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 Through the years, Computer have evolved

from one of a kind machine to a mass

produced equipment. To distinguish one
computer or group of computers from the
rest, classifications were made based on
different criteria. Some of these
classification are as follows:
1. According to Age and Component generation
2. According to Operations
3. According to Design
4. According to Application
5. According to Size
The evolution of computers is considered
in terms of generations. Each generation is
marked with the use of a different component
and changes in size, reliability, storage
capacity, cost, processing speed, speed,
power requirement, software development,
and hardware developments.
 Computer can also be classified
according to the operations it can
1. Digital Operations
2. Analog Operation
 Analog computer operate by
measuring continuous physical or
electrical magnitudes such as
pressure, temperature, current,
voltages, length or shaft
 A computer that stores data in terms of digits
(numbers) and proceeds in discrete steps
from one state to the next. The states of a
digital computer typically involve binary digits
which may take the form of the presence or
absence of magnetic markers in a storage
medium, on-off switches or relays. In digital
computers, even letters, words and whole
texts are represented digitally.
 Computers can also be classified
according to design, its ability to
perform a variety or specific
1. General Purpose Computers
2. Special Purpose Computer
 Designed to perform a variety of operations
by simply changing instructions. It has the
versatility to make possible the processing of
diversified tasks such as payroll, banking,
sales analysis, billing, cost accounting,
manufacturing, schedules and inventory
 Built
for a specific operation and
usually satisfies the needs for a
particular type of problem. It lacks
versatility but its specialization
results in the given tasks being
performed economically, quickly
and efficiently.
 In terms of application, Computer are
categorized as Scientific or Business
depending on the sophistication of
mathematical manipulation it can handle.
1. Scientific Computer
2. Business Computer
 Can manipulate numbers according to
sophisticated formulas and keep track of the
result to several decimal places.
 Computers that usually Handle large volumes
of data for input, perform simple calculations
like addition, and subtraction and print vast
number of reports.
 In terms of size, computers may be classified
into three categories, namely:
1. Mainframe
2. Minicomputer
3. microcomputer
 A very large and expensive computer capable
of supporting hundreds, or even thousands,
of users simultaneously.
 A multi-user computer designed to meet the
needs of a small company. It is less powerful
that a mainframe but powerful than
 A small computer which is usually used by
one person at a time. Sometimes referred to
as a desktop computer.
 The personal computer, or PC, is designed to
be used by one person at a time. This section
describes the various kinds of personal
computers: desktops, laptops, handheld
computers, and Tablet PCs.
 Desktop computers are designed for use at a desk
or table. They are typically larger and more
powerful than other types of personal computers.
Desktop computers are made up of separate
components. The main component, called the
system unit, is usually a rectangular case that sits
on or underneath a desk. Other components, such
as the monitor, mouse, and keyboard, connect to
the system unit.
 Laptop computers are lightweight mobile PCs with
a thin screen. They are often called notebook
computers because of their small size. Laptops can
operate on batteries, so you can take them
anywhere. Unlike desktops, laptops combine the
CPU, screen, and keyboard in a single case. The
screen folds down onto the keyboard when not in
 Handheld computers, also called personal digital
assistants (PDAs), are battery-powered computers
small enough to carry almost anywhere. Although
not as powerful as desktops or laptops, handhelds
are useful for scheduling appointments, storing
addresses and phone numbers, and playing games.
Some have more advanced capabilities, such as
making telephone calls or accessing the Internet.
Instead of keyboards, handhelds have touch
screens that you use with your finger or a stylus (a
pen-shaped pointing tool).
 Tablet PCs are mobile PCs that combine
features of laptops and handhelds. Like
laptops, they're powerful and have a built-in
screen. Like handhelds, they allow you to write
notes or draw pictures on the screen, usually
with a tablet pen instead of a stylus. They can
also convert your handwriting into typed text.
Some Tablet PCs are “convertibles” with a
screen that swivels and unfolds to reveal a
keyboard underneath.
 What is data?
◦ Is define as a collection of independent
raw facts, collections of numbers,
letters, symbols and any combinations
of these that provide the necessary
requirements of a system to achieve a
◦ Also refers to facts and figures, relating
to events that take place. It likewise,
may refer to things “known”.
 What is Information?
◦Is data that is made
meaningful based on the
needs of the user through
manipulation. Refers to
facts or knowledge
acquired in any manner.
Type of information
1. Operational – information pertaining to the daily
details that go into running an organization.
2. Management – information needed to perform the
functions of planning, organizing, directing and
controlling. Such information include those
coming from external sources
3. Strategic – information that is mission critical and
relates directly with the thrust of the organization
or the bigger organization required to act in
accordance with the environment, market or
Quality of Information
1. Relevant – all of the information
supplied must be important to the
person receiving/using it.
2. Complete – No vital information
should be missed out
3. Timely – information must be
available when time of needed arises.
4. Accurate – correctness or validity of
information is necessary because no sound
decision is made on poor information.
5. Presentable – understandability of
information is a function of presentation.
Managers will take in more information if
these are understandable.
6. Cost Effective – it is expensive to collect and
process data and as such only essential data
processing should be carried out.

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