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CAMBRIDGE WW) Elspeth Rawstron Herbert Puchta & Jeff Stranks ie WS PL Ee et Mich Contents Culture 1 Famous Explorers ee Extra Practice 1 Culture 2 Treasure Hunting! 8-9 Extra Practice 2 10-11 Unit 5-6 BE Culture 3 Keeping Time! 12-13 Extra Practice 3 14-15 a oe The Open Window Cole 4 Disasters! 16-17 Extra Practice 4 18-19 = Culture 5 Intelligent Software 20-21 Extra Practice 5 22-23 Unit 11-12 Culture 6 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 24-25 Extra Practice 6 26-27 Glossary 2B 162) All listening activities on Morel Class CD2 rocks 41-50). Morel 3 Extra Practice Book has been devised with ‘CROSS-CURRICUIAR activities in mind. » Born: 1944 | He is one of the greatest living Name: Isabelle Eber! Born: 1877 Nationality: Swiss d her father was Russian. She was born in Switzerland but she liv d travelled in North Africa. In those days, it was not acceptable for women to travel. Isabelle explored the desert in Algeria dressed os o mon. She wrote many articles and books in French bout her travels. In 1904, she died in a flood in Algeria. She was only 27 years old. Her mother was Germ: Name: Hernando Cortes Born: 1485 Nationality: Spanish He sailed from Cuba to Mexico with eleven ships to look for gold, silver and other treasure. He discovered the capital city of the Aztec empire and he killed the Aztec emperor Montezuma. Mexico became part of the Spanish Empire. Hernando Cortes died in Spain in 1547 Name: Ranulph Fiennes Nationality: British explorers. He has led over thirty expeditions and he has raised over £5 million for charity. He has travelled across Antarctica and he has discovered a lost city in the Arabian desert, in Oman. Name: Freya Stark Born: 1893 She was born in France and her parents were both artists. A year later her parents went to live in Asolo near Venice. She spoke English, French, Italian and German, and she also learnt Arabic. She travelled in the Middle East and she was one of the first European women to travel through the Arabian deserts. She died in Italy in 1993. 1 Write the names of the explorers next to the sentences. She spoke many European languages. He travelled across Mexico. She often wore men’s clothes. He has done a lot for charity. She died when she was very young. Her parents both painted. Anon 2 Read about the lost city of Ubar. Then write a list of the things that helped Ranulph Fiennes find the city. There are many legends about the lost city of Ubar (also known as Iram) in the Arabian desert. According to Arabic tradition, Noah’s great-grandchildren built the city. It was a rich city, but full of bad people. According to the Qur'an its king did not listen to the prophet Hud, so God buried it in the sand, Many people looked for the city but it was Ranulph Fiennes who found it, after 26 years. NASA helped him. They flew a space shuttle over the desert and took pictures with a special camera. The camera showed city walls and pillars under the sand. The pictures helped Fiennes. He dug for four days and the first thing he found was a chess set from 500 BC. It took about six weeks to find the walls of the city. The mythical desert city became a reality. 3. In pairs, complete the questionnaire. Have you visited any of the countries in the texts on pages 4 and 5? Have you seen any of the places in the texts on pages 4 and 5? Have you been to any archaeological sites in your country? Have you ever found any old coins or old things? Have you ever walked in a desert? IF you answer ‘yes’ to 3 or more of the questions, you are a born adventurer! Morel 3 tra Practice Book | 5 sae eae 1 Answer the questions. Where was Isabelle Eberhardt born? Which European country did Hernando Cortes come from? How many expeditions has Ranulph Fiennes led? How many years did it take him to find the lost city? How much money has he given to charity? How many languages did Freya Stark speak? OuURon— 2. Find words in the puzzle and write them in the correct column. scarehorrordiscoveripodcastletraveladventuresaildigitalcameraexpedition palmtopcomedyexploreplaystationromancedesertmobilephonecluewestern Verbs Film Genres Technology Adventure 3. Complete the dialogue using words from exercise 2. Then act it out. Amy How long have you had your ' Jake I've had it for ®... Amy Have you bought any other things recently? Jake Yes, I've just bought a/an ®......e.:+0 and a/an 4 Amy Have you used them yet? Jake No, | haven't 4 Act out another dialogue with a friend about something you have recently bought. Use the dialogue from exercise 3. 5 Complete the information about yourself, Then tell a partner. Nenieowtngs Bae (be) at this school for 2. My dad is a/an ........ (his job} pe ee SUIS ofa MoT esse OOS, 3 My mum and dad ........ . (live) in our house for ..- years. 4 We {be} on holiday to (countries/cities). 5x1 (have) a mobile phone for ... years. 1 {have} this mobile phone since vesseeeeee (date). 6. sessceeee (See) the film... .. (name of film) It’s a great film. — 6 Complete the dialogues with for or since. Simon Hi, Mark. | haven't seen you ' soo long time Where've you been? Mark I've been on holiday *. England with my mum and dad. Simon Did you do anything exciting? Mark Yeah, we went on a Harry Potter tour. We saw Alnwick Castle. They filmed the Quidditch scenes there. We saw lots of other places from the films too. Simon Cooll I'd love to do that. Have you heard from Kathy recently? Mark No, | haven't seen her *. . we went to the cinema together and that was about two months ago. month. | went to Alnwick Castle Alnwick Castle has been in a lot of films. It is near Newcastle in England. 7 Complete the sentences with the Past simple or Present perfect of the verb. Kathy Would you like to go and see the Orlando Bloom film, Elizabethtown? Simon Sorry! |! (already see) Kathy When ®.. “you. .. (see) it? Simon |... «» (see) it last week. Kathy |s it any good? Simon Well, it’s a bit depressing. Orlando Bloom plays a shoe designer. He loses his job, then his girlfriend leaves him. So he {just lose) his job ond he *..... lose} his girlfriend. And then things get really bad. His father °...........+. (just die) Kathy |s Orlando Bloom any good? Simon He's okay. He” (just is sister calls. be) better in Troy! (More! 3 Extra Practice Book | 7 ORNER ac Re oo have chvays loved hunting for reasure-In the past people used treasure maps and a spade. Nowadays people use GPS, metal detectors and robots. 1 Read about a Chilean robot called Arturito and his treasure hunt. Then do the quiz. Arturito, the Robotic Treasure Hunter of the 21% Century Arturito, a robot built by a Chilean company, may have found treasure on an island called Robinson Crusoe. The island is 660 km off the coast of Chile. A ship left a Scottish sailor called Alexander Selkirk on the island in 1704 and he lived there alone for four years. His story inspired Daniel Defoe to write the book Robinson Crusoe. Later the island was named after the book ‘According to the legend, a Spanish sailor buried some treasure on the island. Then a few years later, an English sailor found it. He buried it again in a different place on the island. According to some people, there are 600 barrels of gold, silver and jewels, and the treasure is worth $10 billion. Many treasure hunters have been to the island to look for the treasure but none have found it Arturito, the robot, uses a radar which finds objects underground. He can scan 50 metres deep into the earth. Recently some treasure hunters took him to Robinson Crusoe Island to search for the lost treasure. He has found some metal objects on the island 15 metres underground and the treasure hunters believe it is the lost treasure The treasure hunters are going to start digging for the treasure soon. if they find it, they will give it to charities. Let's hope Arturito has struck gold! tice Book Why is the island called What did he do with the treasure? Robinson Crusoe? He sailed home with it. After the book by Daniel Defoe He lost it. After a robot He buried it again. After a Spanish sailor What will the treasure hunters do if According to the legend, they find the treasure? who found the treasure? They will buy on island. They will give it to the government. A Spanish sail Ph heer ies They will give it to charities. b A English sailor A robot 2 Write three more questions for the quiz. Ask a friend to answer your questions. 3 Did Arturito really find the treasure? Log on to the Internet and see if you can find out. Captain Kidd's Gold! 2 4 A Listen to the story then put the pictures in the correct order. B Write a sentence under each of the pictures and tell the story of Captain Kidd’s gold. Morel 3 Extra Practice Book | 9 ed Cw 1 Answer the questions. Who lived on an island by himself for four years? How does Arturito find things underground? Where is Robinson Crusoe Island? Who was Captain Kidd? What did they put on top of the chest to protect it from treasure hunters? According to the legend, should you look for Captain Kidd's treasure by yourself? OUR on= 2 Write the words in the correct columns, mountains leo village river Cancer forest Taurus caving canoeing GPS rock climbing Gemini lake mountain biking 3. Complete the dialogue using words from exercise 2. Then act it out. Tim Where's your summer house? Heather I's high up in the There's always snow there in winter. Tim Is there a? nearby? Heather Yes, there i Tim Can we go °. there? Heather Yes, we can. We can also go * sand pete sss » You can do lots of outdoor activities there. 