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Module 1

Learner-centered teaching: Foundations and Characteristics

Learning Activity #1

Name: Arceo, Sunshine C

Year and Section: BEED-2A Date:October,7,2020

Instruction: Learners regardless of age, race, or space, need certain conditions to

thrive. Just like learners, trees have too. Write a paragraph(s) about your perception or
interpretation of the poem we have studied .

“Children Are Like Trees”.

The poem Children are like trees has been written for us to know or be reminded that
every Child is unique and each of them have their own strengths and weaknesses just
like trees having different shapes, kinds and uses.
Educating a child can be compared to growing a tree. Thus in both cases of growing a
tree and educating a child it requires care and a lot of time and at the same time you
have to provide the never ending needs that they have. In addition to that we all know
that in order for us to grow a beautiful and fruitful tree is we have to provide its basic
needs like the main needs of a tree soil. We are all aware that soil gives nutrients to
trees in order for the trees to grow roots and branches and at the same for the tree to
grow sturdy and safe. In application to educating a child in order for them to be
successful and motivated in life they must feel secured, protected and most importantly
love by the people around them. Second, we all know that a tree can’t grow if you are
not going to water it. Water is essential in the process of growing a tree because if you
are not going to water a tree the tree will not grow or worst it will wither. Same as in
educating children a learner cannot grow if he or she thinks that he or she knows
everything I remember a saying stating that it is better to learn and explore new things
than to pretend that you know everything. And we have to take note that every learners
are different from each other they have their own talents, specialties and capabilities.
There are learners who are fast learners or can do anything on their own. However, we
should also know that every learners are not fast learners there are students who find it
hard to focus or do things on their own. In that case we as educators have to a lot much
effort to those students who are having a hard time keeping up in their studies and help
them to grow so that in the future they will know how to stand on their own. So if you
truely want your learners to learn you have to look for things that will help them learn
even if it requires you to step down your level and be in their level so that they can truly
understand you and plant knowledge on them. Light trees need light or sun light which
light can represent to shine as an educator we must not instruct or tell them what to do
instead we should be the one who will encourage them to step out of their comfort zone
in order to illuminate their worlds and not be kept in the dark. We must also take note
that in order to grow a beautiful tree we should also consider the place where we
planted the tree the environment around it is it peaceful or is it crowded?does the place
have a lot of light?what are the things that surrounds it. Same as in educating children,
the environment a child lives in reflect in his or her personality.

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