Installing INtools On Oracle The

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Installing INtools on Oracle

The INtools software system is designed to use data stored in databases to construct and
maintain your engineering data and domains. Before installing the multi-user INtools system
for Oracle, you need to perform some preliminary procedures such as installing the Oracle
database server, Oracle client, and configuring INtools to connect to your database server.
To install Oracle, you must have some knowledge of the database installation procedures
and basic conventions and features of your environment (Windows or Unix).
When working in Oracle, you maintain database - user relations by exchanging data with the
database. To do this, Oracle maintains a multi-interface system which provides the required
connection along the data transfer path.

Oracle Database Server Oracle Database Client INtools Application

The systems described in the above figure can be physically located on the same computer
or on different computers which are connected on a local network.
The entire installation process contains the following major steps:

1. Installing the Oracle database server. You perform this step only if you have not already
installed the Oracle database server on your system.

2. Installing the Oracle client and verifying the connection to the Oracle database server
You perform this step only if you have not already installed the appropriate Oracle client
on your system.

3. Installing the appropriate INtools components.

4. Connecting to the Oracle database and set up the INtools database for Oracle (by
running the DB Setup utility).

5. Creating a new INtools domain.

First, you install and configure the database server where INtools will keep your data. Then you
install the Oracle client through which INtools interfaces with the Oracle database server. If you
have already installed Oracle as your database server, you may need to modify your database
server settings to adapt Oracle to support the INtools database.
After installing the Oracle database server and the Oracle client, you install the selected
INtools components and configure the appropriate INtools files. This way you will also be
able to use third-party applications such as CAD interfaces.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 2

When the INtools Setup utility finishes to install your selected INtools components, you need to
configure INtools to connect and work with Oracle. At this stage, you create the tablespace
required for the Admin schema. See INtools Database Setup for Oracle on page 51.
The final stage is to initialize a new INtools domain and set its initial parameters. This is
when you create the required preliminary settings for the desired INtools domains, plants,
areas, and units thus preparing the database for the insertion of your engineering data.


• In this chapter, whenever <value> appears in brackets, type the required value
substituting the word value without adding the brackets. For example: instead of
<Oracle home folder> type C:\ORAWIN.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 3

System Requirements
This section describes the hardware and software requirements you must meet to be able to
install Oracle and INtools, and also, to enable INtools to connect and maintain a database
on the Oracle database server.

Server Machine Requirements

Hardware Requirements
• For Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6 only

o 233 MHz Pentium® machine (minimum)

o 256 MB RAM minimum
o Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6 Server installation (Enterprise edition) - 400 MB free disk space
o Initial Oracle instance - 300 MB (minimum)

• For Oracle 8i only

o 350 MHz Pentium machine (minimum)
o 256 MB RAM minimum (500 MB RAM recommended)
o Oracle 8i Server installation - 800 MB free disk space
o Initial Oracle instance - 300 MB (minimum)

• For Oracle 9i only

o 350 MHz Pentium machine (minimum)
o 256 MB RAM minimum (500 MB RAM recommended)
o Oracle 9i Server installation - 2000 MB free disk space
o Initial Oracle instance - 500 MB (minimum)

• Other requirements for Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6, 8i, and 9i

o Initial INtools database - 200 MB (minimum)
o INtools data files (5000 loops with wiring) - 450 MB


• If you use Unix, make sure you have a compatible Unix machine with at least 700
MB free disk space.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 4

Server Operating System and Software Requirements

• One of the following server operating systems:
o Windows NT Server 4.0 SP5 or later (in the account where you have administrator
o Windows 2000 Server — (in the account where you have administrator privileges)
o Windows XP Professional — for Oracle 9i only (in the account where you have
administrator privileges)
o Unix (for details about the software and hardware requirements see the Oracle
Installation Guide for your Unix version)
o Novell (for details about the software and hardware requirements see the Oracle
Installation Guide for your Novell version)

Client Machine Requirements

Hardware Requirements
• 350 MHz Pentium machine (minimum)
• 256 MB RAM minimum


• The Import and Merger utilities require a minimum of 128 MB of hard disk space.

• Oracle Client files:

o Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6 — 100 MB free disk space
o Oracle 8i — 400 MB free disk space
o Oracle 9i — 1000 MB free disk space
• INtools 6.0 application (full installation) — 375 MB (additional 7 MB for Acrobat Reader
and 13 MB for a .zip file that includes the IEE (INtools External Editor) installation setup
o Installation drive — 365 MB
o System drive — 10 MB
• INtools SmartPlant Report Generator installation — 110 MB
o Installation drive — 105 MB
o System drive — 5 MB
• Schema Component — 25 MB
o Installation drive — 0 MB
o System drive — 25 MB
• The Engineering Framework Client installation — 30 MB
o Installation drive — 10 MB
o System drive — 20 MB
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 5

• INtools add-ins — 45 MB
o IDEAL — 10 MB (9 MB out of 10 MB on the installation drive)
o SAP — 25 MB
o DDP Export Utility — 5 MB (3 MB out of 5 MB on the installation drive)
o INtools External Editor — 5 MB (3 MB out of 5 MB on the installation drive)
• INtools documentation — 30 MB
• One 3.5" (1.44 MB) floppy drive
• One CD-ROM drive or an accessible network CD-ROM drive
• Windows-supported printer (or a network printer as an option)

Client Operating System and Software Requirements

• One of the following Microsoft® Windows ® client operating systems:
o Windows 2000 Professional
o Windows XP Professional — for Oracle client 8i or later
• Oracle Net8 Client or Net9 Client utility for Windows for the selected database transport
protocol (of the same version as the Oracle server)
• Drawing software (optional)
o Intergraph SmartSketch versions 4
o Autodesk AutoCAD versions 14, 2000, or 2002
o Bentley MicroStation 95/SE/J
• Report generator / Export data functionality (optional)
o InfoMaker 8.0
o Microsoft Access


• We recommend that the Oracle client version be the same as the Oracle server
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 6

Compatibility of Oracle and INtools Versions

The following table lists the Oracle client and server versions compatible with INtools
versions. The table also shows compatible DBMS parameters for each combination of
Oracle client with Oracle server in the INTOOLS.INI file.
When using a combination of Oracle and INtools versions not mentioned in this table, your
Oracle client or server will be incompatible with INtools. Therefore, we strongly recommend
that you use one of the combinations mentioned below.

Oracle Client DBMS Oracle Server INtools Version

Version Parameter Version

8.0.5, 8.0.6 O84 8.0.5,8.0.6, 8i 4.2-6.0

O84 9i 5.3-6.0

8i O84 8.0.5,8.0.6, 8i 5.2-6.0

O84 9i 5.3-6.0

9i O84 8.0.5,8.0.6, 8i 5.3-6.0

O84 9i 5.3-5.4

O90 9i 6.0


• For INtools version 5.3 or 5.4, you can run INtools database setup for Oracle 9i
only using special instructions provided by INtools Customer Support.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 7

Oracle Database Server Installation

This section lists the version editions of Oracle database server and describes the basic
steps required to install the required version of the Oracle database server.
The installation and configuration procedures described in this Installation Guide include only
the steps required to install and use INtools. Therefore, you should refer to the Oracle User
Guide for detailed instructions about Oracle installation

Oracle Server Versions and Editions

Version Standard Edition Enterprise Edition Personal Edition
(for Minimum (for Maximum
Installation) Installation)

8.0.5/8.0.6 —



Installation of Oracle Server Versions on Various Platforms

The following table lists all Oracle server installations described in this Installation Guide.
This Installation Guide describes an installation of only one version edition per Oracle server
version. If you use a version or edition of Oracle not mentioned in this table, your Oracle
server installation procedure can be slightly different. Therefore, we recommend that you use
one of the versions and editions mentioned below for Oracle server installation.

Compatible Type of Installation Described Platform


8.0.5, 8.0.5 Enterprise edition, custom database Windows NT 4.0

8.0.6 configuration

8i 8.1.7 Enterprise edition, custom database Windows NT 4.0, Windows

configuration 2000

9i 9.2.0 Enterprise edition, custom database Windows NT 4.0, Windows

configuration 2000, Windows XP


• To minimize disc space and physical memory required for the Oracle server
database, we recommend that you do not perform a typical installation but
always select a custom installation type when installing Oracle.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 8

Installation of Oracle Database Server 8.0.5/8.0.6

Installing Oracle 8.0.5 Server on Windows NT 4.0
This procedure describes the steps required to install Oracle 8.0.5 database server onto a
Windows NT 4.0 file server.
At this stage, you install the Oracle 8.0.5 database server onto your system and define the
Oracle initial settings. During this stage, the installation application will install and set up the
Oracle files and create the preliminary Oracle database.

To install Oracle 8.0.5 database server on the Windows NT environment

1. Insert the Oracle installation CD into you CD ROM drive and wait for the AutoPlay feature
to start.

2. Select the Begin Installation option.

3. In the Oracle Installation Settings dialog box, type your company name.


• Do not change the Name default DEFAULT_HOME.

4. In the Location field, either accept the displayed default or type the file folder path to
your Oracle home folder. We recommend that you do not change the folder name.

5. Accept English as the language.

6. Click OK to open the Select Installation Options dialog box.

7. Select the Oracle 8 option button and click OK to open the Select Oracle8 Cartridge
dialog box.


• As INtools does not use Oracle8 ConText Cartridge, in the Select Oracle8
Cartridge dialog box, do not select the this option. You can, however, select
this check box if you have other applications that require it.

8. Click OK to continue.

9. In the Select a Starter Database Configuration dialog box, select the Custom
Configuration option and click OK to continue.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 9


• Make sure that you do not select the Typical option in the Starter Database
Installation Options dialog box. Selecting this option will result in creating a
primary database whose parameters do not comply with INtools

10. In the Legato Storage Manager prompt, click Yes to install the Legato Storage

11. When prompted, select the desired Oracle documentation installation option and click OK
to start the process of installing the selected Oracle components.

12. After the installation is complete, do one of the following:

• Click Yes to view the Oracle documentation.
• Click No to exit the Oracle Installer without viewing the documentation.


• You now proceed with the creation of a new Oracle instance.

13. Click OK in the General Information message to open the Oracle Database Assistant
and start the instance creation.

14. Click Custom.

15. Click Next.


• As INtools does not use replication, do not select the Advanced

Replication check box.

16. Click Next.

17. Click Medium as the desired size of your initial database.


• Make sure that the Compatible Parameter is For other Oracle
versions, the Compatible Parameter changes accordingly.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 10

18. Click Change Character Set and in a dialog box that opens, from the Character Set and
National Character Set lists, select the appropriate character set, and then click OK.


