Bbps P.pura Class 11 Chapter-10 Training and Doping in Sports

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Definition of Training

Training is the process of preparing human resources for performing a particular task or activity. Sports
performance training simply is a type of training that is designed to improve the sportsperson’s fitness
level and ability to perform in a given sport.

Sports Training

“Sports training is a targeted approach to training focused on your sport of choice.”

It is a complex process which trains the players to get better at the sports competitions.

Principles of Sports Training

1 Principle of Individuality: The principle of individuality states that each person has unique
abilities. Each sports person’s response to exercise or load will definitely vary. Large muscles
heal slower than smaller muscles. Fast twitch muscle fibers recover quicker than slow twitch
muscle fibers. Women generally require more recovery time than men.
2. Principle of Progression: According to this principle, the exercise should not be increased too
rapidly. If the exercise is increased too rapidly, it may result in injury or muscle damage.
Exercising above the target zone can be dangerous. The principle of progression also makes us
realize the need for proper rest and recovery.
3. The Principle of Continuity: According to this principle, the training should be a continuous
process. Improving your ability in a sport is very specific. If you want to be a great pitcher,
running laps will help your overall conditioning but won’t develop your skills at throwing or the
power and muscular endurance required to throw a fastball fifty times in a game.
4. Principle of Reversibility: If a player discontinues application of a particular exercise like running
five miles or bench pressing 68.03 kg. 10 times, you will lose the ability to successfully complete
that exercise.
5. Principle of Overload: The principle of overload states that there should be greater than normal
load on the body as required for training adaptation to take place. If the training load remains
static, the effectiveness of the load diminishes with the passage of time.
 It can only maintain to achieve adaptation of load.
 It means that for the continuous improvement of performance, the training load should
be increased after the adaptation of previous training load.
6. Principles of Rest and Recovery: We are well aware of this fact that the body regenerates
during rest and becomes better and stronger than before. So the training programmes should be
made in such a way that there should be proper rest and interval between training activities.
7. The Principle of Transfer of Training: The apex aim of sports training is to attain good results. It
can be said that sports training’s aim is to enable the sports person to put up better
performance in the competitions. Therefore, this principle aims at guaranteeing good
performance and for maintaining it for a longer period.
8. The Principle of Variety: Training is a long term process and recovery can become boring for
both the athlete and the coach. So a successful coach should plan variety into the training
programme to maintain the interest and motivation of the athlete.
9. Principle of Balance: This principle states that exercising a certain part or component of the
body primarily develops that part. It means that to become better at a particular exercise or
skill, you must perform that exercise or skill regularly.
10. The Principle of General and Specific Preparation: For the improvement of performance, both
the general and specific preparation is equally significant. General preparation serves as the
base for specific preparation. The general preparation increases the functional capacity of all the
body systems and organs, on which the performance of sports persons directly depends.

Meaning of Warming up
It is a process of training or set of exercise which is done before going on main training schedule which
prepares an individual physically and mentally. We often see that the players of football, hockey,
handball, tennis and badminton do some warm-up exercises prior to the play. Warming-up helps players
to handle tough situations in initial stages. For example, a basketball player without proper warming-up
can’t shoot the ball in the ring.

Definitions of Warming-Up

According to Hill, “If the normal temperature of a body reduces, the reaction time will decreased and
the contractile time will also be decreased. Extension of muscles will be less. If body temperature is
increased beyond normal temperature, contractile force and speed of muscles will be increased.”
According to Davries, “Warming up enhances the temperature of blood which in turn, enables the
muscles to improve the performance.”

