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Smartening hospital electrical distribution for

enhancing resilience

A. Prudenzi, A. Fioravanti M. Regoli

DIIIE, University of L'Aquila University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
L'Aquila, Italy Roma, Italy

Abstract—Power is a crucial element in hospitals whether it's The IoT’s industrial applications, or the Industrial Internet,
within the intensive care units, surgical bays, or medical scanning is transforming many industries, including healthcare.
rooms. Natural disasters and terrorist attacks remind us how Collectively, these account for nearly two-thirds of the world
dependent we are on electricity and how fragile the system can economy [7].
be. The paper deals with the resilience of hospitals’ electricity
In electric industry systems IOT technology has been
distribution system. In particular, a supervising platform is
illustrated that can be superimposed to the main components of applied to the line/equipment condition monitoring, fault
the power system in order to promptly collect and centralize location and substation security protection and many other
anomalies or malfunctioning or outages. To this aim, an Internet tasks with promising success [8]. IoT applications are indeed
of Things (IoT) based solution has been implemented that allows implemented with the purpose of acquiring the states of LV
equipping at low cost the various electrical components in the and MV apparatuses, thus increasing the availability of
distribution MV/LV substations of the hospital’s power system. substation components so as to reduce fault times, monitor
The solution implements a platform based on Raspberry Pi3. grid topology and use manpower more efficiently.
The paper proposes a low-cost open platform based on
I.INTRODUCTION Raspberry pi 3 to supervise and monitor the health parameters
High quality care for patients is a typical hospital’s of the main components of a MV/LV distribution system
priority. A key point of this lies in power availability and delivering electric energy to the end-users of a large hospital.
reliability since many medical technologies and modern The platform has the main aim of early warning about
communications are reliant upon power, whilst complex faults or malfunctioning status of the monitored devices.
health care is increasingly being delivered in the community
To date, the impact of power loss on health is a poorly In the fastly evolving context of electricity distribution the
studied area and literature is scarce [2]. However, strong need of integrating renewable energy sources and
understanding how health is affected by power loss, especially distributed generation with the growing needs of the power
within the setting of extreme events, is vital to future planning demand from new end uses (such as Electric Vehicles), has
so that the health impacts can be prevented and/or mitigated required utilities to introduce more intelligence in the
[3]. components fitting their MV and LV distribution networks [9].
Hospitals require extraordinary reliability from their power Nowadays, various are proprietary solutions provided by
systems. Life-support systems, as well as critical ancillary main global manufacturers offering solutions for intelligent
infrastructure systems such as HVAC, communications, transformer substations, compact medium-voltage switchgear
records management, and security must all remain online with communication capability, regulated distribution
during a power disruption. When widespread power outages transformers, as well as integrated remote control and
strike throughout the electricity grid, hospitals must be outage- automation solutions which monitor and control the medium-
proof. Moreover, it is also evident that healthcare is and low-voltage grid equipment [10].
increasingly dependent on power [4,5]. IoT applications are implemented with the purpose of
Electricity was recognized by the UK Department of acquiring the states of LV and MV apparatuses, thus
Health as the ‘most vital of all infrastructure services’ because increasing the availability of substation components so as to
‘without it most services will not function [6]. reduce fault duration and use manpower more efficiently by
In recent years, utilities have begun to deploy smart grid [11].
technologies, from advanced metering at the customer level to The task of applying IoT solutions in an existing system
enable automatic outage detection and service restoration, to looks like a very appealing option. Although the retrofit of
sensors and controls on the distribution system to enable rapid existing equipment brings various difficulties due to: i)
detection, isolation and restoration of service at the circuit and successive generations of equipment; ii) origin from different
substation levels. After an event, the data collected through manufacturers; iii) different environmental conditions, leading
these technologies can be used to find opportunities for further to heterogeneous ageing states of equipment.
resilience improvements.

978-8-8872-3740-5 ©2018 AEIT

Integration of various equipment with even very different Therefore the following main sub-systems of the electrical
technology typically would require high-cost custom made distribution system have been identified:
solutions implementing closed architectures. The closed • MV/LV substations including the following individual
architecture, however, would make difficult to the customer to components: MV switchgear, MV/LV transformers, LV
extend the supervisory system to other equipment, also switchboard (containing metering equipment, main and
critical, but not strictly making part of the electrical system branch disconnects, protective devices, power switching
(fire alarm systems, intrusion detection systems, etc.). So, it devices including also all the auxiliary systems),
could be of interest an open solution that could be applied to • motor-generator sets,
equipment of most different type to make them smarter by • UPS systems,
building a network in which they can communicate. • control and regulation systems (such as power factor
correction system).
A typical distribution system layout for a hospital is
reported in Fig. 1. A medium voltage distribution ring owned
by MV customer, connecting several MV/LV distribution
substations is operated with a normally-open point, splitting
the ring into two separate feeders connecting the different sub-
stations with an in-out insertion scheme. The purpose of the
point is to ensure selectivity for protection systems and reduce
the impact of faults in the grid by limiting the number of
distribution substations that are affected when protection trips.

