Date: 7 February 2021 CH ID: 730757 Sub: Zec Name: Arjay Dear Sir Dennis

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Date: 7 February 2021 CH ID: 730757 SUB: ZEC

Name: Arjay
Dear Sir Dennis,
A brilliant and heavenly day to you.
There was this phrase or saying that “New year is a new life” for everyone but I disagree
to this because every day is a new life to dealt with and every day is the day of living our lives to
the fullest. Also, each one of us has a resolution for it will serves as our guide as to what resolution
we are up to improve and will improved. For me, changing of years or the new year gives us the
inspiration and motivation to continue our lives and to pursue our dream of life, sometimes, we
may experience challenges or trials in life as we are now experiencing this pandemic but let it be
not the hindrance of achieving our dreams and pursuing what we want yet let it be a blessing from
our God whom we trust the most and letting Him do the rest as we do our parts as well.
As you can see the photo shows that
I am answering my CAPS Let or modules
which was given to me by my teachers. Due
to this pandemic our school decided to have
the modular scheme of learning as they find
it somehow the best way for the learning of
the students to continue and will not have a
school freeze. I think the said scheme suits
for us students because it is for our safety
for as we all know that the threat of COVID-
19 is still there waiting for its next prey.
Since we are not allowed to go outside or
everywhere it is my mother who gets my
modules every time when it is scheduled to
get at my school particularly from my
adviser. And it also my mother who returns
the modules to my advisers when it was
scheduled to. Since I am modular I’ll expect
that I will be writing down my answer of
piece of paper or answer sheet that my
advisers had provided for us. Sometimes we
are given a week to answer the modules or
2 to 3 weeks. Thus, if we are given a limited
time to answer the modules I answer it ahead of time so that when the time comes that it will
submit its done and it is answered already. There are times I find difficult to answer the modules
most specially the math modules because I think it there was a typographical error what I do is I
call my adviser or the subject teacher to ask about that certain number and sometime I ask for the
help of my cousin who is a BS Math student and he said that the given is typo error. After I’m
done answering my modules I do some household chores to help my mother like I feed the pig and
goat. Sometimes I do a work which I carry sacks of sands to have some earning and to somehow
help my mother. We are thankful that amidst the pandemic we are still one family and we are all
doing great and thankfully in good health.
As to my school update, the classes has started what I mean is that the sending or giving
us the modules by our teachers has started. When the modules were arrived at house I grab it do
some reading for later on it easy and fast in answering the modules. Thankfully we a just walking
distance from my school and every time there’s a schedule of getting the modules my mother just
walking to go to school early in morning.
The Unbound staffs has given us already our benefit which it the crisis intervention release
because in this time of pandemic we are all in need due to lack of work and due to some health
protocols. I am thankful to Unbound staffs because they were able to give us some financial
support and I use it to buy a sack of rice which we need the most and some groceries, vitamins to
boost our immune system and sanitizers or alcohol to keep us sanitized and safe.
What about you, sir? I hope you are okay and safe there. What do you do in this time of
pandemic? Are all ranges of age allowed already to go outside? Did the school there is face-to-
face or still in modular scheme? Are you staying with your family or are you living independently?
How did you celebrate new year? Did you celebrate with your family? Do you all strictly follow
the health protocols?
May our God Almighty shower you more blessings specially to have a good health and to
stay safe. And, may our God bless you and guide you always. Thank you and keep safe.

Your sponsored child,


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