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(Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for


Submitted By:
Name: Anisha Sharma
Roll No. 2001720700020
Batch of 2021-2022


Page 1


​ I____________________________ Roll No ________________________of

​ Batch 2020-22 is a fulltime Bonafede student of Second year of MBA Program of Lloyd
​ Business School, Greater Noida. I hereby certify that this project work carried out by me at
__________________________________________________ the report submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements of the program is an original work of mine under the guidance of the
industry mentor _________________and the faculty mentor
______________________________________________and is
​ not based or reproduced from any existing work of any other person or on any earlier work
undertaken at any other time or for any other purpose, and has not been submitted anywhere else at
any time

​ (Student's Signature)
​ Date: ________________

(Faculty Mentor's Signature)
​ Date: ___________________

Page 2

I hereby declare that the dissertation titled “ Recruitment & selection with special Reference to Samsung
Electronics PVT Ltd” Submitted for the Award of Master of Business Administration (MBA) at LLOYD
INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY, is my original work and the dissertation has not
formed the basis for the award of any degree, associate ship, fellowship or any other.
The material borrowed from similar titles other sources and incorporated in the dissertation has been duly
I understand that I myself could be held responsible and accountable for plagiarism, if any, detected later on.
The research papers published based on the research conducted out of the course of the study are also based
on the study and not borrowed from other sources.

Anisha Sharma
Date: Signature of the student

Roll No- 2001720700020

Page 3

I am thankful to LLOYD INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY, for giving me an

opportunity to pursue MBA.

I would also like to thank my guide and my perpetual source of inspiration Dr. Fehmina Khalique
Associate Professor For his valuable mentoring and inputs. His constant support and invaluable advice
have always guided me towards the right direction. He helped me to know various phenomena related to the
research practices which further gave an impetus to channelize my study in an appropriate way. I sincerely
thank his for his treasured guidance without which this dissertation would have never been possible.

I won’t miss this opportunity to give credit to the sources both primary & secondary for adding valuable
inputs to my dissertation. I also thank the administrative staff, the library staff & the computer lab staff of
LLOYD INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY, for providing reference material
required in my research work.

Lastly, I express my deep sense of gratitude to the almighty, my family, friends & colleagues who have
directly and indirectly helped me in this dissertation.

Signature of Student

Page 4

The course of MBA require one to undergo a summer internship with the end of the 2nd
 Semester, so as to get a practical knowledge and understanding the practical
aspects of all the theories read. It helps us to make the best use of our skills and
intelligence so as to make a better  research report. It is really the most important thing
during the course of the study. The purpose of my research project was to study the
Recruitment and Selection process and its use in selecting the right candidates. It was
a continuous learning experience as I got to know different kinds of Recruitment
procedure, how they are conducted and are beneficial.

Page 5
Page No.

Executive summary 8
Chapter1. Company Introduction
Chapter2 Literature Review 32
Recruitment and Selection 33
Human resource planning 34
Choice of Recruitment Source 49
Chapter 3 Objective and Rational of Study 53
Chapter 4 Research Methodology 55
Research Design 56
Sample size 57
Research Tools 57
Action Plan for Data Collection 57
Chapter 5 Data Analysis 59
Chapter 6 Interpretations 77
Chapter 7 Findings 80
Chapter 8 Conclusion 83
Chapter 9 Suggestions and Recommendations 86
Chapter 10 Annexure 88
Bibliography 89
Questionnaire 91


Page 6
The research report is the part and parcel of MBA through regular from G L Bajaj Institute 0f technology &
Mgt. The project forms essential part of practical learning by employing research techniques and implied
tools and blending the theoretical knowledge to achieve the desired results.
Workers are the assets of any organization. In today’s world of dynamism and competitiveness, human
resource management is the most important element to retain the organization viability. To keep them
moving with an inner drive to achieve organizational objective is therefore of utmost importance. But this
inner drive cannot be created when there is a mismatch between the needs, desires, aspirations and
expectations of employees and the fulfillment. This mismatch or gap needs to be bridged effectively.
The objective of the study is to get familiar with the actual proceedings in the institutes/enterprises and
judge the skills levels prevailing within. The experience, which is obtained while undergoing the study, is
unique and it provides valuable insight into what goes into the psyche of an employee and how it affects his
motivation as well as performance level and the overall organizational objective.
I have tried to collect all the related and relevant data of organization required for my project and evaluate
the same for best possible analysis. The information and various data were obtained through personal
discussion with lower rung staff as well as with junior, middle and top-level management personnel in
various sections of the Samsung Company.

The study not only has enriched my knowledge on various practical aspects of recruitment but hopes, in all
humility, to rekindle a sense of greater responsibility and spark a new approach amongst the management on
this aspect of human resource management practice.


Samsung Electronics PVT LTD. started its operation in India in 1969 and since it is marching towards glory
and has many laurels to its name. My training period in this company has given me a lot of confidence and
exposure to what corporate world is. The project given to me is “Recruitment and Selection”.

Page 7
The Aim of the project is to determine the effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Policy in Samsung in
comparative with other companies (Path InfoTech, EXL, Period of Consultancy, Alcatel, Sony, and
As we know that in order to run any company we search “right candidate for the right job”. It is the initial
step to run any organization because employees are the most important asset of any organization. The
success or failure of an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. That’s
the reason I have chosen this topic and secondly it is major part of HR which is my subject of interest.
This research project reflects the working culture of Samsung as to how the company uses various methods
in recruiting and selecting the applicants in comparative with other companies and in which areas it needs
some improvement.

Page 8

Page 9
The Samsung Group is a South Korean conglomerate composed of numerous businesses, including Samsung
Electronics, as one of the world’s largest electronics companies. Samsung Group is South Korea’s largest
exporter and is helmed by Chairman Lee Kun-hear , the third son of the founder Lee Byng.

Samsung Electronics is a South Korean Multinational Corporation and one of the world’s largest Electronics
and IT companies. In August 2005, Business Week rated Samsung as the Number 1 consumer electronics
brand in the world. Headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, it is part of the Korean Samsung Group operating
in approximately over 100 countries. The name Samsung literally means “three stars” or “Tri-Star” in

Samsung Electronics is viewed by many Koreans as a symbol of national pride and ‘Cando’ spirit. Samsung
Electronics announced at the start of the 21st century its intention to “become the world’s largest electronics
company in just 5 years”.

The company began reporting record profits from the start of the 21st century, especially in 2003 when it
displayed 33% growth in brand value in the Interbank global brand rankings. In 2004, the company was one
ranking behind Sony and in 2005 overtook Sony as the top consumer electronic brand.

In 2006 and 2007, Samsung was rated one of the top global electronics brands in various reports, with the
January 2007 Brand Finance report ranking the company number 1 in electronics and 32nd overall and
Business Week rating Samsung is ranking 20th of global brands.

Samsung Electronics owes much of its success to being the world’s largest manufacturer of memory chips
and liquid crystal displays, which are crucial to all modern electronic devices.

The semiconductor division of Samsung Electronics is the world’s largest manufacturer of many
semiconductor technologies such as DRAM, SRAM, Flash Memory and Display Driver IC. Samsung is also
the world’s largest LCD manufacturer selling over 62 million LCD TVs in 2016. It is also the number three
mobile phone manufacturer in the world.

Samsung Electronics is a leading provider of high-tech Consumer Electronics, Home Appliances and IT
and Telecom Products in the country. It is the world’s largest producer of color monitors, color TVs,
memory chips and TFT-LCDs.


