07-14-22 - Follow Up Letter To DOJ On Jan 6 - FINAL

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July 14, 2022

The Honorable Merrick B. Garland

Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530

Dear Attorney General Garland:

On October 5, 2021, we wrote to you requesting information on the Department of

Justice’s investigations related to the events on January 6th, including the release of surveillance
and other related footage. Nine months later, we have yet to receive a response from your office.
We write to you today to renew our request for increased transparency from the Department.

Since we last wrote to you, we continue to hear from our constituents about their growing
concern with the Department’s apparent failure to release the aforementioned video footage.
Constituents on both sides of the political aisle have requested to be able to view the footage for
themselves. The Department’s release of selective footage, however, has made this impossible.
Additionally, some question how we can start to have public hearings here in Congress without
all available footage being first released to public. Yet, here we are weeks later as the Select
Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol continues its
hearings and with it only limited and carefully selected footage has been displayed during its
public hearings. Many Americans question why their government, and the Department in
particular, has been so selective in its release of footage. We believe all Americans, including
Members of Congress, the media, and the public at-large, should be able to view footage from
January 6th that the Department has in its possession.

As Members of Congress who seek to conduct proper oversight of the Department’s

investigations related to January 6th, we are likewise concerned with the Department’s lack of
transparency and failure to respond to our initial request for information, especially on a matter
of such significance. We request a response to our October 5, 2021 letter and the following
questions no later than August 4, 2022.

1. To date, what percentage of body camera, surveillance camera, and any other footage
related to the events surrounding January 6th in the Department’s possession has it
released to the public?

2. After more than a year and a half since January 6th, why has the Department not released
all relevant body camera, surveillance camera, and any other footage related to the events
surrounding January 6th to the public?
3. When does the Department intend to release the remainder of all relevant body camera,
surveillance camera, and any other footage related to the events surrounding January 6th
to the public?

a. If the Department does not intend to release all remaining footage, what is the
Department’s justification for this lack of transparency?

It continues to be our hope that all Americans have faith in our systems of government,
including our criminal justice and judicial system. For this reason, it is imperative that the
Department adequately respond to our requests in timely manner.

We look forward to your response.


Glenn Grothman Louie Gohmert

Member of Congress Member of Congress

Ralph Norman
Member of Congress

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