Benefits of Warming up

1. Increases the Body Temperature: A proper warm-up increases the body and muscle
temperature. So, it is beneficial for the sports-person. Failure to warm-up before vigorous
activity may lead to tearing of muscles fibers. If the muscle is warmed up, the speed with which
the muscle contracts and relaxes, the force of contraction is increased.
2. Increases the Speed of Nerve Impulses: Warming-up increases the speed of nerve impulses,
which improves and sharpens the reacting time of sports persons. Improvement in reaction time
is always beneficial almost in all of the games and sports.
3. Increases Flexibility: Warming-up increases flexibility but, if proper warming-up is not done,
then the body will be less flexible. After warming-up, we can exert the force up to maximum
reach (distance).
4. Psychology Preparation: Warming-up is very useful in reducing the anxiety and tension of sports
person especially at the time of competition. It is also advantageous in helping to increase the
motivational levels of a sports person.
5. Reduces Viscosity of Muscles: Warming-up decreases the viscosity of muscles. Research studies
indicate that a previously inactive muscle is stimulated. Hence, the rate of muscular contraction
and relaxation becomes faster and efficient. The chances of injury or wear and tear of muscles
and ligaments are also reduced.
6. Improves Performance: Owing to some physiological changes, the level of performance is
improved. After a complete warm-up, it has been observed that it improves the level of
performance. All the involved muscles exert maximum force with highest speed. This is
applicable only in complete warming- up.
7. Increases Power and Tolerance: Warming-up increases the strength whereas local heating does
not increase the strength rather decreases it. There are many information that strength can be
increased up to some extent by proper warming-up. Some eminent physiologists hold the
opinion that warming-up does not increase endurance and speed. But, on the other hand,
authentic research studies indicate that certain types of warming-up increase both speed as well
as endurance.
8. Decreases Fatigue: Research studies indicate that warming up enables the players to perform
better physical activities. Consumption of oxygen is more and heart rate increases, thus, lactic
acid in blood is also reduced.

Types of Warming Up

1. Psychological warming up
 It makes the athlete mentally to bear stress.
 It is given one to two days before the competition and ends up a few hours before the
competition by giving high level motivation for encouragement.
2. Physiological warming up
 It makes the body physically ready to bear any competitive type of stress.

Physiological warming up can be of two types:

1. Active Warming Up: It is basically done through physical activities. It brings more sweat and bodily
changes than inactive warm up. It is also of two kinds:
(i) General Warming up: General Warming-up is performed for different kinds of activities. This
kind of warming-up consists of jogging, running, stretching exercises, calisthenics, striding, wind
sprints and other general exercises. This kind of warming-up enhances the coordinate abilities
and flexibility of muscles and joints. Muscles come in the half- stress position.
1. Exercise: The simple and best method to warm up the body is exercise. In most of the games this
technique is used. It includes several activities.
2. Jogging: Each player should do jogging to begin with. In this way, he can enhance his physical
endurance/capacity. He should loosen his body before jogging. Thereafter, he should run slowly on his
toes along the inside line of the track. He should take 2-3 rounds of the track. As he practices more and
more, he can increase his rounds for a body to warm up properly, one need to jog for at least 5-10
minutes, so that the body temperature may be increased.
3. Bending and Stretching: After jogging the player should do exercises related to neck, shoulders, waist,
hip, wrists, knees and ankles. Never do these exercise with a jerk. The exercises should be from simple
to hard. It may include exercises related to bending, turning, stretching and little jerk.
4. Striding: The player should take long strides and the steps should be stretched out. He should run for
60-80 m with his full might and return with the same speed. After resting for a while, this activity should
be repeated 4-6 times.
5. Wind Sprints: These exercises involve running for 20-25 m at a terrific speed in short breaks like the
wind motions. This activity should be repeated 4-8 times.
(ii) Specific Warming up: In this kind of warming-up, exercise is done with equipment. Specific
exercises are performed. They are related to the activities to be carried out. It is performed just
after general warming-up. In each game specific warming-up is of its own kind. The exercises
which are performed in specific warming-up are described below according to the concerned
1. Tennis: Practicing ball, doing service, practice playing shots, knocking, etc.
2. Badminton: Bending forward, bending sideways, bending backward, exercises related to body
twisting, servicing, playing shots etc.
3. Basketball: Dribbling, shooting, lay-up shot, doing shuttle race, dodging, free throw, etc.

2. Passive Warming Up: In this kind of warm up the body temperature is increased by the outer factors.
The body does not lose any energy because there is no physical movement. For example: Hot
water bath, steam bath and hot drinks etc.

Passive warming up: 

It does not involve any exercise, some additional measures are used which are given below:

1.Massage of the body

2.Use of Infrared lamp
3. Diathermy
4. Steam bath
5. Sauna bath
6. Hot water bath
7. By giving beverages

Limbering Down

After a competition training session when a body is brought back to a relaxed and normal state, the
process is called limbering down. Limbering down is also called warming down cooling down. It is the
process of bringing back the body from the state of fatigue to the state of rest. For proper cooling down
a player should do jogging for at least 5-10 minutes. The body temperature is lowered and waste
products from the muscles are flushed out. Thereafter, static stretching exercises should be done for 5-
14 minutes. Stretching exercises are more helpful in cooling down. The players should stretch all the
major muscle groups which he might have used during training or competition. Stretching should be
done for at least 10-20 seconds.