4 Daniel and his friends are going to place their first geocache. Complete the sentences with will or going to and the verbs. Hi Fm Daniel and | !..........-:.+.+-++ (mee!) some friends. We (elecide) tiers to plats tour firsl(geceoctiel Weilhinlevs 3 (place) it in Sherwood Forest. We have to ask permission first but we think they 4............ (like) the idea. Also we ° (talk about) what to put in the cache. Lucy and Amanda want 0 ‘put acD in and Josh wants to put fickets in for his next concert. He plays guitar in a local band. YO | More 3 Extra Practice Book Pe sw 5 Choose the correct prepositions of time, movement and place to complete the geocaching tips. It is better to set off early in/on the morning not at/in night. Always go with a friend. Don't go into /across a forest or to a remote location by yourself Remember - the GPS shows you your distance from the cache at/in a straight line. There may be a climb opposite / up a mountain and a climb into /down the other side or a walk across /off a river. You may have to walk along /through a forest. Whatever you do, have fun! ‘There is a candle which has travelled from Australia to Arizona, from one geocache to another. This kind of item is ealled 'a hitchhiker’. It means an object that people take * from one geocache to another. a 6 Read this British superstition quiz and see if you can circle the ° correct answers. Then listen and check. Britis fy Suyssssious 2. 1 If you dream of a white cat, you will ... @ have good luck have bad luck 2 If your foot itches, you will. @ have good news _b go ona long journey 3 If you see cows lying down in a field, it will. @ be sunny all day brain 4 If you find a spider on your clothes, you will. i get some money b have bad luck 5 If you find a ladybird, count the spots. The number of spots will tell you ... the age of the ladybird b the number of happy months to come Morel 3 Esra Practice Book | 12 41 Listen and match the conversations with the pictures. < 2. Listen again and complete the facts. 1 There are .. a in the National Gallery in London 2 The old ship, the Cutty Sark, isa in Greenwich now. 3. The Live 8 concert in Hyde Park was the .........-- in Britain 4 Windsor Castle is the and castle in the world that people stil live in 5 You can buy ......... antiques and , at Greenwich Market. 6 The largest Tower Records store is in Every year thousands of people visit the Royal Observatory at Greenwich to stand over the line ° that marks the Prime Meridian of ‘the World. The Prime Meridian is an imaginary line from the North Pole to the South Pole. It divides East from West. 3 Read the text about time and then do the mini quiz. A Race Against Time In the past, there wasn’t a standard time for the world. Different towns and countries used their own time. Also there weren't any accurate clocks. Sailors needed accurate clocks to navigate their ships. Sailors needed to know the latitude and longitude of their position. The latitude of a place is its distance from the equator. Ships can calculate this by looking at the sun and the stars. The longitude of a place distance between west and east. You can calculate it by using clocks. At first ships used two clocks to calculate longitude. One clock gave the local time and the other clock stayed the same. But the clocks in those days were not accu- rate. Errors of a few minutes sometimes caused a shipwreck. King Charles Il wanted to solve this problem. So he set up the Greenwich Royal Observatory in 1675. He wanted to know how to calculate longitude accurately. ‘On October 22nd, 1707, there was a big disaster. A fleet of 21 ships was sailing from Gibraltar to England and five ships hit the Isles of Scilly. Two thousand men died in the shipwrecks. The British government offered a prize for the person who could solve the longitude problem. They received hundreds of applications for their challenge. The winner was a man called John Harrison. He spent his whole life working on the problem of longitude. You can see four of John Harrison's timekeeping designs in the Greenwich Royal Observatory today. In Washington in 1884, representatives of 25 countries met to fix a standard time for the world. After a lot of arguments they chose Greenwich. So Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) became the standard time for the world. MINI QUIZ Why did sailors need accurate clocks? What is latitude? What is longitude? How did ships calculate longitude? Who built the Greenwich Royal Observatory? Where did the big shipping disaster happen in 17072 Why did 25 countries meet in Washington? What became the standard time for the world? @eNOMRON— 4 Find out about one of the places in exercise 1 and write a mini quiz. Use the Internet to help you. 1 Write True or False. 