Samsung India is the hub for Samsung’s South West Asia Regional Operations.
The South West Asia Regional Headquarters looks after the Samsung business in Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh, Maldives and Bhutan besides India. Samsung India Electronics Limited (SIEL), the Indian
subsidiary of the US $ 55.2 billion Samsung Electronics Corporation (SEC) headquartered in Seoul, Korea,
started operations in India in 1995. Today enjoys a sales turnover of over US $ I Ben in just a decade of
operations in the country. Initially, it was a player only in the color televisions segment when it undertook
contract manufacturing for Videocon. However, later it diversified into color monitors (2007) and
refrigerators (2016). Today, it is recognized as one of the fastest growing brands in the sphere of digital

In its tenure of over 10 years in the country, Samsung India has set up manufacturing
facilities for Color Televisions, Washing Machines, Color Monitors and more recently, Refrigerators in the
country. All the facilities are located at its Manufacturing Complex at Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The company
set up a Software Technology Park for Digital Visual Display Products at Noida in the year 2015. In the year
2016, Samsung India has been made the Regional Headquarters for Samsung Operations in South West


B.C. Lee founded Samsung

(1938) Now one of the biggest companies in the world in consumer electronics, communication- a
information technology and semiconductors

Samsung Electronics established<

In 1972 Production of TV sets began
In 1974 Samsung started producing silicon chips

K.H. Lee became chairman<

Declaration of
‘the Second Foundation’(1988)

Samsung CI redefined<
Chairman Lee declared
New Management

History of Challenges and Exploration

1950s advancing into manufacturing and financial sector

1960s advancing into electronics and business diversification

1970s advancing into heavy and chemical industries and systematization of electronic companies
1980s advancing into high value-added and capital-intensive industry
1990s declaration of the new management and joining the ranks of first-class companies

2000s global competitiveness, first-class status

B.C. Lee Samsung K.H. Lee Samsung
founded Electronics became CI
Samsung established chairman redefined

● History of Samsung Electronics

1999 Company Established

2000 Production of B/W TV sets started
2001 Water fabrication started
2002 Korea Telecommunications Corp. acquired
2003 Samsung Semiconductor and Telecommunications merged with SEC
2004 Company ranked world’s top DRAM Supplier cellular telephone system
2005 256M DRAM developed
2006 1G DRAM developed
CDMA cellular services commercialized
2007 Worldwide Olympic partner contract signed
2008 World’s 1st digital TV developed
2009 1GB flash memory chip developed world’s 1st 1MT-2000 handset, system and
Core semiconductor chips developed
2010 90 nanometer memory processing technology commercialized
2011 World’s Fist 70 nanometer technology 4 gigs-bit NAND flash developed
World’s Fist 57-inch TFT LCD developed
2013 Established S-LCD Inc., LCD joint 1st 60-Nano 8GB NAND flash memory
Chip, released world’s 1st 5-Megapixd camera phone
2015 World’s first 50nm NAND flash memory developed world’s first 102”PDP
TV, 82” LCD TV, and 71” DLPTM TV 5 years Chelsea Football Club
Sponsorship deal announced
2016 Samsung launches the world’s First 82” Full HDTV TFT-LCD the Company

Launches the world’s First: 10M-pixel Camera phone 8GB HHD Phone
Samsung launches the QI- the world’s first ultra-portable PC

Samsung, which literally means “three stars” in Korean, initially had three stars as its logo.
In 1993, Samsung introduced a new corporate identity program is honors of its 55th anniversary and 5th
anniversary of the introduction of the “second foundation”. It was aimed to strengthen competitiveness by
bringing Samsung’s desired perception by the public. Samsung’s corporate logo was redefined to project
Samsung’s firm determination to become a world leader. The Samsung name is now written in English,
expanding its global presence throughout the world.
The name is superimposed over a dynamic, new logo design, giving an overall image of dynamic enterprise.
The elliptical logo shape symbolizes the world moving through space, conveying a distinctive image of
innovation and change. The first letter, “S”, and the last letter, ”G”, partially break out of the oval to connect
the interior with the exterior, showing Samsung’s desire to be one with the world and to serve society as a


Growing To Be The Bes

Samsung India aims to be the ‘Best Company’ in India by the year 2006. ‘Best Company’ in terms of both
the internal workplace environment as well as the external context in which the company operates- Samsung
aims to grow in India by contributing to the Indian economy and making the lives of its consumer simpler,
easier and richer through its superior quality products
“Our aim to gain technological leadership in the Indian marketplace even as our goal is to earn the love
and respect of more and more of our Indian consumers”


Electronic Industries Total No. Companies: 7

Samsung Electronics, Samsung SDI, Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Samsung Coring, Samsung SDS,
Samsung Networks, Samsung Corning Precision Glass

Chemical Industries Total No. Companies:5

Samsung General Chemicals, Samsung Petrochemicals, Samsung Fine Chemicals, Samsung BP Chemicals,
Samsung Tool Petrochemicals

Machinery and Heavy Industries Total No. Companies:2

Samsung Heavy Industries, Samsung Technology

Financial Services Total No. Companies:

Samsung Life Insurance, Samsung Fire and Marine Insurance, Samsung Card, Samsung Securities, Samsung
Capital, Samsung Investment Trust Mgmt, Samsung Venture Investment

Other Affiliated Companies Total No. Companies: 42 Including

Samsung Medical Centre, Samsung Foundation of Culture, Samsung Welfare Foundation, The HO-Am
foundation, Samsung Press Foundation, Samsung Economics Research Inst., Samsung Human Resources
Dev. Inst., Samsung Engineering, Chile Industries, Samsung Ever land, Shills Hotel and Resorts, Chile
Communications, S1 Corporation, Samsung Lions.


Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd is a global leader in semi-conductor, telecommunication, digital media and
digital convergence technologies. Employing approximately 123,000 people in 930 offices in 48 countries,
the company consists of five main business units. These are:

✓ Digital Appliances Business

✓ Digital Media Business

✓ LCD Business

✓ Semi-conductor Business

✓ Telecommunication Network Business

Samsung India’s areas of business are broadly classified into the following 3 categories:

● Consumer Electronics (CE)/Audio Visual (AV) Business:

✓ TVs - Home Theater Systems

✓ Home Audio Players - Digital Still Cameras

✓ Digital Audio Players - Camcorders

✓ CD/DVD Players

● Home Appliances (HA) Business:

✓ Refrigerators

✓ Air Conditioners

✓ Washing Machines

✓ Microwave Ovens

Information Technology (IT) Business:

✓ Note PCs

✓ Hard Disk Drives


✓ CD/DVD Writers

✓ Monitors

✓ Laser Printers and Laser-based Multi-function Printers


Founded : 1995

President and CEO : HB LEE

Head Office : IFCI- Nehru Place, Delhi

Manufacturing Facility: NOIDA

And Software Center

Number of Employees: 1600

Samsung India has a network of 19 Branch Offices located all over the country. The Samsung manufacturing
complex housing manufacturing facilities for Color Televisions, Color Monitors, Refrigerators and Washing
Machines is located at Noida near Delhi. Samsung ‘Made in India’ products like Color Televisions, Color
Monitors and Refrigerators are being exported to Middle East, CIS and SAARC countries from its Noida
Manufacturing Complex.

Samsung India currently employs over 1600 employees, with around 18% of its employees working in
Research and Development.

The 19 branches of SIEL are located in the following cities:


New Delhi Chennai

Chandigarh Hyderabad

Lucknow (Eastern U.P.) Bangalore

Ghaziabad (Western U.P.) Cochin




Mumbai Kolkata

Pune Ranchi

Ahmedabad Guwahati


Samsung translates its business strategy into a manpower plan and develop a recruitment program
accordingly, which will enable it to attract and select people with the appropriate combination of experience,
skills and knowledge.


The main objectives of the Recruitment Policy are outlined as follows:

● Build the Samsung brand in the job market

● Ensure availability of the “right” talent at the “right” time

● Evaluate through a scientific process that ensures the right fit between the organization and the

Recruitment Procedure

A. Manpower process

➢ Manpower Forecasting

1. The overall annual business plan for the company breaks down into plans and targets for each
individual department. Each department calculates their grade wise manpower requirements based on
the staffing norms, and provide quarterly and monthly manpower requirements to corporate HR.

2. Based on the attrition trends and manpower requirements, all the respective Head of Departments
arrive on the manpower numbers along with Head-HR and obtain on MD’S approval.

3. The projected requirements for the year must reach Head-HR, latest by the first week of January
every year.

Manpower Inventory

HR prepares the current manpower status of each department, including an analysis of the current manpower
at each location, grade and skill summary.

➢ Identifying Manpower Gaps

The existing number of employees and their skill levels compared with the forecasted requirements to
identify qualitative and quantitative gaps. Options for the redeployment through retaining, transfers,
promotions are considered. Where these options do not exist, options for recruiting from external sources are
taken into account.

➢ Manpower Plans

On the basis of identified gaps, HR prepares on overall manpower plan which provides adequate lead time
for transfers, retaining, promotions and external hiring. The plan contains details on:

● Department wise numbers for transfers, retaining and promotions.

● Department wise numbers for external recruitment.

● The final manpower plan prepares. Once completed, it will be put up for approval by all the
department heads and Managing Director.

B. Preparing Job Description and Person Specification

Each position in the organization has detailed job description including the following:

➢ Description of profile to be handled

➢ Department/Location/Region

➢ Reporting relationship-Designation

➢ Whether the position is budgeted – in case of a new vacancy or replacement- mention details of last


➢ Qualifications- Essential/Desired

➢ Position in the hierarchy/Organization Structure

C. Raising Manpower Request

The hiring managers raise the manpower request using the following format and to HODs for their approval
using MR form.

