English 8 Q3 Week3

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Learning Area ENGLISH Grade Level 8

Quarter Third Quarter Date

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING MELC 13: Determine various social, moral, and economic issues discussed in the text
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) listened to
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Enabling Competencies:
- Distinguish fact from opinion cited in the text listened to
- Employ different listening strategies suited to the topic, purpose, and level of
difficulty of the listening text

IV. LEARNING Suggested

Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
A. 30 minutes Study the lines taken from Ms. Pia Wurtzbach’s answer during the Miss Universe 2015 Q and
Introduction A portion. Distinguish facts from opinions and decide what type of issue is being discussed
from her answer.

Illustration Credit: Canva

“I think that the US and the Philippines have good relationship with each other.” ___________
“We have been colonized by the Americans.” _________________

We could infer that the first statement is an opinion associated with social issues since it
deals with the relationship of two countries which is recognized by the people within the
society, while the second one is a fact that deals with economic aspect, which states the
situation of our country before where people somehow experienced unsatisfactory and
difficulties during those times.

B. 1 hour and Learning Task 1: Study the following images and decide what issues are being shown. Write
Development 30 minutes S if it displays social issue, M if moral issue, and E if economic issue.

___________ _______________ ______________ ______________

Discussion of the Lesson

The social, moral and economic aspects of education are essential if we are to prepare
ourselves to live full and active lives as part of our local, and global community; and to help
us define who we are, our part in the world and our motivations and our perspective on life.
Let us define the following aspects.
A social issue is a problem that influences many citizens within a society. Poverty,
unemployment, unequal opportunity, racism and malnutrition are examples of social

Moral issues are those actions which have the potential to help or harm others or
ourselves. Notice that if we have an issue of moral concern, it might involve
something good or evil.

Economic issues facing the world economy, as well as regions and countries, include
prospects for growth, inflation, energy, and the environment, inequality, labor
issues, emerging markets and the impact of new technologies.
Learning Task 2: Read the video transcript of North Korean girl, Yeonmi Park during One
Young World Summit 2014. If you have internet access and gadget at home you may watch
the video on this link: lifeintherightdirection.com/heartfelt-ple-from-north-korean-girl/

I was born in 1993 and I was abducted at birth

even before I knew the words freedom or human
rights. North Koreans are desperately seeking
and dying for freedom at this moment. When I
was 9 years old I saw my friend’s mother publicly
executed. Her crime – watching a Hollywood
movie. Expressing doubt about the greatness of
the regime can get three generations of a
family imprisoned or executed. When I was four
North Korean girl, Yeonmi Park speaks years old, I was warned by my mother not to even
At One Young World Summit 2014 whisper, the birds and mice couldn’t hear me. I
admit it: I thought the North Korean dictator
I have to do this because this is not me could read my mind. My father died in China after
speaking, this is the people who we escaped North Korea and I had to bury him, at
wanted to tell the world what they want 3am in secret. I was 14 years old. I couldn’t even
to say .North Korea is an unimaginable cry. I was afraid to be sent back to North
country, there is only one channel on TV, Korea. The day I escaped North Korea, I saw my
there is no internet, we aren’t free to mother raped. The rapist was a Chinese
sing, say, wear or think what we broker. He targeted me. I was 13 years old. There
want. North Korea is the only country in
is a saying in North Korea: “Women are weak, but
the world that executed people for
mothers are strong.” My mother allowed herself
making unauthorized international
to be raped in order to protect me. North Korean
phone calls. North Korean’s are being
refugees, about 300,000, are vulnerable in
terrorized today. When I was growing up
in North Korea, I never saw anything China. 70% of North Korean women teenage girls
about love stories between men and are being victimized, sometimes sold for as little
women. No books, no songs, no press, no as $200. We walked across the Gobi Desert,
movies about love stories. There is no following a compass, when that stopped
Romeo and Juliet. Every story was working, we followed stars to freedom. I felt only
propaganda to promote the Kim the stars were with us. Mongolia was our
dictators. freedom moment.
Death or dignity. Armed with knives, we were prepared to kill ourselves if we were going to be
sent back to North Korea. We wanted to live as humans. People often ask me: How can we help
North Koreans? There are many ways, but I would like to mention three, for now.
One – educate yourself so you can raise awareness about the human rights crisis in North
Two – help and support North Korean refugees who are trying to escape to freedom.
Three – petition China to stop repatriation. We have to shed light on the darkest place in the
world. It isn’t just North Korean human rights it’s our rights that the North Korean
dictators have violated for seven decades. We need governments around the world to put
more pressure on China, to stop repatriation. In particular, Chinese delegates of One Young
World can play a part by speaking out. North Korea is indescribable. No humans deserve to be
oppressed just because of their birthplace. We need to focus less on the regime and more on
the people who are being forgotten. One Young World, we are the ones who will make them
visible. Fellow delegates, please join me as we make this a global movement to free North
Koreans. When I was crossing the Gobi Desert, scared of dying, I thought nobody in this world
cared. It seemed that only the stars were with me. But you have listened to my story. You have
cared, thank you very much.