1 Windsor Castle is the smallest inhabited castle in the world. 2. The Cutty Sark is a museum now. 3. Sailors used three clocks to calculate longitude. 4 Two thousand men died in the shipwreck in 1707. 5 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was the standard time for the world. 2. Match the halves and find words from this module. Write them in the correct column below. tre troy alist il eum 3 Complete the dialogue using words from exercise 2. Then act it out. Tony — Where is your hotel? John It’s next to the '... Tony Have you been to the John No, | haven't. I’ve been to the ® os a | went yesterday with my { gitfriend, Jane. Have you met Jane? Tony _Yes, | have. She's a’. cas; isn’t she? John Yes, she is. We work in the same ne hospital. By the way, what do you do® Tony = 'ma*.. 44 | More! 3 Extra Practice Book 4 Join the sentences with who or which. 1 The Prime Meridian is an imaginary line. _It divides East and Wes. 2 In the past, sailors used clocks. They were not accurate. 3. John Harrison was the watch designer. He won the competition. 4 In 1707, there was a big disaster. It killed two thousand men. 5 twas King Charles ll of England He built the Greenwich Royal Observatory 5 Read the true story then complete the question tags. In 1925, Arthur Ferguson was an actor who lived in London. He acted in a few plays but he didn’t earn much money. Then one day, he played the part of a rich American. in the play, a conman tricks the rich American and runs away with his money. This gave Ferguson an idea He walked around London and looked at the famous landmarks: Big Ben, Nelson's Golumn and Buckingham Palace, and he made a plan. He stood in Trafalgar ‘Square and waited for a rich American tourist to come. He stood next to the tourist and he said, “What a tragedy! This column won't be here for long.” The American tourist asked, “Why won't the column be here for long?” “England is in debt,” Ferguson told the tourist. “The government is selling Nelson’s Column. | am a government official and | am helping with the sale.” The rich American tourist decided to buy Nelson's Column and he paid Ferguson £6000 for it. That year, Ferguson also sold Buckingham Palace and Big Ben to tourists. 1 This is a true story, ....- Slice cashed 2 Buckingham Palace, Nelson’s Column and Big Ben are monuments in London, eee 2 3. Arthur Ferguson was an actor, ... 4 He lived in London, $ 6 He didn’t earn much money, He was a conman, .... 6 Complete the sentences about the text. Use the Present passive. Nelson’s Column '....cscsun .. (buy) by an American Tourist. Big Ben and Buckingham Palace *.. also eee = (sell Six thousand pounds ®...... The conman Arthur Ferguson é. The conman who sold Nelson’s Column #......... (pay| for Nelson's Column «- (find) (orrest) More! 3 Extra Practice Book | 35 Every year the lives of millions of people are devastated by natural disasters. Between 1995 and 2004, 900,000 people were reported killed by natural disasters, and a further 250 million people are affected by them each year. 1 Read the stories and match them to the correct titles. Hit by a wave Dllost at sea Distruck by lightning [1 Shark attack Steven Callahan survived more than two months alone at sea on a 1.5 metre life raft. In January 1982, Callahan left the Canary Islands in a sailing boat. The boat sank six days later and Callahan was alone on a small life raft. For the next two months, Callahan survived with a little food, a few litres of water and a spear. He got very badly sunburned and he was attacked by sharks. Some ships passed him and didn’t see him. Finally, after 76 days at sea, he was rescued. Eorly one morning in November of 2003, 13-year-old Bethany Hamilton went to Makua Beach on Kauai in Hawaii to go surfing. She was o good surfer and she often went surfing with her best friend, Alana Blanchard. (On this morning, Bethany and Alana were accompanied by Holt and Byron - Alona’s dad and brother. At about 7:30 am, a tiger shark, probably 12 to 15 feet long, suddenly bit off Bethany’s left arm. ‘After she was bitten, she didn’t panic. She swam to her friends and they took her to shore. D2 On Christmas Eve 1971, a plane was struck by lightning over Peru. It exploded. All the passengers were killed except for one. Seventeen-year-old Juliane Kapcke fell 3 km and landed in the f Amazon rainforest. She was still in her plane seat. Her fall was slowed down by wind. This saved her. She then spent 11 days walking through the jungle without food. In the tsunami of 2005, one man’s village in Indonesia was hit by huge waves and he was carried out to sea. Luckily he saw an uprooted tree and he hung onto it for eight days. Alll the time, he was surrounded by dead bodies. When he was hungry, he ate the food that possed by. The sea carried him 150 km away. Finally, some Japanese sailors saw him and they took him to Malaysia. 