Particulars Details

Date of initiation __________

JD Code __________

Position __________

Reporting Relationship (Designation) __________

Location __________

Region __________

Date of closing the position __________

➢ The manpower request rises through My Single by the hiring managers. Regional HR managers

notify HO-HR and Head-HR while seeking HOD approval.

➢ Once the vacancy is filled, My Single MRF approval in hard copy along with the signatures of

Head-HR documented in the personnel file for selected candidates. Head-HR signs the manpower
request form once the vacancy is filled.

➢ All requests for a new position must be sent to HR in a Manpower Requisition Form after approval

from the HOD, Human Resource manages the process of recruitment and selection with inputs from
the line function.

D. Sources of recruitment

Generally, the sources of recruitment are categorized into two parts:

● Internal Recruitment

● External Recruitment

➢ Internal Recruitment:

The company believes in offering opportunities for growth and carrier progression to its employees; thus,
each time a requirement arises, internal recruitment is a preferred mode. For every vacancy arises below
level, an option of filling the post initially is considered. HR places an advertisement on the intranet. The
advertisement contains the following details:

a. Job Profile

b. Education qualifications, Skills, Experience

c. Last date of receiving Applications

d. Contact person in HR

All applications are screened for the eligibility against pre-determined criteria for the vacancy. HR prepares
a list of eligible applicants and seeks approval from the respective Reporting Manager and Departmental
Head. If approval is given, HR sends notification to the eligible candidates via email. Applicants who are not
found eligible are also be notified as via email.


If no suitable applicants apply within one week from the date of posting the advertisement, external
recruitment is initiated.

➢ External Recruitment:

The vacancies can be filled through the following channels:

▪ Candidates walking in/ sending their CVs directly

▪ Job Portals

▪ Samsung Site (thru

▪ Consultants

▪ Campus Recruitment

Hiring team work on each position as per the following:

S. No. Position Lead time for closure

1. Up to Asst. Manager 30 calendar days

2. Managers 45 calendar days

3. Sr. Manager& DGM 45 calendar days

4. GM& Above 60 calendar days

▪ The team spend at least 1 week in searching for the right candidate through sources other than


▪ Lead time calculated as follows: Date of receiving come regarding the vacancy- Date of candidate

signing the LOI & committing a joining date after serving the notice period.

▪ The lead time is communicated to the HODs/Regional Managers by Head-HR at the time of

communication of the opening to HR.

▪ Direct CVs/Job Portals/ Samsung Site/Consultants:

The CVs received through consultants, directly received CVs, job portals& Samsung site is stored in the
CV database.

➢ Campus Recruitments:

Campus recruitment is used for fresh graduates/postgraduates who are taken as Executive Trainees and
Management Trainees or for individuals joining at entry-level positions in the company.

If candidate possess less than one year of work experience, he/she treats as a fresh hire (entry level

▪ Trainee Schemes

✓ Management Trainees

Depending upon the requirements projected in the manpower plan, the company recruits Management
Trainees from Management Institutes in the country.

✓ Sourcing of Trainees

Management trainees are sourced from Management Institutes across the country.

The selection criteria for institutes are described below:

● Campus rating through publications: HR refers to the Campus ratings published in the Business
Magazines, available in the country and arrive at average campus ratings. For the current year the
company will target institutes that are ranked between 15th and 20th ranks according to the
ranking developed. It is further recommended that by the year 2013-2014.
● Recruitment days given: The company gives preference to the Institutes who are willing to give
either day 0, 1 or 2
● Campus Specialization: Relevance of courses offered to the company’s business.
● Campus Relationship: The Company develops close relationships with targeted campus by hiring
large numbers, conducting events, taking summer trainees, sending senior managers for lectures

✓ Positioning of Trainees

Selected trainees are positioned at the following grades:

Fresh Graduates: Student with a Master’s in Business Administration is placed at the Management Trainee
grades and gets confirmed in level…… After successful completion of the training period.

Experience: Student with relevant work experience of 1-3 years give weight age but takes as Management

E. Recruitment Process

The recruitment process for the Management trainees is as follows:

➢ HR initiates the campus recruitment process by sending the company’s literature to the campus, one

month before the proposed date of recruitment. This contains brochures of the company literature
containing information about the company, the job profile and the remuneration package.

➢ SIEL representatives to the campus include:

HO HR/Regional HR

Regional Manager/Regional Functional Manager

➢ Pre-Placement Talks:

HR coordinates with the Placement Cell of short-listed Institutes and schedule Pre-Placement talks (PPT)
The HR head and Regional Manager inform the Pre-Placement Team. The following information is carried
to the Pre-Placement Talks:

▪ A Pre-Placement (PPT) for 30 minutes, covering Samsung Corporate Video, Position Profile and

growth chart, Increments, GPMS and Company policies,

▪ Application Blanks,

▪ Number of job openings

Selection Process
A. Eligibility Criteria:
The following eligibility criterion is used to short list applicants from various Institutes:

✓ A CGPA of at least 6 out of 10 or its equivalent in the MBA/PGDBM program

✓ Projects undertaken at the summer trainee/internship level

B. Screening of Application Blanks:

The placement Coordinator/Administrative Offices short list candidates on the basis of predetermined
eligibility criteria and send the list of short-listed students to the company at least one week before the date
of campus interviews. HR will then the application blanks that are received and short list them a second time
according to the eligibility criteria.

C. Selection Criteria:
The candidates qualifying the %/CGPA criteria are considered for the selection rounds. The weight age for
the selection exercises is as under:
S. No. Exercise Weight age (%)
1. Group Discussion 20
2. Psychometric Analysis 30
3. Panel Interview 50
F. Letter of Intent:
Selected candidates are issued a letter of intent on the spot. Appointment letters are issued upon joining.
a) Trainee Scheme
Once selected, all the trainees are provided with an HR brochure that lists the details of the trainee scheme
are outlined below:

▪ Travel:

Management Trainees are provided with AC class Train Fare from home to the company. Conveyance
expenses such as travel (taxi) from the Railway station to the place of posting etc. are provided.

▪ Accommodation:

Trainees are provided with shared accommodation. Guest House is provided for one month for outstation

▪ Training Program:

The training period is for six months. The details are given below:
A three-day induction period held for all trainees by the top Management on the vision, mission and
company policies.

✓ All trainees spend one week in each function for a period of …………. Weeks.

✓ Trainees undertake 2 projects in 2 other functions than their specialization.

✓ A combined test for all the departments and functions it is prepared by persons nominated in HO

by HODs. It is conducted and evaluated by RHR and sent to HO-HR.

✓ Detailed feedback session is conducted by HR and sent to HO-HR and handover to respective

G. Performance Evaluation and Placement:
Upon completion of the training period, all trainees undergo performance evaluation.

✓ Process:

✓ Trainees are required to present a report of the projects they have undertaken to the Department Head

at the end of the training period.

✓ HR schedules a performance interview for every management trainee. The panel for interview

consists of one cross- functional head, Departmental head and HR Manager.

✓ The trainee is assessed on the projects completed and a number of parameters listed in the “Trainee

Evaluation Form”.

✓ The Performance Evaluation Panel recommends a confirmation separation as per the trainee’s

performance. Upon receiving the evaluation and recommendation, HR issues a confirmation letter to
the trainee confirming him/her at level.



As we know that the human resources are the most important asset of an organization. The success or failure
of an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. Without positive and
creative contributions from people, organizations cannot progress and prosper. In order to achieve the goal
or perform the activities of an organization, therefore, firstly we need to plan proper manpower planning
because it is the essential process of getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the
right time so that an organization can meet its objectives. It is a system of matching the supply of people
with openings the organization expects over a given time frame. After the manpower planning, we need to
recruit people with requisite skills, qualifications and experience to perform the activities of an organization.

“Recruitment is a true sales function. A recruiter should uncover the needs of the applicants and understand
why they have those needs and the recruiter can then show how the organization can specifically satisfy such

Recruitment provides a pool of applicants for selection. Selection is much more than just choosing
the best candidate. It is an attempt to strike a happy balance between what the applicant can and wants to do
and what the organization requires. Various selection tools and techniques are used to find people with
relevant qualifications who are willing to accept the job offer and give satisfactory service and performance
in the long run.


“Human Resource” may be thought of as “the total knowledge”, skills, creative abilities, talents and
aptitudes of an organization’s work force, as well as the values, attitudes and benefits of an individual
involved. It is the sum total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talent and
aptitudes of the employed persons.” Of all the “Ms” in management (i.e., the management of materials,
machines, methods, money, motive power), the most important is “M” for men or human resources. It is the
most valuable asset of an organization, and not the money or physical equipment.

Human resources are utilized to the maximum possible extent in order to achieve individual an
organizational goal. An organization’s performance and resulting productivity are directly proportional to
the quantity and quality of its human resources.

