Bbps P.pura Class 11 Chapter-9 Psychology and Sports

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Definition and Importance of Psychology in Physical Education and Sports 
Meaning of Psychology
 The word ‘Psychology’ is made up of two Greek words, psyche and logos. ‘psyche’ means soul and
‘logos’ means science. So, psychology is the science of soul. 
Definitions of Psychology
The following definitions will help to understand the meaning of psychology much better:
 “Psychology is the pure knowledge of behavior.”- Woodsworth
 “Psychology is the science of human behavior.”- Pillsbury
 “Psychology is the study of human behavior, its causes and its stages.” - Mac Dugal
Meaning of Sports Psychology 
 Sports psychology is a important branch of psychology influences sports, authentic
performance, physical activity and exercise. The main objective of sports psychology is to
understand the every player’s mindset. Psychology of a sports person influences the
performance of a player.
Definition of Psychology
 “Sports psychology is the search of human’s behavior in sports. - Singar
 “Sports psychology for physical education is that branch of psychology which deals with the
physical fitness of an individual through his participation in games and sports.- K.M. Burns
Importance of Psychology in Physical Education and Sports
 Helps player Psychologically in Preparation for Pre-Competitions or Post-Competitions:-Sports
psychology also plays its role in preparation of athletes psychologically for competitions. In fact,
it has become a trend to give psychological tips to athletes or team players before and after the
competitions. That is why sports psychologist’s services are required with a national level and
international level teams. 
 Increase in Physical Activities Efficiency:-Sports psychology plays very unique role in the
enhancement of physiological capacities such as strength, speed and flexibility, etc. Motivation
plays a major role in the enhancement of physical capacity of sports person. It is a well-known as
well as established fact that psychological capacities or powers can increase physiological
capacities of individuals.
 Role in Sentimental Problems of Players:-Stress, tension and anxiety are natural during practice
period and competitions or tournaments. There may be some other emotional problems such as
depression, frustration and panic etc. The knowledge of sports psychology may be helpful in
such situations. 
 Learning Speed or Motor Skills:-Sports psychology plays its major role in the learning of motor
skills. Motor skills’ learning depends on the individual’s level of readiness, i.e., physiological
readiness and psychological readiness. Physiological readiness in children is the development of
the necessary strength, flexibility and endurance as well as the development of various organ
systems so that they may perform motor skills required in the activity. Psychological readiness is
related to the learner’s state of mind. 
 Helpful to Control Emotions or Sentiments:-Sports psychology plays a very important role in
controlling the emotions of sports persons during practice as well as competition. Generally,
these emotions may bring spontaneous changes in the behavior of sports person. These are
anger, disgust, fear, negative self-thinking and feeling of ownership, etc. If these emotions are
not controlled well in time, the performance may be decreased
 To Understand Behavior:-Sports psychology helps in understanding the behavior of athletes or
sports persons engaged in competitive sports. Coaches also come to know the interest, attitude
towards physical activity, instincts, drives and personality of sports persons. It plays its role not
only in understanding the behavior but also in modification of behavior in various sports
 Keeps Mental Hazards Away:-One of the major ways sport psychology helps you is through
stress reduction in learning and performance. While some stress is inevitable and natural, levels
of stress that is excessive lowers performance. Sport psychology helps you manage stress and
turn it into success.
 Helpful in Learning Innovative Techniques and Style:-Psychological training should be an
integral part of an athlete’s holistic training process, carried out in conjunction with other
training elements. This is best accomplished by a collaborative effort among the coach, the sport
psychologist, and the athlete; however, a knowledgeable and interested coach can learn basic
psychological skills and impart them to the athlete, especially during actual practice.

Definition and Difference between Growth and Development

Meaning of Growth
Growth is related to the process of height, weight and size. It is a quantitative change and it can
be measured in kilogram, inch, centimeter, pound etc. Growth brings a physical change in the
human skeleton and size. For e.g., when a child is born, he only weighs 2.5 to 3.5 kg but as he
grows, there is a gradual increase in his height and weight. 