2 In pairs, read the texts again and answer the questions. Write notes to discuss as a class. 1 What helped each person to survive? 2. Which experience is the most frightening, and why? 3 What kind of disaster are you most frightened of? 3 Look at the film poster for Touching the Void and make some predictions about the film. Who is the film about? Is there an accident? What kind of accident is it? How many people are involved? Do they survive? ge C ZHING. “ANVe)10) @ 4 Now listen to the conversation about the film. How many of * your predictions were correct? 5 Listen again and number the events in the order you hear . “ them. } Simon Yates cuts the rope. rop 7 1 Joe Simpson lowers himself to the floor of the crevice. Joe Simpson breaks his leg. C1 Then he climbs down the side of the mountain to safety. Joe Simpson falls down a crevice. Mare! 3 Extra Practice Book | 7 1 Answer the questions. 1 How many days was Callahan at sea? 2 When was Callahan rescued? 3. What was Bethany bitten by? 4 Who was the Indonesian man rescued by? 5 What was the difficult decision that Simon Yates made? 2 Circle the words and write them in the correct columns. Indieearthquakejazzfolkavalanchesurvivepoprescuesoundirackbite injurevolcanowarndroughtflood Disasters Music Verbs 3 Complete the dialogue using words from exercise 2. Then act it out. Laura = What kind of music do you like? Yolanda | |i 2 & musi Laura So do |. What kind of music did you use to listen to when you were at primary school? Yolanda | used to listen to * .. | didn’t use to like . then. Laura Neither did |. 4 Complete the sentences with used to or didn’t use to. 1 .. have long hair. 21 «... watch Shipwrecked. 3 My dad .. . play the guitar. 4 My mum and dad «au listen to hip-hop when they were young. 5 6 My gran ... go to rock concerts when she was young. My granddad like going to the cinema when he was a boy. ae 1B | More! 3 Extra Practice Book a Practice 4 «.- (kill) by the avalanche. a (trap) on the roofs of their houses by the flood. 3. Trees and houses ......... 4 When the tsunami hit, my village . by the sea. 5 When the hurricane hit, my house . 6 During the earthquake, many people under their houses. [burn down) by the forest fre. 6 Look at the notes for a film review of the disaster movie, The Day after Tomorrow. Write Passive or Active next to the sentences. 1 The Day after Tomorrow is the story of a new ice age after climate change. 2 Scientist Jack Hall was researching global warming in Woshington Dic. 3 Jack's research indicated that global warming could trigger a sudden shift in the Earth’s climate. 4 The President was warned about the bad weather. 5 Entire cities were ripped apart, flooded, and frozen. 6 Jack's 17-year-old son Sam found himself trapped in New York City. 7 He coped with severe flooding and plummeting temperatures in Manhattan. 8 Many people were killed by the cold. 9 When he took refuge inside the Manhattan Public isbeerys Sam managed to reach his father by phone. ; 10. Jack warned him to stay inside at all costs. ‘ 11 Temperatures were 50 degrees below zero. ... 12 Jack headed north to New York City to save his son. 13 Massive evacuations to the south of America were started. 14. Everyone al the Library was rescued. ........ 7 In pairs, talk about survival. What do you need to survive in extreme temperatures? More! 3 Extra Practice Book | 19 Computer software is being developed to make our lives easier. Soon we may live in houses that control their own temperature and switch lights on and off themselves. We may buy cars that drive themselves while we watch a film or have something to eat. What was once science fiction may soon be a reality. Ss 20 Read the text about self-driving cars and answer the questions. 1 What technology do the sel driving cars use? 2 What good purpose will self-driving cars be used for? 3. What other good uses can you think of for selfdriving cars? Make a list and discuss. | Can’t See the Driver! CATERPILLAR ee, Can cars drive themselves? In America, twenty-three self-driving cars took part in a Grand Challenge race across Nevada’s Mojave desert. The prize was $2 million. The cars had to drive 240 km across dry lakes, through tunnels and cover mountains. They were guided by computer software and GPS (Global Positioning System), cameras and lasers. Humans had no control of the vehicles Four of the vehicles finished the race. A Volkswagen was first. It took the car six hours and fiftyshree minutes. Cars that drive themselves are useful for carrying supplies to people who are in dangerous war zones. They will save the lives of many soldiers and civilians. stra Practice Book Q 2 listen to Antonio’s description of the Smart House. Make = notes about it below. Then design an advertisement for it. What features would your Smart House have? Write a paragraph. IF designed a Smart House, it would know my routine. When | woke up, it would open the curtains and it would prepare my breakfast. 