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Callado, Jai Alexies S.

K4A – BS Criminology
Narrative Report Submission
(Final Examination)

I. Narrative of your outreach program

We haven’t done any seminar that is related to outreach program. So, I decided to look on
the upcoming seminars in other department. On May 2, 2022, I am glad that the CAS department
conducted their seminar through live about politics. Luckily it was timely and relatable at the
same time. Mr. Clint began his webinar by asking us questions such as what politics means to us,
what type of politician we want, and why we should become engaged. Then he showed a film of
Jessica's narrative, in which the facts of life are portrayed, as well as how politics influences her
life. Following that, he displayed other facts, including the proportion of people who need help
when it comes to their mental health. Housing challenges, environmental dangers and concerns,
access to medical care, counseling programs and wellness services, and prison system design are
all included. He highlighted that our government's decisions have an impact on how we live in
society. He also discussed the significance of our rights and what they entail. The Mental Health
Act of 2010 (RA11036) covers all a Filipino's mental fundamental rights, and it is free of
compulsion and responsible to its service consumers. They made certain that they were respected
and cared for. As Filipino citizens, we should be self-sufficient and appreciated in society. He
also warned about the perils of apoliticism. Finally, he offered suggestions for how we may
participate in politics. Mr. Clint stated that it is critical for us to be well educated because of what
we have seen on social media. We should also interact well with others and anticipate difficulties
due to differing opinions. We must remember to unplug and breathe from everything so that we
may ponder and think about what is going on around us.
II. Reflection
It's encouraging to hear someone ask why we should become involved in politics. Being
apolitical, based on our talk, is not a positive thing. We should make an attempt to learn more
about the candidate we've picked. Having a list of their accomplishments and proofs is the most
fundamental acknowledgement of their efforts. It is within our Filipino rights to utilize our
freedom to vote. We must not remain silent since failing to speak up during an election causes
our country to suffer for years. The failing government has an impact not just on ourselves, but
also on future generations. We must remember to unplug and breathe from everything so that we
may ponder and think about what is going on around us. The seminar taught me how to be more
conscious of not just my mental health but also how to be politically astute while deciding who
to vote for in the upcoming election. This motivates me to encourage everyone to speak up and
be heard.
III. Photos/Documentation of your outreach program

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