Benefits of limbering down:

1. Restore of Energy in Body: It helps to come in relax position from exercise position. It increases
the supply of blood and oxygen in body which helps the body to get energy for the activities to be done
in future and body will be free from stress and tension.
2. Reduces in Stiffness of Muscles: The lactic acid and chemicals accumulate in the body after hard
and fast workout which results in stretch in muscles.
3. Prevents Faints: The most significant function of appropriate cooling down is to reduce the
chances of dizziness or fainting. As a matter of fact, strenuous exercise causes the blood vessels in the
legs to expand, bringing more blood into the legs and feet. Proper cooling down reduces the heart rate
slowly and blood does not pool in the legs and feet. It continues to flow back to the heart through veins
and consequently such process reduces the chances of dizziness or fainting.
4. Heart rate returns to its Starting stage: Performing cooling down after strenuous work out or
competition, heart rate does not return to its initial stage immediately but it definitely takes some time.
In fact, the heart rate must come to initial or normal stage.
6. Supply of Oxygen: During strenuous training, there is a lack in amount of oxygen in comparison
to resting position. Appropriate cooling down helps in supplying the blood and oxygen to muscles,
restoring then to the position they were in before performing training. Along this recovery becomes fast.
7. Prevents from Injuries: Some limbering down exercise helps to get rid of the stress and strain of
muscles. It also helps to recover from injuries soon. Some exercise like hot water bath makes a good
effect on body.
8. Normalize Body Temperature: During high intensity and strenuous training or competition the
body temperature increases more than 160 Fahrenheit. Appropriate cooling down helps in reducing the
body temperature.

Skill, Technique & Style

A skill is the ability of whole movement which comes from training. Skills are of various kinds-shooting in
basketball, service in badminton, volleyball and overhead throw in football.

Skills can be divided into following categories:

1. Cognitive Skills: It is the ability of an individuals to perform the various mental activities which
are associated with learning & problem solving. It comprises through processes such as
calculations or cricket calculating the run rate.
2. Attention Skills: It is the ability to remain focused and on task for longer duration.
3. Memory: This is the ability of athlete to memories and recall information.
4. Logical Reasoning: The ability of an athlete to think logically and learn those skills.
5. Auditory processing: The ability to listen carefully often leads to better learning of skills.
6. Visual processing: If an athlete is having ability to perceiving and analyzing while learning.
7. Perceptual Skills: It means relating to the way people interpret & understand what they see or
8. Motor Skills: It is the ability of the body to perform the muscular activities in better

Techniques are the basic movements of a game or an event. When a skill is developed, the player tries
his level best to improve upon the different aspects of his techniques. A single skill can be performed by
utilizing more than one technique. Doing a piece of work scientifically is called a technique.
For example, if serving in badminton is a skill, then high serving and flick serving are techniques. Players
prioritize the technique (while choosing among the different techniques of a skill) which suits his level.
He chooses the technique which is sure to grant him success. There are many examples of different
techniques for performing particular skill.
The batting of Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid is assumed as the best in the principles of Technique.
A technique is a method of doing some task scientifically e.g. taking a block start in a 100 m race is a
technique and in a high jump as scissors, straddle & Fosbury flop is a technique of movements.
1. Scissors technique: In which the bar is approached diagonally and the jumper throw both legs over
the bar in a scissoring motion.
2. Straddle technique: The jumpers take off but using the stronger leg to take of before thrusting the
other leg up to push the body sideways over the bar.
3. Fosbury technique: In 1986 Dick Fosbury Flop introduced this by throwing over the bar head
shoulders first and landing on his back.

No two players can be alike in different factors which determine motor action. Therefore, each sports
person due to his specific or particular physique, physical and biological capacities realizes the technique
in a different way. It is called his style.
In other words, we can say that style is a way of doing a particular piece of work related to a particular
person, there are some examples of a style – there are many styles of taking a high jump, belly roll,
westerns roll etc.
In the same way in cricket, the batting style of Virendra Sehwag has become famous. While batting his
foot movement is satisfactory but this style is his own and he uses it very nicely.
The techniques are learnt by everyone but every individual executes those techniques in their own way
and they are characterized as style. For example, in cricket there is lot of bowling and batting techniques
but players exhibit their own styles and become popular in the world like M.S Dhoni’s helicopter style.
Similar in bowling Lasith Malinga has his own style.

Concept of Doping

The word ‘doping’ is used in games, when players use/take banned drugs in order to enhance their
performance in different fields/games. In fact, some players in order to be better in their performance
resort to banned drugs. The process of taking banned/illegal drugs is known as doping. In sports and
games, players use banned drugs officially recognized by International Olympic Committee, either
intentionally or unintentionally, so that they may earn name and fame. Sometimes players take these
drugs unintentionally, which come under doping.

