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Business Plan

Winlet Homemade

Winlet Homemade Accessories

My product is called Winlet Homemade Accessories because it is all about homemade

accessories. The winlet of the phrase Winlet Homemade Accessories is also a rhyme of my product; it
is homemade because I made it by hand, and it helps you with your daily OOTD (outfit of the day).


Anklet and bracelet are two items that can be worn for fashion. Our bracelets and anklets come in a
variety of styles and colors, and I use low-cost, high-quality thread and beads to ensure that our
products are long-lasting and economical, and that your money is not squandered. My product has
the ability to complete your look.


Wenceslao, Godfrye B. -15 years old. I wass born on December 3, 2006 and I'm
residing at Barangay Lamanoc Merida Leyte .

II. Name of adviser/Biography

Our subject teacher ln ENTREPRENEUR 9 is MRS. RUBY ROSA F. SEPRADO- 53 years old.She
was born on April 16, 1966. She was residing at Beta-ug Lamanoc Merlda Leyte. She ls married.
She have a sons named RAVENRAY F. SEPRADO-21 years old and DRANREB F. SEPRADO- 19 years
old. She graduated at unlverslty of San Carlos, Cebu City in 1988-1989 she was started teaching
in 2003-2012 Pto. Bello Annex Pt. Merida Leyte, She transferred to Merida Vocational School in
the year 2012-2019 and she is a guidance advocate for 5 years in our school Merida Vocational


I. Winlet Homemade Accessories

I. Because my product is all about accessories, I chose this name. My offering is a bracelet and
anklet that we made using thread and beads. My product is suitable for the fashion industry.

Winlet Homemade Accessories aspires to be the leading provider of high-quality but reasonably
priced bracelets and anklets. In six years, with the aid of my family and friends, we established
three branches in Macario, Libas, and Kambalong.
I. The Problem/Need

A. Discription of the exact Problem

a. One of the major issues I'm dealing with right now is a lack of funds. Because I am
currentlyunemployed, capital is in short supply. I can borrow money from my parents, but it
is insufficient.

B. Reason/Rationale

b. Winlet Homemade Accessories I feel that my target clients will support my product because
it is of good quality but also durable and affordable, and it comes in a wide range of designs
and colors to complement your outfit.

I want to be renowned as a company that offers economical and long-lasting products. I also wish
to expand my branch network in order to offer more bracelets and anklets.

My objective is to share my goods with four more consumers in order to complete and beautify
their ensemble.

Core Values
My Bracelet and Anklet are constructed of thread and beads and are widely worn in vogue. It
features a variety of designs that can appeal to buyers.

III. Marketing Plan

I believe Winlet Homemade Accessories might use some improvement in terms of customer
happiness. I decided to conduct a thorough inspection of the location where Winlet Homemade
Accessories will be installed.
Table-1 Description of target Market

Target Market Number of Number of Product sold

Daily Weekly Monthly Total
House Holds 1500 150 450 1250 1850

Students 1500 100 400 1200 1700

couple 1400 100 400 1200 1700

Table-2 Competitors Information

Competitors Name No. Of Location of Target no. Of Competitors Location

Clients Clients Clients
Don’s Accessories 200 1.5 km. 100 Pob. Merida Leyte

Leah Shop 400 27 km. 200 Ormoc City

En-er’s Accesories 500 27 km. 300 Ormoc City

Table-3 Competitors Market Share Information

Competitors Name Market Share Target

Don’s Accessories 20% 70%

Leah Shop 30% 70%

En-er’s Accesories 25 % 75%

Table-4 Marketing Trends/Pie Graph


50% 50%


B. Marketing Strategies
Place - Poblacion, Merida Leyte

Product - Bracelet and Anklet

Price - Bracelet price - 60-100

Anklet - 50-70

Promotion - Every Christmas, I run special promotions such as a 25% discount.

IV. Production and technical plan

A. Detailed Description of product and servises

My product is a bracelet and an anklet. Thread and beads are used to make it. It's suitable
for daily OOTD and easy to wear. Every Christmas, I have a promotion like 25% off.

B. Operating Strategies

1. Description/ Illustration the Product

Input Transformation Output

Thread/string Bracelet/Anklet

Beads Bracelet/Anklet

Pendant Bracelet/Anklet

2. Description of Raw Materials and Suppliers

Raw Materials Amount Where it from




C. Critical Risk

A. Date on Existing Competitors

B. Statement on How the Prupose Business Is Different from the Others

My product is reasonably priced. It is difficult to destroy. Bracelet and anklet for sale, with a
complimentary face mask holder.

C. Description or illustration of rhe proposed Business Competitive Strategy

I produce a nice, high-quality product. I put my best effort towards improving the product.
Every Christmas, I run special promotions such as a 25% discount.

D. Partners are Identified their roles and Added values to maximum Impact

E. Detailed Description of risk and opportunities (SWOT Analysis)


Many people are interested in purchasing accessories because they are fashionable. The
material has decent quality


Money is a problem. Buyers are scarce.


It is worn to complete an ensemble in fashion.


Competitors who sell similar products to mine.

F. Description on how the business will capitalize to prevent the risk

Make a role and regulations

Example: no the toxic people. People who can bring you down should be ignored. Be brave.

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