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How to Draw a Shell in 11 Easy Steps

July 13, 2022

When people are having a vacation on the beach, what do they usually bring when they
go home? Yes, you got it right. Most of us will bring Shell or beautiful stone. Shells are
found on the shore. When you are going to the shore you will see many kinds of a
beautiful shell. All shells differ greatly in shape, size, color, and texture. The way a shell
looks can help a mollusk avoid enemies. Bright colors or patterns may scare away
enemies. Textures and colors that match the surroundings are hard for enemies to
see. Shells have been used in many ways throughout history, from jewelry to money and
animal feed. Mollusks are animals that live in shells for protection. There are between
50,000 and 200,000 different kinds of mollusks.

If you can’t draw from real life, try using this how-to-draw a shell tutorial to get some of
the basic shapes in place.

Step 1: Draw the Shell

Begin your shell by drawing the basic shape, the triangle. Sketch an inverted triangle in
the center of your paper. You can use a ruler to trace the inverted triangle. The size of
your inverted triangle will be the size of your shell later. 

Step 2: Add more Details

In continuation of the shell, draw a small, inverted triangle to get the outer shell’s shape.
Draw this on the left, bottom part of the big triangle.  This area will serve as the opening
of your shell. Make sure that the two triangles are connected. 

 Step 3: Add more Details

This time, all you must do is surround the big and small triangle with the irregular shape.
Just simply follow the given image above on how to do it. But if you have an idea on how
to do it then I’ll give you the freedom to draw whatever you want for your shell. 

See also  How to Draw a Dolphin in 9 Easy Steps

Step 4: Remove Extra line

Now, erase the unnecessary line from your drawing. Erase the lines inside from the
irregular shell and that is the big and the small triangle. Make sure to erase all the lines
inside it because later, will add beauty to our shell later.

Step 5: Add Art

Now, it’s time to show your creativity in your drawing by putting art into your shell. All you
must do is draw a horizontal curve line in the shell. Draw this until there is no space for
more on it. Then, the distance between the lines must be observed. See the reference
image above for you to be guided.

Step 6: Draw the Opening

If you saw a shell, there is an open area wherein the mollusk will come there. So, now
add that part to your drawing. Add another irregular shape to the right bottom of the shell.
Make sure to occupy the remaining space in that area. See the reference above if you are
confused about where to draw the irregular shape.

Step 7: Add Details

In this step, we will make the shape round. We do this by changing the edges on the back
part by a curved line. Start this on the third horizontal line then finish it until on the top.
Then, erase the straight line that serves as your guide in making the round thing for the

Step 8: Add Art

Let’s focus on the open area of the shell, and draw a small curve on the edges of the
open area of the shell. Finish the small curve line until you reach the bottom part of the
shell. The small curve lines must be connected to each other. 

See also  How to Draw a Steam Train in 12 Easy Steps

Step 9: Remove Small Lines

This time we will erase some areas as your drawing looks good. Let’s erase some areas
that are not good to look at. Erase the lines that are surrounded by the small curve lines.
Make sure that you will not include the connected small curves on the side.

Step 10: Add Art Inside

Inside the opening, the area is very empty now let’s add art to it to look more beautiful.
Draw some curved lines inside it. Or just copy our image above if you want to. But do not
put too much to maintain the neatness of your drawing.

Step 11: Finish up!

Let’s finish this by adding color to our beautiful shell. So, the colors will all be up to you.
Just pick colors that look good when you put them together. But you can also copy ours
above if you want some girly shell thing. Congratulation on a job well done.   


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