Practice Research 1234

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Modular Distance learning Modality:

Challenges and Opportunities of teachers

Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Grade 11

Renmar Cutillas
Maureen Tipudan
Lovely Mae Villamor
John Revned Parantar
Mico Masabnig
Angelo Villocillo
Chapter 1

Education has a significant impact on the lives of students. . Teachers
are one of the most important instrument in delivering high-quality learning
in this process. Many changes occurred in the educational scene as a result of
the introduction of COVID-19 in the Philippines. One of these is the
department of education's implementation of a new form of instruction. The
present of COVID-19 pandemic, Most educational system have been forced to
seek alternatives to face-to-face teaching and learning. Many educational
system have transferred activities online in order to continue teaching despite
school closures ( Mathias Cormann, 2020). The shift in school teaching-
learning delivery to modular Distance learning made the delivery of
fundamental quality education more difficult for school personnel. That is why
authorities in the Department of Education ( DepEd ) are constantly looking
for ways to solve difficulties are train teachers and school administrator to be
more effective in the field of modular learning ( Bagood, 2020 ).

While copies of the modules not available, teachers participants create

their own learning materials to deliver to students for the content and
materials. When it comes to learning preparation, teachers have a “ Myriad of
Challenges “. Teachers are often challenged by students limited resources and
uncooperative parents ( Abante, 2021 ). This shift in instrument not only
causes difficulties for students, but also for teachers who play an important
role in the new educational system. Another problem that a teacher faces is
the usefulness of the visuals offered in modules when they are copied,
especially since some typographical errors have been discovered on the
modules provided to students. The study's findings are in agreement ( Galano,
2021 ). It was also discovered that teachers have issues with material
preparation ( weekly home learning plan, learning activity sheet, modules,
packaging ).
The purpose of the study was to explore the Opportunities and
challenges that teachers have when using modular Distance learning in the
face of the pandemic, as well as how teachers deal with these Opportunities
and Challenges. To summarize, teacher's coping mechanism include times
management, innovation in teaching strategies, and adjusting to educational
change ( Castroverde, 2021). This research also identifies the Opportunities
and challenges that teachers have while using the Modular Distance learning
Modality. The transition from traditional classroom teaching to modular
Distance learning has made basic educational delivery made more difficult for
schools personnel ( Mathias Cormann, 2020 ).

This study aims to identify the challenges and Opportunities faced by

teachers when using modular Distance learning education in order to extract
the common as well as unique experiences of teachers and recommended
appropriate aids to ensure maximum learning among students. It also aims to
extract important themes from teacher's experiences about learning
preparation, delivery, and assessment ( Paspasan, 2015 ).

Purpose of study
The purpose of this study is to determine the Challenges and Opportunities
encountered by teachers in the use of modular Distance learning Modality. It is
use to aimed and to identify the Challenges and Opportunities of teachers in
the use of modular Distance learning. This study shows how the teachers cope
these Opportunities and Challenges they've been experienced. .

Research question
1. What are the challenges and Opportunities you have encountered in
modular Distance learning?
2. How did you handle those challenges have you encountered?
3. How did you apply those Opportunities you have encountered in
teaching learning personnel?
Chapter 2
Review of related literature

Coping mechanism
Teachers Encountered numerous challenges posted by the COVID-19
outbreak herewith, this study aimed to determine the challenges encountered
by Filipino teachers in the new normal and their coping mechanism. This study
employed a qualitative inquiry to determine the challenges encountered and
coping mechanism employed by teachers amid modular instruction, involving
10 teachers from five secondary schools in the Philippines who participated
voluntarily. Data were gathered through a written narrative from each
participant and analysed thematically. Themed finding showed that these
teachers are greatly challenged in terms of learning quality transfer, module
distribution and retrieval, students difficulties and following instruction, power
disruption, internet connection, and health risks posed by the pandemic.
Nevertheless, these teachers dealt with these difficulties by employing their
own coping techniques. Teaching can be challenging and frustrating, especially
in these difficult times, but as these teachers demonstrated, everything is
possible. Hence, educators must be ready for any situation that may arise. This
situation is unlikely to get better anytime soon; instead, teachers will need to
adjust and accept this reality (Agayon,2022).