• If you intend to initialize an INtools domain from one Oracle database to

another, note that the database character set and the national character set
in the source Oracle database must correspond to the database character
set and the national character set in the target Oracle database.

19. Click OK, and then click Next to continue.

20. The Oracle Database Assistant now prompts you to enter the required database
information: the database name, SID, the initialization folder file path, and the internal
To define the initial database parameters, do the following:
a) In the Database Name and SID fields, accept the displayed values. As we are going
to have only one database in this new instance, the database name and SID can be
identical. SID has to be different from the database name only if you have more than
one database in this instance.
b) In the Initialization Filename field, accept the given default or enter the folder file
path of new instance. We recommend that you create a new folder for the new

i) On the Start menu, open your Windows NT Explorer.

ii) Create a new folder called ORC1.

iii) In the ORC1 folder, create two more sub-folders: TRACEB and TRACEU.

iv) Close the Windows NT Explorer.

v) In the Initialization Filename field, change the folder to ORC1. Do not change
name of the displayed .ora file.

c) In the Internal Password field, type manager (lowercase).

We recommend using this password used for the database system administrator.

d) In the Confirm Password field, type manager (lowercase) again.

21. Click Next to define the control file parameters.

22. Enter the control file parameter information as follows:

a) The Control File 1 and Control File 2 fields automatically display the required
folders (ORC1) that we created for the new instance. Do not change these values!

b) Do not select the Use Existing Control Files check box. Select this option if you
already have existing control files that can be used.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 11

c) Accept the displayed default values for:

Maximum Data Files – 254
Maximum Log Files – 32
Maximum Log Members – 2
d) Click Next to create the five tablespaces.

23. In the Oracle Database Assistant System tab folder, select the values as shown below to
create the SYSTEM tablespace:

Make sure that you modify the following values:

a) In the Extents section, enter 10 in the % Increase field.

b) Select the Unlimited check box to set the SYSTEM tablespace to unlimited. This will
enable the Auto Extend feature (set to ON) to allow unlimited size of the SYSTEM
tablespace (as much as your hard disk space will permit).
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 12

24. Click the User tab and select the values as shown below to create the USER tablespace:

Accept all the values displayed and make sure you modify the following:

a) In the Extents section, enter 10 in the % Increase field.

b) Select the Unlimited check box to set the USER tablespace to unlimited. This will
enable the Auto Extend feature (set to ON) to allow unlimited size of the USER
tablespace (as much as your hard disk space will permit).

25. Click the Rollback tab and select the values as shown below to create the ROLLBACK

Accept all the values displayed and make sure you modify the following:

a) Increase the size to 20 MB

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 13

b) In the Extents section, enter 10 in the % Increase field.

c) Check the Unlimited check box to set the ROLLBACK tablespace to unlimited. This
will enable the Auto Extend feature (set to ON) to allow unlimited size of the
ROLLBACK tablespace (as much as your hard disk space will permit).

26. Click the Index tab and select the values as shown below to create the INDEX

Accept all the values displayed and make sure you modify the following:

a) In the Extents section, enter 10 in the % Increase field.

b) Select the Unlimited check box to set the INDEX tablespace to unlimited. This will
enable the Auto Extend feature (set to ON) to allow unlimited size of the INDEX
tablespace (as much as your hard disk space will permit).
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 14

27. Click the Temporary tab and select the values as shown below to create the
TEMPORARY tablespace:

Accept all the values displayed and make sure you modify the following:

a) In the Extents section, enter 10 in the % Increase field.

b) Select the Unlimited check box to set the TEMPORARY tablespace to unlimited.
This will enable the Auto Extend feature (set to ON) to allow unlimited size of the
TEMPORARY tablespace (as much as your hard disk space will permit).

28. Click Next to define the redo log parameters.

29. Accept all the given defaults as they appear below:

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 15

30. Click Next to define the logging parameters. Accept all the displayed defaults:

31. Click Next to define the System Global Area (SGA) parameters. For standard NT
Servers, set the following parameters as specified below:
SHARED_POOL_SIZE 10 million bytes
DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS 2000 blocks
LOG_BUFFER_SIZE 32768 bytes
PROCESSES 200 processes
DB_BLOCK_SIZE 4096 bytes

32. Click Next to set the folder path for the debugging trace files.
a) For User Processes, set the folder path to ORC1\TRACEU

b) For Background Processes, set the folder path to ORC1\TRACEB

33. Click Next to start the database creation. Select the Create database now option and
click Finish.
The Oracle Database Assistant Alert is displayed informing you that the wizard will try to
create a new database.

34. Click Yes to start the database creation process.

The following message is displayed:
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 16

35. Click OK to proceed.

36. The Database Creation Wizard now prompts you if you want to add the SID name to your

37. Click Yes to add it.

The database creation process now begins. It may take approximately 15 minutes to

Checking the Oracle 8.0.5 Services

After creating a new instance, it is crucial to check that the status of the following three
Oracle services is ‘Started’ and that their Startup mode is ‘Automatic’. It is recommended to
check the services in the order listed below:
• OracleTNSListener
• OracleServiceORC1
• OracleStartORC1
You access the Services dialog box by double-clicking the Services icon in the Windows NT
Control Panel.

If the TNSListener’s status is not ‘Started’, do the following:

1. Try starting it by clicking Start in the Services dialog box.

2. If the TNSListener fails to start, do the following:

a) Navigate to the LISTENER.ORA file located in the following path:


b) Open the LISTENER.ORA file in Notepad.

c) Make sure the following parameters exist in the LISTENER.ORA file:

In the ADDRESS_LIST section:

(KEY = ORC1)
In the SID_LIST section:
If the above parameters do not exist or are different from the ones shown above, type
them in and save the file.

d) In the Services dialog box, highlight TNSListener80 and click Start to start this

If the status of OracleServiceORC1 is not “Started”, do the following:

1. Try starting it by clicking Start in the Services dialog box.

2. If OracleServiceORC1 fails to start, delete this new instance and create a new one.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 17

3. To delete this instance and create a new one, do the following:

a) Start the Oracle Database Assistant (from the Windows Taskbar, click Start and
then, on the Oracle for Windows NT menu, click Oracle Database Assistant.

b) Select the Delete a database option and click Next.

c) Select the required instance in the Available Instances data window.

d) Type the internal password and click Finish to delete the selected instance.

e) Restart the computer and run the entire Oracle server installation from the beginning.

If the status of OracleStartORC1 is not ‘Started’, do the following:

1. Try starting it by clicking Start in the Services dialog box.

2. If OracleStartORC1 fails to start, do the following:

a) Open the DOS prompt (Start, Programs, Command Prompt) and at the DOS prompt,

oracle_sid = ORC1

b) Press Enter.

c) Run the Server Manager by typing SVRMNGR30.

d) At the Server Manager prompt, type:

connect internal/manager

(Substitute “internal” with your appropriate internal user name and “manager” with your
appropriate internal password.

e) Press Enter and make sure that the message Connected appears.

f) To make sure the database is mounted, do the following

i) At the Server Manager prompt, type:

select * from all_users

ii) Press Enter.

If you get a message that Oracle is not available, do the following:

1. At the Server Manager prompt, type:

startup pfile=<Oracle instance configuration filepath>

2. Press Enter to mount and open the database.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 18

Installation of Oracle Database Server 8.1.7

Installing Oracle Database Server 8.1.7 on Windows NT or Windows 2000
This procedure describes the procedure steps of Oracle 8.1.7 database server custom
installation on Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 file server. At this stage, you install the
Oracle 8.1.7 database server components, set up the Oracle files and create the preliminary
Oracle database.

To install Oracle database server 8.1.7

1. Run the SETUP.EXE file.

2. On the Welcome page of the Oracle Universal Installer, click Next.

3. On the File Locations page, click Next.

4. On the Available Products page, select Oracle8i Enterprise Edition 8.1.7 and click

5. On the Installation Types page, click Custom and then click Next.

6. On the Available Product Components page select the components that you need and
then, click Next.

7. On the Component Locations page, specified a desired location and then click Next.

8. On the Authentication Methods page, click Next.

9. On the Create Database page, click Yes and then click Next.

10. On the Database Identification page, do the following:

a) In the Global Database Name field, enter the name of Oracle database name. For
example, INTOOLS.

b) In the SID field, enter the default instance name INTOOLS. It is recommended that
you use the same database and instance name.

c) Click Next.

11. On the Summary page, click Install.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 19

12. After the software completes the installation and opens the Net8 Configuration Assistant,
on the Welcome page of the Net8 Configuration Assistant, select Perform typical
installation and then click Next to create a listener.


• After creating a listener, the software opens the Configuration Tools page,
where you can review the database creation progress, and also opens the
Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, where you configure the Oracle
server database for INtools. If the listener is not created automatically, see
page 20.

13. In the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, under Select the primary type of
application…, click Multipurpose, and then click Next.

14. On the Enter the approximate number of users… page, in the Concurrently
connected users box, accept or change the value as you need, and then click Next.

15. Under Select the mode…, click Dedicated Server Mode, and then click Next.

16. On the Select the options you want to configure for use in your database page, click

17. Under Review the following database parameters…, from the Compatible Parameter
list, select 8.1.0 do the following:

18. Click Change Character Set and in a dialog box that opens, do the following:
a) From the Character Set list, select a desired character set.

b) From the National Character Set list, select UTF8 — this value enables you to
initialize an INtools domain from the current Oracle 8i database to another Oracle 8i
or 9i database.

c) Click OK.


• If you intend to initialize an INtools domain from one Oracle database to

another, note that the database character set and the national character set
in the source Oracle database must correspond to the database character
set and the national character set in the target Oracle database.

19. Click Next.

20. On the page that has tabs, make changes as you require, and then click Next.

21. On the Review the following redo log file parameter information… page, click Next.

22. On the Review the following logging parameter information… page, click Next.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 20

23. On the Review the following SGA parameter information… page, do the following:
a) In the Shared Pool Size (Bytes) box, change the value to 10000000 (10 million

b) In the Block Size (Bytes) box, make sure that the value is at least 8192 or change
the value to 16384 or 32768, if you intend to use multiple instrument specifications in
the INtools database.


• 10 million bytes is a minimum requirement for the SHARED_POOL_SIZE

parameter value. The use of a smaller value can cause certain INtools
features to stop functioning.

• For the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter, the use of a value smaller than 8192 can
cause certain INtools features to stop functioning.