Definition of Growth
 An increase, as in size, number, value, or strength; extension or expansion.
 Someone's growth is the development and progress of their character. The child's emotional
and intellectual growth. 

Meaning of Development
Development is a process of such as work skills of child, working capacity and progress in
behavior. It is different from growth because development is related to the body systems.
Example—in development the bones not only increase in size but also become hard and strong
and become capable of having more weight. This process of change is called development. 

Definitions of Development
 “Development is not limited to growing larger; instead it consists of a progressive series of
change of an orderly, coherent type towards the goal of maturity.” - Hurlock
 “Development is more than a concept. It can be observed, appraised and to some extent even
measured in three major manifestations, i.e., anatomic, physiologic and behavioral…. Behavior
signs however constitute a most comprehensive index of developmental status and
development potentials.”- Gesell
Difference between Growth and Development 

Development Characteristics at Different Stages of Development

The different stages of growth and development can be classified as follows along with their
1. Infancy (birth 0 to 5 years) 2. Early Childhood (6 to 9 years)
3. Later childhood (10 to 12 years) 4. Adolescence (13 to 18 years) 
5. Adulthood (more than 18 years)

Infancy Deals with the Period (0 to 5 Years):- The time from the birth of a child to its 5
years of age is called infancy which has some physical, mental and practical characteristics. These are as
Physical Characteristics 
 At the time of birth a healthy child’s weight is 2.5 to 3 kg. 
 The neck’s muscles develop less.
 The child’s development is visible because of the development of bones, nerves and muscles. 
 The ratio of different organs of the body is quite strange. 
 The child’s muscles are soft and less developed. 
 By the age of two, his/her muscles become more developed very quickly. During this stage both
boys and girls develop similarly. 
 By the age of three, a child’s activities become noticeable. 
 Between the ages of 3 and 5, development ratio becomes a bit slow. By then, the ratio between
a child’s weight and length becomes clear.
         2. Mental Characteristics
 The child’s emotions get reflected on its face. For example, a weeping child attracts its mother’s
 The emotional development of a child is based on its mother’s love towards it.
 The child’s receptivity gets increased very quickly. It leads to the enhancement in its memory
and thinking power.
 Child begins to understand the language and tries to speak accordingly. 
 A child’s curiosity gets increased. Child begins to ask question. He/she gets satisfied with its
elder’s answers.
 By the age of 5, a child tries to do whatever he/she likes. He/she not concentrate on one thing
for a long time.

3. Motor Functional Characteristics

 At the ages of 2 to 3 years, the child loves to play a lot most of the time.
 A child begins to take meals himself and his control over the activities related to its motions.
 A child does the activities which it loves. He leaves the activities which he does not love to do.
 A child begins to comb its hair himself and also learn to brush his teeth himself.
 A 5 year child begins to button and unbutton its shirt itself. 
 As muscles become developed for functioning, a child does various activities, such as writing
reading, catching, etc.
 In this age, a child learns skills, mostly by imitation.

Sports Activities for Development of Infants

  A child should be motivated to play with color balls and musical instruments.
  A child should be motivated to copy some physical skills like hand movement, clapping and
wave hand etc.
 The opportunities should be provided to child to play inside and outside the house.
 A child should be motivated to kick, catch, throw and hit the ball by a plastic soft bat

Childhood:- Childhood starts at the age of 6 and lasts till end of 12 years. It can be divided into two
 Early childhood (6 to 9 years) Later childhood (10 to 12 years)
1. Early childhood (6 to 9 years)
 A. Physical Characteristics
 Body grows continuously but slowly progress in this period. Bones are soft and can be damaged
easily. It is necessary to take care of right pose in this age because after the whole development
of bones it is hard to correct any damage. 
 Physical activities gain weight.
 Pulse rate is higher than adults but blood pressure is low. 
 Heart size is smaller in comparison to body size.
 Strength does not develop completely.
 Endurance is low.
 Coordinative abilities are lesser in physical activities.
B. Mental Characteristics
 Children’s interest is more in large muscle activities, like running, catching, throwing and
jumping etc. 
 Children like to participate in physical activities and exercises.
 Children do not want to take part in team events but like to play alone. 
 Copying is the main specification of this age.
Sports Activities for Development of Early Childhood 
 The physical activities should not be too tiring and tough because body develops slowly. 
 Rhythmic activities should be increased because these activities develop coordination, balance
and stability. 
 The motor skills should be done at this age. 
 Dances can also be performed to increase the coordination and balance. 

