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Group 10 - PIC – STAGE 1

Submitted To –
Dr. M.R. Suresh
Professor - Marketing

Submitted By-
Jayant Vashisth (21134)
Vishnu Prasad (21132)
Pooja Reghunadh (21138)
Shahaan Khatri (21159)
Sumukh R Prasad (21168)
Vishal Sharma (21178)
PIC FOR PHOTOCHROMATIC ANTI-GLARE WINDSHIELD........................................................................2
BACKGROUND - PHOTOCHROMATIC ANTI-GLARE WINDSHIELD.......................................................2
FOCUS - PHOTOCHROMATIC ANTI-GLARE WINDSHIELD...................................................................2
GUIDELINES - PHOTOCHROMATIC ANTI-GLARE WINDSHIELD...........................................................2
GOALS AND OBJECTIVE - PHOTOCHROMATIC ANTI-GLARE WINDSHIELD.........................................3
PIC FOR BLACKBOX IN CARS..................................................................................................................3
BACKGROUND - BLACKBOX IN CARS..................................................................................................3
FOCUS - BLACKBOX IN CARS..............................................................................................................3
GUIDELINES - BLACKBOX IN CARS......................................................................................................4
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - BLACKBOX IN CARS..................................................................................4
IDEA SCREENING....................................................................................................................................5
Accident rates are increasing globally, and one of the most common causes is that headlights are too
bright, causing partial blindness for drivers, particularly the elderly. People who drive late at night and
have vision problems are primarily affected by this issue. Partially blindness is one of the leading
causes of nighttime accidents; most vehicles have bright headlights, making it difficult for drivers to
focus on the road. Even if there are rules prohibiting the use of bright headlights at night, people are
still suing for improved visibility, but it is generating problems for those driving on the opposite side.
Considering this, we intend to introduce the concept of Windshield, which will block the strong light, 
resulting in a chromatic
displacement effect. This product will be a boon for our clients who drive late at night and are plague
d by bright lights from their vehicle. Our product will provide them with a way to drive safely and eas
ily through the night.


Technology Dimension – This concept seems to be simple but from the material science point of view
it is a bit complex. We can see the application of photochromatic lens in eyewear where lens colour
changes depending upon the intensity of sunlight. Same concept we are using with respect to car
windshield where we are going to filter the white light coming through oncoming vehicle lamps and
reducing the intensity, sharpness, frequency, temperature as it passes through the windshield to
driver’s eye. There are multiple compound combination with different concepts in act for example:
Relationship between molecular structure and photoinduced surface relief grating formation using
azobenzene-based photochromic amorphous molecular materials, Large and Stable Refractive Index
Change in Photochromic Hybrid Materials, Confining Light to Deep Subwavelength Dimensions to
Enable Optical Nanopatterning, Photo-Modulating Multicolour Photoluminescence Including White-
Light Emission from a Photochromic Copolymer.

Marketing Dimension – The material science behind this concept is huge, and here we are talking
about manufacturing new windshield with cost efficient materials containing most of the properties
that we aim towards. At initial stage the R&D cost will be high as it requires multiple trial and errors
to get the right combination for the compound. It will open a new market for automobile sector with
respect to usage of new materials and there will be new entrants in the markets from whom
automobile manufacturers will be outsourcing to reduce a new operational cost in a whole. As with
respect to the end users their awareness or understanding towards concept of material science holds no
ground what matters is the cost for which they will be ready to pay.


As there is already a block frame headlamp are there is premium brands like AUDI, our product is
mostly based on Photochromatic effect with respect to material manufacturing in windshield which
will polarise the light and will only allow low intensity or high frequency rays to pass through. To
explain further we have created a handmade design of windshield with its dimensions –
 The project goal for the windshield is that it should reduce the incoming rays form the car
coming from the opposite direction.
 This will help the drivers who drive especially at night avoid accidents and also focus on the
road properly.
 This also helps us stand out and be innovative brand by being consistent in enhancing the
company’s ability to meet our customer needs and expectations, by improving organizational
and team effectiveness.
 The objective of our product is to build sustainable customer loyalty and help in increasing
brand awareness which will add value to money, increase revenues as well as become the
market leader and increase customer satisfaction.


