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1. What is Body Mass Index? How important it is to for us to know our level of fitness?

Body mass index or BMI is defined as one of the healthy weight assessment— an indicator of a person’s
body fat measurement, in which is through weight-based information with respect to his or her height.

By the emphasis of BMI, individuals are able to assimilate the chances to get an accurate idea of
whether their weight is ideal or not, and henceforth, taking action can be into consideration. However,
BMI cannot also offer a 100-percent accurate reading, due to the confusion between fat and muscle
mass, but the estimates are close enough to give a reasonable assessment.

Whereas, this reasonable assessment can be a way to achieved one of the acceptable standards on the
following health-related components of fitness level. This is so, because to be physically fit is to have the
capacity to improve health and well-being. It is the central to human happiness, wherein a factor that
helps a person perform his/her daily life activities accordingly, inasmuch without hurdles. Thus, the
importance of good health in a person’s life is undoubtedly gratifying.

2. Illustrate comprehensively on how to get or compute your BMI.

BMI can be calculated by using the mathematical equation formula. It has two types for calculation, and
that is the Metric BMI formula and Imperial BMI formula. And for the discussion, I will be using the
Metric BMI formula, which uses units of kilograms and meters:

BMI = kg/m²

Where kg is a person's weight in kilograms and m2 is their height in metres squared.

As to illustrate, for a teenager like me with height of 160 cm and weight of 40 kg. Our first step needs to
convert the height into meters.

We have to divide our figure 160 cm by 100.

160/100 = This gives us 1.6 m.

Now, we can proceed to solving the formula:

BMI= kg/m²

= 40 kg/(1.6 m)²

= 40 kg/2.56 m
BMI= 15.

This gives us a BMI figure of 15.6, indicating my weight is in the Underweight category, which is
unfortunately, not competent within the normal weight range for my height.

BMI Categorization

A BMI chart can be used to categorize a person as underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.

BMI BMI Category

Less than 18.5 Underweight

18.5—24.9 Normal (Healthy weight)

25.0—29.9 Overweight

30.0 and Above Obese

This reveal that as the BMI score increases, so does a person’s total body fat.

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