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~- PHIN,\\•\ El1U('c\TION
STM 002/Basic Calculu~
Stud en! Ac1ivi 1y Shcc1 t/5

Cla\S nuinhc:r:

Section:_______ _ __ Schedule: ___________ Date:

Ci i 41

lesson Title: Materials:

Act iv1ly Sheet, E-leamin g
Illu strating Continuity of a Function on an Interval material s

Lesson Objectives: Given varied activities, I should be able References:

to: The Calculus with An alytic
Geometry 5 t h edition by Liethold ,
1. determine wh ether a function is continuous on an interval L.
or not; Precalculus 5 th edi tion by Barne t~,
2. solve problems involving continuity of a functions Ziegler and Byleen
.). illustrate different types of continuity


1. Introduction
Good morning class ! You are now in Day 5! We are done with computing the limits of 2 11 c:xponent:ai,
;ogarithmic and trigonometric functions. In t his session, you will be exploring on he·:, to illustrat e
concir.uity of a function on an interval.

Exercise 1: Number H eads Together

Directio ns : Com pute the limits of the following trigonometric functions .

. sin :r _ \ _ta1_1x _
1 . ) I1m - - 2.) Jim
X-¼0 X 1
x - r•
- Zx

3. iim
x-a -- -

4 . lim
1- co:
(2x) _ ()

_sin_x _ /\
5.) !im tan>: J,

- - - - - - - - - ~ - -........_ 1111111_ _ _r.a..,...s...s--11-mssm:am1211~~!1a1111Za111&:111~!!'!!i~~~~~~~~-anct,.-_- -:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATJON
STM 002/Basic Calculus
\ l'llltlM/\ 1l1I JC A i!C ltl
l I 11 1 1111 1111 I I Ill Student Activity Sheet #5

r-xl•rusv 2: l·ish Bow l

1Ji11•<t 1011 .. : 111 tll h ,1tl ivlty, you arc going to w I·ite 3 questions that you have in mind regarding the topic
lt>1 lucl.1y W1Ilt 1 It 111 d <-,c• p,11nlc 1/-1 sl1ccl of paper, after writing the questions, pass it to your class mayor
(If 1111 1t' ,1 11• ,11 lwwl nvrn ldbl c , you ca n clrnp your questions there), We will continue the activity later in

llll • l<1 1, l p,11l of LIi(' ',C 11slon,

I Xt'I (:1:--1• 3 : Hoo l< /\<;liv ity

1)11 cd ion s: t:,olVl' ICll llw limit of Lhe fol lowi ng given functions, Match Column A to Column B. Every
,111 1 ,W<'I 11.i•, II ~ , 011 ,~~ponding leUe1 · l o sol v e Lh e pu zzle below, Show your solution al the back of your
p,qH ' I. /\II dllhWC' I s 111usl be in lh ei1· simplest form, Good luck! Hint: It really hurts) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 4 1 2 13 3 6 1
I ,) lt111 x'1 F, - 2

D_ L \L L

/, ) li111
I •I
x1 I )x I J 0, 9
JL6 i_7 !::.
8 11 1 10 3

1, ) 11111 1x~
I • I
1 C.., x 1 T, 324 i!L.1
3 6 5
12 10
5 4
11,) li 111 x'• A, 3
l •
TF£ !
- -~
rl.) 1111\ J1 I, 2-/2 9 5 13 1 5 10

G,) li111 3x ( ✓-x )


H, 243-/3 w AI 7 3
C lL L_ lJ G12 LrLL
6 5 1 4 3 6

/,)li111 ✓:lr 1
• ,I
2x+ 8 R, so.Js p ::__ _g_ ~ _a_ Ji y _Q_ u
1 8 10 2 4
B,) 11111 ✓\' (;>x) L,v'IO
I •'/0
1-_Q_ VE k_o_ V£
9 2 1 .,.) 9 2 1
lJ,) 11111 J•lI S, ~
L1 1L 9~10L 1_e_,,

L2 -L1 _Q2 ~
I ,

10 . ) !i111 ✓/.'
' I
N, .:2.
32 10 4
v '111 i

I I ) 11111
• •I
x' I 3x I II E, 16

I),) lirnI )X I 4

I 1 ) 11111 X I X; X D. 8
, l

A ct 1v1ty J. Wh at I Know
111 tlw. pt1rl, fill In thr• firsl co lumn "What I Know" about the given questions below. Don't worry there
di,. nn wr 011q ,msw1•r•, in this part,