School budgets
In spite of federal programs, such as the CARES Act , many school district
budgets have been negatively impacted by the pandemic and teachers are
worried about whether or not their district will have the funds to provide safe
and equitable learning Opportunities. They recognize that the playing field isn't
necessarily level since wealthier districts are in better position to purchase the
Personal protective equipment (PPE), devices and other supplies needed. Also,
they are reluctant to spend money for their classrooms for the new school
year because of all the uncertainties in the current climate (Ramon, 2021)
Without question, teacher's biggest concern with heading back to school is
for their own safety and the safety of their students. If school buildings open,
teachers worry about how they will safely configure their classrooms. What
will they need to provide in terms of PPE for themselves and their students?
What will happen if one their students or colleagues contracts the virus? What
if they test positive for COVID-19? Their question about safety are seemingly
endless (Lapada, 2020).

Chapter 3

This chapter explains various methodologies that were used in
gathering data and analysis which relevant to the research. The methodologies
will include such as the location of the study.

Research Design
This study descriptive Research Design as defined as a research
method that describes the characteristics of the population method that
describes the characteristic of the population that is being studied. As was
used where Data was collected from the respondents at one point in time. This
Design always focuses more on what of the research subjects (Babbie, 1990).
Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research, on the other hand typically starts with the
specific group. Type of individual of process (Bock, 2008). Qualitative Research
can be started as in depth understanding.

Sampling Design
Sampling Design as it relates to research refers to the selected of
individuals, units, and/for settings to be studied (Creswell, 2014). Purposeful/
purposive sampling is widely used in qualitative research for the identification
and selected of information (Sander et. Al, 2003).

Population and sampling

For some studies, the population may be small enough to warrant the
inclusion of all of them in the study. But a study may entail a large population
which cannot all be studied. That portion of population of the study is called a
sample of the population (Corbin, 1990). Through the use of purposive
sampling some of teachers will be respondents of this study.

Sampling Criteria
Sampling Criteria involves selecting cases that meet pre-determine
criterion of a importance (Polit, 2012). That researcher use the checklist to
come up with respondents.

Data Collection
In this study, the researchers will use questionnaires and interview as a
way of data collection.

Phase 1- Introduction
The researchers will introduce the said into the respondents and ethical
consideration That is being applied.

Phase 2- Interview
The researchers will proceed to the interview proper, to gather the
data that is needed in this study.

Phase 3- Feedback
The researchers will provide Feedback to finalized the gathered

Is a method of collecting data though asking questions between the
researchers and respondents, both structured and unstructured questions,
interview was used because they are quite flexible, adaptable and can easily
allow researchers to see to get more insight on the topic.

The Researcher
In this study, researchers will play in the interview and transcriber in
gathering data.

The Research Setting

The purpose of research is to inform action, thus, your study should
seek to contextualize its finding within the larger body of research. Research
must always be high quality in order to produce knowledge that is applicable
outside of the research setting (Kombo, 2006).
The Participants
The participants play an important factor in conducting a research. The
participants were not generally associated with concern over research ethics
but were often strongly, influenced by the attitude of the individuals
researcher involvement played a significant part in shaping their expectation
and experiences of research involvement (Given, 2006).

Tape-recording is documents that are similar to literature and, as such,
worthy objects of cultural appropriation and Criteria, tape-recording also
provide valuable data for social and cultural analysis According to (Mitchell,
2010). Tape-recording provide a Distinctive way of depicting to inner play of
voice, meaning and situation tape-recording allows us that we are listening to
another person.

Data Analysis
Data Analysis used to analyse the data which was gathered from personal interview.
According to (Moore, 2005) this is the type of research where by data gathered is
categorized in themes and sub-themes, as to be able to be comparable. A main advantage
of content analysis is that it help in data collected being reduced and simplified, while at
the same time producing results that may then measured using qualitative techniques.

