1595294-MEDO WarForSampa EncarteFinal

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The City

wings on Sundays and many other activities, such

Pedreira Anhanguera as concerts for the textiles employees band. Nowa-
days, few would dare enter and even night invaders
Communal Haven are barely none, it’s corridors and exhibition rooms
are now consumed by decay and degraded by rub-
Also called Vega’s Quarry, even though this pla- bish. Outside, the markings of recent bonfires and
ce belonged in a modern neighborhood, it was lair empty bottles left by moonlit parties. To get there,
to not only a quarry, but forest tracks that lead to one would have to go through a gap on a broken
ghostly abandoned installations, left over through fence among huge dumpsters near a bus station,
time. and then follow a path through the woods.

In the 30’s, entrepreneur Elysio Teixeira Leite In a glade nearby, one can see some grass co-
started it’s exploration, only to mysteriously cease vered rusty machinery. Ballast engines and cranes
it ten years later. It was then when a northeastern of the Northwest American company are rooting
man called Tomás de Mello Cruz, whose family next to the textile factory building, just as the mo-
belonged to the textile business, married Elysio’s vie theater. Through the track, one may reach the
daughter, Dona Elza. Such union led to the crea- belvedere, towering over 900 meters and viewing
tion of the nowadays known Anhanguera S.A., the whole quarry, and the reliefs of Pico do Jaraguá
with the textile factory Tecelagem Santo Eduardo and Serra da Cantareira.
adding to the production of the quarry. In the 80’s
both businesses closed their doors for good, lea- This entire complex was once the most popu-
ving behind a massive complex of abandoned fac- lar communal haven of the Sabbat, especially the
tories and warehouses. theater, all maintained by the Second Massacre
pack as a part of their Santuários Gauche. Since
In the 90’s, a renovation project began to turn their disappearing during the war the place has
the area into a place of leisure, starting with the lost its importance, being left for disgrace as
creation of the Parque Ecológico Sítio Morro a home for mortal pariahs such as home-
Grande - or Parque Pedreira as commonly known. less people, drug addicts and
Aiming to preserve the grounds green area and criminals as well as anyone
its tracks, and renovate the buildings of a church in search for a secret
and a movie theater, the project never came to be, place to perform all
being abandoned to remain closed until today. sorts of nefarious
These reforms may never be, since a subway line acts.
is being developed in the area and will probably
bring the old buildings to the ground.

The church is an enormous abandoned

construction, with cracked
walls covered in graffiti and
shattered stained glass win-
dows that add to the gothic
mood. The once refi-
ned cinema had
free public vie-
Parque do Carmo
The Parque do Carmo area was once occupied
The Park Maniac
by three tribes: itaquerus (that gave name to the
“No! No! Nobody! It was
borough, Itaquera), guaianás and caaguaçus; and Nobody! No!”
afterwards they were colonized by a portuguese
Tormented while facing
catholic organization called The Third Order of the psychia-
trists who tried to underst
the Carmo Fluminense, responsible for their for- and his motives,
the “Park Maniac” kept
ced christian conversion. As their traditions were repeating discon-
nected words when confr
completely different from the catholic ones, they onted. After the
police found more than
had to leave the area in order to protect their wel- 20 female bodies,
all raped and mutilated,
lbeing. the cops followed
many leads to finally arr
est the Maniac.
As the Order grew in dominance over the lo-
Being interrogated by
cal area, Vallarus was attracted by the opportu- several spe-
cialists and investigator
nity of offering the place to the Cretus pack since s, he always said
“Nobody was telling me
their dogmas against the religion would make it who to kill next”,
however he was menti
a perfect hunting ground. oning Nobody, a
mysterious old clown us
ually seen at Par-
que do Carmo.
Apart from the Lasombra priest of the pack,
Sycorax, other enigmatic kindred were a part of
them. The place was turned into a living night-
mare. The Malkavian antittribu known as No-
body and the diablerist Tzimisce known as “The lution made the value of coffee drop and with it
Dragon Power” took the word beasts a little too the value of those lands, forcing Bento to sell the
literally, threatening the mortal population with area.
no mercy.
The pack still has numerous domains and
During the 20’s the ghoul colonel Bento Pires havens in that area, but since no one showed up
of the pack was responsible for dividing the lands for any auctoritas ritae since Vallarus vanished
as well as attracting japanese colonizers that in 1996, it is unknown if they survived the Red
would in return expunge the portuguese catho- Moon War or the hunters. Anyhow, the Parque
lic control of the area. Their growth stopped do Carmo is still an avoided area and local cai-
around the 40’s, when the industrial revo- nites are aware that the police highly patrols the
perimeter and the park is open only until 8pm.
The Lords of the Land