Figure 2: The typical electrical layout of a distribution substation

Figure 1: Hospital’s typical electrical distribution layout.

A distribution substation typically provides: IV. THE SUPERVISING SYSTEM LAYOUT

• a MV (20 kV) section including a MV switchboard Each of the above mentioned sub-systems can be usefully
system consisting of cubicles containing the following supervised through a superimposed open supervising system.
equipment: To this aim, all the devices providing programmable outputs
- MV circuit-breakers and fuse switches (vacuum or SF6), or relay contacts for alarming about their own fault or
- measuring transformers, anomalous operation have been identified. Those outputs can
- digital relays, be easily collected and processed by the supervising system,
- busbars, thus implementing a finer-grained monitoring tool without the
- customer connection interlocks, need of knowing any communication protocol or standard of
• MV/LV transformers (two or more, paralleled or not), the proprietary technology.
• a LV (400/230 V) section including main LV A. Distribution Substation
switchboards structured in two separate but
interconnected busbars (normal power, emergency Both at MV and LV, all the different busbars (normal
power, emergency power, no-break power) are individually
power), where emergency power is originated from a
monitored in order to early identify and signal voltage
motor-generator set. A further distribution busbar is also
provided for supplying critical loads through an anomalies through a minimum voltage relay.
uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The correct operation of transformers is also monitored by
The typical electrical layout of a distribution substation is monitoring the alarm signal deriving from a temperature
control unit that equips dry type and cast resin transformer,
reported in Fig. 2.
since they are more typically adopted in hospitals for fire
protection security purposes. The control unit is coupled to the Some of the medical equipment such as anesthesia
dedicated infrared sensors allowing the temperature control machine and ventilator has a battery backup of 30 to 90
without physical contact between the sensor and the surface. minutes which depends upon the device and manufacturer. But
Output relays are generally available for ALARM, TRIP, if the power doesn’t back until the batteries of these machines
FAN1 / FAN2 and FAULT status. are depleted it can take the life of the patients. Additionally,
The supervising system typically dedicated to a most of the medical equipment does not have the battery
distribution substation provides the following input The backup which can run in the absence of the electricity. When
supervising system typically dedicated to a distribution hospitals do not have UPS, critical medical equipment can
substation provides the following input [12]: stop working as soon as the power goes. This can adversely
• minimum voltage at MV busbars (V1), affect the patients who are on the life-saving machines.
• alarm signal from dry type transformers’ temperature The most of UPS systems makes available at control panel
control (S1), some relay contacts providing information concerning the
• minimum voltage at normal LV busbars (V2), following status conditions [15]:
• minimum voltage at emergency busbars (V3), • UPS fail
• minimum voltage at no-break busbars (V4). • summary alarms
The above mentioned monitoring points are illustrated in • bypass
detail in Fig. 2 • battery low
• UPS on
B. Motor generator sets
• line loss
Hospitals typically have backup generators onsite to Among the above mentioned diagnostics, at least the one
supply electricity in the case of a grid failure; the necessity of alarming the fault of the machine is generally made available
having a backup generator, is required by law [13]. Often the even for the simplest UPS’ types. Such an input is classified as
term “emergency” power is used to refer to all power needed alarm signal from the UPS control board (S4) by the
on a backup generator in a hospital. Emergency power supervising system.
includes only those loads required to be restored within dozens
seconds as required by laws. D. Power Factor Correction
The motor-generator set is typically provided with a The most of automatic power factor correction systems
control panel that is an increasingly complex piece of makes available at their control panel some relay contacts
electronics with a microprocessor that can manipulate input providing information concerning the following status
from sensors to help give feedback to the machine to manage conditions [16]:
itself. The microprocessor will then take effective measures to • internal temperature too high
regulate the performance of the machine including shutdowns. • current too high or too low
The microprocessor or microcontroller is embedded in the • voltage too high or too low
circuitry inside the control panel and is programmed to take in • over-compensation or under-compensation
the sensor input and react to that with the programmed control • capacitor overload
rules. The panel provides programmable outputs in electrical
• micro-interruptions
• insufficient reactive power of equipment
From the control panel the supervising system can receive
• incorrect reactive power on condenser arrays
in input one or more of the following relay contacts that in
Among the above mentioned diagnostics, at least the one
Fig. 2 are classified as an alarm signal from motor-generator
alarming the fault is generally made available and by
set control board (S3) [14]:
supervising system is classified as alarm signal from the PFC
• speed alarms
control board (S2).
• generator alarms
Electrical distribution in hospitals typically provides that
• oil pressure alarms motor generator sets and UPS’ serving a specific area or a
• coolant temperature alarms building are located in positions that are adjacent or very close
• fuel alarms to the relevant distribution substation. So, often a single
• sensor input alarm supervising device can be used to monitor all such subsystems
• electric output alarm and in this case the device can be usefully placed within the
C. Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) distribution substation.
The uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is required in V. THE SUPERVISING PLATFORM
hospitals to support and protect the vital medical equipment. The supervising system has been implemented in a
The use of electronic and power demanding medical platform called “Detector”. The platform has the following
equipment has increased over the years. The frequent voltage main characteristics.
drops, power failure, and voltage fluctuation can damage the
costly medical equipment which can have an impact on the
safety of the patients.
A. Hardware The supervising system is directly powered by 230V line
The supervising system has been developed around the voltage because inside the box was also placed the 2.5A
Raspberry pi3 platform. Raspberry pi3 is a mini computer, switched power supply that powers the 5V cards.
where the Raspian operating system is installed, that has the In the upper part of the box, visible from the hosting
size of a credit card. The algorithm that controls the 40 pins electrical panel, three LEDs indicate normal operation,
above the board can be written via the Python programming anomalies or faults.
language. In addition, these pins can be used as serial port, B. Software
I2C and SPI ports. The latest version of the Raspberry has also
The algorithm written in Python can be easily
4 USB ports to connect mouse, keyboards and memory keys,
programmed; the program reads the values of the digital inputs
an HDMI output to connect the PC screen and a LAN port.
(open or closed loop), then reads the values of the energy
The Wi-Fi implemented in the card allows easily manage both
meters via the RS485 port. It saves this data in the internal SD
domestic’s and WPA-enterprise networks [17].
card and in addition it sends this data via the internet
The supervising shield thus implemented includes:
connection to the central server. In the case of an internet
• 16 Digital Inputs,
network collapse or a server problem the data are thus locally
• 2 Changeover Relays, available and the system continues to monitor the various
• 1 RS485 Port, inputs with warning LED activated.
• 3 status leds. The central server is composed of a PC using a Linux
Server. MySQL database is used for storing data in structures
called tables. By using PhpMyAdmin, tables are created and
the devices are added directly from the browser.
PhpMyAdmin is a graphical interface that allows you to
manage MySQL allowing user to view, create, modify, delete
entire tables or individual records, to make a backup of the
data and display interesting information about the database.
The communication of client-server data by means of the
HTTP protocol is performed via the REST interface
(Representational State Transfer). This type of communication
greatly simplifies the design and implementation of
applications. In this way the data client sends data collected to
server sending a JSON string with the POST method, while
the user applications request the data through the GET method
and re process the JSON string to display them.
A user interface for Android mobile phones, see Fig. 4,
was created with the Android Studio development
environment. In Fig. 4 several windows are reported as
Every subsystem or component is marked with a color that
operates as a warning light and signals normal operation
(green light), a warning condition (orange light), and a fault
condition (red light).
By clicking on the selected sub-system a window shows
the status of every signal/alarm as monitored and the history
of such alarms as well.
In the grey bar it is possible to select several options like
the key to go back, the information button, for the user that
wants to write a text, the key to return to the main screen, the
option for geolocation where saving a picture (for example the
Figure 3: The Detector system implementation. hospital map) and its GPS coordinates and finally the settings
button, that makes change the various options of the given
Starting from the arrangement of the 40 pins, a PCB board sub-system.
has been developed, equipped with an RS485 output, 16 In the window dedicated to energy monitoring, the graphs
digital inputs that can be connected through practical terminals of voltage, current, active and reactive power and power factor
and two power relays with NC and NO contacts. The whole can be displayed by scrolling the screen. In addition, at the top
arrangement has been enclosed inside a plastic box for an 8- are the keys to choose the selected time scale of diagrams (1
module DIN support. hour, 1 day, 1 week, etc.).
In Figure 3 the supervising device that is the elemental
component of the supervising platform is reported in picture.
Installation costs are excluded, but they can be easily
estimated by making reference to work hours required for
More than avoided costs, the proposed supervising
platform allows a huge improvement of maintenance
efficiency thus determining both availability and resilience
enhancement of electrical distribution.
The paper deals with the resilience of hospitals’ electrical
distribution. In terms of resilience, the electricity distribution
of a hospital can be considered as structured in some main
Figure 4: Detector’s user interfaces for Android. subsystems that it can be useful to continuously monitor in
order to have an early warning system for anomalies or faults
C. Network of individual components.
The supervising devices are connected to Internet via the To this aim, a low cost IoT based solution has been
LAN network that is typically available everywhere inside implemented that allows superimpose to any component of
hospitals, for medical requirements. The supervising devices the sub-systems a supervising platform that centralizes the
can use also wi-fi connections where needed. alarms occurring on the electrical distribution, thus permitting
The platform implements a client-server architecture as a remote management of those and a prompt answer to faults
reported in Fig. 5. and anomalies that can significantly enhance resilience in case
The platform adopts all the typical provisions for a secure of extreme events.
storage and management of monitored alarms and data. The platform provides also an energy monitoring section
dedicated to the remote management of distributed energy
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