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2019 Value Creators Report

Philip Evans, Hady Farag, Gerry Hansell, Ryoji Kimura, Jeff Kotzen, Ed Newman,
Eric Olsen, Alexander Roos, and Eric Wick

M eet the superincumbents: compa-

nies with high market share, enviable
margins, and big profits. More and more
same, but new competitors are changing
how the game is played.

superincumbents sit atop industries that

cover a wide swath of the economy—air- Industry Concentration
line, banking, consumer goods, energy, Spurred by a tight focus on maximizing
entertainment, pharmaceuticals, and retail, shareholder wealth, successful corporations
to name but a few. Superincumbents face a have rationalized, reengineered, and out-
double-barreled dilemma. Despite prodi- sourced their operations; enlarged their
gious cash flows, they struggle to reinvest market share organically; and bought out
at returns that they find attractive. At the their competitors. The result: increasing
same time, their rich profit pools are the concentration and an explosion in profits
targets of digital insurgents whose new and stock market valuation for the survi-
business models superincumbents have a vors. (See Exhibit 1.)
hard time emulating.
The problem, for individual companies
We have long argued—as recently as last and for the economy as a whole, is growth.
year—that the principles of value crea- In recent years, corporate-revenue growth
tion are timeless. Yet, the current environ- has rarely exceeded the low single digits;
ment presents an unprecedented paradox: even some high-tech markets are saturat-
record-high corporate profitability amidst ed. Industry concentration renders further
all-time-low interest rates, conditions that gains in market share difficult and the ac-
have led to record stock valuations but also quisition of related businesses nearly im-
ensure that abundant capital is available possible because of antitrust concerns. For
for funding disruptive insurgents. Superin- big public companies, the acquisition of
cumbents must find new ways to compete. unrelated businesses is frowned on by in-
The rules of value creation may be the vestors because they believe that they can
Exhibit 1 | US Corporate Profits Explode as Concentration Increases
After-tax profits ($billions) Industry concentration (%)

2,000 50
1,500 40 Utilities and transport
1,000 30 Wholesale trade

500 20

Recessions Services
0 10
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017

Sources: US Bureau of Economic Analysis; Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis, Corporate Profits; David Autor et al, “The Fall of the Labor
Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, October 2019.
Note: Industry concentration represents top-four companies across four-digit SIC codes.

manage their own diversification more ef- perhaps, irrationally—but well enough to
ficiently. sustain their insurgency.

For many superincumbents, the ROI from The principles of “being digital” are indeed
the next strategy falls far short of the re- different. Change, instability, and surprise
turns from the existing business. Prisoners are the norms: the past is a weak guide to
of their own success, they face an unat- the future. With high fixed costs and mar-
tractive tradeoff between stagnant profit- ginal costs near zero, volume drives re-
ability and dilutive growth. turns, and share drives advantage. Rapidly
increasing returns can be compounded by
Many choose to distribute their cash to demand-side network effects, creating a
shareholders. (See Exhibit 2.) Even so, they winner-takes-all dynamic. Investments are
continue to sit on vast amounts. Cash hold- therefore either disasters or runaway suc-
ings by US nonfinancial corporations now cesses. And there’s not much in between.
amount to $1.7 trillion—the equivalent of The insurgents’ primary assets are organi-
9% of the US GDP. zational capabilities rather than factories
and brands. The traditional balance sheet
can be important for funding growth in-
Digital Disruption vestments, but otherwise, it is competitive-
A casual perusal of the business press ly irrelevant.
suggests an entirely different picture: an
economy-wide explosion of innovation and An underlying theory of vertical integration
entrepreneurship driven by revolutionary is economizing on transaction costs. But in-
digital technology. Funded indirectly by the surgents deconstruct traditional value
capital that superincumbents have re- chains with horizontal, interoperative, and
turned to investors and targeting the profit “stacked” architectures. Take the transfor-
pools that the superincumbents have creat- mation of the media industry from vertical
ed, pure-play digital startups seem to have silos defined by medium—newspaper, TV,
no inhibitions about prioritizing growth film—to an interoperative stack dominated
over profitability. Time is on their side: a by horizontal aggregators such as Google,
low-interest-rate environment raises the Facebook, and Netflix. Digital attackers of-
value of the distant future compared with ten focus on a particular layer of the stack
the near term, and it further increases the where these rules apply most strongly: they
market capitalization of high-growth com- compete horizontally against incumbents
panies relative to that of their low-growth that continue to compete vertically.
rivals. Venture capital, private equity, and,
eventually, the stock market seem to re- Sometimes, the contrast between the mana-
ward them—faddishly, sporadically, and, gerial doctrines of incumbents and insur-

