Pranayam Chart by Inspirational Yoga

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प्राणस्येदं वशे सवं त्रिददवे यत ् प्रततष्ठितम।् मातेव पि

ु ान ् रक्षस्व श्रीश्च प्रज्ां च ववधेदि न इतत ॥

Name Technique Duration Benefits / Effects Contraindications
Abdominal Only Belly 10 times / 5 to Constipation, Gas, Ulcer, Hernia,
Breathing movement 10 minutes Relaxing Effect Abdominal Surgery
Extreme Heart
Thoracic Only Rib Cage 10 times / 5 to Good for Cardiovascular
Related Health
Breathing Movement 10 minutes Health, Energizing Effect
Clavicular No Belly or Rib 10 times / 5 to
Frozen Shoulder ******
Breathing Cage Movement 10 minutes
Inhale Belly, Rib
Same as Abdominal
Yogic Cage, Shoulders, 10 times / 5 to Lengthening of Breathing,
and Thoracic
Breathing Exhale Shoulders, 10 minutes Preparation of pranayam
Rib Cage, Belly
Yogic Inhale Belly, Rib Lengthening of Breathing,
Same as Abdominal
Breathing Cage, Shoulders, 10 times / 5 to Upper Respiratory Tract
and Thoracic
(Opposite Exhale Belly, Rib 10 minutes (Asthma, Bronchitis)
Exhale) Cage, Shoulders Preparation of pranayam
Asthma, Bronchitis, TB,
Ulcer, Epilepsy,
30 x 3 to 100 x 3 Improves Digestion,
Active Exhalation, Hernia, Abdominal
Kapalbhati (Stop if feel Tones abdominal organs,
Passive Inhalation Surgery, High BP,
Dizziness) Anemia, Cleansing and
Energizing Effect
Ulcer, Epilepsy,
30 x 3 to 100 x 3 Balances Vata, Pitta and
Active Exhalation, Hernia, Abdominal
Bhastrika (Stop if feel Kapha Doshas, Anemia,
Active Inhalation Surgery, High BP,
Dizziness) Purification of Blood
9 to 15 times
Calms Mind and Body, Cough and cold,
(Divide into 3
Muscular Relaxation Asthma, Bronchitis,
Roll Tongue “U” sets, maximum
Sheetli Reduces Blood Pressure, Introvert ppl,
Shape 60 times
Hyperacidity, Reduce Pitta Constipation,
depends on
Dosha, Cooling Effect Indigestion
9 to 15 times
Calms Mind and Body, Cough and cold,
(Divide into 3
Roll Tongue Muscular Relaxation Asthma, Bronchitis,
sets, maximum
Shitkari Inward, Press with Reduces Blood Pressure, Introvert ppl,
60 times
Teeth Hyperacidity, Reduce Pitta Constipation,
depends on
Dosha, Cooling Effect Indigestion
Keeps Teeth and Gums
9 to 15 times Sensitive Teeth,
Healthy, Bad Breath,
(Divide into 3 Cough and cold,
Calms Mind and Body,
sets, maximum Asthma, Bronchitis,
Sadanta Open Teeth Muscular Relaxation
60 times Introvert ppl,
Reduces Blood Pressure,
depends on Constipation,
Hyperacidity, Reduce Pitta
weather) Indigestion
Dosha, Cooling Effect
Name Technique Duration Benefits / Effects Contraindications
High BP, Insomnia,
10 times is
Bhramri Vibration of ‘N’ Stress, Anxiety, Calming Brain Tumor
Alternate Same as
Nostrils Kapalbhati change 30 each nostril Cleansing Effect Same as Kapalbhati
Kapalbhati nostrils
Cough and cold,
Under weight, High BP,
Asthma, Bronchitis,
Chandra Inhale and exhale Heartburn, Fever,
5,7,10 times Introvert ppl,
Anulom through left nostril Reduces Body Heat,
Cooling Effect
Indigestion, Low BP
Obesity, Reduce Vata
Inhale and exhale High BP, Heart
Surya Anulom 5,7,10 times Dosha, Low BP, Lethargy,
through right nostril Disease, Epilepsy,
Heating Effect
Under weight, High BP, Cough and cold,
Inhale through Left, Heartburn, Fever, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Exhale through 5,7,10 times Reduces Body Heat, Introvert ppl,
Right Cooling Effect, Cooling Constipation,
Effect Indigestion, Low BP
Inhale Through Obesity, Reduce Vata
High BP, Heart
Surya Bhedi Right Exhale 5,7,10 times Dosha, Low BP,
Disease, Epilepsy,
through Left Lethargy,Heating Effect
Oxygenate Whole Body,
Alternate Nostrils Nose Ulcer, Recent
Anulom Vilom 10 times Stress, Anxiety, Balancing
Breathing Nasal Surgery
and Calming Effect
Balances Ida and Pingla,
Alternate Nostrils Purification of Naadis,
Nose Ulcer, Recent
Nadishodhan Breathing with 5 to 10 times Oxygenate Whole Body,
Nasal Surgery
Ration Stress, Anxiety Balancing
and Calming Effect
Purifies 7 dhatus, works
Contraction of as a Pain killer, Thyroid
Ujjayi 2 to 5 min Introvert ppl
Throat Problems, Insomnia,
Heating Effect
*Reference: Asana, Pranayam, Mudra, Bandha – BSY Publications, Advance Asana, Advance Pranayama – Svyasa

*Never force your breathing, Practice within your capacity, doing fast kapalbhati or long ratio nadi shodhan is not
important, consistency in practice is important

For Guidance Please Contact :

Inspirational Yoga : 7209339704

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