24. Proceed with running the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant till you click Finish.

25. After creating the Oracle database, restart your computer.

This completes the installation of Oracle 8.1.7 server and the initial Oracle server database

Creating a Listener on Oracle 8.1.7 Server Manually

Usually the listener is created automatically during the installation of Oracle database server.
You can run your Net8 Configuration Assistant utility to check whether the listener has been
created, and perform a connection test. If the listener has not been created during, or the
connection test has failed, you need to create a new listener manually on an installed Oracle
database server 8.1.7. Without creating a listener, you cannot run INtools on Oracle 8.1.7

To create a listener manually

1. Run the Net8 Configuration Assistant utility.

2. On the Welcome page, select Listener configuration and click Next.

3. On the Listener Configuration, Listener page, select Add and click Next.

4. Complete creating a listener using your Oracle guide.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 21

Installation of Oracle Database Server 9.2.0

Installing Oracle Database Server 9.2.0 on Windows NT or Windows 2000
This procedure describes the procedure steps of Oracle 8.1.7 database server custom
installation on Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 file server. At this stage, you install the
Oracle 9.2.0 database server components, set up the Oracle files and create the preliminary
Oracle database.

To install Oracle database server 9.2.0

1. Run the AUTORUN.EXE file and on the Oracle9i Server – Autorun page, click
Install/Deinstall Products to launch the Oracle Universal Installer 2.2.

2. On the Welcome page of the Oracle Universal Installer, click Next.

3. On the File Locations page, set the file locations as you require ands then click Next.

4. On the Available Products page, click Oracle9i Database, and then click

5. On the Installation Types page, click Enterprise Edition (2.86GB), and then click Next.

6. On the Database Configuration page, click Customized, and then click Next.

7. On the Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server page, click Next.

8. On the Summary page, click Install.

9. After the software completes the installation and opens the Oracle Net Configuration
Assistant, on the Welcome page of the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant, select
Perform typical installation and then click Next to create a listener.


• After creating a listener, the software opens the Configuration Tools page,
where you can review the database creation progress, and also opens the
Database Configuration Assistant, where you need to configure the Oracle
server database for INtools.

10. In the Database Configuration Assistant, on the Welcome page, click Next.

11. On the Step 1 of 8: Operations page, click Create a database, and then click Next.

12. On the Step 2 of 8: Database Templates page, make sure that the New Database
option is selected, and then click Next.

13. On the Step 3 of 8: Database Identification page, do the following:

a) In the Global Database Name field, enter the name of Oracle database name. For
example, INTOOLS.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 22

b) In the SID field, enter the default instance name INTOOLS. It is recommended that
you use the same database and instance name.

c) Click Next.

14. On the Step 4 of 8: Database Features page, do the following:

a) Clear all the check boxes appearing on the Database Features tab.

b) Click Standard database features and then, in a dialog box that opens, clear all the
check boxes.

c) Click Next.

15. On the Step 5 of 8: Database Connection Options page, click Dedicated Server
Mode, and then click Next.

16. On the Step 6 of 8: Initialization Parameters page, do the following:

a) On the Memory tab, make sure that the Custom option is selected, and then, in the
Shared Pool box, if you want to save physical memory on the server machine,
reduce the value to 10 M Bytes (minimum requirement).

b) On the DB Sizing tab, accept the default value 8 or change the value to 16 or 32 if
you intend to use multiple instrument specifications in the INtools database.

c) On the Character Set tab, click Choose from the list of character sets, and then
select a desired character set.

d) From the National Character Set list, select UTF8 — this value enables you to
initialize an INtools domain from the source Oracle 8i database to the current Oracle
9i database.


• If you intend to initialize an INtools domain from one Oracle database to

another, note that the database character set and the national character set
in the source Oracle database must correspond to the database character
set and the national character set in the target Oracle database.

17. Click Next.

18. On the Step 7 of 8: Database Storage page, click Next.

19. On the Step 8 of 8: Creation Options page, select Create Database, and then click

20. Complete the Oracle database creation as described in your Oracle Installation Guide.

21. Restart your computer.

This completes the installation of Oracle 9.2.0 server and the initial Oracle server database
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 23

Oracle Instance Creation

This section describes the steps required to create a new instance on an existing Oracle
database server of which database information you want to keep.
You need to create a new instance in Oracle if you have an existing Oracle database server
whose parameters do not comply with the parameters required to use INtools in Oracle. This
way you can append the INtools database to existing Oracle databases on your Oracle
database server without losing your existing Oracle database information.
For additional information about the Oracle server parameters required for using INtools on
Oracle, see:
• Installing Oracle 8.0.5 Database Server on Windows NT on page 8.
• Installing Oracle 8.1.7 Database Server on Windows 2000 and Windows NT on page 18
• Installing Oracle 9.2.0 Database Server on Windows 2000 and Windows NT on page 21.

Oracle Instance: An Overview

The Oracle instance is a workspace on the Oracle database server where Oracle keeps a
single database. You can create as many instances as required and, this way, append as
many databases as you need on a single database server. However, note that appending
instances on your Oracle database server can slow down your work in the INtools database
which located on that server.
The instance creation process contains the following major steps:

1. Creating a new instance initialization file from an existing initialization file.

2. Modifying the database parameters in the new instance initialization file.

3. Modifying the LISTENER.ORA file which Oracle will run when carrying out the instance
creation process.

4. Creating a new instance by using the Oracle Enterprise Manager.

When creating an instance, Oracle takes-up some disk space. Therefore, you must have
enough free disk space on the hard disk where the Oracle database is located to be able to
create the new instance.
The disk usage is as follows:
• Oracle instance environment — minimum 50 MB

• Oracle instance after running — minimum 80 MB

Oracle DB Setup
• Oracle instance after initializing a — minimum 150 MB
See your Oracle User Guide for additional information about limitation on instances creation.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 24

Instance Creation Prerequisite

Before creating an Oracle instance, make sure that you have Administrator’s access rights in
both your Oracle server database and the operating system installed on the server machine.
If you still need to create an instance from the account in which you do not have
Administrator’s rights, and if your company’s policy allows you to change the Oracle security,
you can perform the following procedure:
In the SQLNET.ORA file located in \\Oracle\Ora81\Network\Admin\, add the # symbol before the

Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6 Instance Creation

Creating a New Oracle 8.0.5 Instance
Examples shown in this procedure refer to the creation of Oracle 8.0.5 instance on Windows
NT 4.0.
During the Oracle instance creation process, you will be prompted to select the folders for the
User Trace file and the Background Trace file. You can use the given default location.
However, we recommend that you use a different folder for each file.
To create a new Oracle 8.0.5 instance

1. From the Oracle for Windows NT group, run the Oracle Database Assistant.

2. In the Oracle Database Assistant dialog box, select the Create a database option.

3. Click Next.

4. Repeat steps 14 through 37 of the procedure described in the section Installing Oracle
8.0.5 Server on Windows NT 4.0 on page 9.


• Make sure that all the passwords, user names, folders, and files of the new
instance are different from those of the existing instance.

5. Check the Oracle Services as described on page 16.


• For Oracle versions 8.0.5 and 8.0.6, you need to carry out the following steps
to enable trimming audit trail data of a domain for a selected period. The
audit trail records are contained in the CHANGES_LOG table which exists in
each INtools domain. You can save the trimmed audit trail data to an
external SQL file, and load it to the CHANGES_LOG table of a particular domain.

6. Select a disk drive with 300 MB free disk space for the storage of about 1 million records.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 25

7. Create a folder INTOOLSTORAGE.

8. Create a subfolder <DRIVE>:\INTOOLSTORAGE\< new oracle database name>.


• The name of the new Oracle database appears as the value of the DB_NAME
parameter in the Oracle Instance Configuration file. For example, ORC1.

9. Open the Oracle Instance Configuration file INIT<SID>.ORA, where <SID> stands for your
new Oracle instance name.

10. In the Oracle Instance Configuration file, do the following:


b) Add parameter line OPEN_CURSORS=300.

11. Restart your computer.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 26

Oracle 8i/9i Instance Creation

INtools Requirements for Oracle 8i/9i Instance Creation
Before starting an Oracle 8i or 9i database you need to ensure that that the RAM that this
database occupies does not exceed the available RAM on your server.
The following parameters determine the amount of RAM needed for an Oracle 8i or 9i
• SHARED_POOL_SIZE (10 million bytes minimum requirement)





• JAVA_POOL_SIZE and LARGE_POOL_SIZE are additional parameters that affect the

RAM that an Oracle 8i or 9i database occupies. These parameters appear if you
select certain options when running the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
using a custom installation type.


• For the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter, make sure that the value is at least 8192.
When using values smaller than these, some INtools features cannot function.
In your INtools database has multiple instrument specifications, we recommend
that you use the values 16384 or 32768.

To calculate the MB RAM occupied by an Oracle 8i or 9i database

• Use the following formula to calculate MB RAM for each Oracle 8i or 9i instance:


• If you use more than one Oracle 8i or 9i instance, make sure that the total
MB RAM of all instances does not exceed the MB RAM of your server.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 27

Creating a New Oracle 8.1.7 Instance with INtools Specifications

This procedure describes a customized Oracle 8.1.7 instance creation with INtools
To create a new Oracle 8.1.7 instance

1. Run the Database Configuration Assistant.

2. Select Create a database, and click Next.

3. Select Custom and click Next.

4. Select Multipurpose, and click Next.

5. In the Concurrently connected users field, accept or change the value as required, and
click Next.

6. Select Dedicated Server Mode, and click Next.

7. Clear the check boxes for options that you will not use in your database, and click Next.

8. Do the following:
a) In the Global Database Name field, enter your Oracle 8.1.7 database name.

b) In the SID field, enter your instance name.


• It is recommended that you use the same name for database and instance.
Make sure that the database and instance name is different from the existing
database and default instance name.

c) From the Compatible Parameter list, select 8.1.0

9. Click Change Character Set and in a dialog box that opens, do the following:
a) From the Character Set list, select a desired character set.

b) From the National Character Set list, select UTF8 — this value enables you to
initialize an INtools domain from the current Oracle 8i database to another Oracle 8i
or 9i database.

c) Click OK.


• If you intend to initialize an INtools domain from one Oracle database to

another, note that the database character set and the national character set
in the source Oracle database must correspond to the database character
set and the national character set in the target Oracle database.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 28

10. Click Next.

11. Enter the password for the INTERNAL privileged account. For example, manager.
Confirm the password, and click Next.

12. Accept the minimum configuration of control files for INtools, and click Next.

13. Proceed with running the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant till you click Finish.

14. Click OK.


• You need to carry out the following steps to enable trimming audit trail data
of a domain for a selected period. The audit trail records are contained in the
CHANGES_LOG table which exists in each INtools domain or project if the
domain type is Operating owner. You can save the trimmed audit trail data
to an external SQL file, and load it to the CHANGES_LOG table of a particular

15. Select a disk drive with 300 MB free disk space for the storage of about 1 million records.

16. Create a folder INTOOLSTORAGE.

17. Create a subfolder <DRIVE>:\INTOOLSTORAGE\< new oracle database name>.


• The name of the new Oracle database appears as the value of the DB_NAME
parameter in the Oracle Instance Configuration file. For example, ORC1.

