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COR OU I: Or:tl Co111111u111c.1tl1.

Module #11
\ "e ~Oi\'... lAl.lrtAAw J·~l~ l ... '~ IHI 11t,, 1
Sc: ,'' ll~ 'A,.<; S. ·1~,, 11.' \

'..2sso•1 11tle T~ oes or Speech Accord1n9 to Puq.iosP l\l.1trn.1ls
...esso 1 ObJect,ves \ \ l1rksl1t't'l:-
1 I can dist1ngu1sh the different types of speerhes Rt>t: 'f t'lll't'S
1. I can determine speech purposes http \\\\\\ I~ ll,;..t'll l' t'l"ll G ,',1$ \
tn t' S-01-SPt't't'ht'S

roductiv1ty Tip:
J:ocus on most "llOortant tasks first Turn off d1stract1ons like cell phone 1 Ol shl1uld \\lilt' d1.1\W ,1:::s \1 11 1
",' 1t:: ,, hi\,,-,.,,
lists. then rev1ev, items 1n the planner at both the beg1n111ng and end ot the ,1,1\ to st,l} 1.1 11 t1.1cl, l Jr-.t' t1re-1"::
,' 1c t' 1 t',\
'· hen rieeded

1' Introduction (2 mins)
Hello and welcome to Day 11 1 Today you will be lec11111ng ,1bout Types of Spt'eL't' \c1.·ord111g tc1 Pl 1~','S,'
1 . ·,, ,' ,-v .'. :--
11odule we learned that effective speech deil\'ery requires 1dent1ty1ng the purpose c1t ~1.1ur ::~'.:'t'l."1 I'
•s t'SS,' • \ ,', ., ;
going to learn about the types of speecl1 according to purpose This \\ ill help wu \\ ntt' soeechc>s eirec't 1\ ,'I\

2· Ac:·'< ty 1 .Vhat I Know Chart. part 1 (3 m1ns)

Be;ore we stan the lesson proper, write down the things that you\ know Jnci the things ,",lt \1.1 , \\.l
ll t: ::>J · .1s,:
:oday s iop.c. In the first column write the things that you know then se,·(1nd C1.)lt111111. list th1119s t·,-1t \
c'l \'.l'l\~t' JL',\ : : lt'

What do you wo·1der or w:,nt w " 11,1\\ Jl'~'· , '. lt' .,'L' ,' '

1 Ar; · 2 ~ e-Pnntr.d Content Notes ( 13 111,nsl
e '·, · ;. c; purposes of sr;eeches are to inform to instruct to entcrt.1111 ,HH1 t0 p,' s, .lli1.' t 1tY:,,
,, :-,',':.':, _.,, , e 1
r, , re d rtl fy ng thf: purpose of your spePch These purµo::;e ,11e 1101 mutu.1II\ 1.'\Clu:-1\t' ,, ,'"t'
.me.,,, ,~ 11.• s.',','; · ".'\
have - e1rerc1 i, rposes For ex;imple you ma\ try to 1nfo1m 111 .111 Pnlt'it,1111111~1 :-t\lt' .\11(1tht'f Sl't'A,' 1 • 1
1~1 ' , , ,' ,. i ·;
l'l 11 1'\ \ \ \ 11 )l '( \11( )I\.
\ \, ' \'. \ I I 1 \I 1\

COR 001 : Oral Communication

Module #11

Class nunirH:r

audience and try to persuade them to act on the 1nformat1on However, the principal purpo5e of a c;p8er,h will 'JC:nr~rcill; ';:;II r l'J
one of four basic types.

1. Informative - This speech serves to provide interestmg and useful 1nformal1on lo your aurJ1encE:

Example A teacher telling students about earthquakes

2. Demonstrative Speeches - This has many s1mliant1es with an 1nformat1ve speech A demonstrat1 ,r.; sr,r.;1-:r,, a 'JJ
teaches you something. The mam difference hes 1n mcludmg a demonstration of how to oo th1:: .,, nrJ J',, c1re:;

Example. How to start your own blog

3. Persuasive - works to convince people to change 1n some way they think, the wa1 they do sometr 1'19 ry r; sta"
doing something that they are not currently doing.