8 tees tte : More! 3 Extra Practice Book | 21 Extra Practice 5 1 Answer the questions. 1 How were the self-drive cars guided? 2 Why do some governments want self-drive cars? 3. Where does the camera in a Smart House send images to? ‘4 What happens if the washing machine leaks? 5 What is a disadvantage of the Smart House for Antonio? 2. Circle the words and write them in the correct column. bookprinterhotelreservationmakehiremousecampingdesktop mapflatscreenhiredictionarycheckoutnotebooksurfingplan 3 Complete the dialogue using words from exercise 2. Then act it out. Stuart — Have you ' Tanya Yes, we've *. and we're going to Stuart Have you got a “ . of the area? Tanya No, but Mike *... the area on the Internet. There are lots of interesting places to visit. Stuart — By the way, can you speak Spanish? Tanya —_No, but we're going to take a... Stuart Well, have fun! . your holiday in Spain yel® . the hotel reservation a car. with us. 4 Circle the correct word, can’t or must. 1 A Iris very light. | can carry it in my rucksack. B lt can’t / must be a desktop. It can’t / must be a notebook. 2. A | save files on it. tis very small. | can carry it in my purse. B lt can’t / must be a pen drive. It can’t / must be o CD ROM 3 A Ian save six times more information on this than on a CD ROM. B |t can’t / must be a pen drive. It can’t / must be a DVDR/W. 4 A With its help | can connect to the World Wide Web. B |t can’t / must be a modem. |t can’t / must be speakers. 22. | More 3 Extra Practice Book tira @ 5 Complete the FAQ information on the website about Smart Houses. Use would and the verbs below. hove (x2) respond need ~— control a If we bought one of your Smart Houses: How would we control the Smart House? ing in the house would be connected so you (1) .. . to Use one remote control. Would the house recognize everybody in the family? Yes, it would. You (2) . petsonalized settings for each family member. It (3) . ~ the sites the children accessed on the Internet and the programmes that they watched on TV. Would the house recognize voice commands? Yes, the house (4) fo voice commands. Would the house do any of the Yes, it would. It (5) .... automatic iron. self-cleaning windows and an 6 What have you had done? When did you have it done? Write true sentences about yourself. | had my hair coloured last week. OR Thove never had my hair coloured. 1 (hands hennaed) 2 (nose/ears pierced) 3 (hair cut) ‘More! 3 Extra Practice Book | 23 REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE 1 Read what each of the students does and write REDUCE, REUSE or RECYCLE next to each. Sometimes you can write more than one option. Hi, my name's Karen. At my school, we are saving up to go on a school trip. We save all our used paper from home and also the paper we use at school. There are bins at the back of every classroom to collect the paper in. When the bins are full, we take the paper to a paper buyer. For every tonne of paper, we save seventeen trees. We'll soon have enough money to go on a school trip. We're going skiing in the Alps! Hi, my name's Joshua. Last year, we collected cans and glass bottles. There were bins around the school. We put our empty cola cans and lemonade bottles in them. There was also a big bin in the school car park. Parents and people in the community could put their cans and bottles in. The money collected from this programme helped to pay for the computers in the school library. Hi, my name's Sarah, When my friends and | go shopping, we take a bag with us. If we buy something, we tell them not to give us a bag. That way, we save plastic. Hi, my name's Katrina, This is just a small thing, but you should think about it. You know how everyone always wants the latest trainers. Well, we had a bin in the schoo! to collect all our old or unwanted trainers. Some of them were still in good condition. They were given to children in need. The others were sent toa factory that makes trainers. They take the rubber soles off them. Then they ‘melt the rubber down and they use it to make new trainers. Hi, my name's Paul, My friends and | all cycle to school. It keeps us fit and it means