18. Open the Oracle Instance Configuration file INIT.ORA, AND DO THE FOLLOWING:

b) Add parameter line OPEN_CURSORS=300.

19. Restart your computer.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 29

Creating a New Oracle 9.2.0 Instance with INtools Specifications

This procedure describes a customized Oracle 9.2.0 instance creation with INtools
To create a new Oracle 9.2.0 instance

1. Run the Database Configuration Assistant.

2. On the Welcome page, click Next.

3. Repeat steps 10 through 21 of the procedure described in the section Installing Oracle
Database Server 9.2.0 on Windows NT or Windows 2000 on page 21.


• Make sure that all the passwords, user names, folders, and files of the new
instance are different from those of the existing instance.

This completes the creation of a new Oracle 9.2.0 instance.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 30

Oracle Client Installation

The Oracle client provides INtools with the means to interface with the Oracle database
server. You install the Oracle client after you have completed the Oracle database server
installation. You can install the Oracle client either on a file server or on the local station. If
you install the Oracle client on a station, make sure you have the appropriate access rights to
the Oracle database server.
The Oracle client installation procedure contains the following major steps:

1. Installing the Oracle client

2. Checking and modifying the Oracle client character set. You must verify that the
character set parameter value of the NLS_LANG parameter is the same on client and
server. You can find this parameter in the Windows Registry Editor, in the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE folder. For details, see page 35.

3. Configuring additional parameters for national language support. For details, see 36.
After the Oracle client installation process is complete, you proceed by installing INtools.
See Running the INtools Installation Setup For Oracle on page 41 to learn how to install
INtools on Oracle. Before you start the installation process, make sure that the machine (file
server or local station) has access to a CD-ROM drive. If your machine does not have access
to a CD-ROM drive, you need to copy all the installation files from the installation CD to your
local hard disk.


• If you are using Oracle on Unix, make sure that you use UNIX conventions
when entering file location data (using regular slash (‘/’) instead of backslash (‘\’)
and omitting the drive letter).
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 31

Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6 Client Installation (32bit)

The following procedure describes the steps required to install the Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6 client
files using the Oracle8 installation utility. The Oracle 8 installation utility enables you to
determine which station can used by a database user and which by the database
administrator. As a rule-of-thumb, we recommend that you install database administrator
components only on designated stations. These stations can be those that are intended for
the Oracle Database Administrator or stations whose users can carry out database
administrative operations such as backup operations and routine database maintenance.


• The Oracle client version must be compatible with your Oracle server version.
See INtools Versions Compatibility with Oracle Versions on page 4 for details.

To install the Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6 client

1. Insert the Oracle 8 CD-ROM disk to the CD-ROM drive.

2. If the Oracle 8 - AutoPlay dialog box is not displayed (for example, if you install the
Oracle 8 client network CD-ROM drive), navigate to the root folder on the Oracle
installation CD. Then run Setup.exe to start the Oracle client setup utility.
The Oracle dialog box is displayed briefly. Then the Language dialog box opens
superimposed on the Oracle Installer dialog box:

3. From the Language list, select English as your client language.

4. Click OK to open the Oracle Installation Settings dialog box.

5. In the Company Name data field, type your company name (for example, Intergraph).

6. In the Oracle Home data field, select the folder name where Oracle will install the Oracle
files (for example, C:\ORAWIN).

7. Click OK to open the Oracle8 Client dialog box.

8. Accept the Oracle8 Client option default and click OK.

9. In the Oracle8 Client dialog box, do one of the following:

• Click the Oracle8 Database Administrator option button to define higher access
privileges to the database.
• Click the Oracle8 Application User option button to define regular user access
privileges. See your Oracle User Guide for further details about access rights in

10. Click OK.

11. Select the location for the Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6 documentation and click OK.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 32

12. Click OK to close the displayed message.

13. Close all active applications and restart your computer.

You have completed the Oracle Client installation. See Defining the Oracle Database
Server Alias Name on page 39 to continue with the Oracle database installation process.


• After installing the Oracle Client, make sure that the Server and Client
character sets are identical. For details, see page 35.

Oracle 8.1.7 Client Installation

Installing Oracle 8.1.7 Client
The following procedure describes the steps required to install the Oracle 8.1.7 client with
INtools specifications using the Oracle Universal Installer and the Net8 Assistant utility.


• The Oracle client version must be compatible with your Oracle server version.
See INtools Versions Compatibility with Oracle Versions on page 4 for details.

To install Oracle 8.1.7 client

1. Run the Setup.exe to open the Oracle Universal Installer.

2. Click Next till you open the Available Products page, where you select Oracle Client

3. Click Next.

4. On the Installation Type page, select Application User (160MB), and click Next.

5. Click Install.

6. When the installation is complete, close the Oracle Universal Installer and restart your

7. Run the Net8 Assistant.

8. In the Net8 Assistant tree-view, expand the Local folder hierarchy and highlight Service

9. On the Edit menu, click Create.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 33

10. On the Welcome page of the Net Service Name Wizard, enter the required name of the
alias. For example, INtools.

11. Click Next.

12. On the Protocol page, accept the TCP/IP (Internet Protocol) selection, and click Next.

13. On the Protocol Settings page, in the Host Name field, enter the name of the server
where you have created a new instance for the INtools database.

14. Click Next.

15. On the Service page, do one of the following:

• If your Oracle server version is 8i or 9i, select (Oracle 8i) Service Name.
• If your Oracle server version is 8.0.5, or 8.0.6, select (Oracle8 or Previous) SID.

16. Proceed with the creation of the Oracle client till you click Finish.

17. Click Save when prompted.

This completes the installation of Oracle 8.1.7 client.


• When using Oracle 8i, the NLS_LANG parameter value can be N/A. Therefore, you
might need to specify the appropriate character set manually after completing the
Oracle client installation. For details, see Checking and Modifying Oracle Client
Character Set on page 35.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 34

Oracle 9.2.0 Client Installation

Installing Oracle 9.2.0 Client
The following procedure describes the steps required to install the Oracle 9.2.0 client with
INtools specifications using the Oracle Universal Installer 2.2 and the Oracle Net
Configuration Assistant utility.


• The Oracle client version must be compatible with your Oracle server version.
See INtools Versions Compatibility with Oracle Versions on page 4 for details.

To install Oracle 9.2.0 client

1. Run the AUTORUN.EXE file and on the Oracle9i Server – Autorun page, click
Install/Deinstall Products to launch the Oracle Universal Installer 2.2.

2. On the Welcome page of the Oracle Universal Installer, click Next.

3. On the File Locations page, set the file locations as you require ands then click Next.

4. On the Available Products page, click Oracle9i Client, and then click Next.

5. On the Installation Types page, click Runtime (193MB), and then click Next.

6. On the Summary page, click Install.

7. After the software completes the installation and opens the Oracle Net Configuration
Assistant, on the Welcome page of the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant, click No, I
will create net service names myself, and then click Next.

8. On the Database Version page, click Oracle8i or later database or service, and then
click Next.

9. On the Service Name page, type the name of the INtools database created on the
Oracle database server machine, and then click Next.

10. On the Select Protocols page, select the Internet protocol TCP, and then click Next.

11. On the TCP/IP Protocol page, do the following:

a) In the Host name box, type the name of the server computer on which the INtools
database is located.

b) Click Use the standard port number of 1521.

c) Click Next.

12. On the Text page, click Yes, perform a test, and then click Next.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 35

13. On the Connecting page, on completing the text, click Next.

14. On the Net Service Name page, type an alias to establish a connection between the
INtools client application and the INtools database.


• The alias name can contain any alphanumeric characters without spaces.
After installing the Oracle client, the alias value appears in the INTOOLS.INI file
as a value of the ServerName parameter in the [Database] section.

15. Complete the Oracle client installation creation as described in your Oracle Installation

16. Restart your computer.

This completes the installation of Oracle 9.2.0 client.


• When using Oracle 9i, the NLS_LANG parameter value can be N/A. Therefore, you
might need to specify the appropriate character set manually after completing the
Oracle client installation. See the following section for details.

Checking and Modifying Oracle Client Character Set

It is imperative that your Oracle server and clients have identical character sets. Therefore,
after installing an Oracle client, you have to make sure that the Windows Registry displays
the appropriate character set.


• The NLS_LANG parameter value must be the same on both the client machine
used for the domain backup and the client machine used for initializing a new
domain. These values must correspond to the database character set in the
source and target Oracle databases.

To check the Oracle Client character set

1. On the Oracle Client machine, run the Registry Editor.

2. In the Registry Editor, under My Computer, expand the KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder


3. Expand the SOFTWARE folder hierarchy.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 36

4. Highlight the ORACLE folder.

5. Highlight the NLS_LANG parameter in the right hand-side data window and make sure that
the character set in the NLS_LANG parameter value <language_territory>.<database
character set> is the same as the character set on your Oracle server.

To change the character set in the client registry

1. With the Registry Editor of the Oracle Client machine open, right-click the NLS_LANG

2. On the pop-up menu, click Modify.

3. In the Edit String dialog box, in the Value data field, type the required character set.

4. Click OK to accept the NLS_LANG parameter value.

5. Close the Registry Editor.

Configuring an Additional Parameter for National Language

A national language parameter is a parameter that contains values for a decimal separator
and a numeric group separator used according to your language standards. If your database
character set is other than English, Far Eastern, Middle Eastern, or Spanish (Latin American),
on each client machine, you need to perform a special procedure in the windows Registry
Editor. This procedure involves creation and configuration of an additional parameter for your
national language support. The name of the additional parameter is

You must specify the appropriate national language parameter values prior to performing the
INtools database setup for Oracle.
Prior to performing the configuration procedure, make sure that INtools supports you
language. In the Language Groups section, find your language from the groups of languages
supported by INtools.


• If your database character set is other than English, Far Eastern, Middle Eastern,
or Spanish (Latin American), you need to configure the
NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS parameter in the client registry prior to initializing a
domain in Oralce.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 37

Language Groups
INtools supports the following national language groups:
• English
• French
• Slav — Russian, Polish, and so forth.
• Central European and Scandinavian — German, Dutch, Norwegian, and so forth.
• Spanish — Spanish of Spain
• Spanish — Latin American
• Portuguese
• Italian
• Baltic — Latvian, Lithuanian, and so forth.
• Far Eastern — Japanese, Korean, and so forth.
• Middle Eastern — Arabic and Hebrew.
For character sets of certain language groups, special configuration procedures apply. For
details, see the table below.

