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Our company aims to alleviate burdens in society by uniting artists, since their performances are
canceled because of the COVID-19. Our business model is based on democratic ideals; therefore,
when there is a problem, the members of the company should negotiate to solve it and avoid
being arbitrary. Even in daily managements, there are regular meetings every week to discuss in
depth the company's past shortcomings, current improvements, and future vision.
a. Core competence

Technology innovation: our company maintains the mode of manufacturing and selling a variety
of products at the same time. All products are made by those artists who are unable to perform
because of the COVID, and personally check the quality. At the same time, they also have certain
technical advantages. Due to their expertise in art, those artists often have a more unique
understanding of art, are more sensitive minded, and can deduce art with different
characteristics from others.

Management innovation: our company keeps a democratic and equal relationship between our
employees and the management. We can exchange ideas or opinions at any time, so as to
maximize work efficiency and maintain employee loyalty.

b. Marketing Department

Our company implements an institutionalized management mode, and the division of

labor of each department is very clear. First of all, the company cultivates excellent salespeople
on its own, building in the advantages that attract them, such as a base salary plus commission
and additional benefits. Second, the company will give back how much the sales staff pay. And
any trivial expenses incurred by the business, such as car fares, will be reimbursed by the
company. Finally, the company will draw up a plan for the quarterly market development and
outbreak period. Thus, creating a plan, zoning, and accumulating sales throughout the year.

c. Finance Department & Human Resource Department

The finance department would take the role of accounting and expenditures. And the human
resources department is responsible for the integration of various resources. The financial
department is responsible for the salary distribution. To address employees' confusion about
each others' salaries, the department will provide them with a transparent plan for how their
salaries will be allocated. The salary distribution mode of the company is as follows: firstly,
everyone is given the same amount of initial salary, and the salary is guaranteed to meet the
requirements of relevant national departments; Then, according to each person's different
performance at the end of the year to give additional recognition. The operations above will be
announced to all staff. In the face of some employees' negative emotions about wage
distribution, the company will conduct psychological counseling which has been illustrated in
previous parts.

Meanwhile, the financial department of our company should keep fair and honest.
Every day, our company will check the work certificates of department personnel,
verify the wages and receipts issued, and avoid the illegal act of misappropriating
public funds. In case of any illegal act, the account of the illegal person will be frozen
and bear relevant legal liabilities. For the human resources department, it is responsible for
formulating the company's human resources planning, formulating various rules and regulations
for human resource management, planning for the recruitment management, organizing
performance appraisal management and carrying out staff training and development (mentioned
later in the Personnel Part). Also, it is responsible for the welfare management. For the insurance
and other welfare treatments, we promise to offer our employees endowment Insurance,
maternity Insurance, medical Insurance, employment Injury Insurance, unemployment Insurance
and housing fund for each of our disabled members. Also, they can choose to live in the
dormitory we provided to live.

2. Personnel (Human Resource)

Our key issues mainly lie in this part and we have come up with some solutions below.
First of all, the company cultivates excellent salespeople on its own, building in the
advantages that attract them, such as a base salary plus commission and additional
benefits. Second, the company will give back how much the sales staff pay. And any
trivial expenses incurred by the business, such as car fares, will be reimbursed by the
company. Finally, the company will draw up a plan for the quarterly market
development and outbreak period. Thus, creating a plan, zoning, and accumulating
sales throughout the year.


We are going to post our recruitment notice on our website and other social media.
Additionally, we plan to ask the China Artists Federation for help to provide
us information on excellent volunteers. We will hand out evaluation papers for
employees. The paper is going to test their moral sense and simulate real daily
situations to test their ability to get along with them. Employees who have
previous volunteer experience own the priority to be hired.

We believe by adopting these solutions, we can better involve in this new community, adapting
to the new environment, and get trained effectively

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