less traffic on the roads and less air pollution. And of course, it also saves fuel 24 | More! 3 Extra Practice Book 8 2 In pairs, discuss the questions below. Which of the things mentioned above do you do? What other things do you do to help save the environment? or What other things could you easily do? In pairs, list them below under the three headings. Reduce Reuse Recycle 3 Do the quiz. Circle True or False. Then listen and check your answers. THINK BEFORE YOU THROW IT AWAY! 1 Motor oil never wears out. You can recycle it and use it again and again. TRUE / FALSE 2 You can't recycle aluminium soda cans. TRUE / FALSE 3. IF you recycle one glass bottle you save enough electricity fo light a 100 watt bulb for four hours. TRUE / FALSE 4 If you write on paper in coloured ink, you can’t recycle the paper. TRUE / FALSE 5. A\litre of oil can pollute 945,000 litres of water. TRUE / FALSE 6 You can only recycle glass bottles once. TRUE / FALSE 4 Find out about recycling one of the items in the quiz. Write a new mini quiz about it. Use the Internet to help you. More! 3 Extra Practice Book | 25 Extra Practice 6 1 Answer the questions. Write what the people said i speech, 1 Where did Karen say they took the paper? Karen said they took. What did Joshua say his school bought with the money? What did Sarah say she and her friends saved? What did Katrina say they had a bin for? What did Paul say he did? GRONn 2 Circle the words and write them in the correct column. plumpsupportslimprotestmarchwritesmartleafletscruffycycle bottlebankcollectlitterelegantsavewell-builtpetitioncitycouncil Appearance Environment Verbs 3 Complete the dialogue using words from exercise 2. Then act it out. Police officer Did you see the boy who took your wallet? Boy Yes, | did, Police officer Could you describe him for me? He was '.. vos Police officer How was he dres or®., Boy He was Police officer Anything else? Yes, he had a tattoo on his left hand. ‘and he had long dark hair. 4 Read the description below then choose the correct picture on page 27. Say what is wrong with the other picture. Hi, my name's Liam. One day, | was walking home from school._ It was winter and it was dark. Suddenly, | heard a scream. | ran round the corner towards the scream and | saw a woman on the ground. She was slim and very elegant. She had long curly red hair. | couldn’t see her eyes. A man stood there. He was holding a bag. He stared at me for a second and then he ran away. He was well-built and he had short spiky hair. It was coloured blonde. He wasn't scruffy. He was smart. He was wearing a very expensive suit. 26 | Mere! 3 Extra Practice Book eas yi 5 Read what a policeman told Liam about the man in the picture. Rewrite his sentences in indirect speech. ‘The man is not a thief.’ He said that the man was not a thief. 1 'He works for the counci 2 ‘This evening, the man was at a Save the Environment meeting in a local school.” 4 ‘The woman stole the briefcase.’ 5 ‘The man chased her and got the briefcase back.’ 6 ‘We are looking for the woman now.’ More! 3 Extra Practice Book | 27 Arabian = /sreibian/ Arabic = ‘wrabik’ chess set = /ies sot dressed as a man = /drest 229 mien/ empire = fempaio(s) gold = (gavld Quran = ‘karan! legends = /lediand2/ pillars = /pila silver = /siv2(0) space shuttle = /speis ,fatl/ to raise money for charity = ji9 rez mani f frat Culture) barrels = /beralz/ built by = /bilt bax buried = /berid inspired = juispaiod/ is worth = (12 a0 ColtureZ accurate = /:ekjarot actor = /2ki2(r) arguments = /o:gjumants/ challenge = /ixlind conman = /konmeen equator = /rkweto(r) fleet = (ix in debt = /n det landmarks = /leendmacks’ plays = /plew/ sale = ‘sel shipwreck = /{iprek to act = wu ekt to navigate = (19 neevigert to set up = /ia set sp to trick = 19 ink 2B | Morel 3 Extra Practice Book ulture spear = (spio(r)/ to be affected by someone/something ta ,bi afektid bat ../ to be attacked = attacked /12 bi stekt! to be rescued = /t2 ,bi ‘reskjud’ to be surrounded by = (19 bi ssraundid bau to bite off = 12 bau ‘vi? to get sunburned = /i9 et ‘ssnbsind/ to hang on = /ia he ‘on! to land = ‘19 lend’ to sink = 9 sink! Japructid Culture 5 supplies = ‘ssplar/ fo leak = fi ik to take part in = /i9 jcik post in war zones = /\w>: /2012/ washing machine = /\olis) moj CuitureG§ to save up = /t> sew ap used = jju:vzd bins = /binz/ to collect = /19 kalekt/ the latest = (9 ‘lestist/ rubber soles = /rsbo soul to take off = to texk ‘of! to melt down = (19 melt daun/ seream = ‘skrism/ to stare = /to stea(r)/ on the ground = /,on d9 graund! fo run away = jis ,ran swe! briefcase = /bri:ikew! walllet = (woh to steal = /t2 ‘sti: to chase = /19 jew’

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