National Language Parameter Definitions in the Registry Editor

The following table represents definitions that you must have in your Windows registry to
make INtools compatible with your Oracle database. For character sets of certain language
groups, special configuration procedures apply. For details, see the Additional Procedures

Language National Decimal Example of Additional Procedure

Group Language and INtools
Parameter Numeric Value

English, Far Default Default 5000.50 No

Eastern, or

Spanish Default Default 5000,50 No


Central NLS_NUMERIC ., 5000,50 After initializing a domain,

European or _CHARACTERS you must delete the
parameter from the registry.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 38

Language National Decimal Example of Additional Procedure

Group Language and INtools
Parameter Numeric Value

Spanish NLS_NUMERIC ., 5000,50 After initializing a domain,

(Spain), _CHARACTERS you can delete the
Baltic, Italian, parameter from the registry
Slav or (not required)


• In INtools, the software removes the numeric group separator from the values.

To create and configure the NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS parameter in the client



• You do not need to perform the following procedure if the NLS_LANG parameter in
the Registry Editor contains values for either the English language, or any of Far
Eastern, Middle Eastern, or Spanish (Latin American) languages.

1. In the Registry Editor, under My Computer, expand the KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder


2. Expand the SOFTWARE folder hierarchy.

3. Expand the ORACLE folder hierarchy.

4. Right-click the HOME0 folder.

5. On the pop-up menu, point to New and click String Value.

6. Under Name, type the parameter NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS.

7. Right-click the NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS parameter string and then, on the pop-up

menu, click Modify.

8. In the Edit String dialog box, under Value data, enter the following values: ., (dot and

9. Click OK.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 39

Defining the Oracle Database Server Alias Name (the Oracle

SQL*Net Easy Configuration Utility)
After you have installed and configured the Oracle client, you need to specify the name of
your connection profile:service name on Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6. INtools will use the alias name
to connect to the Oracle database server. You define the Oracle database service name by
running the Oracle Net8 Easy Configuration utility on Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6. These applications
automatically add the service name that you select to the TNSNAMES.ORA configuration

Defining the Database Service (Alias) Name on Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6


• In Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6 the term Alias is replaced by the term Service.

• The procedure below complies with Oracle 8.0.5. See your Oracle User Guide for
information about your Oracle version.

To define the database server service name on Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6

1. Run the Oracle Net8 Easy Configuration utility.

2. Make sure you choose the Add New Service action.

3. In the New Service Name data field, type the name of the new service (= alias) that will
be associated with the INtools database as shown above.

4. Click Next.

5. In the data window, select TCP/IP (recommended) as the protocol that the Oracle client
will use to connect to the server where the database is located.

6. Click Next.
The Oracle Service Name Wizards dialog box reopens showing you new options.

7. In the Host Name data field, type the Server name or the server IP address where the
database is kept.

8. Make sure the Port Number setting remains 1521.

9. Click Next to reopen the Oracle Service Name Wizards dialog box.

10. In the Database SID data field, type the instance name (System Identifier) of your
INtools database (the default value of this field is ORC1).

11. Click Next to continue.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 40

12. The Wizard now prompts you if you would like to test the connection to your database
using the information you have provided.

13. To check the connection to the database using the new service settings you just made:
a) Click Test Service.

b) In the Connection Test dialog box, do one of the following to enter the username
and password required to connect to the database:

• If you have not installed INtools on the database server yet, in the Username
and Password data fields, type the Database Administrator’s username and
password (defaults to system / manager)
• If you have already installed INtools on the database server, in the Username
and Password data fields, enter the INtools System Administrator’s username
in_dbamn and password in_dbamn.
c) Click Test to establish a connection to the database using the username and
password you entered in the previous step.

The connection results are displayed in the section beneath the Test button.

d) Click Done to close the Connection Test dialog box.

14. Click Next to reopen the Oracle Service Name Wizards dialog box.

15. Click Finish to close the above dialog box.

You have successfully installed and configured the Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6 client. See
Running the INtools Setup for Oracle on page 41 to proceed with the installation process.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 41

Running the INtools Installation Setup for Oracle

The Setup utility enables you to install required and optional INtools components, such as
INtools modules (for example, Administration, Instrument Index, Wiring), utilities (for
example, Import, Merger), documentation, etc. You can install all or only some of the
components, depending on the amount of free space available on your hard disk, your
INtools license, and your engineering needs. See Installation Guide, INtools Setup
Maintenance and Database Selection, Installing INtools Components to learn what
components are required to work with INtools.
You run Setup in the following cases:
• To install a new version of INtools,
• To upgrade an existing INtools installation,
• To add selected INtools components to an existing INtools installation.


• If you add any components to an existing INtools installation, make sure that the
version of the components you install is the same as the version of the existing
INtools installation.

If you upgrade your current INtools version, it is recommended that you backup your current
INtools database before you start the actual installation process. You can do it by performing
the backup procedure. See Installation Guide, Backup and Restore to learn how to perform
backup. If you have database System Administrator access rights, you can also back up your
INtools database by selecting to save a copy of your existing database during the setup
When you install INtools you need to determine the appropriate access rights for each user,
(regular users, Domain Administrators and System Administrator). See User’s Guide,
Administration Module, Levels of Administration to learn more about access rights in INtools.
Therefore, when working in multi-stations environment, it is recommended to predetermine
the network status of each computer:
INtools station — this computer is used only for engineering purposes (for running INtools
modules). On this computer, you do not install the Admin applications. It also recommended
that you do not install the Import utility and the Merger utility on this computer.
Admin station — this computer which contains the IN_TEMPL.DB database file and is used
for the System and Domain Administrator. On this computer, you install the Admin
applications. On this computer, you can also install the Import utility and the Merger utility.
This division is important because maintaining data in the long-term involves continuous
database maintenance and usage monitoring.
You install INtools either on the computer where you installed the database server (file
server) or on the local station. Here are some of the environment characteristics that you
should consider when selecting where to install INtools:
Free disk space — the computer where you install INtools should have free disk space
sufficient for the INtools installation (335 MB for a full installation). See System
Requirements for Oracle on page 3 for additional information.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 42

Network performance — most Oracle databases operate on local networks. Therefore, the
local network data transfer rate significantly influences the overall performance of Oracle and
INtools. Therefore, if the local network under-performs, install INtools on the local station, to
work faster with INtools features.
INtools components upgrade - you should consider the amount of work involved in
upgrading/re-installing all the copies of INtools on the local network, in case you install
INtools on the stations.
Before you start the installation process, make sure that your computer (file server or local
station) has access to a CD-ROM drive. If your machine does not have access to a CD-ROM
drive, you need to copy all the installation files from the installation CD to your local hard disk.


• If you are upgrading from an existing INtools installation, make sure that all
INtools components are inactive before starting the Setup process.

• If you are using Oracle on Unix, make sure that you use UNIX conventions
when entering file location data (using regular slash (‘/’) instead of backslash (‘\’)
and omitting the drive letter).
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 43

Installing INtools on an Application Server Machine

New Installation of INtools 6.0
The following is a complete step-by-step procedure that describes how to install a new
INtools 6.0 version for Oracle on an application server machine.

To install INtools 6.0 for Oracle on an application server machine

1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. The INtools CD Browser automatically launches
if AutoPlay is enabled on your system. The CD Browser will allow you to display the
Installation Guide, and to install INtools and other CD extras.


• If the INtools CD Browser does not launch automatically, run Windows

Explorer to open the INtools CD window. Then, in the root folder, double-
click the SETUP.EXE file.

2. Click beside INtools Insallation to start running the installation Setup.

3. On the Welcome page of the Installation for INtools wizard, click Next.

4. On the License Agreement page, click Display to read the software license agreement
in PDF format, and then click Yes.

5. On the License Verification page, insert the license diskette in the appropriate drive and
click Browse.

6. On the Choose Folder page, navigate to the drive where the installation diskette (A: or
B:) is located and click OK to return to the License Verification page.


• If you copied the license diskette to your hard drive, navigate to the folder
that contains the license file.

7. Click Next to continue.

8. On the Installation Type page, click Standard.


• If you want to perform an INtools server installation, see the INtools Server
Installation Guide .pdf file.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 44

9. On the Customer Information page, enter your registration information and click Next.

10. In the Customer Information message box, click Yes.

11. On the Setup Type page, do one of the following:

• Click (Full) to install all the INtools components.

• Click (Custom) to select and install specific INtools components.

• Click (Network) to install an INtools client application after you have

performed a full or custom installation of INtools on your application server machine.
See page 49 for details.


• If Setup has detected an existing installation, and in the Choose the

Destination Folder message box you click Yes to install INtools in a folder
that already contains a previous INtools installation, refer to page 46 for

12. On the Destination Folder page, specify the INtools folder location.

13. Click Next to continue.


• If on the Setup Type page, you have selected to perform a customized setup
process, select the required INtools components on the Select
Components page, and click Next when done. See Installation Guide,
INtools Setup Maintenance and Database Selection, Installing INtools
Components to learn what components are required to work with INtools.

14. On the Oracle Version page, select your Oracle server version and click Next. For
details about how to install an Oracle server, see Installing Oracle Server on page 7.

15. On the Server Information page, in the Server field, type the communication alias name
for your Oracle instance.

16. In the Database box, type the Oracle database name.

17. Click Next to continue.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 45

18. On the Select Program Folder page, select the program folder where you want Setup to
install the program icons.

19. Click Next to continue.


• On the Start Copying Files page, after you click Next, Setup immediately
starts copying all the components you selected to the INtools folder. To
undo this operation you will have to uninstall INtools. Therefore, if you need
to make any modification to the current Setup selections, click Back before
you start copying the files.

20. On the Start Copying Files page, view the settings of the current Setup session, and
then click Next to start copying the files to your hard disk.

21. On the Setup Status page, view the progress of the file transfer. When the file transfer
is complete, on the Important Notes page, read the text carefully as it contains important
information for the current version.

22. When the file transfer is complete, on the Important Notes page, read the text carefully
as it contains important information for the current version. Click Next when done.

23. In the Readme message box, click Yes if you want to view the Readme file.


• We recommend reading the README.HTM file, as it contains important

information about INtools. You can find this file in your INtools folder or in
your installation CD-ROM root folder.

