Fellowship in
the University Erlangen-Nuremberg. Gilbert Klapper is acknowl-
Conclusions edged for English corrections. We thank to Radek Mikulas
(Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) for his advice on
some problematic trace fossils from the Roblın Member and
Assessing all the characteristics of the sediments Zdenek Kukal (Czech Geological Survey, Prague) for discussion
observed, that is direct association of wrinkle struc- about the sedimentology of the Roblın Member. The authors are
indebted to Carlton E. Brett (University of Cincinnati, Ohio) for
tures on bedding planes and organic wavy laminae his meticulous review and very helpful comments, which
in thin sections, the patchy occurrences of the wrin- improved the manuscript. The authors declare no conflict of
kles on the bedding planes of sandy siltstones and interest regarding the publication of this article.
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