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Entire syllabus is important but some more important topics are here

(1) Engineering Materials (8 Lectures)

Polymeric Materials : polymer composites, fibre reinforced composite -applications, Synthesis and
applications of Polylactic acid. Engineering applications of polymers

Nanomaterials : Definition of Nano, Top down bottom up approach, CNT – SWCNT and MWCNT
applications and difference. Classifications of nanomaterials with examples - One dimensional, Two
dimensional and Three dimensional nanostructured materials, optical properties.

Cement: Raw materials, manufacturing of cement, properties (settling and hardening, heat of hydration,
soundness), Types of cement, Rapid hardening, Pozzolonic cement, white cement, High Alumina Cement.

(2) Atomic and molecular structure (8 lectures)

Molecular Orbital Theory and Molecular orbital diagrams of different homo-nuclear ( H2 to C2, N2,N2+,N2-,
O2,O2-,O22-, O2+O22+, F2) and hetero-nuclear (HF,CO, CO+, NO, NO+, NO-) diatomic molecules, their
magnetic properties,stability. Pi-molecular orbital diagram of butadiene benzene and hexatriene.
Crystal field theory and the energy level diagrams for octahedral and tetrahedral complexes of transition metal
ions and their magnetic properties.
Band structure of solids and the role of doping on band structures, n and p semiconductors and their difference.

(3) Spectroscopic techniques and applications (8 lectures)

Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Electronic spectroscopy (UV visible) – Basic Principles, Lambert-Beer’s Law, Woodward-Fisher Rule for
conjugated dienes and examples.
Zeblinsky diagram-Fluorescence, phosphorescence and its applications in medicine.
Nuclear magnetic resonance – Basic Principles, Chemical Shift- definition, upfield and down the field concepts,
factors influencing chemical shift, TMS as standard , number of signals, splitting of signals.

(4) Chemical Thermodynamics and Corrosion Science (6 lectures)

Thermodynamic functions: energy, work, entropy, ethalpy and free energy and numerical based on these
thermodynamic functions –only numericals

Corrosion – Definition, why corrosion is reverse of metallurgy,

mechanism of corrosion-
dry (direct chemical attack) corrosion- Corrosion due to oxygen, Pilling bedworth rule and its applications, Wet
(electrochemical corrosion), differential aeration theory, overview of types of corrosion and preventive
measures – selection of metal and designing rules, cathodic protection.

(5) Stereochemistry and Organic Reactions (8 lectures)

Stereoisomers, configurations and symmetry & chirality, enantiomers, diastereomers, optical activity.
SN1 and SN2 reactions, Synthesis of a commonly used drug molecule such as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Paracetamol.

(6) Water Technology (6 lectures)

Impurities in natural water, hardness and alkalinity, Disadvantages of hardness i. e. sludge and scale formation,
softening of water using lime-soda, zeolite and ion-exchange method, advantages and limitations of these water
softening processes, Desalination of water using Reverse Osmosis and electrodialysis.

Minimum 6 marks and maximum 8 marks on each unit.

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