24. On the Setup Complete page, click the required option and then click Finish.
You have successfully installed INtools on your computer. See page 50 for a description of
the program icons that Setup has installed on your local station. See INtools Database Setup
for Oracle on page 51 to learn how to create an INtools database on Oracle.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 46

Installing INtools over a Previous Installation

If Setup has detected an existing installation of a version earlier than 6.0, you can install the
new INtools files in the existing folder or select another folder.
When installing the new INtools files in existing INtools folder, Setup does the following:
• Overwrites the INtools program files.
• Prompts you to overwrite, backup, or keep the existing INtools databases
• Prompts you to overwrite, backup, or keep the existing STYLES.PBD file.
• Overwrites the INtools data files (sample and library .dwg, .psr, .dbf files, and so forth).


• If you want to have several installations of INtools 6.0 on one machine,

before running this procedure, you must perform a preliminary procedure.
For details, see Installation Guide, INtools Setup Maintenance and Database
Selection, Installing Several Versions of INtools 6.0 on the Same Machine.

To install INtools over a previous Installation

1. Complete the procedure steps 1-12 as described on page 43.

2. When Setup detects an existing installation, in the Choose the Destination Folder
message box, click Yes to install INtools in the existing folder.


• In the Choose the Destination Folder message box, you can click No to
install INtools to a different folder. In this case, you run Setup as for a new
installation of INtools. Continue the installation from step 11 on page 44.

3. In the INtools Configuration message box, do one of the following:

• Click Yes to keep the existing INTOOLS.INI file and preserve all the previous INtools
preferences and configuration settings.
• Click No if your existing INTOOLS.INI file has been corrupted and you want to replace it
with a new default INTOOLS.INI file.


• If you click No, you lose all the previous INtools preferences and
configuration settings.

4. Click Next to continue.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 47

5. On the Database Installation Options page, do one of the following to determine what
to do with your existing INtools demonstration and empty databases:
• Click Keep old in_demo.db and intools.db to keep the old demonstration and
empty databases so that you can use them after the installation.
• Click Back up old and install new databases if you are upgrading your INtools
version. Setup renames the existing INTOOLS.DB file to INTOLD(1).DB, where (1) is the
old database running number. Setup renames the existing IN_DEMO_DB file to
DEMOOLD(1).DB, where (1) is the old database running number.

• Click Overwrite old in_demo.db and intools.db to replace the existing databases.


• If you overwrite your IN_DEMO.DB and INTOOLS.DB files, you will lose any user-
defined data that you have in these files.

6. Click Next to continue.

7. On the Styles.pbd File Installation Options page, do one of the following to determine
what do with your existing STYLES.PBD file.
• Click Keep the old Styles.pbd to keep the old STYLES.PBD file and use it after the
• Click Back up old and install new Styles.pbd if you are upgrading your INtools
version. Setup renames the existing STYLES.PBD file to STYLESOLD(1).PBD, where (1)
is the running number of the old STYLES.PBD file.
• Click Overwrite the old Styles.pbd to overwrite the existing STYLES.PBD file with a
new file.

• The STYLES.PBD file holds user-defined view style settings for the Browse window of
the Instrument Index module.

8. Click Next to continue.

9. On the Oracle Version page, select your Oracle server version and click Next. For
details about how to install an Oracle server, see Installing Oracle Server on page 7.

10. On the Server Information page, in the Server field, type the communication alias name
for your Oracle instance.

11. In the Database field, type the Oracle database name.

12. Click Next to continue.

13. On the Select Program Folder page, select the program folder where you want Setup to
install the program icons.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 48

14. Click Next to continue.


• On the Start Copying Files page, after you click Next, Setup immediately
starts copying all the components you selected to the INtools folder. To
undo this operation you will have to uninstall INtools. Therefore, if you need
to make any modification to the current Setup selections, click Back before
you start copying the files.

15. On the Start Copying Files page, view the settings of the current Setup session, and
click Next to start copying the files to your hard disk.

16. On the Setup Status page, view the progress of the file transfer.

17. When the file transfer is complete, on the Important Notes page, read the text carefully
as it contains important information for the current version. Click Next when done.

18. In the Readme message box, click Yes if you want to view the Readme file.


• We recommend that you read the README.HTM file, as it contains important

information about INtools. You can find this file in your INtools folder or in
your installation CD-ROM root folder.

19. On the Setup Complete page, click the required option and then click Finish.
This completes the installation of INtools over a previous Installation.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 49

INtools Network Installation

Network installation involves installing INtools on an application server machine and on
application client machines from which you want to access the INtools database on the
application server machine. The application client installation is minimal. On a client
machine, Setup installs only a few .dll files and the INTOOLS.INI file.
The principal advantage of this installation is that INtools maintenance (update, upgrade, and
patching) can be performed from a single location. On the other hand, this type of installation
can be a disadvantage if your network is overloaded – data access and retrieval can be
Prior to running a network installation, make sure that you have carried out the following:
• You have run a full or custom installation of INtools on a remote computer.
• You have deleted the INTOOLS.INI file from the INtools home folder on the application
server machine.
• You have defined the properties of the INtools home folder on the application server as
shared with full access.
• You have mapped the network drive on the application client to the INtools home folder
on the application server machine.

To install an INtools client application for the Network installation

1. Repeat steps 1 through 11 of the procedure described on page 43.

2. On the Setup Type page, click (Network) to connect to the INtools program
files and database on your application server machine.


• Make sure that the location you select is mapped (that is, it has been
assigned a drive letter) and it is accessible for READ and WRITE operations.

3. On the Destination Folder page, select the INtools home folder on the application
server machine and click Next.


• If Setup detects the INTOOLS folder on the server machine, it displays an

appropriate message. After completing the installation, you must delete the
INTOOLS.INI file on the application server machine manually.

4. Continue the procedure from step 14 as described on page 44.

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 50

INtools Operation in Thin Client Mode

For details of INtools operation in thin client mode with CitrixMetaFrame or MS Terminal
Server, see Installation Guide, INtools Operation in Thin Client Mode.

INtools Program Icons

At the end of the installation process, Setup creates the following program icons in the
Intergraph INtools program group (in the Programs option of the Start menu):

Administration — Administration module

DB Setup Utility — INtools database setup utility for Oracle (not on

a Network installation)

Import Utility — Import Utility (if installed)

Internal Setup Utility — Database profile configuration utility

INtools — INtools modules

INtools Server —INtools Server Settings dialog box

Merger Utility — Merger Utility (if installed)

INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 51

INtools Database Setup for Oracle

The database setup stage is when you create the INtools database and configure it for your
Oracle database server. The database setup utility (DB Setup) configures the INtools
database, adds the required database users, logins and associated database objects.
You can also configure the INtools database using an SQL script file which contains the
appropriate database statements. The DB Setup utility creates the SQL script file at the end
of the configuration process. After the SQL script file is created, you can run that script file
automatically by letting DB Setup automatically run the file at the end of the database setup.
You can also run that script file manually in the Server Manager dialog box.


• If you use an existing Oracle server (where you intend to keep your INtools
database) which was not installed according to the instructions in this Installation
Guide, make sure the Oracle database parameters comply with the parameters
required to use INtools. See Oracle Database Server Installation on page 7 for
additional information about the required Oracle server parameters.

You perform the database setup procedure after you finish installing the Oracle database
server, Oracle client, and INtools for Oracle. See Oracle Database Server Installation on
page 7, Oracle Client Installation on page 30 to learn more about the required software

Oracle Database Server Login Information

When INtools connects to the Oracle database server, it performs a procedure which is the
same as the procedure which is required to connect to a local network. This means that
INtools logs in onto the database server by providing a login name and a login password.
This login information is different from the login information required to log in to INtools. You
define the Oracle database server login information during this procedure.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 52

Oracle Database Server Tablespace

The DB Setup utility allocates domains called tablespaces in the preliminary Oracle
database. Oracle uses these tablespaces to store your INtools database information. This
means that Oracle allocates disk space on the selected server drive to be used only for your
INtools database. The DB Setup utility creates 3 tablespaces (see the table below for
additional information about these tablespaces):
• Admin data — used for the Admin schema.
• Index data — used for the Admin schema.
• Temporary tablespace — used for internal Oracle operations (for example, sorting).
Each tablespace can contain one or more datafiles. INtools database keeps your data in the
following schemas:
• Admin schema — contains the administration data and indexes.
• Domain schema (a separate schema for each domain) —contains the domain and index
data of an INtools domain.
• Domain view (a different schema for each domain) — provides view access rights to
users. This way these users can only view the data from an external Report viewer
without modifying the database. See Creating a New Domain in Oracle on page 61 to
learn more about this option.

Estimating the Size of the Domain Tablespaces and Indexes

The DB Setup utility creates tablespaces for the Admin schema using the following
tablespace default values:
Administration data
Parameter Admin Data Index Data
tablespace tablespace

Tablespace main_ts index_main_ts


Database in_main.db ix_main.db


Tablespace size: 30 MB 10MB

However, you may need to create either larger tablespaces or indexes. During the lifetime of
the instrumentation data, you may also need to increase the size of existing index
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 53

The following table lists important statistical data which you can use as a guide when
selecting the domain tablespace and index sizes:

Entities Quantity (Average)

Tags 45058

Loops 16616

Drawing blocks 1381

Device panels 11384

Junction boxes 504

Marshaling racks 45

Cabinets 36

DCSs and PLCs 108

Channels 16880

Instrument specifications 111

P&ID drawings 855

Lines 3132

The above entity quantities populate a domain whose tablespace and index sizes are as

Administration Domain

Admin Data Index Data Domain Data Index Data Temporary

tablespace tablespace tablespace tablespace tablespace

30MB 10MB 350MB 180MB 90MB

Later on, you may receive an indication that the available free space in the tablespace is low,
or you may encounter a message that there is insufficient space while working in INtools. If
this happens, increase the size of the tablespace for the specific domain.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 54


• For better performance, it is highly recommended that you locate the data
tablespaces and index tablespaces on different physical disks. You can also
locate the system file, database tables and the index data on different physical
drives to speed up your work in the Oracle Database. See your Oracle User
Guide for more information.

• Each of the file names must be a legal name. Each tablespace name must be
unique within your database. In some operating systems, special characters are
not supported.

• You must have Supervisor’s access rights on your local network to perform this

• If you are using Oracle on Unix, make sure that you use UNIX conventions when
entering file location data (using regular slash (‘/’) instead of backslash (‘\’) and
omitting the drive letter).

Make sure you have sufficient database resources to run the INtools database setup. The
following data is sufficient for 1000 tags in INtools:
• You should have enough System tablespace:
• The DML Locks (Data Manipulation Language) should be sufficiently high (at least 100).
• You can open more tablespaces (at least 8).
See your Oracle User Guide for further information on these points.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 55

Setting up the INtools Database for Oracle

When running INtools database setup on your Oracle database server, you can create one
INtools database per database setup session. After a successful database setup session,
you can initialize new INtools domains in Oracle. For more information, see Creating a New
Domain in Oracle on page 61.


