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Course Code: Pre-Calculus

Student 's Activity Sheet Module #18

\,,111,, }-,1\L\f'{ \ l\\W~V'l~ j · \)IV\\\~ Class number: - - -

:--,','lh'll. \\I\~\\ ~l-lk'duk. Date:- - - - - -

Lesson titk•: Materials:
Solving Trigonometric Equations SAS
Lesson Objectives: References:
,\t tl1l' l'IH.i ut this 11K1dule, I shou ld be able lo: The Calcu lus with Ana lytic
I. sol\ l' tri~w11ometric equations . Geometry 6th edition by Liethold,
., Sl1l,·l, p1\1ble111s involving trigonometric equations. L.
Precalculus 6th edition by Barnett,
Zieg ler and Byleen. Pg.

Productivity Tip: Get Some Exercise. Nol lo be too repetitive, but healthy people are more productive.
t:\1.:'rdst? 111,1k1.:'s vou he,1lthier. so be sure lo gel sonie exercise every day. You don't need to spend hours al
r the ~l\ 111 to ~101 the benefit of this; lake a w.:ilk around the block, or do some isometrics al your desk. Enjoy!


\ ~\:-~
.:.-., - .,, 1) Introduction

Welcome to Pre-Calculus Class Day 18! We are done in evaluating inverse trigonometric
e\pressions. In this session, you will be ab le to solve trigonometric equations.
Let's begin by reading the learning targets. The learning targets will serve as your guide
and goal in studying this lesson.

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part ·1 (3 mins)

Try ansWf'ring the questions below by writing your ideas under the first column What I Know.
It's okay if you write key words or phrases that you think are related to the questions.

f What !Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

-- - - - -- - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l - - -- - - - - - , - - - , - - - - - 1
What is trigonometric equation? 1'-1Q'co.\\".) V\o.~ iv\f\V'\iW~ m~
fb\\>\\'Jfu •I~ 1r ~quo.\;\~\\t\u
N\\ f\\ (}. 1nnnn,1on1 (; ·oJ\:
How can you differentiate v\ql)N.)~~\u rx.~ttr~ibf\ li 1tla:teo1
trigonometric expression from
trigonometric equation?
10 t ~ 1~\\At 1o,i\~ C~iii\J\}.i ,\,,\IJ\~l)'f\t
OM .\-\\9.. 1v\ ~V\O ~iv t IA. · <;)
O.ti. ~tviOoJ.(; OJl\(A VIQ\Jt 'M~ ~\)\~\\){\(,

This document 1s Iht.; properly of PI lINMA EDU CATl ON. 1

C ourse Code: Pre- C alculus
Slurlcnt's /\ctivi1 y S heet Modul e #18

Class number:
~ch~clu k : Dale:- - - - - -
)) Solve the equation -J2 cos x - 1=0 • ♦ ♦• • • • e • t • o a • ♦ • a ♦ ■ ♦ ♦ • ■• ■■ I I I I I I I I ■ ■ ■ I I I I ■ I I ■ I ■ I ■ I I I I I I ■ I ■■ II ■ • I I I I ■ I•■

Solution: In 0:5 8 < 2n, the only solutions for cos x = v2

~a nd~
We first find all solutions in 0:5 8 < 2n and ". Because the period of cosine is 2-rr, then all

fj_ COS X - 1 =Q solutions are of the form x = ~4 + 2 k r or x = ?rr

+2 k r for a ny integer k.
\/2 COS X = 1
= -,/2 . I I ■ • o I • o o o o • • • • • 0. I ■ 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 ~ • o • ■ • ■ I I • • ■ • o o O ♦ I ■ ■ • ■ 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 ■ ■ 0 I ■ ■ ■ I ■

Activity 3: Skill -bu ilding Activit ies

µere are problems for you to answer. Worl< on your solution carefully to arrive at the right answer.

;:ire all the solutions of the followi11g with lhe condition of

1 sin 0 = '? J-;~~'tl\(~)

' II-\
9"1T · l -!.. 9 ~ '211
J ,:!) -
0°:5 8 < 360° and Os 8

a;l'i < 2rr.

2. tan 0 = -l 8 = oVG\CA\f\ (-\) 8" -~r -\fO 8 ~ \1)r t 11D
e~ -L\ r (8 ~ \'2JI (G ✓ ?J\~ 0

2, At.1iv,ty 4: What I Know Chart, part 2

" to answer lne questions in the Whal I Know chart in Activity 1 Log in your answers 1n

This document I the property of J•J II NMA EU 11( A J ION. 3

Cours e Code : Pre-Calculus
Stude nt's Activ ity Sheet lV[odule #18

Class number:
'\ :1 lllc':
Date. _ _ _ _ __
:S, l'l'l I\) I l: ;-;chl'duk:

3) Activ ity 5: Check for Unde rstan ding (5 mins)

1 . ) cot \' - 1 ::: 0 X" '!t 1~ t/1 f1


,c -\- 1 ~i\
X '"11

5.) 11 =Q
L'OS:1 .Y - 3

~ (»~'L[-~)~3 Co!~(~)= -f~ CM~ ~

~ - JL
\';J('(i) • ~~ !-
llil\'C{l <'.!. v t< n: I
"°1 ~,1 n1,Ti !- 5
G \ 1,11 "-"Ot--;;'-Ht~
ctions found at the end of this SAS. Write your score
• ''Che ck your answ brs again st the l<ey to Corre
on your pape r. H •


1) Activ ity 6: Think ing about Learn ing

the numb er of the modu le that you

Cong ratula tions for finish ing this modu le! Shade
finish ed.

You are done with t he session! Le t's track your progre
Pcnod 2 Period 3
Period 1
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
·10 11 12 13 14 15 ·16 17 18 19 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

for today ? How did you mana ge these challe nges?

What has challe nged you in learning our lesson

ION. 4
This docu ment is the prope rty of PHIN MA EDU CAT
Course Code: Pre-Calculus
Student' s A ctivity Sheet Module #18

Nanie: - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Class number: - - -

Section: - - - - - Schedule:- - - - - - - - - - - - - Date:

What new ways and ideas of learning Pre-Calculus you find interesting?
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