Process of data Analysis

The process of data analysis is another vital factor in making research study
successfully, in analysing the quantitative data the researchers must organize the data,
identify the framework, sort data into framework in disrupted analysis and lastly use the
second order a analysis ( Gobo, 2012).

Trustworthiness is qualitative research are closely tied to the paradigmatic under
pinning of the particular discipline in which a particular investigation is conducted (Sunday,
2013). Review standard of trustworthiness that corresponds with various paradigm
underpinning quantitative research.
Trust Value
It deals with the focus of the research and refers to confidence in how
well data and processes of analysis address the intended focus and it show
confident the quantitative researchers in the truth of the research finding
(Ponterotto, 2005).

According to Polit (2001) credibility refers to the confidence of data.
Credibility is similar to internal validity in qualitative research. Credibility exist
when the research finding reflect the perceptions of the people under study.

It is the fit of the topic or the comparability of the problem that is
concern and extent the finding can be transferred to other setting or groups
and it refers to how the qualitative research demonstrates that the research
study's finding are applicable to others contexts (Gasson, 2004).

Consistency is the content to which results are consistent over time an
accurate representation of the total population under study to as reliability
and if the results the study can be reproduce under a similar methodology,
then the researcher instrument is considered to be consistent (Olivia, 2015).

It deals with the core that way in with a study is conducted should be
consistent across time. Researcher and analysis techniques (Joppe, 2000). Thus
dependability is the extent that the study could be repeated by the others
researchers and that the finding would be consistent.
Comfirmability is the degree of neutrality in the research study's
findings. In other word, this means that the findings are based on the
participants responses and not any potential bias or personal motivations of
the research (Given, 2008). It helps established that the research study's
finding accurately portray participants responses.

Criteria for Trustworthiness

Criteria for Trustworthiness in qualitative research are closely tied to
the paradigmatic underpinning of the particular discipline in which particular
investigation is conducted (Smith, 2000). It is important to consider the full
range of paradigmatic underpinning of rigor or Trustworthiness that may be
appropriate for investigation in the field.

Code-Recode Procedure
A code-recode Procedure in qualitative inquiry is must often a word or
short phrases that symbolically assigns a summative, essence-capturing,
and/or evocative attribute for portion of language-based or visual data. The
portion of the data to be coded during coding processes can range in
Magnitude from a single word to a full sentence to an entire page of text to a
stream of moving images ( Cresswell, 2007). In their revealing narrative about
coding Dellimas for a children's literacy note “ All Coding is a Judgment Call “
since we bring “ Our Subjective our personalities our predispositions, and our
spirals “ to the process.

Data Triangulation
Triangulation is powerful technique that facilitates validation of data
though cross verification from two or more sources In particular, it refers to
the application and combination of several research methods in the study of
the same phenomenon. The purpose of triangulation qualitative research is to
increase the credibility and validity or explain more fully the richness and
complexity of human behaviour by studying it from more than one standpoint
data triangulation involves time, space and person.

Literature Control
In conducting a research peer debriefing is so important. Next, is the
current trends or the results and literature Control. Socia-cultural context us
important for readers. Lastly, the summary of similarities/ Contradiction and
new insight ( Maleicane,2015).

Hence, This chapter has presented the data categories that appeared
from data analysis. Relevant literature was also presented as a control to the
research findings.

Chapter 4

This chapter presents the results of interview. It's also discuss the results of
the interview.

Q1. What are the challenges and Opportunities you have encountered in
Modular Distance learning?
Answer Categories and theme
“ As a teacher the challenges that we - Students failure to follow the schedule
commonly encounter is to deal with our set for the submission of modules.
students, one of the challenges that we - Quality time with their family.
face is when our students pass their
module late, also when they don't do the
given activities and tasks, I think one of the
opportunities that we have in distance
learning is we often stay at home and it
means we have quality time with our
family specially to bond with our children.”