Later childhood (10 to 12 years)

A. Physical Characteristic
 Body build affects both the height and weight of a child in late childhood. 
 The bones harden; the height and weight increase at this stage and there is improvement in a
child motor development, skill and endurance.
 The heart becomes strong and can do some hard work. 
 There is an increase in height and weight.
 The milk teeth start falling and permanent teeth appear. 
 Children become conscious about his self-respect.
 Strength increases but not up to high level, endurance lowers down. 
B. Mental Characteristics 
 The child is in a position to exercise his or her power of memory, attention, thinking and
imagination and can solve problems intelligently.
 His knowledge and experience not merely remains receptive but gradually take the creative turn
in the late childhood stage. 
 The child is intellectually and alive and active individual. I.Q. at this stage developed
considerably and by the end of this stage it becomes stable.
 The child acquires mental readiness to learn at this stage. He can pay attention to and develop
interest in reading, writing and arithmetical activities. 
Motor Functional Characteristics
 In this stage, the child is mostly active. It can be seen as playing in school, park or at home. 
 The child learns to coordinate its different activities. 
 In later childhood, both types of muscles—big and small—develop very quickly. 
 The small muscles get developed in girls more quickly than in boys. That is why girls tend to learn
the art of stitching, drawing, etc. quickly, on the other hand due to power in their muscles boys
tend to play football, make a high jump, run, skip, etc. 
 Between the ages of 6–11, a child’s hand writing gets improved slowly but steadily. It can write
better and faster.
Sports Activities for Development of Later Childhood
 At this stage the child likes to play competitive sports and wants to play in teams. 
 So, the games and sports become more important in his sports activities.
 It is also important that the child should not be left behind to others in strength, coordinative
abilities and skills otherwise the social and emotional stress will be born in him. 
 At this stage the children should be provided with the facilities of running, jumping, badminton,
table tennis and gymnastics. These activities are for motor development of the child.