Pack Order of the Centuries later, when the Cathedral was about
to be completed, she felt a call from that place,
Holy Gate being tormented by messages during her sleep.
Severina Domingues da She then revealed herself to Sycorax and Samanta
Rocha - Guardian of the and made a pact with them to use their catacombs
as her lair as long as she would be responsible for
Cathedral of Sé securing every secret down there. Unknown to
them, she brought all those tomes and kept them
Background: When the Nosferatu Clan ran inside the crypt where three remaining nosferatu
away from Constantinople during its fall taking of her expedition were inexplicably in torpor.
with them important tomes full of secrets, they
chose the isolated far away area that is now Portu- Since then, she became a notorious ally
gal. Since then, Severina was a holy guardian of a to every Archbishop of the city, protec-
monastery, having sworn to protect the lands and ting the unholy Cathedral of enemies
its knowledge. She was told her clan was in dan- and making sure every cainite atten-
ger way before others knew about it and in those ding to those important debates
tomes the salubre history and their search for the inside it would be respected
golconda must be preserved at any cost. and safe from any threat.

During the XVI century when Klaus reported After she failed to pro-
to the Emperor of portugal the success of their tect the Cathedral from the
mission, Severina was sent on a secret expedition hunters, she did not feel
with a group of Nosferatu, again being responsib- guilt as they never found the
le for the safety of those books. But once she felt treasures hidden underneath
the influence of an evil figure around Alessandro’s the place, however she finally
aura (probably Mahat), she did not trust him such realized how every Arch-
rare knowledge and instead decided to find a place bishop’s decisions may put her
to protect it. Unfortunately for her, her Nosfera- hard work under risk, so no-
tu committee was attacked, what she felt was all wadays is the right time for her
Mahat’s doing, forcing her to abandon them in or- to gather allies and become the
der to save all the tomes. next leader of São Paulo City.
Pack The
Avant Garde
O Diabo
Background: The man known as Diabo knew since
childhood he was not normal. His desire for sex, almost
an obsession, became uncontrollable even at a younger
age. When he became an adult, his addiction made his
search for new ways to satisfy his urges, always stronger
and more violent than before.

In one of those experiences he met a woman specia-

lized in a hardcore version of S&M. Instead of everyo-
ne that she had before, who cried for her to stop, Diabo
asked for more. He did not mind when she opened his
skin bare hands and touched his nerves from within. He
did not care when she touched the skin between his anus
and scrotal, prolonging his orgasm for minutes until he
could no longer breathe. He just begged for more.

For decades, he was her favorite toy and in the eve-

ning that she killed him she said he would experience
something so intense that he would never feel again.
When the blood fell on his lips, he was changed. His ad-
diction was now for a drink that meant everything for
him. Unable to feel pain or even feelings as he lear-
ned about his Path of Enlightenment, he became
very frustrated and again in search for ways to
satisfy himself.