Human resource or manpower planning is “the process by which a management determines how an
organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower position. ‘Through
planning, a management strives to have the right number and the right kind of people at the right places, at
the right time, to do things which result in both the organization and the individual receiving the maximum
long-range benefit.

Human resource planning consists of a series of activities, viz.

A. Forecasting future manpower requirements, either in terms of mathematical projections of trends in

the economic environment an development in industry, or in terms of judgmental estimates based
upon the specific future plans of a company;

B. Making an inventory of present manpower resources and assessing the extent to which these
resources are employed optimally;

C. Anticipating manpower problems by projecting present resources in the future and comparing them
with the forecast of requirements to determine their adequacy, both quantitatively and qualitatively;

D. Planning the necessary program of requirement, selection, training, development, utilization,

transfer, promotion, motivation and compensation to ensure that future manpower requirements are
properly met.


Human Resource planning fulfills individual, organizational and national goals. The main purpose is one of
matching or fitting employee’s abilities to enterprise requirements, with an emphasis on future instead of
present arrangements.

Thus, Human Resource planning involves forecasting manpower requirement, preparing manpower
inventory to assess the internal supply of manpower, identification of manpower gap which may be in the
form of either surplus or shortage of manpower, and designing action plans for bridging this gap.
Organizational objectives and plans provide base for manpower planning so that it is linked with the former.

Organizational Objectives and Plans:

The starting point of any activity in an organization is its objectives which generate various plans and
policies which provide direction for future course of action. Out of this direction, various subsystems of the
organization devise their own plans and program. Thus, each subsystems plans and program are linked to
organizational plans and policies. To the extent, this linkage is not proper, a subsystem’s contribution to the
achievement organizational objectives is adversely affected. This is true with manpower planning too. While

going through its process, therefore, organizational policies with regard to effective utilization of human
resources should be identified and incorporated in planning process.

Forecasting Human Resource Requirement:

The first essential ingredient of manpower planning is the forecasting needs for human resources in
an organization over a period of time. Forecasting of human resource requirements serves the
following purposes:

1. To quantify the jobs necessary for producing a given number of goods; or offering a given
amount of service;

2. To determine what staff-mix is desirable in the future;

3. To assess appropriate staffing levels in different parts of the organization so as to avoid

unnecessary cost;

4. To prevent shortages of people where and when they are needed most; and

5. To monitor compliance with legal requirements with regard to reservation of jobs.

Preparing Human Resource Inventory:

Inventory is a term which is normally used to counting of tangible objects like raw materials and finished
goods, etc. In the same way, inventory of human resources can also be prepared. The basic purpose of
preparing manpower inventory is to find out the size and quality of personnel available within the
organization to man various positions. Every organization will have two major sources of supply of
manpower: internal and external.

a). Internal labor supply: A profile of employees in terms of age, sex, education, training, experience, job
level, past performance and future potentials should be kept ready for use whenever required. Requirements
in terms of growth/diversification, internal movement of employees must also be assessed in advance.

b). External labor supply: When the organization grows rapidly, diversifies into newer areas of operations
(merchant banking, capital market operations, mutual funds, etc. in case of a bank) or when it is not able to
find the people internally to fill the vacancies, it has to look into outside sources.

Identification of Human Resource Gap:

Human Resource gap is the difference between manpower required at a particular time and the personnel
being available at that particular time. This gap can be identified on the basis of forecasts for human
resource needs and supply. This gap should be measured in respect of various types of personnel because
mere aggregate quantitative gap would not serve much purpose. This gap may be of two types: surplus
human resources and shortage of human resources. Based on the analysis of this gap, action plans must be
developed to overcome this gap.

Action Plan: Various action plans are devised to bridge human resource gap. If there is surplus of human
resources either because of improper human resource planning in the past or because of change in
organizational plan, such as divestment of business or closing down some businesses because of various
reasons, action plans may be devised to pruntheir size through layoff, voluntary retirement, etc. If there is
shortage of human resources, action plan may be devised to recruit additional personnel.


The Recruitment and Selection process promotes successful hiring decisions that can truly impact the
success of the organization. The selection of a candidate with the right combination of education, work
experience, attitude, and creativity will not only increase the quality and stability of the workforce, it will
also play a large role in bringing management strategies and planning to fruition.


Recruitment forms the first stage in the process which continues with selection and ceases with the
placement of the candidate. It is the next step in the procurement junction, the first being the manpower

planning. Recruitment makes it possible to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the
continued operation of the organization.

“Recruiting is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. In
other words, it is a ‘linking activity’ bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs.”


Factors governing recruitment may broadly be divided as internal and external factors.

The internal factors are:

i. Recruiting policy of the organization;

ii. Human resource planning strategy of the company;

iii. Size of the organization and number of employees employed;

iv. Cost involved in recruiting employees, and finally;

v. Growth and expansion plans of the organization.

The external factors are:

i. Supply and demand of specific skills in the labor market;

ii. Political and legal consideration such as reservation of jobs for SCs, STs and so on;

iii. Company’s image-perception of the job seekers about the company.


Before an organization activity begins recruiting applicants, it should consider the most likely source of the
type of employee it needs. Some companies try to develop new sources, while most only try to tackle the
existing sources they have. These sources, accordingly, may be termed as internal and external.


Recruiting may be hiring to mind employment agencies and classified ads, but current employees are often
the best source of candidates. These include personnel already on the pay-roll of an organization, i.e., its

present working force, whenever any vacancy occurs, somebody from within the organization is upgraded,
transferred, promoted or sometimes demoted. This source also includes personnel who were once of the
pay-roll of the company but who plan to return or whom the company would like to rehire, such as those on
leave of absence, those who quit voluntarily, or those on production lay-offs.

External Sources:

Firms cannot always get all the employees they need from their current staff, and sometimes they just don’t
want to.. We will look at the source’s firms use to find outside candidates next. Normally, following outside
sources are utilized for different positions.

Advertisement: Everyone is familiar with employment ads, and most of us have probably responded to one
or more. It is the most effective means to search potential employees from outside the organization.
Employment advertisement in journals, newspapers, bulletins, etc., is quite common in our country. An
advertisement contains brief statement of the nature of jobs, the type of people required, and procedure for
applying for these jobs.

Employment Agencies: Many organizations get the information about the prospective candidates through
employment agencies. In our country, two types of employment agencies are operating. These are:

A. Public agencies operated by federal, state or local governments;

B. Private employment agencies

A. Public employment agencies: There are employment exchanges run by the government almost in
all districts. The employment seekers get themselves registered with these exchanges. Normally,
such exchanges provide candidates for lower positions.

B. Private employment agencies: Private employment agencies are important sources on clerical,
white-collar, and managerial personnel. They charge fees (set by state law and posted in their
offices) for each applicant they place.

On Campus Recruitment: Many organizations conduct preliminary search of prospective employees by
conducting interviews at the campuses of various institutes, universities, and colleges. This source is quite
useful for selecting people to the posts of management trainees, technical supervisor, scientist, and
technicians. The organization hold preliminary interviews on the campus on the predetermined date and
candidates found suitable are called further interviews at specified places.

Referrals and Walk- Ins: “Employee referrals” campaigns are another option. The firm posts
announcements of openings and requests for referrals in its bulletin and on its wallboards and intranet; prizes
or cash rewards that culminate in hiring. Employee referrals have been the source of almost half of all hires
at America Credit since the firm kicked off its “you’ve got friends, we want to meet them” employee
referrals program. Employees making a referral receive $10 awards, with the payments spread over a year.
As the head of recruiting says, “Quality people know quality people. If you give employees the opportunity
to make referrals, they automatically suggest high caliber people because they are stakeholders….”

Internet Recruiting: A large and fast-growing proportion of employers use the Internet as a recruiting
jumped from 10% in 1997 to 75% in 2000. Infosys Technologies Ltd., for example, gets over 1000 resumes
a day from prospective candidates through the Net. The HR manager has to key in his or her requirement
and ‘profiles’ of candidates from the company’s database get generated. There are a variety of websites
available- in addition company’s own website- where applicants can submit their resumes and potential
employers can check for qualified applicants. (such as (i) (ii)
(iii) (iv) (v) etc.)


The size of the labor market, the image of a company, the place of posting, the nature of job, the
compensation package and a host of other factors influence the manner in which job aspirants are likely to
respond to the recruiting efforts of a company. Through the process of recruitment, a company tries to locate

prospective employees and encourages them to apply for vacancies at various levels. Recruiting thus,
provides a pool of applicants for selection.

“Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an
organization. The basic purpose is to choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job, from
the pool of qualified candidates”.