Adolescence (13 to 19 Years):- Adolescence is a stage of complex changes. It starts after childhood
and lasts till adulthood. This is a period of human growth from 13 year to 19 years. During this stage,
young stress develops quickly. 
Definitions of Adolescence 
“Adolescent is the stage of great stress and tension, storm and pressure.” - Stanley Hall
 “Adolescent is that stage in which the child moves towards the maturity.”- Jersield
1. Physical Characteristics
 In this stage, physical changes take place very quickly. A child’s height and weight increase
 Both girls and boys experience sexual changes. Their sexual organs begin to develop.
 Girl’s chest and shoulder are less wide but their pelvic region as compared to boys is wider. 
 Boy’s voice becomes heavy and their chest and shoulders become wide. 
 Soft hair begins to grow on boy’s face. Later, it becomes hard and dense and takes the form of
beard and moustache.
 In enlargement of girl’s breasts become widened and her voice becomes melodious and soft.
2. Mental Characteristics 
 All youngsters’ developmental and physical characteristics at the same time. But the rate of
development is different from youngster to youngster. A youngster develops physical maturity
first. On the other hand another youngster develops mental maturity first. 
 At youngsters, take interest in exciting activities such as imaginary stories, exciting novels. They
try to do off the beaten track.
 In youngsters, the respect towards their role model increases.
 In this stage, boys and girls start showing off their attitude.
 There is a strong will develops to do adventurous activities in this stage. 
3. Emotional Characteristics 
 At this stage, youngsters become angry when others say even little things which do not suit
them. They don’t like to be interrupted. 
 They become self-centered. On one hand, they tend to be in their group. Apart from it, they
want to have their stay in each and every matter of the group.
 Youngsters are very curious; they want to gain the knowledge of everything. At this stage, there
is a great desire to acquire new things.
 There is a great desire to attract a opposite sex. They tend to become very emotional and
serious in love.
 Since adolescence is a period of uncertainty of emotions such as anger, fear, love, etc.
4. Social Characteristics 
 Youngsters always oppose the criticizing behavior of the family and society.
 They get influenced more by their friends than their family. 
 Sometimes youngsters fall prey to addiction in the company of some bad friends. They even get
engaged in criminal activities.
 Every teen’s always try to do different for search of identity, so that they may be recognized in
society and among friends on their own. 
 Youngsters always tend to make their personality appearing in front of the opposite sex, so that
they may find good life-partners.
5. Motor Characteristics 
 In adolescence there is an increase in coordinating activities. As compared to girls boys have
much better development related to their motor skills. So that many restrictions are imposed on
the girls during adolescence. So, their participation in games and sports remains limited. 
 In adolescence boys as compared to girls develop power more quickly. 
 Girls have more flexibility than boys. But boys can gain flexibility through daily exercise. 
 In different competitions boys perform much better than girls, especially in the sports which
require power and energy.
 Boys attain more explosive power than girls who gain little power during adolescence.
Sports Activities for Development of Adolescent
 At least 1 hour of physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week. Many teens drop
out of organized sports, and participation in daily physical education classes is a thing of the
 But given the opportunity and interest, teens can get health benefits from almost any activity
they enjoy—skateboarding, in-line skating, yoga, swimming, dancing, or kicking a football. 
 Weight training, under supervision of a qualified adult, can improve strength and help prevent
sports injuries.

Adulthood (After 19 Years):-It is the state of mental and physical matureness of a person. This stage
basically starts after the age of 19 years. Some of the characteristics of this age are as follow:
A. Physical Characteristic
 A person may continue to add a bit of height and weight.
 Hormonal changes also continue to occur but the effects are less pronounced than they were
during adolescence.
 Muscles have the peak of coordination.
 Endurance develops the most. Physical abilities are as their peak at this stage including muscle
stress reaction and cardiac function.
B. Motor Characteristics 
 Interest in team games increases but it is limited to several games.
 The hunger of excellence in the selected activities increases
 If the adults do not motivate to take part in games and sports then there are chance that they
leave games and sports.
Physical Activities for Development of Adulthood 
 A person tries to achieve the excellence in this age in the field of games and sports. 
 They take interest in team games like football, hockey, volleyball etc. and individual games like
swimming, badminton, tennis, golf and wrestling etc. 
 In adults, physical activity includes leisure time physical activity (for example: walking, dancing,
gardening, hiking, swimming), transportation (e.g., walking or cycling), occupational (i.e., work),
household chores, play, games, sports or planned exercise, in the context of daily, family, and
community activities. 
 They should do yoga and exercise continuously.

