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Logical Thinking “Test # 01” 6.


Name : Class :

1. What number should add in blank space ?

7. What number should replace the question

2. Comparison. mark?
926 : 24
799 : 72
956 : ?
8. The following is an anti-magic square, where
none of the horizontal, vertical or corner-to-
corner lines totals 34. It is possible, however, by
moving the position of just four of the numbers
to convert this into a true magic square, where
each horizontal, vertical and corner-to-corner
line adds up to 34.
Can you make the necessary corrections?
3. What number comes next in this sequence?
25, 32, 27, 36, ?
4. Place two letters in each bracket so that these
finish the word on the left and start the word
on the right. The letters in the brackets, read
downwards in pairs, will spell out a six-letter
word. Clue: blue-pencil
FA (__ __ ) SK
HO (__ __) AN
KI (__ __) AR 9. What number should replace the question
5. Spiral clockwise round the perimeter to spell mark?
out a nineletter word, which must finish in the
centre square. The word commences at one of
the corner squares. You must provide the
missing letters.

10. What is the value of x?

64 – 12 × 2 + 6 ÷ 3 = x
Logical Thinking “Test # 02” 15. What number should replace the x ?
(5÷ 6) ÷ (1÷7) = x
Name : Class : 16. Fill in the blanks, clockwise or anti-clockwise, to
complete the word.
11. Grid Each of the nine squares in the grid marked
1A to 3C should incorporate all the lines and
symbols that are shown in the squares of the
same letter and number immediately above and
to the left. For example, 2B should incorporate
all the lines and symbols that are in 2 and B.
17. What number should replace the question
One of the squares is incorrect. Which one is it?

12. What number should replace the question SATURDAY
mark? SUNDAY
Which day is three days before the day
immediately following the day two days before
the day three days after the day immediately
before Friday?
19. Spiral clockwise to spell out a ten-letter word
13. Make a six-letter word using only these four that starts and finishes with the same two
letters: R E F L letters. You must provide the missing letter.
14. Circles
Which of A, B, C, D or E fits into the blank circle
to carry on a logical sequence?

20. What number should replace the question


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