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 What is a Computer?

- Is a device of performing computations

and making logical decisions at speeds millions
and even billions of times faster than those of
human beings can.
- process data under the control of sets of
instructions called computer Program, these
programs guide through orderly sets of actions
that are specified by individuals known as
computer programmer.
◦ It is an electronic device which consists of several
components that together provide the capability of
executing a stored program.
◦ Computers are machines that perform tasks or
calculations according to a set of instructions, or
programs. The first fully electronic computers,
introduced in the 1940s, were huge machines that
required teams of people to operate. Compared to
those early machines, today's computers are
amazing. Not only are they thousands of times faster,
they can fit on your desk, in your lap, or even in your
◦ It performs four basic functions such as input,
process, storage and output.
 Computers work through an interaction of
hardware and software. Hardware refers to
the parts of a computer that you can see and
touch, including the case and everything
inside it. The most important piece of
hardware is a tiny rectangular chip inside
your computer called the microprocessor. It's
the "brain" of your computer—the part that
translates instructions and performs
calculations. Hardware items such as your
monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, and other
items are often called hardware devices, or
 Software refers to the instructions, or
programs, that tell the hardware what to do.
A word processing program that you can use
to write letters on your computer is a type of
software. The operating system (OS) is
software that manages your computer and
the devices connected to it. Two well-known
operating systems are Windows and
Macintosh operating system. Your computer
uses the Windows operating system.
 It is a machine
◦ It is an inanimate object
◦ It needs outside intervention for it to run
◦ It can only do things for which it was
 It is electronic
◦ It is made up of electronic circuits
◦ It runs on electrical energy
 It has memory
◦ It has capacity to remember what it has
◦ It can store instruction in its memory
 It has logic functions
◦ It can be given instructions which tell what
it must do and how it must do
◦ It can produce results upon completion of
these instruction
 It is automatic
◦ Once started, it continues to run without
outside intervention
 It can manipulate data
◦ Following specific rules, it can perform
arithmetic functions
◦ It can compare data
Limitations of
 Computer have the ability to perform
arithmetic and logical operations.
 Computer have the ability to store or
remember a great amount and variety of
information and retrieve or recall the
information needed almost instantly.
 Computer have the ability to handle large
volumes of repetitive task accurately over
long periods of time.
 Computer have the ability to communicate
with its operators and other machines .
• The computer functions only when input data
and the necessary instructions to process the
information have been provided by a human
• It can detect but generally cannot correct an
inaccurate entry by itself.
• It is subject to occasional breakdown or
computer malfunctions because of power
failures, computer failures, humidity,
temperature, maintenance time, etc.


 Input Devices –
allows users to input data for processing.
 Storage Devices –
where the processed information are
 Central Processing Unit –
which interprets and executes data or
 Output Devices –
where the outcomes are displayed.

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