Selection Procedure

The selection procedure is concerned with securing relevant information about an applicant. This
information is secured in a number of steps or stages. The objective of selection process is to determine
whether an applicant meets the qualifications for a specific job and to choose the applicant who is most
likely to perform well in that job. The hiring procedure is not a single act but it is essentially a series of
methods or steps or stages by which additional information is secured about the applicant.


There is no shortcut to an accurate evaluation of a candidate. The hiring procedure is, therefore, generally
long and complicated. Many employers make use of such techniques and pseudo-sciences as phrenology,
physiognomy, astrology, graphology, etc., while coming to hire decision. However, in modern times, these
are considered to be unreliable measures.

The following is a popular though it may be modified to suit individual situation:

1. Reception or preliminary interview or screening;

2. Application blank- a fact-finder which helps one in learning about an applicant’s background and life

3. Different types of tests used to look at a candidate’s suitability for a job;

4. A well conducted interview to explore the facts and get at the attitudes of the applicant and his family job
and the

5. A physical examination-health and stamina are vital factors in success;

6. A reference check


The initial screening is usually conducted by a special interviewer to a high caliber receptionist in the
employment office. This interview is essentially a sorting process in which prospective applicants are given
the necessary information about the nature of the jobs in the organization. The necessary information, then,
elicited from the candidates relating to their education, experience, skill, salary demanded, the reasons for
leaving their present jobs, their job interests and whether they are available for the job, their physical
appearance, age, “drive” and facility in speech. If a candidate meets with the requirements of the
organizational structure he is eliminated at the preliminary stage.

2. Application Blank or Application Form

An application blank is a traditional, widely accepted device for getting information. Corn a prospective
applicant which will enable a management to make a proper selection.

It is a good means of quickly collecting verifiable (and therefore fairly accurate) basic historical data from
the candidate. The information required to be given in the applicant’s own hand writing is needed to identify
him properly and to draw tentative inferences about his suitability for employment. Many types of
application forms- sometimes very long and comprehensive and sometimes brief- are used. Information is
generally called on the following items.

a. Biographical Data

b. Education Attainment

c. Work Experience

d. Salary

e. Personal Items

f. Other Items: Names and addresses of previous employers, reference etc.

3. Selection Test:

Many organizations hold different kinds of selection tests to know more about the candidates or to reject the
candidates who cannot be called for interview, etc. Selection tests normally supplement the information
provided in the application forms. Such forms may contain factual information about candidates. Selection
tests may give information about their aptitude, interest, personality, etc., which cannot be known by
application forms.

4. Interview:

Interview is the oral examination of candidates for employment. This is the most essential step in the
selection process. In this step, the interviewer tries to obtain and synthesize information about the abilities of
the interviewee and the requirements of the job. Several types of interviews are commonly used depending
on the nature and importance of the position to be filled within an organization. These are Structured
Interview, Non- Structured Interview, Situational Interview, Behavioral Interview, Panel Interview, Stress
Interview, etc.

5. Medical Examination:

Medical examination is carried out to ascertain the physical standards and fitness of prospective employees.
Medical Examination can give the following information:

● Whether the applicant is medically suitable for the specific job or not;

● Whether the applicant’s physical measurements are in accordance with job requirements or not.

But some organizations use this type of test.

6. Reference Checks:

The use of references is common in most selection procedures, for it involves only a little time and money
and minimum of effort. The procedure places reliance on the evaluation of former employers, friends and
professional personnel. Checks on references are made by mail or by telephone, and occasionally or by
using reference form.

7. Hiring Decision:

The Line Manager concerned has to make the final decision now- whether to select or reject a candidate
after soliciting the required information through different techniques. After taking the final decision, the
organization has to intimate this decision to successful as well as unsuccessful candidates. The organization
sends the appointment order to the successful candidates either immediately or after some time, depending
upon its time schedule.

Information Value of Recruitment and Selection

In early recruitment stage, organizations have to make several important decisions concerning the
characteristics of the information they provide. The medium, the level of accuracy or realism, the amount
and nature of the information, might all affect both pre-hire outcomes (e.g., prospects’ willingness to apply)
and post-hire outcomes (e.g., early turnover).

Realistic job previews (RJPs) are undoubtedly the most well-known recruitment procedure
pertaining to provision of information. Through the use of RJPs, both favorable and unfavorable information
is provided to applicants in order to reduce post-hire turnover. In the first published account of a RJP
experiment more than 40 years ago, (Wits, 1956) lauded the potential usefulness of having potential
employees’ expectations as realistic as possible.

During this research, equivocal accounts of the effectiveness, rationale and related techniques devised to
improve a variety of organizational outcomes (job satisfaction, performance, job tenure, commitment) have
been reported.
Several studies have examined the relationships between the amount of information provided in recruitment
materials and job seekers’ willingness to apply for the job described (Barber & Roiling, 1993; Gate wood,
Gowon, &Lautenschlager, 1993; Herriot & Roth well, 1981; Mason & Belt, 1986). The results of these
studies generally show that recruitment materials should be informative; that they should address a range of
job and organizational attributes; and that they should provide specific information about those attributes
(Barber, 1998). Based upon detailed information about job requirements less qualified prospects will lose
interest. Qualified prospects, on the other hand, are more likely to respond to ads when they provide specific
information on what the organization has to offer. However, before strong conclusions can be drawn,

additional replication is needed. More specifically, we need more studies on the relationships between online
advertisements and applicant attraction. Furthermore, Barber suggested that “it may well be that the positive
relationships between [potential] applicant reactions and information hold only up to a point: if recruitment
materials contain too much information, they may overwhelm applicants and have a less positive.
Also frequently reported in the recruitment literature is the positive relationship between applicant
attraction and the amount of information provided by the recruiter during the interview (Harris & Fink,
1987; Linden & Parsons, 1986; Maurer, Howe, & Lee, 1992; Powell, 1984; Ryes & Miller, 1983; Turban &
Dougherty, 1992). Thus, informative recruiters are generally preferred to uninformative ones. Yet, recruiters
are unlikely to present exceptionally large amounts of information about the organization, since they have to
acquire information about the applicant’s qualifications as well within the limited time available.

Many studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between applicants’ perceptions of
recruiter traits and behaviors and their perceptions of the organization itself. There is plenty of evidence
indicating that recruiter traits (e.g., warmth, empathy, sincerity) and recruiter behaviors (e.g., informative
ness, job knowledge) have a direct influence on applicant attraction (e.g., Harris & Fink, 1987; Powell,
1991). More recent research, however, suggests that this effect is fully mediated by applicants’ perceptions
of job and organizational attributes (e.g., Turban, 2001; Turban, Floret, & Hendrickson, 1998). As with
recruiters, selection procedures are believed to provide signals about the company’s broader characteristics
(e.g., efficiency, profitability). It is suggested that virtually all pre-screening and selection methods convey
some sort of information to the applicant (Anderson, 2001; Anderson &Ostroff, 1997). For instance,
selection methods may inform applicants on job activities, work roles, personnel procedures, and the
organizational context, including its goals values and climate (Anderson &Ostroff, 1997; Iles & Robertson,
1997). Obviously, some selection methods are more informative than others. Situational interviews, being
constructed from critical job-relevant incidents, and realistic job previews in principle pose candidates with
a number of highly relevant and informative scenarios. Cognitive ability tests and personality tests, on the
other hand, convey less information.


Research on job information sources has usually made a distinction between formal versus informal
recruitment sources. Formal job information sources involve the use of formal intermediaries such as
placement offices, and recruitment advertisements. In contrast, informal job information sources do not
involve the use of formal intermediaries (e.g., friends and relatives). Barber (1998) gave the following
overview of the various recruitment sources: “Traditional sources include employee referrals, employment
agencies (including campus placement offices and executive search firms), newspaper or radio
advertisements, and unsolicited applications or “walk-ins”. More recently, organizations have turned to
alternative sources, such as on-line (internet) hiring services, job fairs, and competitors’ layoffs/ outsourcing
programs as means of identifying candidates (Glickstein& Ramer, 1988)” (p. 22).