Table 4.1

Areas of focus Categories and theme

What are the challenges and Opportunities -Student's failure to follow the schedule
you have encountered in Modular Distance set for the submission of modules
learning ? - quality time with their family

4.1.1 Discussions
Student's failure to follow the schedule set for the submission of modules
It can be seen teachers’ challenges in collecting the modules are associated with
students’ responsibility in complying with all the requirements specified with all the
requirements specified in their activities. The failure of students to follow the set schedule
for the submission of modules affects the teachers schedule in checking the modules as it
consumes time in checking all the outputs of the student ( Castroverde 2020).

Quality time with their family

There is no doubt that COVID-19 will have long-term mental health
implications. But forcing families to spend time together during stay-at-home, work-
at-home and virtual learning may have positive family impact..
I do not want to invalidate the struggles families are facing. They are real. Families
are dealing with extremely difficult situations that have threatened their basic need
for safety and security. However, the pandemic can allow our resilience to shine
through and show our children how to make the best of even the worst situations.   
While we are not always in control of our circumstances, we are in control of our
attitude. Within this pandemic, I have seen a lot of families dealing with stressful
situations. However, I have also seen a great deal of resilience, both by parents and
children. I have seen families adapt by eating more family dinners together,
rediscovering “old school” board games, going on family walks and taking trips to
local parks.  Thus, the situation has created an unexpected reset, allowing families to
simplify their lives in many ways (Charland 2020).

Q.2 How did you handle those challenges have you encountered?
Answer Categories and theme
“ I handle those things with smile in my -Lack of learning capacity
face, I know there's a reason why there
are some students pass their module
late, I know that some are lack of
learning capacity that's why they didn't
do some given activities and tasks. As a
teacher I should understand the situation
specially we are in Distance learning, and
I know that there's always space for
learning, So these changes that we are
facing right now is a sign we should move
forward so we can move further “

Table 4. 2
Areas of focus Categories and theme
How did you handle those challenges -Lack of learning capacity
have you encountered?

4.2.2 Discussion
Lack of learning capacity
At a time when several studies have highlighted the relationship
between sleep, learning and memory processes, an in-depth analysis of the
effects of sleep deprivation on student learning ability and academic
performance would appear to be essential. Most studies have been naturalistic
correlative investigations, where sleep schedules were correlated with school
and academic achievement. Nonetheless, some authors were able to actively
manipulate sleep in order to observe neurocognitive and behavioral
consequences, such as learning, memory capacity and school performance
(Giuseppe Curcio, 2006).

Q3. How did you apply those Opportunities you have encountered in teaching
learning personnel?
Answer Categories and theme
“ I apply that Opportunities to connect - Administrative support
with students, connection is very
important, As a teacher we are not
only here to teach, we are also here to
bond with our students, we are also
here to hear the stories of every
student, we are also motivate them.
The connection I usually do with my
children and in Distance learning is
one thing I cab apply as a teaching

Table 4.3
Areas of focus Categories and theme

How did you apply those Opportunities - Administrative support

have you encountered in teaching
learning personnel?

4.3 Discussion

Administrative support
The Administrative Support Assistant supports the general
administrative functions of a wide variety of academic or administrative units
including answering phones, greeting/referring/assisting visitors, customers,
staff, or others, preparing documents and reports, compiling records,
scheduling meetings, organizing and maintaining information, coordinating
calendars, analyzing data including budgetary expenditures, and providing
general office support (Penn State, 2003).

Agyon, A (2022) teachers in the new normal: Challenges and Coping mechanism in
Schools. International Journal and Humanities and Education Development. ( IJHED),
4 (1) 67-75.
Ramon, A (2021) challenges coping strategies and practices or tertiary faculty on using modular

Modular Distance learning in teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic.

National Journal of Current Research, 13(10), 15642-15647

Lapada, A (2020) teachers' COVID-19 awareness, Distance learning education experiences and

And perceptions towards institutional readiness and challenges.

International Journal of learning, teaching and Educational research, 19(6).


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