• The paths you specify in this procedure refer to the database server local folders
(non-network folders). Do not use network drives or network server names in the

To set up the INtools database for Oracle

1. On your Windows Start menu, navigate to INtools program icons and click to start the
DB Setup utility for Oracle.


• When starting the DB Setup utility, the Sybase SQL Anywhere database
engine starts as well (in minimized mode). Do not close the database
engine, as this will terminate the Oracle database setup process.

2. In the Oracle Server Connection dialog box, from the Oracle version list, select the
version of your Oracle server.

3. Under DBMS identifier in the INtools.ini file, accept or change the displayed
compatible DBMS parameter for the Oracle server version that you selected from the
Oracle version list.


• If you want to change the DBMS parameter, make sure it is compatible with
INtools. For more details about all compatible combinations of Oracle and
INtools versions, see page 6.

4. In the Oracle database name field, do one of the following:

• Accept the displayed database name.
• Change the displayed value if it does not match the value you defined for the
DB_NAME parameter in the Oracle Instance Configuration file.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 56

5. In the Server name field, accept or modify the displayed Oracle server connection string.
6. In the System Administrator login password field, accept the given default value
manager (the password is encrypted), or type the appropriate password.


• If you cannot connect to the Oracle database server using the default
password, contact your Oracle Database Administrator, who has rights to
create a new INtools System Administrator login password for connection to
the Oracle database server.

7. Click Connect to connect to your Oracle database server and open the INtools
Database Parameters dialog box, where you can set parameters for the target INtools
database and start the database setup session.

8. Under Estimated number of domains, type the number of domains you want to create
in the target INtools database.

9. Under Admin schema, do one of the following:

• Accept the default Admin schema login name and password IN_DBAMN or modify
the name or password as needed.


• The login name must be unique in the Oracle database server. The login
name and password can only start with a letter and contain no spaces. You
can use an underscore ( _ ) to replace a space. If you want to encrypt the
password, see User’s Guide, Administration Module, Database Security,
Encrypting the Admin Schema Password for details.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 57

10. In the Admin data section, do one of the following:

• Accept the default values. Accept the default Admin data tablespace size (25MB) if
you want to create four INtools domains only.
• Type the required Admin data tablespace name, the path and name of the Admin
datafile, and the tablespace size. If you want to create more than four INtools
domains, you need to specify a tablespace size larger than 25MB.

11. In the Admin index section, do one of the following:

• Accept the default values. Accept the default Admin index tablespace size (10MB) if
you want to create four INtools domains only.
• Type the required Admin index tablespace name, the path and name of the Admin
index datafile, and the tablespace size. If you want to create more than four INtools
domains, you need to specify a tablespace size larger than 10MB.

12. In the Temporary section, do one of the following:

• Accept the default values.
• Type the required temporary tablespace name, the path and name of the temporary


• The software determines the temporary tablespace size according to the

number of domains that you specified in the Estimated number of domains
field. The value in the Tablespace size (MB) field changes to the required
value automatically.

13. Do one of the following:

• Click Run to create and configure the INtools database for Oracle.
• Click Create File. This way the DB Setup utility only generates the Oracle
ORASETUP.LOG and ORASETUP.SQL files in the INtools folder without carrying out the
actual database creation process. See Running the Oracle SQL File on page 59 to
learn how to run the SQL commands and create the INtools database on the Oracle
database server manually.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 58

During the generation process, the DB Setup utility automatically does the following:

• Creates tablespaces
• Creates Administration user schema
• Creates Administration tables
• Creates Administration indexes
• Creates Administration primary key

• Inserts Administration initial data

• Gives viewing rights to the Administration schema from domain schemas

Caution for Oracle 9i users

• If the version of the Oracle client is 9i or earlier than 9i, after completing the database
setup, contact your Oracle Database Administrator, who must perform the following
procedure to specify the super user login password:
From the SQL Plus utility, in the Oracle server database, connect to the sys super
user as sysdba and then run the following command:

grant execute on DBMS_PIPE public;

We recommend that you specify the super user login password before initializing an
INtools domain. If you initialize a domain in Oracle 9i without specifying the super
user login password, the INtools System Administrator must rebuild stored
procedures and triggers before using the domain.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 59

Running the Oracle SQL File

You can set up the INtools database for Oracle manually, by running an SQL file which the
INtools DB Setup utility generates. This way you can:
• Review and modify (if required) the INtools database setup parameters.
• Perform a step-by-step process of the INtools database setup.
The execution of the SQL file automatically creates the following:
• Tablespaces.
• Admin database user schema.
• Administration tables.
• Administration indexes.
• Administration primary key.
• Viewing rights to the Administration schema from Domain schemas.

To create an initial INtools database by running the DB Setup SQL script file

1. Run the DB Setup utility and in the Oracle Server Connection dialog box, connect to the
new Oracle instance.

2. Ensure that a configuration settings file INTOOLS.INI in the INtools home folder contains
the following value of the DBparm parameter in the [DATABASE] section:


• If ’DISABLEBIND=1’ is not the only value of the Dbparm parameter, make sure
that it is not enclosed by single quotes and is separated from other values by
a comma. For example, DBparm=DISABLEBIND=1,PBDBMS=1

3. In the INtools Database Parameters dialog box, enter the required values and click the
Create File button.

4. After the script file is created, make sure that the ORASETUP.SQL file is located in the
INtools home folder.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 60

5. In accordance with your Oracle version, do one of the following:

• On Oracle 8.0.5/8.0.6, run the Oracle Server Manager SVRMGR30 or the SQL
• On Oracle 8i, run the Oracle Server Manager SVRMGRL.
• On Oracle 9i, use an external application to run the created .sql file.


• Do not run SQL Plus! If you do, the software does not set the INtools
database for Oracle correctly. The software creates various data objects
which you have to delete manually.

6. Connect as the System Manager.

7. Type and then run the following set of commands:

8. Open the ORASETUP.TXT file and check for errors. If you find any errors, contact
Customer Support.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 61

Creating a New INtools Domain in Oracle

At this stage, you create the INtools domain. This is the first step the INtools System
Administrator needs to perform to start working with a new domain. You create a domain in
the Administration module after installing the Oracle database server, the Oracle client, the
required INtools files, and configured the Oracle database server to work with INtools.
The procedures in this section deal with the INtools user interface. We recommend that you
familiarize yourself with the main INtools features before creating your first domain in
INtools. See User’s Guide, Administration Module for further information about maintaining
domains in INtools.


• If your database character set is other than English, Far Eastern, Middle Eastern,
or Spanish (Latin American), you need to configure the
NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS parameter in the client registry prior to initializing a
domain in Oralce.

• If you are using Oracle on Unix, make sure that you use UNIX conventions when
entering file location data (using regular slash (‘/’) instead of backslash (‘\’) and
omitting the drive letter).

Domain Initialization in Oracle

The initialization process requires a large part of the system resources. Therefore, both
before and after creating a domain, it is recommended that you exit and re-enter Windows.
You cannot create more than one domain in a single Administration module session.
During initialization, if there is an insufficient number of datafiles to build the tablespaces for
the new domain, the software displays a warning. In this case, the System Administrator
needs to delete the specific domain and the Oracle DBA must increase the number of data
files in the database (up to the maximum of 254) by making changes to the control file. See
your Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual for more details.
You can initialize a domain in one of the following two ways:
• Initializing an empty domain – this way you create a domain from scratch. You need to
associate this domain with INtools and build all the appropriate naming conventions and
domain entities (plants, areas, and units). See Associating a Domain on page 70 to learn
how to associate a domain with INtools.
• Initializing from another source domain – this way you create a new domain from
another INtools domain that already contains data. The source domain data can be
stored in your database platform or in an external database platform, for example, SQL
Server or Sybase SQL Anywhere (WATCOM). To initialize a domain in Oracle from an
existing domain in SQL Server, you need first to back up the domain to the INtools
repository. For details, see User’s Guide, Administration Module, Backing up a Domain.
You can initialize a domain from another source domain only if you have already
established a connection with the source database (WATCOM or Oracle). You do this by
using the following values of the DBMS parameter in the [DATABASE] section of the
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 62

o ODBC — use when the source domain is in WATCOM

o O84 or O90 — use when the source domain is on Oracle
• Creating a new domain from another domain is recommended in the following cases:
o When you move a domain from one database to another.
o When the new domain serves as a backup of the source domain.
o When you want to use the source domain as a standard domain for new domains.
o When you want to create a demo domain using the IN_DEMO domain.
o When you want to work on a domain that you receive from a sub-contractor or an
engineering firm.


• The source INtools domain must be of the same database version as the
database version of the new domain which you initialize.

• The database character set and the national character set in the source Oracle
database must correspond to the database character set and the national
character set in the target Oracle database.

• The NLS_LANG parameter value must be the same on both the client machine
used for the domain backup and the client machine used for initializing a new
domain. These values must correspond to the database character set in the
source and target Oracle databases.

• When performing domain initialization, you cannot include the user-defined

database views that exist in the source database in the initialization process. To
be able to use these views in the initialized domain, you must make backups of
all your user-defined database views in the source domain before starting the
initialization process. On completing the initialization process you need to
recreate the user-defined views using InfoMaker or the database utilities of your


• When initializing a domain from a source domain, we recommend that you run
the DB Checker utility for the source domain before starting the initialization
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 63

Using the Log File during Initialization

You can use an initialization log file that will indicate all the operations carried out on your
database. If you want to use such a file, add (or modify) the following line of the [DATABASE]
section of the INTOOLS.INI file (located in the INtools home folder):

If you omit the line, the default OFF will be assumed. You should expect a 4.5 MB file to be
created as a log file. The file name comprises the number of the domain and the .log
extension. The number of the domain reflects the order of domain initialization in your
INtools database. For example, if you initialize your first domain, the software creates the
log file with name 1.LOG. In the event of any problem occurring during the creation of the
domain, you must provide this file with your request for assistance.
During the initialization process the system creates a view database user for each domain
with the name and password of <DOMAIN NAME>_VIEW (where _VIEW is constant). The view
database user is intended for users who need to view the data from an external report viewer
but are not allowed to modify the data. You can change the VIEW password using the
appropriate Oracle application to improve your database security. See Installation Guide,
Appendix D, INtools Database Technical Review, Login Data and Database Connection
Security for further information about creating and using database users.