Wh at I Know --=J_ Q W_ h_a _t ...::I_ =L-e-=-a=-r:...:n..:..:e::..:d::..._j.(.:....

u esti o n:..::s'.:....J..I_ _ _-_ z.....::.c4'...L)'---_ __j
i v'.....'.i~ty

I li1 ·.do111111(.;11( 1s Ll1~ prnperly or PIIINMA RDUCATJON

STM 002/Basic Calculus
Student Activity Sheet #5

G'ec::! YoL' te s~ared your ·de2s about the question above.

1) Activity 2: Content Notes
-h= s :· ...... s, /G.J :';:: Ear-~ ,. ~~:: ~unct· on ·s; :o determine v. hether a function is continuous on an interval
0 .... ~ eit; c,.. :_str2te ::ne G·=erent types c/ continuity.

Directions: Cc;:;/ t"'e C'J"'ce;:r: notes in your activity' sheets. You can hi hii ht the :deas that ·ou think
I IJ I ',
I, , ' )
( ~ () )', ' ,
I ', /
I ,:I ,/ • J I /.
.) ,1 ( ' ,'I
>! ;1 ~! 1 11

(~- /,,,, 'j , ,, .
I\ ,
' .. . . .
• I • • '

·-J -
r .. .. . . .. . ..
l I t
'' . \ '• . . .. . •
• •
I' -2
.. . ' . I

f(x) Contin uous or T y pe of Discontin uity

. ..
Just ification
Not Con tinuous
X = -2 Not Cont lllUOUS jump disconti nuity ( C~ 1-)-:: -7;_, 1V\t \\vY\At
-tv-tx\JJJJU,~'A vo\N&J ,2; ~~
- r-u \\JJ., ~~ii~'{\, 1( 'Wvr ·
X = -1 Continua us ( -1) ~ - 1 . tl,\G vJ/\lJtl
Ni HHrtsRP IMtiltift- -ffi~iMH MW61¢A AM
- t
STM 002/Basic Calculus
Student Activity Sheet #5

X = 0 Continuous {Co)~ 1
fu\vJJ\cx\\)V\ \~ wl/\~w.»JJ.r o.\-\WS 1u,*·
X = 3 Not Continuous Hol e discontinuity ~ (?)l ~-1 \iM \ ('l) ~D
y._ :,'!J
1v&\wJ\G~lll/\ \<, V\O\ CJJ~I/WJJ\}.~ oJ;J~~ fl)\

Exercise 2: Effective Question i ng My score: _ _ __

Directions : You work with a pair or triad. Each of you will make 2 function to be evaluated if it
continuous at any value of x. Write all those functions and answer it by your pair or in a triad.

(D \ (~ -: Xt \ ()\ "~\
~~ 1- ~ C1') ~ 1 t 1 ~ 1-

Exe r cise 3 : Fish Bowl My score: _ __ _

In activity 2, before you started with the rest of th e activities, you wrote 3 questions in a 1/4 sheet
of paper. Now, go to your class mayor and ask for a random paper from any of your classmates . Write
the questions of your classmates here in the table and answe r these . I 'm pretty su re you wil l nail this
one. Start now! ·


WCW 1J ~fl2-N\\~ W~\t't+ltt A+tilJCt\D , i\AL ~,wi\ 0f \w_f~~ ex 'f- °fP~vWt +vu.,,
\1.t (Wt\N\M>~ 0~ O\SC,O~\N\AOU( 1. Vrfe)JJJ CJ ~ \ ~\~~ -

A fwf'Gttuv\ 1r roVVci~ tJV\W'\ i-\f 9vc..,ph I[ vi

Ji~'-tvl\bV\Jtt,/\ ~ ·

/MA,tUC tVNitlb~ IY1 M~t~Dttlci1 ~ GVVrtfv'W.q,,tt il-tftut!:)v'\ ,r ctfW/lc,~W1

5lk'.M 1~ C\ to~tlVv\AQW Vr;.~ K);) /J kJJ av.
IIIBl!ll_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,,_, ___
.. __ llll!!'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'C

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

STM 002/Basic Calculus
~~ l'HIN,\\A EOLIC.·\TIOi'!
~r- , , " ·. ", Student Activity Sheet #5

_ _]
Exercise 4: Mastery Learning Game My score: _ __
Directions : Determine if the given function is continuous or not using the 3 steps. Show your solutions.

