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product information

features of the service

identification of material environmental impacts, including carbon, water, waste, metals and chemicals secure online portal to collect, standardise and validate data from global operating sites Quantification of environmental impacts, compared to the sector benchmark comparison of direct and supply chain environmental impacts, compared to the sector benchmark calculation of environmental costs for direct and supply chain environmental impacts advice on most efficient environmental impact reduction opportunities environmental footprint reported in line with your specific reporting standard

environmenTal fooTprinT
Trucosts Environmental Footprints enable organisations to efficiently measure, report and manage material environmental impacts across multiple operating sites, including carbon, water, waste, metals and chemicals. THe cHallenge Environmental issues such as polluter pays regulation and natural resource availability, combined with the cost saving opportunities that environmental impact reduction programmes offer, are making it critical for organisations to measure, report and manage their environmental impacts. But identifying material environmental impacts, collecting, standardising and validating data across multiple operating sites, applying the appropriate conversion factors, reporting in line with global reporting standards and identifying effective reduction strategies, can be a significant challenge. THe soluTion: environmenTal fooTprinT Trucosts Environmental Footprints provide a uniquely fast and cost effective approach to environmental impact management, by calculating environmental impact data from routinely maintained business and expenditure information. With the worlds most comprehensive data on corporate environmental impacts, Trucost can immediately identify your organisations material environmental impacts. The Trucost process then supports your organisation in providing information about your environmental impacts across discrete operating sites through a secure online data collection portal. Trucost experts then standardise and validate collected data and deliver a footprint report that outlines your environmental footprint in a format that meets your specific reporting needs. The Trucost Environmental Footprint Report also identifies the most efficient environmental impact reduction opportunities for your operations and outlines how your performance compares to your sector benchmark, across your own operations and your supply chain.

Energy Use per Unit of Output

Sample Company

5.00 4.50 Energy Use per Unit of Output 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 uK & ireland EuropeSouth cemea usa AsiaPacific latam

conTacT TrucosT uK & inTernaTional +44 (0) 20 7160 9800 norTH america +1 800 402 8774

product information
Working with Trucost has enabled us to measure our global environmental footprint and effectively manage associated business risks. Trucost has provided us with recommendations to improve our environmental performance to cut our operating costs and to improve the efficiency of our business units. gaTegroup
THe benefiTs: environmenTal fooTprinTs Trucosts Environmental Footprints enable organisations to efficiently manage the environmental impacts from their own operations by: Understanding which environmental impacts are material Calculating and validating environmental impacts across multiple operating sites Reporting environmental impacts in line with any reporting standard Identifying the most efficient environmental impact reduction opportunities Monitoring the success of environmental impact reduction programmes Understanding how your performance compares to your sector benchmark across your own operations and your supply chain

15 Least Intensive Units in Terms of Energy Consumption

Sample Company
Unit Region Energy Intensity (MWh per employee) Regional Average (MWh per employee) Estimated electricty costs as percentage of operating costs 1.3% 1.2% 3.5% 0.7% 2.1% 0.8% 0.6% 1.2% 1.9% 0.1% <0.1% 1.0% 2.0% 1.6% 0.1%

We chose to work with Trucost because of their unrivalled experience in environmental impact measurement and reduction. Trucost provided us with an excellent online data management tool to enable consistent measurement across our multilingual sites and provide a baseline to assess our environmental impact going forward. mecom

Dallas Fort Worth Barcelona Shanghai Cancun MAASA San Diego Dublin Munich Atlanta 1001 Newark Dusseldorf 2 Mexico City MAASA Los Angeles

USA Europe South Asia Pacific LatAm USA UK & Ireland CEMEA USA USA CEMEA LatAm USA USA USA Europe South

15.3 15.3 14.1 13.5 13.1 13.0 12.8 12.8 12.5 11.8 10.3 10.1 9.7 6.6 4.9

37.1 14.8 32.7 27.6 37.1 23.2 26.7 37.1 37.1 26.7 27.6 37.1 37.1 37.1 14.8

Early in the process, we became aware of unexpected spin-offs from our work with Trucost. The analysis would alert us to anomalous consumption at certain cost centres, saving us large sums once we found the causes. loK nsTore lTd

Atlanta 1003 Fort Lauderdale 1907 Madrid (Air Cater)

wHy cHoose TrucosT daTa? experienced: Trucost analyses the environmental reporting and disclosures of 4,000 companies annually. expert: Trucost was commissioned by UK Government to write its environmental reporting guidelines for business. data: Trucost holds the worlds most comprehensive data on corporate environmental impacts and is a gold Carbon Disclosure Project partner. cost effective: Trucost guarantees to be the most cost effective provider of like-for-like environmental reporting services.

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