Luyện Thi Aptis Trọng Tâm: TEST 1 (keys) Choose the correct answer

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TEST 1 (keys)

Choose the correct answer:

1. Mary rarely uses social networks, ______?

A. doesn’t she B. isn’t she C. does she

Giải thích:

- Cấu trúc câu hỏi đuôi

- “rarely” là trạng từ phủ định nên trong câu hỏi đuôi, chúng ta mượn trợ động từ và
sử dung ở dạng khẳng định.

- đáp and C

2. I ....... travel by bus but now I travel by motorbike.

A. did use to B. Used to C. Did not use

Used to V: đã từng làm gì

3. It.... a long since we last met each other

A. had be B. Has been C. Been

It has been a long time since S Ved: Đã lâu lắm rồi kể từ.............

4. While my father was making dinner, my mother............ TV.

A. was watching B. Was watch C. Watched

Quá khứ tiếp diễn

 diễn tả 2 hành động son song

S tobe Ving while S tobe Ving

5.He studied hard;....... he failed the exam.

A. because B. However, c. but

- because: bới vì

- however= but: nhưng, tuy nhiên

But ko dùng sau dấu chấm phẩy

6. If I were you, I ............ abroad.


A. would went B. Would go C. Will go

Câu điều kiện loại 2:

If S Ved, S would V

7. We need to avoid......... in unnecessary cases.

A. going out B. Leaving C. Go out

Avoid Ving

Avoid going out: tránh ra ngoài

8. You......... it. It is so expensive

A. should have bought B. Should buy C. Shouldn’t have bought

Should have Pii: đáng lẽ nên làm gì

Shoudn’t have Pii: đang lẽ k nên làm gì

 diễn tả sự nuối tiếc

- Đáng lẽ bạn k nên mua nó. Quá đắt

9. They said that they......... the following day.

A. would arrive B. Will arrive C. Arrive

Reported speech

10. Remember to turn off the light before..........the room

A. leaving b. Left c. Leave

Remember to V: nhớ để làm gì

Remember Ving: nhớ đã làm gì

11. The exercise is quite difficult for us...........

A. doing B. To do C. Done

S tobe adj for someone to do st

12. You are not allowed to go out ......a strong storm.

A. because B. Due C. Due to

Due to N: bởi vì cái gì


Because S V

13. The girl..... is talking to Maya is my sister.

A. who B. Which C. Whom

Mệnh đề quan hệ

14.We’d ....... make noise; we might wake everyone up.

A. should not b. Better not C. Must not

Have better not V: k nên làm gì ( =should not)

15. If I had studied hard this subject, I............ it.

A. wouldn’t have failed B. Wouldn’t fail C. Would fail.

Câu điều kiện loại 3:

If S had PII, S would have PII,

16.He loves her, and .....

A. so does her B. So does she C. So is she

17. She wishes that she ....... time when she was young.

A. hadn’t wasted B. Didn’t waste C. Wouldn’t waste

Cấu trúc câu ước:

S wish(es) S had PII

18. I prefer going out............sleeping.

A . Than B. To C. Than to

Prefer Ving to Ving

19. Don’t forget............your umbrella in case it rains.

A. bringing C. To bring C. Brought

Forget to V: nhớ để làm gì

Forget Ving: nhớ đã làm gì

20. When I was young, I ................ after school.

A. used to play badminton B. Use to play badminton C. Used to playing


21. Lee tried her best ............ pass the exam.

A. in order for B. So as to

So as to: để

22. Do you mind if I.......... photo here

A. smoking b. Smoked C. Smokes

Do you mind if S Ved: có phiến không nếu....?

23. We.... met each other for 4 months

A. has b. Have not C. Had have

Hiện tại hoàn thành

S have(not) PII

Dấu hiệu?: for 4 months

24. We can prepare meals at home................, we also can eat out.

A. although B. But C. On the other hand.

25. I have learnt Germany .......... I was a kid.

A. when B. Since C. For

Hiện tại hoàn thành

Since+ mốc thời gian

For+ khoảng thơi gian

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