Now that Diabo is a master of flesh and bones,

he can once more enjoy the carnal pleasures as
if he is still alive, using his addiction to blood to
spice up his old obsession for pain and relief and
as a way of feeling something in such a developed
way that even the coldest cainite can suffer in his
hands. Since Samanta became the Archbishop of
the city, he serves the dioceses by interrogating
and torturing enemies, even punishing brothers
in need of a lesson. During the war, his role was
even intensified, and it is clear that most didn’t
betray the Sword of Caine only because of the
thought of what Diablo would have done if they
got caught.
conselos he was no longer the biggest name on the
Adolfo Gunniver clan and his position was in fact being challenged.
The Wannabe Prince Adolfo just didn’t foresee the Sabbat invasion and
this is now his main concern.
Background: An adventurous young man from
the Low Countries (nowadays Netherlands), since
very early forced to take over his father’s business
Zacimba Gaba
and rule the company. As he grew old his interest
Tremere Regent of a
in politics and the power provided from it became Destroyed Chantry
his main passion.
Background: Just an ordinary wife from her
Devastated when diagnosed with a disease tribe in Kakongo, actual Cabinda in Angola, the
considered incurable back then, he decided to young Zacimba turned out to grow as a fierce wo-
build an empire for his wife and newborn son, ex- man when one by one the members of her tribe
panding his businesses and becoming notorious were slain by their rivals. Swimming between guts
among the local society. That’s when he met the in a red battlefield covered in bodies she had her
Ventrue Geertruyt Danckaert. She was kind to first vision, an image of several Gods at night also
prolong his life through her blood enough for him covered in blood, baptizing her in a dark cere-
to see his son die of the age of 27 by a terrible ac- mony as their priestess.
cident, leaving him with nothing else to hold on to
apart from his business. Zacimba then dedicated
her life to studying those
Adolfo then was embraced, to be one hundred entities and their influen-
percent dedicated to his job and to the clan. His as- ces over nature. Em-
cension in politics actually never came to happen. braced by the greek
Called by one of his childe centuries later in Brazil
for a negotiation he finally found an opportunity to
found a party and manipulate the congress. Other
childe were embraced among the natives
and soon his power among local politics
increased. It was only in the
last century when he finally
established a haven in the
city as their childe slowly
prepared his arrival.
It was a way of
informing Vas-
Tremere, Sotiria, who aspired to expand the clan’s about mysterious Tremere disappearances in Bra-
knowledge about African elementals, her ascen- zil while trying to study the spirits of these lands.
dance was slow in the pyramids as she struggled Her previous knowledge and ways of dealing with
to adapt to their severe methods and hierarchy, natives attracted Pontifex Xavier de Cincao’s at-
much because of the allegations she met Goratrix tention and soon she became a reference for those
during his trips to Africa way before he joined studying African and Indigenous culture to such
the Sabbat. Those rumours ended up hurting her extent that some may even say she is his favorite
reputation as trustworthy and obedient, virtues because of a love interest and not her own talent,
that are the base of the pyramid. From the begin- including her nomination as the Regent of Nnwe-
ning, Zacimba was seen as as traitor. re Onwe Olaedo, Minas Gerais chantry. She now
fights to build her prestige in SP and bring the clan
Her skills underused for centuries, Zacim- back to its importance.
ba only found an opportunity when she heard
The Greatest Threat
Luz Quarter ROTAs Mansion It was only when João Carniceiro declared
It’s the site that serves as base for the Tobias de his war against the Camarilla and the city of São
Aguiar Ostensive Patrolling (Portuguese initials: Paulo found itself drowning in a wave of violence
ROTA), the biggest Military Police battalion in that the supernatural beings could see true po-
Brazil. Its building is a perfect square, measuring wer and strength hidden between the walls of the
84 metres on each side. The premises also con- ROTA’s Mansion. Carniceiro himself made a few
tain underground tunnels that go around the pe- attempts of direct attack to the place and in all of
rimeter, that were used by policemen since 1932 them was very close to his final death before ma-
as passage to other quarters and parks in the area. naging to escape from the well prepared defense
from the policemen working there.
From its founding, the place suffered from
many attempts for control and influence from After 2015, The Luz’ Quarter grew even more,