2.) r:x) = x2 - 4x - 2 at x = 1 ('J)~\hlUD\;\t

S1wi ··f {f) ~(1Y-4Ct)-1: -~
f\t? 1: 11«1 C{1--4x-'f)=-(1}1-q(1}t"" -_s
~\~ j ·. \i\V\\ Ci}=- -5 ,, -f C1J
y,_ _,., \J
3.) f(x~ = x2~ 3 2t X = 3 ~IT[ e.oNtl~l,\\)\M)
r-oo ~: ro}i1T~"5 :·- 2i~) :: ~~f\... ~ 11
'1' I OJ _?)
llY\W'.- -0

4.1 ~rx) =; at x =0 ~ e.D~tlNUD\AC'

~j~ f_: ~[1)) ~%-~~NJ,

5. 1 ff:-<,. = 6x - 6 at x = 0 C,ON1\Ntl()\,f
_-:~) I~ : ~CD) ~ (, {D')-(9 ~ -G
~~ 't-. '/ !JJt. -rJ'; "' ulo')-&-:; -&
I _,, j
~ ,';,( 1i . ,~ ~(I)"" - (r, • [)(1'\'\
J ...4) '..J f vJ - V ~f "'l))
j. ~('.,/

This documem is the pmpcrt; of J>JI J;'INJA EJHJCA'J fON

~ [ \ l'I IINl\'\/1 rf)LJ(-1\TION STM 002/Basic Calculus
~ •I I f>I Tl' IIU.fl 'd,,f!l,,-').11(~,

~ Student Activity Sheet #5

Check your answers aqainst the l<ey to Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your

3) Activity 4: What I Learned

Great! Let's continue. This time, kindly go back to the activity 1 What I Know, fill i11 the last column
"What I Learned" about the question regarding what you've read and studied. Don't worry this
will help you check if you have already understood the lesson. There's no need to look at your
4) Activity 5: Check for Understan ding My score: _ _ _ __
Let's continue and check how much you've learned from our lesson today.

Directions : In your own words, differentiat e the different kinds of discontinui ty. You may illustrate
to explain it further.
Hole/ Removable discontinu ity Jump discontinui ty Asymptoti c/ Infinite
discontinu it

~---+--+---+---+-➔ 'f--

-1 -1 2- -1 -1 1 ?._ 0 -1 -1 1. 2. .3

R~'N\O\JO\o\t; Qir(:;Q\f\1\1/\lk~ OWJf w~ J\Jf'W o,,~f\bAA~ DC(W(' INW>il \\J\ ·1\J\i\~ O\~f\t\~ ~CCA,uf w~
°' °'
IJ'Ot\~CA\~wf\G;\OJ\ ¥)0~ (}I '°'O;Df ~,\\r) \ufld\~ V\OiS \w~ ~~ ¥ro\ ~U~t /JI w\ -~ o.r 01 ~KIA\ ~f1)\>t~
°'~ \ ~°' *~
~,'f\L °'\'°'\f\.;,\il ((Jl\\~IJ\~>.\IJ\~ ~ ~ 1, m~ \\ t1\\t~ \If\: 'ti/\ '\j$\l_, tr~ s\oJS _
t1=i~V\~~o.\'v, ~o ~I

Chr•ck lhe rubrics or guidelines found at the end or this module. Grade your own work by writing the
aopropriatc 5core on your SAS that" you think you ger.
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning
Great Job! You did very well today. Now, color the box of the module that you have finished today.
YQu're done with thP se~sion. Lel's track yo~_prog_r~s.-"'.:s·' - - - - - . - - - - , - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[Period 1 ~~- Period 2
l!-T2 J 3 14 I s_J6J I J a J9 J 10 I 1TI 12 [ 13 J-14-J.--1-s-.-1-6-.-:--:17:-r--:-1s;::,--=-1-;:;-9---r:2:;--;;o:,-:;---21:--T"~22::;-,-:;2::::3---r:2:;--:;4:-.-~2s~--:;2~6.-:2:::;7---.:2:;::s;-1
RPf()_t'.Q-lA/__g__Qn_d___d_j_d~ ,-~ ~~ '-0-~_-_U - -~ ----~~1..-.J- ---------.- : - -

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