While there is a Blackbox system in aircraft to aid in the investigation of aviation accidents, our
research revealed that there is no similar system in automobiles of comparable efficiency. The cause
of accidents is not caught and is not given the same priority as it is in aircraft. With our product, the
cause of accidents will be evident since we employ signal processing, which is far more efficient and
cost efficient. The drivers' decisions and the operation of the machines will be recorded, defining what
caused the accident and aiding in the post-accident investigation. Because this product will capture
information about the driver, such as response time and driving style, this product will turn out to be
extremely beneficial to external entities for inquiry and additional processes.


Technology Dimension – The modern era comes with huge change in technological advancement and
our aim is to use the same concepts towards drivers’ safety in the four wheelers. As it has been seen in
90% of the road accidents fatalities, human factor contributed for 57%, whereas remaining 40% is
environmental or machine related. Deploying Blackbox concept in cars via use of Artificial
intelligence and machine learning in signal processing to minimize the risk of road accidents
depending upon both human factor as well as machine factor. First, vehicle motion data is described
and modelled for accident prediction using the GS1 standard language. Second, using machine
learning methods (KNN, Nave Bayes, Logistic Regression) and deep learning algorithms, we present
an optimum algorithm selection and detail architecture for automotive real-time situations (RNN-
LSTM). Finally, using the open-source hardware Raspberry Pi and the machine learning SW
framework, we explain system-wide integration and implementation. We provide the best LSTM
design and implementation that considers real-time environmental variables as well as how to
improve the readability and usefulness of vehicle motion data.

Marketing Dimension – The availability and general knowledge with respect to optimum use of
Artificial intelligence and machine learning is talk of the town in every sector. With general usage of
AI and ML in daily life via smart phones, IoT, etc has created an aptitude in the mind of people and
same is being expected in the other sectors. And where it can be used at its best as the physical
application other than automobile sector in cars. Proper synchronised use of AI and MLSP with
actuators in the car can reduce road accidents by significant amount. The integration of SW and HW
will make overall decision making of the system efficient considering both human and machine
factors in mind, which will reduce probable chances of meeting with an accident. We aim to deploy
this product in best cost-efficient manner where we target towards buying strength of middle class and
upper middle class. Our target customer are electric vehicles.


Introducing a Blackbox for cars with an approach of signal processing instead of image
processing which record the response time of the driver with respect to every decision took at
every point of time and compares it with embedded AI & ML system for better decision-
making machine end. This concept is generally for EVs where there will be significant loss
due to omitting of diesel and petrol engine manufacturing, so from manufacturers point of
view investing adequate amount in set of new high grade motion sensors with high end AI
and ML setup will compensate for such losses. Here our aim is to provide end consumer with
driving experience but at the same time making them understand the importance of their
safety and how this technology will help them to have an entirely different experience.


 To develop a black box in cars that will help in reducing the number of road accidents
 This product will help to record the data on how the driving patterns of the drivers are
and what mistakes drivers can commit.
 It will give a proper data on what was the reason for the accident and where did the
driver go wrong
 The objective of this black box is that it will help is further research on the accident
 It will also educate the driver on their driving patterns and make the driver understand
when and where to be more cautious.
 This will give a sense of safety to the customer and trust on the product.
 To use concept of ML & AI
The Project NewProd Model will be used to screen the concepts. Robert Cooper created this model
with the help of roughly 100 Canadian industrial enterprises in the late 1970s. There are two types of
criteria in this model: must-meet and should-meet criteria. Should-meet criteria include strategic
relevance, product benefit to the customer, and market attractiveness; must-meet criteria include solid
strategic alignment between project and strategy and an adequate risk-return ratio. The must-meet
requirement can be answered with a yes or no, while the should-meet criteria will be based on a scale
of 1 to 10. A single "No" response might be enough to put the project on hold. Cooper recommended
utilising a score model to rank the best new product initiatives by combining all the criteria.