vampires that arrived in town, but none ever clai- gaining more investments from both the gover-
med such acquisition. Because of that, the place nment and the private initiative, becoming a
remained unscathed by any sort of interference centre of world reference on urban defence and
from cainite interests and ended up off the radar crisis contention.
for decades.
o V i l l a z - H u n t er Mastermind
Matheus Cout ce between the Emba
e allian
e main symbol of th ss to their
Mi lita ry co up of 1964, a man was th go ti at ed wi th Americans acce
During the . Ma th eu s Co ut o ne in th e communism
St at es an d the plotters y, fe ar in g Br azil would jo a
of the Un it ed
American Presiden
t John F. Ke nn ed on and establish
ll ig en ce as th e fo rm at io n to de feat the oppositi
inte ivileged in
, was offering pr
supported by Cuba
military dictator d built a secret
in re so ur ce to the armies an le,
ier General Matheu
s beca me a ma bay. During his ro
Since then, Brigad d ma in ta in th ei r rebel enemies at curt ai ns . Ye ar
cy to feed dictat
ors an behind the
intelligence agen at ed ab ou t my st erious influences th e fr ee ma so ns an d
ly un fo ld ed an d also was educ es ru li ng th e world such as se ra bl y
he slow e of conspira ci squerade, mi
ye ar he un de rstood the existenc ou gh t wa s co rr ec t: to break the ma wa s ca ug ht
by he th ved daught er
decided to do what unately, his belo
illuminati. He then ful ac ts of re taliation. Unfort th en even further.
ing aw crusade agains t
failing and receiv r, fu elin g hi s
rsed as a monste
in that web and cu e and had to use
the last
was fo rc ed to vanish for a whil bj ec t. He became
over in 1985, he his main su
When the coup was work . Bu t th os e creatures became tact ic al su pp or t and
up hi s sl ee ve to get back to , be gi nn in g hi s hunt through ga me star-
card portance is dangerous
r supremacy and im out the enemy. Th
obsessed with thei more in fo rm at io n ab
s actually ca rr ie d on with
ork in search for retire, but Matheu
expanding his netw fo rc in g hi m to
connects to an ultr a hi gh tech
at tr ac t un wa nt ed attention, er . Fr om ho me he ei ng field
ted to ise than ev ces, overse
s du ty, mo re ex perienced and prec se ar ch fo r su pe rn atural interferen
hi ta in
analyses police da er organization.
safe network and real mast er mi nd behind the hunt
ing th e
operations and be ctive as he would
ly on e, on ly he is the most effe tities
does not imply he
is th e on l of unknown iden
Being a mastermind or mi ng ex ac tl y the same duty, al to a my st erious
He kn ow s others are perf so me ti me s has to report
like to thin k. e last deca de . He of Brazil, but
ca ti on s, si nc e he left the offic be li ev e is in Brasilia, Capital
and lo is led to
uctor”, someone he
nickname “The Cond te.
that can also be
M.E.D.O. Project
Between Day and Night, between Life and
Death, there is everything we create!
In order to unite great stories and give space for
the most diverse creative minds to create, M.E.D.O
Project arises.
Inspired on the universe created by White Wolf,
we developed a world with Vampires, Werewol-
ves and other Supernatural Creatures who interact
with each other in a chaotic, mysterious and violent
Beside our Players, Plot Conductors perform
collectively the constant response of our scenario,
creating characters, representations and dramatic
situations that enrich the Creative Universe in order
to contribute for the constant growth of the multiple
dimensions of M.E.D.O.
Different platforms are used as stage to tell
those stories, it can either be in face-to-face pla-
yer’s gatherings, or on WhatsApp conversations,
e-mail, our website and in events we organize.
We have gathered all of the content developed in our
game sessions to promote them in the form of tales,
graphic novels and books, allowing therefore such
“creative sculptures” to reach horizons that go way
beyond our group.
Composed of different minds, with experience
in the most diverse areas, we joined passions and
will to make of M.E.D.O Project a Brazilian miles-
tone in terms of adult content creation, focused on
terror, drama, conflict and overcomings.
To be a part of M.E.D.O Project, live our games
and write these stories with us, access our website
and contact us!
This booklet is a publicity piece for
the book War For São Paulo - Cainites
and Other Sinners, scheduled to be re-
leased in January 2019.

Created by:
Ro “Tico” Amadeu
Henrique “Aquele Que Cria” Dias
Ivan Barbieri
Marcus” Dieckmann
Alexandre “Taz” Freitas

Revised and Translated by:

Georgia “Ge” Amorim
Ravena “Ravis” Solha

Edited by:
Ro “Tico” Amadeu
Marcus Dieckmann
Henrique “Aquele Que Cria” Dias

Diagrammed by:
Fausto “Ancião” de Francesco
Henrique “Aquele Que Cria” Dias
Denon “Gold Lion” Oliveira

Art Director:
Henrique “Aquele Que Cria” Dias

Graphic Novel by:

Ricardo “Rock” Alves

Access the Portal and learn more:


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