Harold Schellinx - Art History.

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Histoire de l’Art

(Art History)
parts of, some of them. Many of these lectures took place in
auditoriums, where over a hundred undergraduates in art
history or archaeology took in the lecturers’ words

During these lectures a substantial fraction of the students

the fall of 2018 a close friend of mine present took notes. And almost all of the note-takers
registered as an undergraduate student were typing their notes, on the keyboards of their laptop
in art history at the University Paris I computers. The sound of this students’ note-taking-typing
(‘Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne is of course quite different from the nowadays ‘lost’ sound
UFR10’ is what it’s officially known as). She jumped right that until some decades ago was produced by many an office
into the second year of these undergraduate studies, room full of professional typists hitting their mechanical
which in France is called ‘Licence 2’. The year after, in type writers with great force and at top speed. The typing
2019, she continued with the ‘Licence 3’, the third and sounds emanating from the average laptop keyboard is
final undergraduate year, which turned out to be quite an far less intrusive. It brings forth sequences of but soft and
eventful one, due to the corona pandemic that hit France modest clicks.
like it did much of the rest of our world at full force about
half way through that academic year. However, all the sounds so made by many, many students
typing simultaneously, together makes for a grand choir,
Because French is not my friend’s mother tongue, she a persistent and multi-layered mechanical whisper- and
recorded the many live-lectures she was attending during whimpering that will last for almost all of a lecture’s
these four semesters with the dictaphone application on duration. And every now and then from background it
her iPhone, so as to be able to eventually re-listen to, all or fades into foreground. That is during the snippets of time in
which the lecturer halts her or his speaking, and keeps still. the letters of which they then one by one transfer to their
My friend was so kind as to give me access to her collection laptop’s memory by hitting the corresponding keys on their
of recordings, from which I then removed all of the computer keyboard, to save their understanding of the
lecturers’ words. lecturer’s teaching as a digital text file.
What is left is this amazing ocean/rain-like sound, as of a
thousand electric insects, nibbling and singing in unison, That is what this album makes you hear.
brought forth by many, many laptop keyboards’ hi-speed (Apart from the editing and composing that consisted in
rattling, while capturing the words spoken by the art history selecting and speech-removing from the many hours of
lecturer in some or other digital text file. And this typing original recording, additional digital editing and composing
choir moreover comes interspersed with environmental processes included a number of different modes of
sounds, of students moving, coughing and sneezing, equalising and a ‘spatial unfolding’ that I occasionally
especially—as you may notice—in those lectures that took applied to the monophonic digital dictaphone files).
place in the early days of the corona pandemic, shortly
before confinement and hence before the university’s
classes moved from physical rooms to virtual zooms.

It is also an audio record that documents an interesting ~

analogue-to-digital data-transfer process: the lecturer
speaks words; these combine into phrases, that are heard
and understood in some form or other by the students; in
their heads they re-combine and most of the time also re- Harold Schellinx
interpret these words; into different phrases and words, Paris, May 2022
1. Les Mondes de Degas (Degas’ Worlds) ‘Histoire de l’Art’ (Art History) was imagined and created by Har$ (Harold
(lecturer: Cathérine Meneux, original recording made on October 21, 2019) Schellinx) in the late summer of 2020.
The cover picture is a mashup that one evening Yungwei Chen made of two
2. Art et Archéologie de la Gaule Romaine (Art and Archaeology of Roman Gaul) classic French paintings, that both date from the 1830’s, a little less than two
(lecturer: Laure Laüt, original recording made on February 21, 2020) centuries ago: the ‘Vénus Anadyomène’ (also called ‘Vénus marine’, Venus of the
10’57” sea) by Théodore Chassériau, presented at the Paris Salon in 1839, and the Study
(Young male nude seated beside the Sea, in French: Jeune homme nu assis au
3. Institutions artistiques (Arts institutions) bord de la mer, figure d’étude), painted in 1835 by Hippolyte Flandrin while in
(lecturer: Sophie Telpeux, original recording made on September 18, 2019) residency in Rome (the artist had won the Prix de Rome in 1832).
Design and layout by John Kontandreopoulos / Semitone Labs
4. Méthodologie en histoire sociale de l’art (Methodology in social history of art)
(lecturer: Marion Beaufils, original recording made on November 20, 2018)

5. Histoire du Patrimoine et des Musées (History of Heritage and Museums)

(lecturer: Arnaud Bertinet, original recording made on January 17, 2020)

6. Art du XIXe siècle - Portrait (19th century art - Portrait)

(lecturer: Pierre Wat, original recording made on January 21, 2020)

7. Renaissance française à la cour d’Henri II et de Cathérine de Médicis

(French Renaissance at the court of Henri II and Cathérine de Médicis)
(lecturer: Luisa Capodieci, original recording made on November 5, 2019)

8. Art du XXe siècle - Surréalisme (20th century art - Surrealism)

(lecturer: Philippe Dagen, original recording made on October 23, 2019)
3’52” CS-44 . coherentstates.com . 2022

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