Boston Consulting Group | The Superincumbent’s Dilemma 2

Exhibit 2 | US Corporations Return More Cash to Shareholders
Quarterly buybacks and dividends ($billions)






1998 2003 2008 2013 2018

Source: S&P Global.

gents is a classic tale of disruption: the bility—thinking creatively about how to

incumbent cannot respond without sub- manage each part of the business.
stantially undermining its own legacy busi-
ness model. In such cases, a purely finan- Human Capital. In many areas, talent
cially focused “value creation” perspective becomes a company’s most important
is no help: the company faces existential asset, the huge, hidden item on the corpo-
questions of business strategy. But these sit- rate balance sheet. This is especially true
uations are actually exceptions. Far more for such functions as analytics, artificial
often, digital technology can—and should— intelligence (AI), digital marketing, and
be incorporated into legacy businesses, cre- data engineering. Young, talented people
ating far more value (for customers and expect to be rewarded for creativity rather
shareholders) when combined with existing than compliance. They value team mem-
assets, advantages, and market positions. A bership over individual accountability.
primary challenge for incumbents is to in- They relish working in short-cycle projects
corporate management methods that per- that show results quickly. And they always
mit the full exploitation of revolutionary have one eye open for their next career
technologies, despite their alien character. opportunity, so they must be recruited not
once, but continually. In leading digital
companies, the competition for employees
New Value Creation Concepts is as intense as for customers, and many
To break the tradeoff between future corporate acquisitions are motivated
growth and current profitability, managers primarily by the talent in target companies.
need a new paradigm that brings aspects Indeed, many traditional companies
of the so-called new-economy mindset into manage digital businesses as separate
legacy organizations and cultures. They entities in order to better address such
must move faster, experiment more, learn expectations.
continuously, and adapt to the unexpected.
This is absolutely not a rejection of past Data. This, the second most important
practice. The fundamental attribute is flexi- asset, is also omitted from the balance

Boston Consulting Group | The Superincumbent’s Dilemma 3

sheet. It is the foundation for AI and for build might take several years. Companies
almost every service that traditional com- must learn to manage long and short
panies offer to augment or supplement planning cycles simultaneously.
their physical products. Traditional com-
panies have been managing data as a Strategic Intent. When the success of a
“flow”—information that is embedded in, a company depends on experiments, innova-
byproduct of, or confined to vertical silos. tions, and insights conducted and devel-
oped by teams distributed across (and
But now data must be considered an asset sometimes outside) the organization, a
on which customer relationships and com- traditional corporate-performance frame-
petitive advantage are built. The broader work built around financial goals no longer
its application, the better. In many cases, suffices. Leaders must communicate a
therefore, data must be pulled from silos compelling strategic intent: a nonfinancial
and managed as a centralized resource. It aspiration that connects to the company’s
becomes infrastructure. And just as the purpose and focuses recruiting and staff
ROI calculus for investing in roads is differ- incentives on the attributes that make the
ent from that for cars, so data as infrastruc- organization unique in the world.
ture must be considered a long-term plat-
form for value creation in ways yet to be New Metrics. Traditional accounting
imagined. Google once created a zero- metrics do not work so well in digital
revenue, automated 1-800 directory service businesses. In fact, research shows that
purely for the purpose of acquiring data. when intangible assets represent the
Once it had enough, Google discontinued greater share of investment, the correlation
the service, but the collected data gave the between traditional accounting metrics
company speech recognition. and company valuations deteriorates
significantluy.1 As new data sources be-
“Bets.” To build digital capabilities and come available, companies are adopting
offerings, management must embrace nonfinancial metrics to supplement con-
uncertainty and prioritize higher risk- ventional accounting. To manage toward
reward bets over more predictable plans. new targets, digital pure plays employ a
Traditional finance tools—such as spread- range of nontraditional metrics such as the
sheets, cash flow projections, and cost of ratio of customer lifetime value to the cost
capital assumptions—are less useful for of customer acquisition, renewal rates, and
evaluating these wagers. Managers can customer engagement measurements—
better spend their time learning to under- metrics that tell managers much more
stand the range of potential outcomes and, about the business than traditional ac-
more important, the asymmetry of these counting.
outcomes. Furthermore, option value, as
opposed to traditional ROI, becomes a key Competitive Advantage. In principle,
consideration, since the “right to play” in favorable financial performance and
the next round of innovation depends on advantaged strategy should go hand-in-
capabilities developed today. hand. They are simply different lenses for
understanding the same phenomenon. But
Planning Cycles. In place of traditional in practice, these are significantly different
fixed-period budgeting, today’s managers ways of thinking. Conventional financial
need to think in terms of intent-execution- metrics, such as cost of capital and dis-
feedback cycles. These rhythms can vary counted cash flows, suffice when the future
considerably. Some (typically for top-of- resembles the past, and future investments
stack experimentation with features, will be similar to existing assets. But it
messages, and methods) are very short: a becomes very difficult to apply these
project might be launched, executed, metrics in times of discontinuity and
evaluated, and replaced in a matter of uncertainty. Business leaders must some-
weeks. Others (for example, infrastructure times be willing to bet on the strategy,
for IT systems or data bases) are long: the even when their view of traditional finan-