Handling an Initialization Failure

In case the domain initialization fails (due to for example, a power failure), during the
process of inserting data into tables, you can continue from the table where the process

1. Run the SQLPlus utility and delete the contents of the table where the process stopped.
Type and then run the following:
DELETE FROM <table name>;
2. In the [DATABASE] section of the INTOOLS.INI file, insert the following line:
INIT_TABLE_CONT=<the table name where the process stopped>.
3. Rerun the domain initialization process.


• If the initialization of the domain fails after the phase of inserting data into
tables, you need to delete this domain and start a new initialization session.
See Deleting an Invalid Domain on page 72 for details.


• The paths you specify in this procedure refer to the database server local
folders (non-network folders). Do not use network drives or network server
names in the paths.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 64

Initializing a New INtools Domain in Oracle

To initialize an empty INtools domain in Oracle

1. Start the Administration module to open the Login dialog box with DBA set as the default
user name.

2. To log in as the System Administrator, do the following:

a) In the User Name and in the Password data fields, enter your system administrator’s
username and password (the default value is DBA for both fields).

b) Click OK to open the License Information dialog box opens, where you can see
your INtools license information (the fields in this dialog box are inaccessible to you
except for the User Information fields).


• The License Information dialog box appears only once, when you start the
Administration module for the first time.

3. Click OK to open the User Profile dialog box.

4. In the User Profile dialog box, click OK without making any changes.

5. With the System Administration window open, on the File menu, click Initialize.

6. In the Initialize dialog box, in the Domain field, type the required domain name. The
domain name must be unique and contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces.
You can use an underscore ( _ ) to replace a space. You can also use a name of
previously deleted domain.


• The name of a domain, schema, and password can only start with a letter. If
your password, schema, or domain name starts with a numeral or any
character that is not a letter, the initialization process will fail and INtools will
stop responding.


• You can change the domain name at a later stage in the Administration
module. See User’s Guide, Administration Module, Domain Definitions to
learn how to modify the INtools domain name.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 65

7. In the Domain schema name field, type the login name of the Domain schema database
user. INtools needs to use this name internally to connect to this domain. The Domain
schema name must be unique and typed as one word with no spaces.
You can use an underscore ( _ ) to replace a space.

8. In the Domain schema password field, type the login password of the Domain schema
database user. INtools needs to use this name internally to connect to this domain. See
INtools Database Setup for Oracle on page 51 to learn more about the database user
logins in INtools. The Domain schema password must be unique and typed as one word
with no spaces. You can use any alphanumeric symbol and the underscore ( _ ).


• You can enter a schema password other than the domain name to enhance
database access security. This way, external users can only view the
database. See the explanation on page 63 for further information about
viewing the database. We recommend that you write down the schema
password and keep it in a safe place.

9. Do one of the following to determine the type of the domain that you want to initialize:
• Click Operating owner to initialize the domain as a domain with AsBuilt functionality.
The database is partitioned into several schemas: a single schema for AsBuilt and
separate schemas for projects.
• Click Engineering company to initialize the domain as a domain contracted to
design and build plants based on process information. A domain of the Engineering
company type usually involves one set of data which may be revised extensively
during the life cycle of the plant. In this case, the data for each project is maintained
within a single database schema. Once a plant is operational, the domain type can
be changed to Operating owner if required, and the owner can perform the necessary
maintenance and modernization.


• If you want to run the initialization process without displaying any error
messages during the process, select the Do not display error messages
check box.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 66

10. Click OK to open the Domain Tablespace Definition dialog box, where you can define
the tablespace data of the domain for initialization.


• When working in the Unix or NT environment, you must specify a full path. If
you do not specify a full path, Novell places the tablespace database file in
the Oracle home folder. The paths that you specify in this dialog box refer to
the local folders (non-network folders) of the computer where Oracle is
installed. Do not use network drives or network server names in the paths.

11. To define the domain tablespace data, under Domain data, accept all the given default
values or modify them as follows:
a) In the Tablespace name field, type the appropriate domain tablespace name.

b) In the Datafile name and path field, type the full path and filename of the tablespace
database file.

c) In the Tablespace size (MB) field, type the appropriate domain tablespace size.

12. To define the domain index tablespace data, under Index data, accept the given default
values or modify them as follows:
a) In the Tablespace name field, type the appropriate domain tablespace name.

b) In the Datafile name and path field, type the full path and filename of the tablespace
database file.

c) In the Tablespace size (MB) field, type the appropriate domain index tablespace
size. The recommended size is 50% of the domain tablespace size.


• For the temporary operation of Oracle in each domain, you can use one
tablespace for all domains, one for each domain, or a combination of
tablespaces. The INtools installation procedure lets you define a separate
temporary tablespace for each domain. Otherwise, you can use the same
temporary tablespace for all domains. The size of the tablespace should be
increased accordingly. Contact Customer Support for the appropriate SQL

13. To create a separate temporary tablespace for this domain, select the Use domain
temporary tablespace check box to make three additional fields available for editing.

14. To define the domain temporary tablespace data, accept the given default values or
modify them as needed. You can use any alphanumeric values without spaces between
them. The temporary tablespace size is recommended to be 50% of the index
tablespace size.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 67


• It is recommended that the domain datafile and the domain index datafile are
stored on separate physical disks.

15. Click OK to start the initialization process.


• After completing the initialization process, it is strongly recommended that you

update the current database statistics for the initialized domain. Updating
statistics improves the database performance. For details, see the User Guide,
Administration Module, Updating Statistics on Oracle.


• If INtools detects a domain whose initialization process has failed, an

appropriate message is displayed prompting you to delete that domain before
initializing a new one. See Deleting an Invalid Domain on page 72 to learn how
to delete a domain that was not initialized successfully.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 68

Initializing an INtools Domain in Oracle from an Existing INtools Domain

To initialize a domain in Oracle from an existing domain, you can use one of the following
• Back up the source domain from Oracle or SQL Server in a WATCOM database, and
then initialize the domain in Oracle. To learn how to back up a domain, see User’s
Guide, Administration Module, Backing up a Domain.
• Initialize a domain in Oracle from an existing domain in Oracle directly, without using a
WATCOM database as an intermediate platform.


• When initializing a domain from a source domain, we recommend that you

run the DB Checker utility for the source domain before starting the
initialization process.

To initialize a domain in Oracle from an existing INtools domain

1. Open the Initialize dialog box and make the target domain definitions. (You need to
repeat steps 1 through 9 of the procedure described on page 65.)

2. In the Initialize dialog box, click Source to create a new domain using data from an
existing database.

3. In the Source Data Connection dialog box, from the Database type list, select one of
the following:
• Sybase SQL Anywhere (WATCOM) — select if you have a domain created or backed
up in WATCOM and then, beside the Database file name and path field, click
Browse to navigate to the source .db file.
• Oracle — select the required Oracle version to initialize the new domain from another
domain that exists in your Oracle database.


• The source INtools database must be of the same version as your current
INtools database (the database where you create the new domain).

4. Change the Admin schema database user name and password if needed or accept the
displayed defaults. For more information about INtools database users, see Appendix D,
INtools Database Technical Review, Login Data and Database Connection Security in
this Installation Guide.

5. Click Connect to connect to the selected source database.

6. From the Domain list, select a domain to be used as a source for the initialization.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 69

7. Select the Copy INtools users to target domain if you want to copy all the existing
INtools user definitions to the new domain.

8. Select the Copy departments to target domain if you want to copy all the existing
INtools department definitions to the new domain

9. In the Source Data Connection dialog box, click OK.

10. In the Initialize dialog box, click OK to start the initialization procedure.


• If you selected Oracle as your source database type, clicking OK in the

Initialize dialog box opens the Domain Tablespace Definition dialog box,
where you can define the tablespace data of the domain for initialization.
Complete the procedure from step 10 on page 66.


• After completing the initialization process, it is strongly recommended that you

update the current database statistics for the initialized domain. Updating
statistics improves the database performance. For details, see User’s Guide,
Administration Module, Updating Statistics on Oracle.

You have successfully initialized your INtools domains. See the following procedure to learn
how to continue the domain creation procedure by associating a new domain with INtools.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 70

Associating a Domain
Domain association is the second stage of the domain creation procedure in INtools. The
INtools System Administrator can associate a domain with INtools after the domain
initialization is complete.


• Before you can associate a new domain, you must initialize it as described on
page 61. A domain that has been initialized from a source database does not
require association.

To associate a domain

1. Log on to the Administration module as System Administrator and do one of the

• On the File menu, click Domain Definition.

• Click .

2. In the Domain Definition dialog box, from the Domain list, select the domain you want
to associate with INtools.

3. In the Number data field, type a unique domain number.

4. In the Description box, type the domain description, if required.

5. From the Standard list, select the appropriate naming convention standard.


• You cannot change the naming convention standard after you assign the
naming conventions to the first unit. See User’s Guide, Administration
Module, Domain Administration, Naming Conventions to learn more about
the standards supported in INtools.

6. From the Administrator list, select Domain.

7. Set the domain features as you require. For details, see User’s Guide, Administration
Module, System Administration, Setting Domain Features.

8. Click to associate the domain in the database with INtools.

9. Click to save the new domain settings to the INtools database. The Domain section
of the window becomes unavailable.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 71

10. Click to modify the domain data after you have saved it to the INtools database. The
Domain section of the window becomes available.


• If the version of the domain schema you selected in step 2 is different from
the Admin schema version, you need to upgrade your domain schema by
clicking and performing the update procedure. See Installation Guide,
Upgrading INtools to learn more about the upgrade procedure.

11. Click to close the Domain Definition dialog box and return to the INtools System
Administration window.
INtools 6.0 – Installing INtools on Oracle 72

Deleting an Invalid Domain

If an initialization process fails to complete, this domain becomes invalid. The INtools System
Administrator has to delete it before initializing a new one. When trying to initialize a new
domain in a database that contains an invalid domain, the following message is displayed.

To delete an invalid domain

1. Start the Administration module and enter as System Administrator.

2. On the INtools System Administration menu bar, on the DBA menu, click Delete
Invalid Domain.

3. In the Delete Invalid Domain dialog box, from the Domain list, select the corrupted
domain that you want to delete. This list does not contain any items if there are no
corrupted domains in the database.


• Once you click Start, the deletion process begins and you will not be able to
stop it. The duration of the deletion process depends on the stage where the
domain initialization process failed: the later the stage at which the domain
initialization process failed, the longer it will take to delete that domain.

4. Click Start to start deletion process.

If some of the data files need to be deleted manually, the Data Files to Delete Manually
dialog box is displayed superimposed on the Delete Corrupted Domain dialog box.

5. Click Print to print the displayed file list.

6. Click Close to close the above dialog box and the Delete Corrupted Domain dialog box.
A message is displayed notifying you that the deletion process is completed successfully.

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