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I certify that this report is my own work, based on my personal study and/or research and that I
have acknowledged all material and sources used in its preparation, whether they be books,
articles, reports, lecture notes, and any other kind of document, electronic or personal

I also certify that this report has not previously been submitted for assessment in any other
institution or for any other degree and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise
plagiarized the work of other students and/or persons.

Christy Maria T S



Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm Christy Maria T S, MBA student at SMS, CUSAT. I'm undertaking a research study on the
impact of micro influencers on customer engagement on Instagram. I kindly request you to fill in
the following questionnaire based on your general experience. This data will be only used for my
academic research purpose.

1. Gender
□ Female
□ Male
□ Others

2. Age
□ 18 to 24 years
□ 25 to 30 years
□ 31 to 40 years
□ 41 to 50 years
□ 51+ years

3. Do you have an Instagram account?

□ Yes
□ No

4. Approximately how long have you had your Instagram account for?
□ Less than 1 year
□ 1-2 years
□ 3-4 years
□ 5+ years

Micro influencers are those personalities who are often positioned between common social
media users and celebrities with a follower base between 10k to 100k.They are NOT celebrities.

5. Do you follow any Instagram Micro influencers?

□ Yes
□ No

6. If yes, please indicate how many Instagram micro influencers you follow.
□ 1-5
□ 6-10
□ 11-15
□ 20+

7. Please tick all that apply.

□ Instagram is the social media network I use most
□ I like brand posts on Instagram
□ I prefer photo posts to video posts
□ The first time I heard of many brands was through Instagram
□ I follow many brands through Instagram
□ I know several Instagram micro influencers
□ Instagram micro influencers are my main brand and product opinion leaders
□ I follow more than one Instagram micro influencer
8. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements.
 The micro influencer seems very sympathetic
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 I feel the micro influencer is very close to me
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The micro influencer is very relatable to me
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The micro influencer looks very friendly
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree

9. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements.
 The micro influencer is very attractive and stylish
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The micro influencer projects great reliability
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The micro influencer seems very honest
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The presentation, image, and text appear very sincere
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The micro influencer inspires confidence in the product and the sponsored brand
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The micro influencer has a very natural pose in the photos
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The post illustrates the great experience of the micro influencer
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The image and the text complement each other very well
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The micro influencer seems very competent
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree

10. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements.
 The micro influencer projects great enthusiasm
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The micro influencer’s presentation of the product and sponsored brand is inspirational
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 I find the micro influencer’s posts very entertaining
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 The micro influencer projects great tranquility
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 I really admire micro influencers
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 Watching the micro influencer’s presentation makes me very happy
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree

11. Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements.
 Micro Influencer's post stimulates me to interact very actively with the influencer
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 It strongly encourages me to make comments mentioning other people
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 It strongly encourages me to make comments with emojis
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 It directly triggers the impulse to send “likes”
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 It directly triggers the urge to “share” the post
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 It directly triggers the urge to visit the website of the sponsored brand
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree
 I intend to buy the product presented by the micro influencer
□ Strongly Disagree □Disagree □ Average □Agree □Strongly Agree

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