Adolescent Problems and their Management

The feelings in adolescence develop in such a way that they want to survive only for present and do not
see beyond this which leads to the behavior of imitation of hairstyle, eating, walking, clothing, etc. It is
due to lack of farsightedness and pleasure seeking attitude, they develop the habit of imitation. Some of
these problems have been explained as under:
1. Mental Problems: During this age, stress and tension are common. These traits create many problems
such as difficulty in cooperating with others, maladjustment, etc. He faces anxiety. If the child’s real
body structure is differing from his imagine one than there may be so many mental problems. Due to
these problems the child does not relate with the other children and he remains mentally immature.
 2. Emotional Problems: The life of an adolescent is full of emotions. Under such emotion, he performs
some uphill task, which seems to be impossible in the beginning. Sometimes, the adolescent becomes so
excited that he considers himself to be at the top of the world and, sometimes, he finds himself in a
state of depression. He feels himself emotionally disturbed.
 3. Physical Problem: During adolescence, physical changes take place at a very rapid pace. Sexual
characteristics are clearly seen at the stage whereas girls are more tensed about their physique.
 4. Behavior Problems: Adolescence is a time for developing independence. Typically, adolescents
exercise their independence by questioning, and sometimes breaking rules. Parents and doctors must
distinguish occasional errors of judgment from a degree of misbehavior that requires professional
intervention. The severity and frequency of infractions are guides.
5. Feeling of Importance: An adolescent begins to understand himself important. He thinks that he
should also get respect. But sometimes, parents do not take it seriously. They fail to understand the
feelings of adolescent. That’s why he feels himself unimportant and it becomes a great problem.
 6. Lacks of Stability and Adjustment: An adolescent does not remain stable and he faces adjustment
problem. His behavior does not remain constant. He feels himself unable to adjust with other people. He
fails to coordinate with others. Not only outside but he cannot adjust himself in his family. 
7. Problems related to Sex: During adolescence, children face many problems, which are related to sex.
They try to meet the opposite sex. Sometimes, they become so eager that they do not hesitate to leave
their family. They feel restless due to their sexual urge. 
8. Addiction Problems: Some symptoms seen in adolescents with the disease of chemical dependence
are similar to those seen in adults. Because of their age, lack of personality development, dependent
family role, immaturity, and acting out of age-related behavioral tendencies, however, symptoms
specific to this population occur. 
Management of Adolescent Problems
Adolescence is the stage of stress and tension. It depends on the environment which is provided to
teenagers. The teenagers who are given good and healthy environment, they face very few problems.
There is no denying the fact that this is the stage full of problems. The following are the solutions to
these problems:
 Provided Professional Guidance: - Teachers should provide vocational guidance to the
adolescents. This guidance should be provided keeping in view their intelligence, capabilities,
aptitude and interest. This guidance is must because many adolescents fail to select their
 Provided Moral and Religious Education:-Moral and religious education should be provided to
adolescents. Religious and moral education will give them mental peace. Although, religious
education should not be provided in educational curriculum, yet, it is better to provide it at
home. Through moral education, some problems like indiscipline, anxiety and worry can be
tackled easily.
 Social Educations: - Social education is also important in adolescence. As we know that social
virtues are necessary to lead a social life. So, these virtues should be taught through social
education. They should be taught how to adjust themselves in society. It is a fact that man is a
social animal. 
 Empathy and Broad Mindset of Parents:-Every parent has a different outlook towards
parenting. A healthy relationship between the child and parents is the most essential during the
teenage years. Communication is the key to developing a rapport, which results in the child
feeling comfortable talking to their parents. 
 Adequate Liberty or Independence: - Adolescents want freedom in every phase of life. They
wish to express their views independently. They should be given proper chance to express their
feelings and expressions. They should be allowed to go for picnic and other recreational
 To Provide Sustainable Environment in House and School:-Adolescents should be provided
suitable environment for growth and development in home and school. Adolescents should be
provided proper facilities and opportunities for development. They should be taught how to
behave and live. 
 To Provide Right Direction to Mobilize the Energy:-It is compulsory to have a positive flow of
the energy in adolescent. The best way to transfer the flow in positive direction is to motivate
them to take part in physical activities. By making them participate in games and sports not only
we let them away from negative thoughts but also can help them to remove anxiety, stress and
 Friendly Behavior:-When the interests of adolescents do not match with the interests of family
members and teachers, a kind of misunderstanding is created. This results in emotional
instability, like anger, jealously and hatred, etc. and bigger problem among adolescents. 
 Education for Motor Development:-An adolescent should be provided the education for his
motor development. He should be encouraged to play various games and sports. Through these
games and sports his motor development will take place properly. 
 Education of Psychology: - Teachers and parents should have the basic knowledge of
psychology. They should be able to understand the psychology of an adolescent. It is essential to
sort out the problems and their management. They should provide the knowledge of psychology
to the adolescent, because many problems can be solved by the adolescent himself.

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