The relationship between recruitment sources and post-hire outcomes is one of the most intensely
researched aspects of recruitment. Interestingly, little is known about the relationship between recruitment
sources and more proximal recruitment outcomes, such as the identification and attraction of applicants
(Barber, 1998). Given the scope of this paper, I will concentrate on the relationship between recruitment
sources and turnover. Most studies on the effectiveness of recruitment sources have found that applicants
who were recruited along ‘informal’ recruitment sources (e.g., rehires, referred applicants, walk-ins) tend to
have lower turnover than applicants hired via ‘formal’ sources (e.g., newspaper ads, employment agencies)

(Blab, 1990; Breughel, 1981; Breughel & Mann, 1984; Decker & Cornelius, 1979; Gannon, 1971; K
Granovetter, 1974; Quagmire, 1982; Reid, 1972; Saks, 1994; Ullman, 1966; in Ryes, 1991). Other studies
have provided only moderate support for this. Caldwell and Spivey (1983), for instance, found that for
White employees, informal recruitment sources (e.g., employee referrals, in-store notices) were associated
with longer tenure. For Black employees, on the other hand, more formal sources (e.g., employment
agencies, media announcements) were associated with longer tenure. Other studies failed to find a positive
relationship between referrals and employee tenure (Linnaean & Blab, 2003; Sarnoff, Barclay, & Bass,
1985; Taylor & Schmidt, 1983).

Individual differences hypothesis

According to this hypothesis, formulated by Schwab (1982), applicants drawn from alternative sources
constitute samples from different applicant populations. This means that recruitment sources might differ in
the kind of applicants they reach, and that these differences in applicants might result in different post-hire
outcomes, such as job tenure (Barber, 1998). Differences in applicants usually bear reference to
demographic characteristics (e.g., age, location, educational level), instead of psychological criteria, such as
motivation, despite the theoretical importance of the latter (Buyers’, De Witte, & Martens, 2014). For
example (from Taylor & Schmidt, 1983, p. 345), a recruitment advertisement aired only on daytime
television would be expected to reach a different group of people than would a radio advertisement
broadcast during heavy commuting hours. Presumably, individuals recruited from different sources vary in
abilities affecting job performance as well as in values influencing job satisfaction and related participation
behaviors, e.g., attendance and tenure.

Empirical Research on Source Effects

Taylor and Schmidt (1983) tested the realistic information and individual differences
hypotheses on a sample of packaging plant employees. Selected individual characteristics (e.g., height,
weight, shift preference) were included in the research to test the latter hypothesis. Characteristics were
chosen because of their anticipated relationship to the dependent variables (attendance, performance, and
organizational tenure). The results showed that recruitment sources (referrals, newspaper ads, public
employment office referrals, radio ads, rehire).

Breughel and Mann (1984) also tested individual differences and realism as competing
hypotheses. The sample for their study consisted of 98 social service workers. The relationships between
recruitment source (newspaper ads, employee referrals, and direct applicants/ walk-ins) and two outcome
variables (performance and turnover) were examined. Information on realistic job expectations and several
individual difference variables (demographics, applicant quality, and perceived ease of movement) was also
gathered. It was found that direct applicants had higher performance and slightly better retention than
applicants recruited through other sources. It was also found that employee referrals (retrospectively)
reported having more realistic expectations than did the other sources, supporting the realism hypothesis.
Concerning the individual differences hypothesis, applicant quality and perceived ease of movement were
not found to differ across sources.

Blab (1990), using a sample of bank tellers, examined the relationship between four
recruitment sources (newspaper direct applicants/ walk-ins, and referrals) and employee performance. It was
found that direct applicants had higher performance than applicants recruited through other sources. In
addition, it was found that direct applicants had higher ability scores than applicants from other sources,
supporting the individual differences hypothesis. Less support was found for the realism hypothesis, in that
referral, not walk-ins, had the most realistic knowledge at the time of hire. As did Breughel and Mann
(1984), Blab used a retrospective measure to assess the realism of information.

Griffiths et al. (1997) used structural equations modeling (SEM) analyses to test the realism and
individual differences hypotheses in a sample of 221 newly hired nurses. In addition, they used a greater
variety of indicators of realism than are typically employed, assessing not only met expectations, but also
role clarity, commitment to job choice, and coping skills. The results showed that recruitment sources were
associated with individual differences and also with realism. Furthermore, realism was found to mediate
source influence. School and walk-in sources influenced coping efficacy, commitment to job choice, and
role clarity. There realism processes in turn affected most workplace outcomes (e.g., job satisfaction,
withdrawal cognitions, and turnover). However, the study also found direct effects of recruiting source on
post-hire outcomes. As a result of this finding, Griffith et al. concluded that more research on mediating
processes is needed.

The relationship between recruitment sources and turnover has been studied intensively in the past.
Overall, the accumulated evidence suggests that such relationships are quite weak (Williams, Labe, & Stone,
1993). In light of these findings, optimizing a valid predictor-based selection strategy is probably more
profitable than focusing on negligible relationships between recruitment sources and turnover (Williams et
al., 1993, cited in Casco, 1998).


It is divided in two categories:
Primary Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of recruitment and selection procedure in Samsung and to
find out limitation of the process.
Secondary Objective: To highlight the recruitment and selection policies of the companies.

Samsung is a globally known consumer electronic company. It is a world-famous big company. In order to
run any company, we search “right candidate for the right job”. It is the initial step to run any company
because employees are the most important asset of any organization. The success or failure of an
organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. That’s the reason I have
chosen this topic and secondly it is major part of HR which is my subject of interest.
With the help of this topic, I want to know about the recruitment and selection policies of the companies and
try to make more effective in Samsung. And it would be helpful for me for the future perspective.



Every research project conducted scientifically has a specified framework for

controlling the data collected. The framework is called Research Design.
A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data
in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in
1. The objectives are specified with sufficient accuracy to ensure that data collected
is relevant.
2. The data collection methods used is Questionnaires and Structured Interviews.
While designing data collection procedure, it was ensured that the data collected is
unbiased and reliable.
3. The questions are prepared in a clear, understandable, and relevant to the objective
specified to ensure accuracy.
4. The sampling design used is Random Sampling.
Sample Size
To determine the effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Policy of Samsung, a
sample size of 8 companies was collected. The respondents were basically the HR
managers, members from the recruitment and selection department.
The names of the 8 companies are listed below:

● Path InfoTech
● BL International
● Period Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd
● Sony
● Videocon
● Alcatel
● Samsung
The sample size taken for the research is 100.


For the accomplishment of my project, I designed an open-ended questionnaire the

aim of which was to understand the HR policies for recruitment and selection of
various companies so that benchmark can be set for the same for the betterment of the
organization. With the help of this questionnaire, I conducted a number of surveys and
collected the data. Interview of concerned authorities of the companies was conducted
to get well versed with the recruitment and selection procedure of various companies
and to determine their effectiveness.


Accurate action plan for data collection is the most important aspect of a fair report.
To accomplish my report in a accurate and in a fine way I made an action to achieve
the same.
The data for the present research study was collected by with the help of the following
two methods of data collection:

● The Primary Method for Data Collection

● The Secondary Method for Data Collection

The Primary Data Collection:

1. A Structured questionnaire with concrete and specified question was prepared

with the help of the industry guide, which covers all the aspects to know about
the recruitment and selection policies of the companies to determine the
effectiveness of Samsung in recruitment and selection.

2. To collect the data firstly, I found the addresses and phone no. of the
on the net and took appointments.

3. The questionnaire was distributed to a sample size of 8 companies including
Samsung from in this way that the overall objective of the research is achieved
in a proper manner.

4. Some of the data was collected by conducting Structured Interviews and


5. Personal Interactions with the HR Managers, Senior Level Managers and other
members of the HR team to take the feedback of recruitment and selection
procedures of the company.

Secondary Data Collection:

The secondary data was collected by two sources. These are:
1. Data collected regarding with the recruitment and selection procedure of
Samsung from the Company manuals.
2. Access corporate intranet website.
Limitation of the Study:
No research is complete without admitting the limitations that was faced while
conducting a study which will contribute to present learning. This study too like the
others have certain constrains which has been discussed below.

➢ The study was restricted to Greater Noida only

➢ The study is mainly concentrated on

➢ The sample of the size will be limited to time and resources

➢ The result is assuming that respondents have given accurate information


Data Analysis

In order to determine the effectiveness of recruitment and selection policy of Samsung

I have divided my questionnaire in eight parameters. These are listed below:

1. Experience
2. Job description and Job analysis
3. Sources of recruitment
4. Types of tests adopt for selecting candidates
5. Types of interviews
6. Final criterion for selection
7. Effectiveness of HR team
8. Effectiveness of job analysis

On the basis of these parameters, I have measured the effectiveness of recruitment and
selection process of Samsung with different companies and I have found in which
areas it needs improvement.