Statements below are taken from Yeonmi Park speech. Identify which among the
statements express social issue, moral issue or economic issue.

1. North Koreans are desperately seeking and dying for freedom at this moment.
2. I saw my mother raped. The rapist was a Chinese broker.
3. 70% of North Korean women teenage girls are being victimized, sometimes sold for as
little as $200.
4. There is only one channel on TV, there is no internet, we aren’t free to sing, say, wear, or
think what we want.
5. No books, no songs, no press, no movies about love stories. There is no Romeo and Juliet,
every story was a propaganda to promote the Kim dictators.

Learning Task 3: Read an excerpt from President Duterte’s SONA and distinguish the issues
discussed whether social, moral, or economic.

State of the Nation Address (SONA)

July 27, 2020

My countrymen, it is sad that while government focuses its attention and

resources to battle the coronavirus, there are those who take advantage of a
pre-occupied government…

The dealers and purveyors of illegal drugs, hiding in the shadow of

COVID-19, have stepped up their activities. The amount of shabu valued at
millions of pesos seized during police operations speak volumes of the
enormity and weight of the problem that we bear.

The corrupt, the grafters and the influence peddlers also take advantage
of the fear and confusion that the coronavirus generates. The financial and
material assistance of the government to the unemployed, the sick and the
destitute running into billions of pesos, are not spared from corruption and
ineptitude. Even the donations from well-meaning private persons are
skimmed before reaching their intended beneficiaries. It is like snatching food
from the mouths of babies.

The profiteers, over-pricers and corrupt felons must be laughing while

they stash their dirty monies. But not for long. They cannot outrun the long arm
of the law…

… If we allow greed, self-interest and ambition to rule us, then as stated by
one prominent physician, we will “be left with nothing better than the lesser
evil instead of the greater good.”…

…The efforts and resources which we poured out produced the momentum
needed to bring our country closer to our goals. Suffice it to state, we made
significant strides over time.


Social Issue Moral Issue Economic issue

C. 1 hour Learning Task 3: Watch or listen to any news program. List down 3 International and 3 Local
Engagement news discussing Social, Moral and Economic issues.

D. 10 mins. State the focus of the following issues:

Social Isssues

Moral issues

Economic issues

V. 20 mins. Read the following statements, then decide which among the following issues expresses
ASSESSMENT Social, Moral, and Economic. Write your answer on a separate sheet.

1. The pandemic has taken on the Philippines as the virus “snuffed” out dreams of
prosperity and had the world living in a trouble.
2. Duterte vowed to uphold human rights and later threatened to kill drug users.
3. He orders various agencies to help OFW’s who have lost their jobs and returned home
due to the Covid 19 pandemic.
4. He calls on Congress to swiftly pass the Bayanihan to recover as One Act intended to
provide funds for low-interest loans to small business.
5. He calls for the passage of a law establishing the Coconut Farmers’ trust fund and a P
66-billion agricultural stimulus package through the Rural Agricultural and Fisheries
Development Financing System Act.

VI. Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
REFLECTION I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.
Prepared by: Rosalinda B. Zita- SDO Tayabas City Checked by: Michaella R. Rada

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