Boston Consulting Group | The Superincumbent’s Dilemma 4

cial metrics doesn’t show the near-term above the weighted average cost of capital.
impact they are used to seeing. Digital Any investment that does not preclude oth-
startups often prioritize volume over er investments and earns more than the
revenues, never mind profits. Building the cost of capital creates shareholder value.
foundation for its future, Amazon purpose- This is true even for an investment that
fully lost a fortune in its first decade. The does not match historical returns. If mar-
key is to focus on creating competitive kets react adversely, it’s because they do
advantage in markets whose customers are not understand what the company is doing.
willing and able to pay. Get that right, and
ROI will—eventually—look after itself. These truths underscore the critical impor-
tance of communicating effectively with in-
vestors and conveying a clear vision, under-
Managing Investors standable plans and objectives, and realistic
Business leaders tell us that even when expectations and metrics. With sufficient
they want to make bets and explore new transparency, the question of “investor pref-
models and markets, they are constrained erences” evaporates and is replaced by the
by cautious boards and skeptical investors: question that really matters: Is the strategy
The stock market will not give us permission creating shareholder value? The price of
to create new value. Dilutive investments will that transparency is, of course, heightened
kill the stock price. Our investors expect stable accountability of managers to investors, to
earnings and high dividends. which no manager should object.

In closely held companies, the owners se-

lect the strategy on the basis of their aspira- Resolving the Dilemma
tions for the business and their personal fi- That companies face a tradeoff between
nancial goals. In public corporations, the stagnant profitability and dilutive growth is
reverse takes place: the strategy selects the a paradox in the context of all the opportu-
owners. Since investors can diversify more nities presented by the digital revolution.
efficiently than can individual corporations, Superincumbents can break from this bind
capital markets and financial intermediar- only by adopting crucial aspects of the
ies enable investors to assemble portfolios ways that digital natives think and act.
that can achieve their goals efficiently and Much of this is cultural, but there are spe-
inexpensively with respect to time horizon, cific aspects of financial management and
cash flow, and risk. Individual companies senior-level decision making that need to
help investors achieve their goals to the ex- change. The essential point is to focus on
tent—and only to the extent—that they de- the creation of business value through sus-
liver a superior risk-adjusted return over a tainable competitive advantage. If that re-
specific time horizon. If the company suc- quires altered time horizons, a new toler-
cessfully shifts its time horizon, cash flow, ance for risk, varying management styles,
or risk profile—for example, to exploit new and greater transparency to the investor
opportunities—investors can simply rebal- community, then mangers must adapt. In
ance their portfolios. the long term, investors will not stand in
the way of such changes; they are con-
As a result, risk-return and cash-growth strained only by managers’ imaginations.
tradeoffs are arbitraged by capital markets.
If a company is penalized for “going digi-
tal” the most likely explanation is not in-
vestor portfolio preference but that mar- Note
kets lack faith in the strategy or the 1. Baruch Lev and Feng Gu, The End of Accounting
and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers,
company’s ability to execute. The same log- (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2016).
ic applies to investments that dilute report-
ed returns on capital but earn returns

Boston Consulting Group | The Superincumbent’s Dilemma 5

About the Authors
Philip Evans is a senior advisor in the Boston office of Boston Consulting Group and a BCG fellow. You
may contact him by email at

Hady Farag is a partner and associate director in the firm’s New York office. You may contact
him by email at

Gerry Hansell is a managing director and senior partner in BCG’s Chicago office. You may
contact him by email at

Ryoji Kimura is a managing director and senior partner in the firm’s Tokyo office and the
global leader of the Corporate Finance & Strategy practice. You may contact him by email at

Jeff Kotzen is a managing director and senior partner in BCG’s New Jersey office. You may
contact him by email at

Ed Newman is a partner in the firm’s Chicago office. You may contact him by email at

Eric Olsen is a senior advisor in BCG’s Chicago office. You may contact him by email at

Alexander Roos is a managing director and senior partner in the firm’s Berlin office. You may
contact him by email at

Eric Wick is a managing director and senior partner in BCG’s Chicago office. You may contact
him by email at

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