The analysis is divided into two categories:

1. Firstly, it is shown the percentage of effectiveness of the individual companies on

the eight parameters mentioned above:

1. Is there a policy stating the organization’s philosophy on recruitment and selection?


Experience 64%
Job description and job analysis 82.30%
Sources of recruitment 65%
Types of test adopt for selecting candidates. 100%
Types of interviews 78.57%
Final criterion for selection 57%
Effectiveness of HR team 82.70%
Effectiveness of job analysis 80.40%

2. Is there a formal process in place for identifying job vacancies?


Experience 65.70%
Job description and job analysis 70.30%
Sources of recruitment 80%
Types of test adopt for selecting candidates. 87.50%
Types of interviews 100%
Final criterion for selection 57%
Effectiveness of HR team 78.57%
Effectiveness of job analysis 72%

3. Is a job analysis conducted for each company?


Experience 65%
Job description and job analysis 79.40%
Sources of recruitment 70%
Types of test adopt for selecting candidates. 62.50%
Types of interviews 57.14%
Final criterion for selection 56%
Effectiveness of HR team 42.86%
Effectiveness of job analysis 77.40%

4. Does the job analysis accurately identify the essential ‘can do’ skills
Needed (i.e. skills, abilities, knowledge, education and experience)?


Experience 60%
Job description and job analysis 70%
Sources of recruitment 60%
Types of test adopt for selecting candidates. 87.50%
Types of interviews 85.71%
Final criterion for selection 74%
Effectiveness of HR team 71.43%
Effectiveness of job analysis 71.60%

5. Does the job analysis accurately identified the essential ‘will do’ skills
Needed (i.e. leadership, interpersonal, entrepreneurial, communication
And good attitude)?


Experience 78%
Job description and job analysis 90.10%
Sources of recruitment 70%
Types of test adopt for selecting candidates. 87.50%
Types of interviews 85.71%
Final criterion for selection 78%
Effectiveness of HR team 82.86%
Effectiveness of job analysis 88.20%

6. Does the policy contain procedures to guide managers through the

Recruitment and selection process?


Experience 70%
Job description and job analysis 70.20%
Sources of recruitment 70%
Types of test adopt for selecting candidates. 87.50%
Types of interviews 78.57%
Final criterion for selection 62%
Effectiveness of HR team 85.71%
Effectiveness of job analysis 74.40%

7. Is consideration given to internal candidates for all or some job

Openings before outside recruitment begin?


Experience 62%
Job description and job analysis 81.10%
Sources of recruitment 68%
Types of test adopt for selecting candidates. 100%
Types of interviews 92.86%
Final criterion for selection 70%
Effectiveness of HR team 85.71%
Effectiveness of job analysis 82.30%

8. Are recruitment strategies (methods to obtain qualified candidates) set

before recruitment begins?


Experience 85%
Job description and job analysis 90%
Sources of recruitment 70%
Types of test adopt for selecting candidates. 87.50%
Types of interviews 92.86%
Final criterion for selection 74%
Effectiveness of HR team 82.86%
Effectiveness of job analysis 87.20%

❖ Secondly, it is shown the comparative effectiveness of these companies

on the eight parameters mentioned above:

1. Which method is generally used to recruit the employees in your Organization?

Path InfoTech 64%
EXL 65.7%
BL International 65%
Period Consultant 60%
Sony 78%
Videocon 70%
Alcatel 62%
Samsung 85%

Graph shows Samsung gives 85% consideration to experience that means that the
organization prefer experienced person more than the other candidates whereas Period
Consultant give a comparatively less preference to experience and give opportunities
to fresher’s.
2. Rank the following according to its relevance to the company?

Path InfoTech 82.3%
EXL 70.3%
BL International 79.4%
Period Consultant 70%
Sony 90.1%
Videocon 70.2%
Alcatel 81.1%
Samsung 90%

Graph shows consideration of Job description and Job Analysis of Sony and Samsung
is equal i.e., 90.1% & 90%. On the other hand the least consideration of Job
description and Job analysis is 70% of Period Consultant.

3. Does your organization measure the effectiveness as well as the costs of these
recruiting sources?


Path InfoTech 65%
EXL 80%
BL International 70%
Period Consultant 60%
Sony 70%
Videocon 70%
Alcatel 68%
Samsung 70%

Graph shows EXL is 80% effective out of set benchmark. On the other hand ABC
Limited shows 60% effectiveness but it is very less. So, it needs some improvement in
the sources of recruitment. Samsung shows 70% effectiveness out of set benchmark.
So, it needs slight improvement to make effective recruitment and selection process
according to set benchmark.

4. Are candidate’s telephone interviews, teleconferencing or video screening
conducting before personal interviews?



Path InfoTech 100%
EXL 87.50%
BL International 62.50%
Period Consultant 87.50%
Sony 87.50%
Videocon 87.50%
Alcatel 100%
Samsung 87.50%

Graph shows Path InfoTech and Alcatel are 100% effective in test series according to
set benchmark. On the other hand BL International is 62.50% effective but it needs
some improvement. And Samsung shows 87.50% effectiveness out of set benchmark
but it needs some improvement to reach out the standard.
5. Are hiring managers trained in objective selection (i.e. interviewing
Techniques, position-related questions and legal complications)/ what
Type of training is provided?


Path InfoTech 78.57
EXL 100.00
BL International 57.14
Period Consultant 85.71
Sony 85.71
Videocon 78.57
Alcatel 92.86
Samsung 92.86

Graph shows EXL is 100% effective in conducting interviews according to set
benchmark. On the other hand, BL International shows 57.14% effectiveness but it is
least effective and it needs some improvement. And Samsung is 92.8% effective in
conducting interviews that means it needs slight improvement to reach out the set
6. Are tests or personality profiles used in the selection process?


Path InfoTech 57%
EXL 57%
BL International 56%
Period Consultant 74%
Sony 78%
Videocon 62%
Alcatel 70%
Samsung 74%


Graph shows the selection criteria of Sony to select the candidates whether it is a
position of managerial level, Supervisory level, Associates and Staff level and others
is 78% effective and the least effective is 57% of BL International. And Samsung
shows 74% effectiveness.

7. Has the organization examined or evaluated the following alternatives

to satisfying workforce requirements?


Path InfoTech 82.70%
EXL 78.57%
BL International 42.86%
Period Consultant 71.43%
Sony 82.86%
Videocon 85.71%
Alcatel 85.71%
Samsung 82.86%


Graph shows on the basis of recruitment and selection procedure the effectiveness of
HR Team of Alcatel and Videocon is 85.71% out of set benchmark. The least
effective HR Team is BL International. It shows 42.86% effectiveness. And the
Samsung shows 82.86%.
8. What is the main barrier in your organization to recruit and select the


Path InfoTech 80.4%
EXL 72.1%
BL International 77.4%
Period Consultant 71.6%
Sony 88.2%
Videocon 74.4%
Alcatel 82.3%
Samsung 87.2%
Graph shows on the basis of ‘can do’ skills and ‘will do’ needed Sony shows 88.2%
effectiveness of job analysis and ABC Limited shows 71.6% that means it needs some
improvement to identify the job description in a proper manner. And Samsung shows
87.2% effectiveness. Therefore, it n needs bit improvement to make more effective
job analysis.



By analysis of the various parameters as stated above it can be interpreted that on the
basis of experience Samsung gives 85% consideration to experience that means the
organization prefer experienced person more than the other candidates.

Sony and Samsung gives equal and highest consideration of Job description and Job
analysis i.e., 90.1% & 90% in comparative other companies. On the other hand the
least consideration of Job description and Job analysis is 70% of Period Consultant.

EXL shows 80% effectiveness in the sources of recruitment. On the other hand,
Period Consultant shows 60% effectiveness but it is very less. So, it needs some
improvement in the sources of recruitment. Samsung shows 70% effectiveness out of
set benchmark. So, it needs slight improvement to make effective recruitment and
selection process according to set benchmark

Path InfoTech and Alcatel are 100% effective in test series according to set
benchmark. On the other hand, BL International is 62.50% effective but it needs some
improvement. And Samsung shows 87.50% effectiveness out of set benchmark but it
needs some improvement to reach out the standard.

EXL is 100% effective in conducting interviews according to set benchmark. On the

other hand, BL International shows 57.14% effectiveness but it is least effective and it
needs some improvement. And Samsung is 92.8% effective in conducting interviews
that means it needs slight improvement to reach out the set benchmark.

The selection criteria of Sony to select the candidates whether it is a position of

managerial level, Supervisory level, Associates and Staff level and others is 78%
effective and the least effective is 57% of BL International. And Samsung shows 74%

On the basis of recruitment and selection procedure the effectiveness of HR Team of
Alcatel and Videocon is 85.71% out of set benchmark. The least effective HR Team is
BL International. It shows 42.86% effectiveness. And the Samsung shows 82.86%.