Example. Become an organ donor

4. Entertaining -111 this kind of speech, the speaker provides pleasure and enJoyment that makes ·re ac1d erce a~t;;ri,
smile, and relax.

Example. A stand-up comedian entertaining people on stage

~ransfer tne notes here 1n this table.

P· :"\\1\ Fl )LJC,\ I ION

COR 001: Oral Communication

Module #11

~a""a Class number:

Sta:! or _____ Schedule: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2) A.ctiv•ty 3. Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)
Lets build your skill by answering these activities.

Activity 3 1 Beiow are examples of speech topics. Classify these accordingly. Tell whether if the purpose of these speeches
are INFORMATIVE, DEMONSTRATIVE, PERSUASIVE or ENTERTAINING. Write the correct answer on the space before the

OHf\D\...\{jV;A!IVf 1. ·'How to create a puppet"

~\~}Jf~~~™=M-\. . VC'
. . -f_ _2. "My favorite Grandma"
~~_tt-1~Vi~M~1Vf.. . . . . ___3. ·why should you buy brand X?"
.....W~X~'-'-'\).,\=\"-N-"--b_ _4. "Laugh and enjoy with Mr. Smiley"
t __5. "The Secrets to Achieving Success"
~ \N.:.._\?V,'---'--'tfl-'-f;I'--'-'\-'-\J......

Act-.·,ty 3.2. Below are definitions of the types of speech according to purpose. Identify the type of speech being referred to In
eacr tern. Write the letter I for INFORMATIVE, D for DEMONSTRATIVE, P for PERSUASIVE, and E for ENTERTAINING
. .rte your answer on the space before the number.

----"-- Is characterized by showing how to do or make something.

-----'-_ ___ Is a speech to influence other people's attitudes, beliefs, values or behaviors.
_____ ___ develops an argument in support of a particular position on a topic.
- - ~ - - - - 4 . l t Is to share knowledge with others in order to create mutual understanding.
_ __._____ Is the process of creating, reinforcing, or changing people's beliefs or actions
_J_ _ creates awareness of a subject, presents ideas or information promoting understanding, or
conveys a body of related facts.
_ _ Is made up of stones full of word pictures and other strategies to evoke sensory recall.
_ usually comes In the form of a story of some sorts.
___ 9.The goal Is to make the listeners understand the topic the same way the speaker does.
_ 10 It tends to focus on how something works, functions or is accomplished.

~---- ------ -----,

LJ I Check your work by using the key to I
corrections at the last page.
_____ _____ _ II

3 Ar, , A I rr;J I Know C,ra"' part 2 (2 mins)

I •ev -.rr1 rr f'l.J'Y of t'that yolJ ve learned from this session, review your answers In Act1v1ty 1. Rewrite your answer ,n

cc .,m- , ' ;n<I 'l tht;n 11< te 1our ?nswers to the questrons based on what you know m the third column of the chart.
f>~ 11 NMr\ I.DU( 1\TION
\1 ·~ , ' \ .\ I ii ,•di U{\ h (,II ll 1 \Ill>~

COR 001: Oral Communication

Module #11

Narie _ Class number: ______ _

Sect,or· Schedule: _ _ Date: --------

4) Act1v1ty 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

You're almost done. You can do this!

In the chart are the four types of speech according to purpose. Based on your understanding of the concept today, classify the
sample speeches according to their purpose by placing them in the correct column. The sample speeches are found inside the
Explaining cricket to an American How to buy a condom discreetly
Things you wouldn't know without the movies A student talking about her research
Improve your health through better eating How to bake a cake
The negative influence of TV How to write a speech
Become a volunteer and change the world A travelogue about London Bndge
, A computer programmer speaking about new software

Check your
work by
using the
al the last
L ____ I
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

A. Work Tracker
You are done with this session! Let's track your progress. Shade the session number you Just completed.
?l P2 PJ
2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1:. !6 17 IE l2 1 2 .! 24 h 16
- . -- - .

8. Think about your Learning

To check if you learned something today, put a star beside the learning target if you understand the conceots

I can distinguish the different types of speeches.

I can determine speech purposes.

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