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Intermediate Unit test 8

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Underline the correct alternative. 4 Match 1–6 with a)–f).
1 I love –/the cats, but I wouldn’t like to have a/the 1 Since we moved house, we’ve got c
dog. 2 The noise of the cars at night gets
2 A/An city I’d really like to visit is the/– Budapest 3 When my neighbour invited me
in Hungary. 4 Judi’s settling in well at school and
3 Is that a/the girl who lives in the/a flat next to is making
yours? 5 Jane was only trying to be friendly,
4 We saw the/a beautiful house in a/the South of but Ben told her to mind
France but it didn’t have the/a very big garden. 6 I think I’m lucky as I get on

7 a) friends with some of her classmates.

b) her own business.
c) to know quite a few of our neighbours.
2 Find and correct the mistakes. Tick () the
d) over for tea and cake, I couldn’t say no.
correct sentences.
e) well with most people I work with, which makes
1 The secret of a healthy life is to walk a lots and eat every day enjoyable.
a little bit of everything. f) on my nerves and it can be really hard getting to
2 Unfortunately, no of the people working at the sleep.
station understood English and I only knew a bit
of Italian. 5
3 I’ve read a few of his science fiction novels but
not all of them. 5 Complete the sentences with the words in the
4 Don’t worry. You won’t miss your flight. We’ve box. There are two extra words you do not
got plenty time to get to the airport. need.
5 If you want some help, give Colin a call. He will
car estate house market shop
help you in any of way he can.
shopping streets traffic
6 Simon’s problem is that he eats too many cakes
and enough fruit.
7 All of the students in my class are really friendly 1 Every Saturday afternoon my mum goes to the
and we often spend a lot of time together at local outdoor market to buy fruit and vegetables
weekends. for the week.
2 Hugo is very happy because he’s just bought a
semi-detached five minutes away
from where he works.
3 Did you know that a new industrial is
3 Complete the sentences with a relative being built on the edge of the city?
pronoun. 4 The lights seemed to stay red for a
very long time. It was rather frustrating as I was
1 He doesn’t get enough exercise, which
late for work.
explains why he’s always so tired.
5 Before we left the airport we went to the duty-free
2 Is he the man son is working in Seattle?
to buy some perfume for my aunt.
3 That’s the restaurant we went for my
6 If you have never driven in this city before, it can
dad’s birthday.
be quite confusing as there are a lot of one-way
4 My cousin, lives in Scotland, has invited
us to her new house next month.
5 Many people use the internet for more than three
hours a day, can cause stress.
6 In this photo, you can see the exact moment
they won the match.
7 Our hotel in Las Vegas, had 24-hour
room service, had over 1000 bedrooms!
8 When I was in London, I met an artist
painting of the Queen was displayed in the
National Portrait Gallery.

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Intermediate Unit test 8

6 Complete the words related to the internet.
8 Complete the conversation with the words and
1 For me, the best way to book a holiday is through phrases in the box. There are two phrases you
an online travel site. It’s so quick and easy to do do not need.
these days.
2 Almost everyone who looks for information online Can you all right I didn’t realise you
uses s e to direct them to the I need to If I were Is it OK No problem
best sites. something wrong Sorry about that
3 Demi spends hours on s n sort it out What should I Yes, of course
s writing messages to her friends and you should You’d better not
commenting on their posts.
4 Before Niara buys any electrical product, she 1 A: 1 Sorry about that, I didn’t know that we
always goes to r s to see what shouldn’t talk business during the meal.
scores people have given the products she’s B: That’s 2 all right. I don’t think Guilherme
interested in. minded too much, although in Brazil it’s not
5 Elisa spent most of the weekend creating a always a polite thing to do.
p h of her own so she could 2 A: My apologies. 3 were on the
share facts about herself. phone. I can come back later.
6 After being single for many years, Jeff decided to B: 4 come back in half an hour?
join a few d s . It didn’t take 3 A: Did I do 5 ?
him long to find a girlfriend. B: Don’t worry about it. We can 6 .
Just remember that in Italy people don’t usually
5 use first names when doing business.
4 A: Do 7 take my shoes off before I
enter Miki and Isamu’s house?
7 Underline the correct answer, a), b) or c).
B: Yes, 8 . In Japan, people leave
1 You look like you’ve had a long day. Why don’t their shoes in their hallway and point the toes of
you b your feet up and I’ll go and make us a them towards the entrance. You will probably be
lovely cup of tea. given a pair of slippers to wear inside their home.
a) have b) put c) make 5 A: 9 do if they give me a present?
2 When I told my cousin to ‘ herself at home’ B: 10 you, I’d open it and then smile
the last time she visited me, I didn’t expect her to and thank them.
call her parents in America everyday. 6 A: 11 if I take Natalya some flowers?
a) have b) make c) be B: 12 but don’t take her yellow ones,
3 Paul told us to ourselves to anything in the as in Russia this means you are going to end the
fridge if we got hungry while he was at work. relationship.
a) help b) take c) make
4 Peter knew it was going to be bad news when his 10
boss invited him into his office and told him to
a seat. Total: 50
a) need b) make c) have
5 You’ll have to the mess, I’ve had my
sister’s children with me all weekend.
a) forget b) excuse c) apologise
6 When Isabelle asked if she could borrow my car
for the evening, I told her to my guest as I
knew she’d look after it.
a) make b) offer c) be

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Intermediate Unit test 8

Unit test 8
1: 2 A, – 3 the, the 4 a, the, a
2: 2 no none 3  4 plenty of time
5 any of 6 not enough 7 
3: 2 whose 3 where 4 who 5 which
6 when 7 which 8 whose
4: 2 f) 3 d) 4 a) 5 b) 6 e)
5: 2 house 3 estate 4 traffic 5 shop
6 streets
6: 2 search engines
3 social networking sites
4 rating sites
5 personal homepage
6 dating sites
7: 2 b) 3 a) 4 c) 5 b) 6 c)
8: 3 I didn’t realise you 4 Can you
5 something wrong 6 sort it out
7 I need to 8 you should
9 What should I 10 If I were
11 Is it OK 12 Yes, of course

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