On the basis of ‘can do’ skills and ‘will do’ needed Sony shows 88.2% effectiveness
of job analysis and Period Consultant shows 71.6% that means it needs some
improvement to identify the job description in a proper manner. And Samsung shows
87.2% effectiveness. Therefore, it needs bit improvement to make more effective job



1.The most significant finding of the study on recruitment strategy prevailing in the
organization is very effective. The employees are quite satisfied with the current
recruitment methods.
2. The major challenges faced by HR managers in recruitment of telecom industry
are Adaptability to globalization, Lack of motivation, Process analysis and Strategic
3. It is found that latest recruitment trend in telecom Industry is outsourcing of
recruitment process, poaching/raiding and e-recruitment
4. It is found that a majority of telecom companies has preferred both internal and
external sources for recruiting the candidate for the job. The major external sources of
recruitment for telecom companies are Press Advertisement, Educational Institutions,
Placement agencies, Outsourcing, Employee referrals, Walk-in, Recruitment and
internal sources are through Transfer, Promotion and Upgrading.
5. It is identified from the cross-case analysis that majority of telecom companies
have employee referral schemes and also provide proper rewards are to be given for
best recruited.
6. It found that the majority of the company is following the common format for their
selection process. The main stages in the selection process of telecom Companies
consist of Screening Interview, Application Blank, Selection Test Selection Interview,
Referral Check, and Hiring Decision.
7.In the Samsung selection process consists of Initial Screening is done on the basis of
applicants and applications. A preliminary interview is conducted so as to select the
suitable candidate who can go through further stages of interviews Job seekers are
invited back after they have passed the first initial interview. Middle or senior
management generally conducts the second interview, together or separately. Finally,
background check and physical examination are taken up before the final decision is
taken. After all these processes follow up is done, i.e., the selected person is induced
and placed in the right job.

8. The main sources of recruitment for Samsung are database, employee reference,
consultant, E-group’s etc. HR Executive use to validate resumes which are sourced
and interview people who are validated. While searching for fresher two tools are
predominantly used, 1. Samsung education 2. Campus for hiring engineers and sales
9. Samsung conduct different type of selection tests for different categories of jobs for
Engineers – Technical test, Analytical test, MAP, Intelligence Test and TAT, Sales
Executive – Intelligence Test MAP, for MT-TAT, Group discussion is additional test
and for Managers – MAP, TAT, Intelligence test and MRE.
10. Selection of candidates is done through multilevel interviews by line manager,
Head HR. On selection roll out the offer made, conduct a medical test, and reference
check is done.


Effective Recruitment and Selection is the initial step and the most important key
point to run any organization. The success or failure of an organization is largely
dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. Without positive and creative
from people, organization cannot progress and prosper. In order to achieve the goals
or perform the activities of an organization, therefore, we need to recruit people with
requisite skills, qualifications and experience. Someone says that,

“Better recruitment and selection strategies result in improved

Organizational outcomes. The more effectively organizations recruit
and select candidates, the more likely they are to hire and retain
Satisfied employees”.

The study mainly focuses on what should do Samsung to make effective recruitment
and selection policy in own organization in comparison with other companies. So,
here we conclude that Samsung needs slight improvement in the procedure of
Recruitment and Selection. Firstly, company needs to concentrate on growth
opportunities for the employees because today’s tight labor market is making it more
difficult for organizations to find, recruit, and select talented people. The competition
for talent is intensifying, as there are fewer qualified applicants available. This
shortage of applicants makes it all the more important for organizations to be able to
effectively attract, select, and retain quality candidates.

Organization needs to improve the selection criteria for selection whether it the post
of manager, associate& staff, supervisor etc. They should fix some parameters to
select the candidates for specific position.

They should use assessment method and aptitude test to select the candidates.

They should conduct Behavioral Interviews to some extent when selecting
candidates. This type of interviews can be used to validly predict future behavior in
dimensions (or competencies) critical to job success.


1. They should give more preference on interpersonal and communication skills
of the candidates rather than leadership quality because to become a good
leader communication is must.

2. Organization needs to improve the selection criteria for selection whether it

the post of manager, associate& staff, supervisor etc. They should fix some
parameters to select the candidates for specific position.

3. They should use assessment method and aptitude test to select the candidates
in addition to the already they are conducting.

4. They should conduct Behavioral Interviews to some extent when selecting

candidates. This type of interviews can be used to validly predict future
behavior in dimensions (or competencies) critical to job success.

5. For recruiting managerial/professional, the Internet is the most popular

advertising medium. So, they should use them to attract more candidates.

6. There should be more growth opportunities for the employees to develop


7. They need to raise the pay-scale to retain the caliber fresher’s.

8. They should adopt advertisements and job portals to attract the caliber
candidates because it is the best and cheap method.

9. They need to make competency in between can do skills and will do skills.

10. They should give more preference to fresher’s because in this way the cost
will be reduced.



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6. Runes, S. L. & Miller, H. E. (1983). Recruiter and job influences on
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7. Turban, D. B. & Dougherty, T. W. (1992). Influences of campus recruiting on
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8. Scherer, B., Delouse, E., De Witte, K., Proust, K., Andreessen, M., &
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The objective of the questionnaire is to understand the HR policies for recruitment
and selection of various companies so that benchmark can be set for the same for the
betterment of the organization.

1. Is there a policy stating the organization’s philosophy on recruitment Yes/No

And selection?

If yes then please give brief description (in few words)


2. Is there a formal process in place for identifying job vacancies? Yes/No

If yes please specify?


3. Is a job analysis conducted for each position?


4. Does the job analysis accurately identify the essential ‘can do’ skills

Needed (i.e. skills, abilities, knowledge, education and experience)?


If yes then please mention your preference.

(i) _______________ (ii) ______________ (iii) _______________

(iv)_______________ (v) ______________

5. Does the job analysis accurately identified the essential ‘will do’ skills
Needed (i.e. leadership, interpersonal, entrepreneurial, communication
And good attitude)?

If yes then please mention your preference.

(i) _______________ (ii) _______________ (iii) ________________

(iv) ______________ (v) _______________

6. Does the policy contain procedures to guide managers through the

Recruitment and selection process?

If yes then please give brief description (in few words)

7. Is consideration given to internal candidates for all or some job

Openings before outside recruitment begin?


If some positions are determined not to be filled from within, can you
please suggest its parameters?

8. Are recruitment strategies (methods to obtain qualified candidates) set

before recruitment begins?

Who participates in the strategy development?

Does this strategy include affirmative action and diversity needs?

Yes No

9. Which method is generally used to recruit the employees in your
(a) Campus (f) Job fairs
(b) Employee Referrals (h) Portals
(c) Consultants (i) Internet Recruiting
(d) Walk-ins (j) Employment search firms
(e) Advertisements (k) Others (specify) ________
10. Rank the following according to its relevance to the company:
(1- High priority, 2-next priority and so on)

Employees are mainly recruited through:

S. No Source Candidates with experience of

    0-1 yr. 1-3 yrs. 3-5 yrs. 5-10 yrs. 10 yrs.&
1 Campus          
2 Employee Referrals          
3 Consultants          
4 Walk-ins          
6 Advertisements          
7 Job Fairs          
8 Portals          

11. Does your organization measure the effectiveness as well as the costs of
these recruiting sources?


To whom are these performance measures and recruiting costs


12. Are candidate’s telephone interviews, teleconferencing or video screening

conducting before personal interviews?


13. Are hiring managers trained in objective selection (i.e. interviewing

Techniques, position-related questions and legal complications)/ what
Type of training is provided?



14. Are tests or personality profiles used in the selection process?

Are they professionally validated?

Yes\ no

15. Has the organization examined or evaluated the following alternatives

to satisfying workforce requirements:

(i) Project or contract outsourcing Yes/No

(ii) Temporary placement Yes/No
(iii) Internal temporary placement pool Yes/No
(iv) Part-time employment and job sharing Yes/No

16. What is testing in selection?


What types of tests do you adopt for selecting candidates?

(a) Aptitude Test (e) Integrity Test
(b) Intelligence Test (f) Achievement Test
(c) Personality Test (g) Interest Test
(d) Assessments (h) others (specify) _______

17. What is the final criterion for selection? Choose all the criteria and indicate the
order of important for each – 1 is most important; 10 are least important.


M A&S S O Selection Criterion

Lowest price (salary demanded)

Knowledge about the local culture and environment
Functional competence
Previous experience with a similar organization
Best fit between the person and the job
Best fit between the person and the organization
Ability to learn
Potential of the person to take up responsible
position in future
Attitude of the persons
Others (please specify)

18. What is the main barrier in your organization to recruit and select the
(a) Hard to find candidates with specialized skill sets

(b) Other organizations competing for the same applicants
(c) Difficulty in finding and identifying applicants
(d) Selection process is slow or cumbersome
(e) Developing or choosing valid selection process
(f) Others (specify) __________

Company’s Name __________

Name __________

Designation __________


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