Must Meet Criteria Rated: Yes/No

Serial Parameters Photochromati Blackbox

No. c Anti-Glare in car
1 Strategic Alignment—does the product fit the Yes Yes
business strategy?
2 Existence of Market Need—does it surpass the Yes Yes
minimum required size?
3 Likelihood of Technical Feasibility—is it Yes Yes
technically reasonable?
4 Product Advantage—does it provide the customer Yes Yes
with unique benefits or good value?
5 Environmental Health and Safety Policies—does it Yes Yes
meet the standards?
6 Return versus Risk—is the ratio acceptable? No Yes
7 Show Stoppers—any “killer” variables? No Yes

Should Meet Criteria Rated on Scales: Rating (0-10) of the resource adequacy and your
confidence (0-10) in your rating. 0 being the least and 10 being the highest.

(Taken from questionnaire in Cooper’s “The NewProd System: The Industry

Experience” journal paper published in 1992)

Serial Parameters Photochromati Blackbox

No. c Anti-Glare in car
  Resources Required    
1 Our company’s financial resources are more than 6 7
adequate for this project.
2 Our company’s R&D skills and people are more 6 8
adequate for this project.
3 Our company’s engineering skills and people are far 6 8
more adequate for this project.
4 Our company’s marketing research skills and people 7 8
are more adequate for this project.
5 Our company’s management skills are more than 6 8
adequate for this project.
6 Our company’s production resources, or skills are 6 8
more than adequate for this project.
7 Our company’s salesforce and/or distribution 6 7
resources and skills are more than adequate for this
8 Our company’s advertising and promotions 7 8
resources and skills are more than adequate for this
Nature of Project
9 Our product is highly innovative – totally new to the 7 6
10 The product specifications – exactly what the 8 9
product will be are very clear.
11 The technical aspects – exactly how the technical 7 8
problems will be solved are very clear.
The Final Product
12 Compared to competitive products (or whatever the 6 7
customer is now using), our product will offer
several unique features, attributes or benefits to the
13 Our product will be clearly superior to competing 6 6
products in terms of meeting customer needs.
14 Our product will permit the customer to reduce 5 5
his/her costs, when compared to what he/she is now
15 Our product will permit the customer to do a job or 7 8
do something that he/she cannot do with what is
now available on the market.
16 Our product will be of higher quality – however 7 8
quality is defined in this market – than competing
17 Our product will be priced considerably higher than 4 4
competing products.
18 We will be first in the market with this type of 5 6
Our Market for this Product
19 Potential customers have a great need for this class 8 9
or type of product.
20 The dollar size of the market (either existing or 7 8
potential market) for this product is large.
21 The market for this product is growing very quickly. 6 8
22 The market is characterized by intense price 7 8
23 There are many competitors in this market. 5 7
24 There is a strong dominant competitor – with a large 5 8
market share – in this market.
25 Potential customers are very satisfied with the 5 7
products (competitor’s products) they are currently
26 User’s needs change quickly in this market – a 5 7
dynamic market situation.
   TOTALS 160 191
(The scores given are group average)

As a group, by answering if the product ideas satisfy the must-meet and should-meet criteria,
we get to know that under must-meet criteria, there is a much higher risk in the
photochromatic anti-glare windshield idea and there are a few ‘killer’ or ‘showstopper’
variables such as failure or inadequacy of the filtering mechanism, which may have adverse

Also, under the should-meet criteria, the Blackbox in car idea scores slightly higher than the
photochromatic anti-glare windshield product idea. Considering both the levels of screening,
the idea of the Blackbox in car can be taken to the next stages of new product development
and the idea of the photochromatic anti-glare windshield should be dropped.

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