Classification Of Doping

1. Blood Doping: It is the misuse of certain techniques to increase one’s red blood cells count which
allows the body to transport more oxygen to muscles and therefore increase stamina & performance.
Procedure: Usually two units of athlete’s blood is taken some weeks prior to competition. Then the
blood is frozen until one or two days before the competition and after that it is injected into the
2. Gene Doping: It is the manipulation of cells or genes to enhances the sports performance. Modifying
genes enable faster reaction and increase physical strength. Gene therapy will speed up the repair of
the injuries of muscles, tendons and ligaments etc.

Prohibited Substances

1. Anabolic Agents (Steroids): They are man-made substances related to male harmones which
increases the strength and size of the muscles to enhance the performance of players. After taking
this strength and size of the muscles to enhance the performance of players. After taking this steroids
the player without feeling any fatigue can take training for hours. It is taken orally or by injection in
2. Stimulants: Stimulants are drugs that stimulate the central nervous system by increasing heart rates,
blood pressure and body temperature. After taking this stimulants there will be more alertness and
physical activity.
3. Cannabinoids: Cannabinoids are derived from cannabis plant. They develop a feeling of relaxation.
Athletes use them to have speedy recovery after exercise.
4. Narcotics: It is used to reduce the pain from major injury. They could also be used to help an athlete
train harder and for a longer period of time.
5. Beta 2-Agonists: It is commonly used to treat asthma as they relax the muscles that surround the
airway and opening up the air passages. Athletes use to increase their muscle size & reduce body fat.
6. Diuretics: It is a substance which increases the production of urine in the kidneys, promoting the
removal of salt & fluid from the body because it makes hard for the hearts to work properly.

Side Effects of Prohibited Substances

1. Anabolic Steroid: They have arrange of side effects such ass damage to the cardiovascular system &
liver, mental health problem (Depression & aggression), growth of hair on face of both men &
2. Beta 2-Agonists: if they used for long term, they cause excessive sweating, rapid heartbeat,
headaches and risk of cardiac arrest.
3. Diuretics: It deprive the body of large amounts of liquids & minerals that lead to mineral imbalance,
muscle weakness, low blood pressure, muscle cramps and kidney damage.
4. Stimulants: Stimulants put pressure on the cardiovascular system. They increase anxiety,
hypertension and overheating of the body.
5. Cannabinoids: It reduces the concentration, coordination and lung capacity which is bad for
endurance events.
6. Narcotics: Excessive use of narcotics may cause sedation, loss of balance and coordination. There may
be nausea. Vomiting, constipation, fainting and coma.

Dealing With Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Harmful Effects of Alcohol

1. Muscle Development: Every spot needs strength training to build strong muscles. Drinking alcohol
can reduce the ability of the body produce ATP, which is the source of energy for the muscles.
2. Aerobic Endurance: Aerobic activity needs more oxygen to energize the large muscle groups but
alcohol can interfere with these physical reactions. It slows the respiratory function, affects body
temperature regulation and increases risk for dehydration.
3. Cognitive & Motor Functions: To learn strategies techniques one has to respond quickly physically
and mentally. Alcohol can affect how your brain slows down cognitive and motor actions.
4. Long Term effects of Alcohol: It can lead to serious problems as it causes muscle weakness, reduces
cardiovascular fitness and the ability to absorb nutrients like zinc, folic acid and vitamin B12
Harmful Effects of Alcohol & Substance Use

1. Alcohol & Cocaine: This combination fastens the action of cocaine to stimulate and increases blood
pressure, heart rate and alertness. The main risk factors of combination is heart attack and overdose
can even lead to death.
2. Alcohol & Heroin: This combination acts as depressants and more quickly. The risk of using this is life-
threatening. Mainly breathing and heart rate slows down.
3. Alcohol & Ecstasy: It used as stimulant but it can cause severe adverse reactions. This can lead to
Diarrhea, excessive sweating, heat stroke, nausea and vomiting.
4. Alcohol & Marijuana: it also used as as depressants but the overdose can cause immense dizziness,
nausea, vomiting and high anxiety.
5. Alcohol & Painkillers: This combination can cause many problems like liver disease and later it can be
6. Alcohol & Sleeping Pills: This can lead to life threatening and it can increase its sedative effects. It can
produce dizziness, confusion and faintness

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